History of the Book, Publishing and Printing

Book Arts Web

This multi-award-winning site features commercial, educational, and professional links and resources. The index includes list-servs, book arts organizations and educational programs, suppliers, conservation sites, book dealers, copyright resources, as well as useful links related to papermaking, calligraphy, letterpress, and decorated paper. A must for collectors, artists, and librarians! (Peter D. Verheyen)

Book Lovers: Fine Books and Literature

Piet Wesselman, a rare book dealer, has created a fine page, which has won the LYCOS Top 5% award, as well as Magellan's Three Star rating. Subjects include: Rare Books, Book Arts & Fine Printing, Booksellers and publishers, Libraries and collections, Literature from many countries, Literature & the Other Arts, Literary journals, Great writers and poets, and Literary Link Lists.

Melbert B. Cary, Jr. Graphic Arts Collection

"A library on printing history located at the Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, N.Y." "The library houses some 20,000 volumes and a growing number of manuscripts and correspondence collections. Also included are impressive holdings on bookbinding, papermaking, type design, calligraphy and book illustration." It contains a searchable digital image database. It also has an excellent list of related websites.

The Chauvet -Pont D'Arc Cave

Located in southern France, the Chauvet Cave contains the oldest artistic human drawings known, dating from 30,000 B.C.E. This wonderful site features digital photos of the cave and its paintings, a collection of links to international prehistoric art, as well as ongoing scientific study of the Chauvet Cave.

Chinese Cultural Studies Texts

Features selections and full texts of Chinese literary, philosophic, and political classics. Reference texts and essays are also accessible. It also has an outstanding web bibliography for students and scholars of Chinese culture and history. (Paul Halsall, Brooklyn College)

Labyrinth: Resources for Medieval Studies

One of the major scholarly sites. It provides a well-organized, comprehensive listing of topics. Translations of medieval texts are also available. (Georgetown University)

Literary Resources -- Bibliography and History of the Book

The Mother of All Art History Links

Research Resources is a collection arranged by historical discipline (e.g., Asian Studies). Few sites specifically relate to art history. Included are maps, government organizations, and travel sites. Also, of note are pages devoted to image collections and annotated and alphabetically organized museum and online gallery sites. Sites of the Sacred offers excellent links to early Christian and Islamic documents. Its exceptional collection, Textual and Linguistic Resources, is devoted to philology, the book arts as represented in many cultures, international special collections libraries, Egyptology, a large collection of religious and early Christian manuscripts, as well as electronic and print research resources. (University of Michigan)

New York Public Library: History of Books and Printing: A Guide to the Collections of the Humanities and Social Sciences Library

Repositories of Primary Sources

"A listing of over 5300 websites describing holdings of manuscripts, archives, rare books, historical photographs, and other primary sources for the research scholar."


The Society for the History of Authorship, Reading & Publishing is the chief gateway for scholarly Internet links for the following areas: Publishers' Records and Histories, Projects, Resources, and Scholarly Societies, Online Exhibits, Teaching, Calls for Papers, Journals, and general current news.

Timetable for the History of the Book

Voice of the Shuttle: English Literature - General Resources

Voice of the Shuttle: Religious Studies Page

A major scholarly resource for primary texts, scholarly sites, and Internet resources.

Arts of the Book Collection: Yale University Library

This excellent site arranges web links in the following order: Academic Departments, Centers, & Programs, Artist's Books, Professional Organizations and Associations, Book Dealers specializing in Book Arts, Bookbinding, Letterpress Printing, Lists, Papermaking, Toy & Movable Books, and Typography.

This web site was created on August 13, 1999