See that disembodied robot head floating above those funny gold words? That's the official trophy of the 2001 Prosh Awards! Real improvement over that nasty ol' MSPaint concoction I handed out a couple years ago, innit? This new, improved trophy was constructed out of the head from last year's Prosh Head and a nice gold gradient in Corel Photopaint.

Anyway, the pic above is merely the base of the trophy. The actual trophies are personalized with the year of the award, the category, story name, and author's name for winners, and the year, position, and name for staff. With the text, if you get one, nobody can steal it from you! Well, they can, actually, but they can't pretend it's theirs!

So, if you like having your name in big shiny lights and you like having a picture-trophy to put on your web page and gloat about (lordy knows I do!) here is one way you can get one! You can judge (we always need more judges) or moderate and the Prosh Head is yours! Submit a story, and the Prosh Head is yours ifyou win!

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