Here are a few more ideas that would improve society.
My PhilosophyThink of the future. Think about the effect your actions will have on tomorrow, next month, next year, the next ten year, the next hundred years, and the next thousand years. Commit to the nourishment of the next generation. Commit your time and resources to the nourishment of the next generation. Learn what the needs of children really are, our assumptions are often wrong. Work to improve the lives of all humans. Look beyond yourself. What you do to others will be returned to you. Do what you would wish that all other people would also do. Consider what the world would be like if all people did what you do. In all things consider and balance the needs of yourself, your family, your neighbors, your country, all humanity, and all life. Live modestly. Humans have certain needs, but our true needs for food and shelter are modest. Let your satisfaction come from within. We must be vigilant that we are not acquiring material things that are not really needed. Live based on truth and reality. Be willing to see the world as it really is. Be willing to see yourself as you really are. Be willing to change what you do not like about yourself. Do not blame others for what happens to you. Learn to recognize manipulation and avoid it. LinksFoundation for Better Persons
Life's Insights - Your Verse in the Book of Life
Rules for Being HumanGrowth Over a LifetimeThe habit of growth throughout life will be a characteristic of truly great societies. Personal growth means continuing education and learning about all areas of life including philosophy, psychology, health, relationships, and communication skills. What we should do:
More Information:More Philosophies that would Improve Society
Keeping Humanity SafePragmatismUse the methods of science to identify what philosophies work best. You can never say that any particular philosophy is the one best philosophy because there is always the possibility that a better one will be discovered. ToleranceBecause there is always the possibility of a better philosophy, we must never condemn those that propose a philosophy differing from our own. Likewise, we should expect that others will not condemn us for the same reasons. NonviolenceIf we are tolerant, then we cannot promote violence against those that have different philosophies. Likewise, if we are peaceful we should expect others to be peaceful toward us. Violence Against ViolenceThose who use violence against the peaceful should be opposed with violence. This is the only case where violence is justified. If violence must be used, then be prepared to completely overpower an enemy. But violence is a last resort when all other means have failed, sometime violence can be prevented by early nonviolent intervention.
| Page created 1996-09-29, updated 2000-09-10. |
Hits since 2000-11-28 |