Maria Katharina Herbst was born 9 Apr 1717, in Bretzingen, Germany. She was the daughter of Georg Matthaus Herbst and Maria Magdalena Kaufmann. In 1736 she married Franz Erbacher in Hardheim. She died 16 Feb 1771.
Georg Matthaus Herbst
[NOTE: on an online transcription of the original Hardheim church records, Georg Matthaus Herbst is given the reference # 357.4 from the record of his father Johann Michael Herbst. However, the dob given on this record is that of his brother Johann Franz Georg Herbst AND the name as listed is not "Matthaus" but "Johann Franz Georg". The reference # 357.a is for "Johann Georg Franz" but has Matthau's dob. Viz, to wit, and ergo, I must wait until I can view the original records to sort this one out. But for now, I am going under the assumption that that name on ref #357.1a should have read "Georg Matthaus"]
And so...
Georg Matthaus Herbst was born in Hardheim, Germany on 20 Sept 1691. He was the son of Johann Michael Herbst and Maria Eva Hippler. On 20 Aug 1714, he married Maria Margaretha Kaufmann in Bretzingen. She had been born in that town, who had been born on 14 Sept 1691 to Johann Valentin Kaufmann and Barbara Katharina Frank. Ten children were born to them between 1717 and 1734. Maria Margaretha (Kaufmann) Herbst died at the age of 57 on 4 Apr 1748. Georg Matthaus Herbst survived her 11 years, passing away on 2 Jun 1859.
The children of Georg Matthaus Herbst and Maria Margaretha Kaufmann were:
Johann Michael Herbst
One of two sons born to Philipp Herbst and Margaretha _____, Johann Michael Herbst was born on 29 Aug 1652 in Hardheim, Germany. On 9 Feb 1677, he married Maria Eva Hippler, the daughter of Wolfgang Hippler and Maria _____, also of Hardheim. Johann Michael Herbst died on 26 Oct 1701, just four years after the birth of their 9th child. Maria Eva (Hippler) Herbst married again [see ref #554.2] and passed away on 15 Jan 1721.
The children of Johann Michael Herbst and Maria Eva Hippler were:
Philipp Herbst
Philipp Herbst was born about 1599 in Hardheim, Germany. His parents are not known at this time. He seems to have been some kind of a landlord. The the date of his marriage to Margaretha _____ (b. abt. 1626) is not known, although their first of two children was born 26 Jan 1644. Philipp Herbst died 29 May 1656. His wife died six years later on 19 Apr 1660.
The two known children of Philipp Herbst and were:
If you have any information on the Herbst family, please feel free to email me!
© 2008
4th Great-Grandfather of Anna Herold Schneider
m. FRANZ ERBACHER (10 Apr 1714--10 Apr 1764) on 17 Jan 1736, in Hardheim
[married in Hardheim; see #873.2]
m. Johann Jakob Zipf on 16 Dec 1753, in Hardheim
5th Great-Grandfather of Anna Herold Schneider
m. Johann Horner (5 Jun 1680 in Schweinberg--12 Feb 1750) on 23 Jan 1702, in Hardheim [he married (2) Anna Maria Schreck (1688--1753) on 9 Jul 1720, in Hardheim
[married in Hardheim; see #400.4]
m. MARIA MARGARETHA KAUFMANN on 20 Aug 1714, in Hardheim
m. Anna Maria Margaretha Merkert (5 Feb 1703--18 Jan 1734, in Bretzingen) on 29 Jul 1721, in Hardheim (she married again on 7 Oct 1732)
6th Great-Grandfather of Anna Herold Schneider
m. (1) Anna Steffan (14 Aug 1649--30 Mar 1685), on 4 Nov 1670, in Hardheim
m. (2) Katharina Merkert (11 Dec 1663--28 Jul 1717) on 16 Jul 1685, in Hardheim
m. Johann Peter Decker
m. Michael Berberich
m. Margaretha Brotzler on 8 Oct 1720, in Hardheim
m. MARIA EVA HIPPLER (23 Dec 1656--15 Jan 1721) on 9 Feb 1677, in Hardheim