This is the "METAPHYSICS" page for my IB/OAC high school philosophy course. The first link is a short introductory handout that I wrote for my students, the subsequent links are things that I have found useful for the class from time to time. I find that the easiest way to introduce adolescents to what may at first appear to be be a pretty abstract area of Philosophy, is by looking at technology as the metaphysics of the modern age, and by examining the 'metaphysical' assumptions of modern science.
Links to other sites on the Web
An introductory handout on Metaphysics.
Technology as Metaphysics.
A fairly difficult piece from Martin Heidegger's
Review of John Macquarrie's
The Five Ways of St. Thomas.
What is Metaphysics according to Thomas Aquinas.
Another link on Aquinas' way of mapping causality (The Four Causes, namely, Material, Formal, Efficient, and Final) can be found at the following link (between the arrows). ---><--- Sorry that you have to find your own way there. I am just learning this html method.
© 1997