Antiochian Catholic Church in America
The Reverend Father Gregory Ned Blevins,
Ecumenical and Social Concerns Representative, ACCA.
St. Demetrios' Antiochian Catholic Congregation is the flagship parish of the Antiochian Catholic Church in America, a small, independent Oriental Orthodox Church.
The ACCA is a branch of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, the original Christian Community, founded by Messiah Jesus Himself.
All are welcome to worship with us, and we invite all validly baptized, believing, and repentant Christians to receive our Lord in Holy Communion as well as other mysteries (sacraments), as needed or desired.
Currently residing near Columbia, South Carolina, I am also available for other forms of pastoral care and ministry, including:- Consultation, either in person, by phone, or by E-mail, anywhere in the United States or Canada, with clergy, congregational leaders, or other lay people seeking to enter the fulness of the historic Apostolic Orthodox Catholic Christian Faith, particularly those who are currently seeking alternatives to the Episcopal Church in the United States or the Anglican Church of Canada.
- Off-site Liturgies (various traditional/orthodox styles/rites, including a version of the revised Roman Mass of Paul VI and Anglican Rite celebrations).
- Marriage Preparation and Weddings.
- Confession/Reconciliation, 5th Steps, Spiritual Friendship/Consultation/Direction (the latter is possible via E-mail).
- Visits with sick persons at home, in the hospital, or elsewhere, including administration of the Mysteries of Anointing of the Sick, Reconciliation, and Holy Communion, as needed and desired.
- Baptism and/or Chrismation/Confirmation (after appropriate preparation and as reception into the ACCA).
- Funerals.
- Home/business blessings, etc.
- Speaking engagements, anywhere in the United States and Canada, including debates, retreat presentations, missions, etc. concerning the spirituality of the ACCA, the Syriac Christian Tradition, the Apostolic Orthodox-Catholic Christian Faith in general, and appropriate Christian responses to social issues.
For more information about the ACCA, or to engage Fr. Gregory, you may reach me by way of the E-mail link below.
© 1997-2007 Fr. Gregory Ned Blevins for the Antiochian Catholic Church in America.
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