Hypatia - 02/26/00 05:16:06
I enjoyed checking out your page! You sound like an interesting person!!! Good luck with everything.
Sandy - 04/26/99 21:36:28
My Email:Sandyshaw1@juno.com
Most Loved Object: you,most of the time
Life: Good or Bad?: BOTH
Comments: Such a pretty girl
You must have gotten your brains and great looks from who else, but mom. I'm so proud of you when I think about you my Heart just explodes with pride I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
Simon Webster - 03/05/99 09:43:33
My URL:/Athens/Cyprus5305
My Email:Marxxism@hotmail.com
Most Loved Object: my eyes
Life: Good or Bad?: Bad
Comments: None
Hmm, your web page seems to me a little ambitious. A simple page updated every month is sufficient to inform.
sandy shaw - 11/28/98 11:33:34
guess who - 11/21/98 05:00:30
My Email:trsx69@aol.com
Most Loved Object: you
Life: Good or Bad?: very good
Comments: :-)
sammie shore - 11/17/98 03:39:55
Most Loved Object: not object my daughter
10/26/98 10:48:19
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.