Section 1

The Association shall be known as UST Alumni of North America hereafter referred to as TEK Alumni Association or TEK Alum. It shall operate on a non profit and non political basis.

Section 2

This Alumni shall operate in the geographical area of North America.


The objectives of the Alumni shall be:

i) To foster a spirit of cooperation among former students of University of Science and Technology (U.S.T.) Kumasi, Ghana, living in North America.

ii) To undertake such activities as will enhance the welfare of its members.

iii. To establish direct contact with our Alma Mater through contact with University authorities, the UST

alumni in Ghana and in sundry locations.

v) To promote the growth and image of our Alma Mater and to assist in programs towards these objectives.

v) To foster close relations with such Associations as will enhance the image of the association and our alma mater.

The objectives of the Alumni shall be achieved through social events, lectures, fundraising activities and other activities as directed by the Board of Directors of the association.


Section 1 Regular Membership:

Regular membership of the Alumni shall be open to former students of UST Kumasi, Ghana. Anyone who was a resident student for at least one academic year and received a course of instruction at any of the faculties at UST qualifies as a former student.

Spouses and family members of regular members of the Alumni may qualify as Associate members. Associate members shall not be entitled to vote, but shall be entitled to all other privileges afforded to regular members.

Section 3 Honorary Membership:

Former lecturers, professors and staff members of UST will be granted Honorary Membership on the advice of the Board of Directors. Honorary membership may also be bestowed by the Board of Directors on outstanding Individuals in the community who share the ideals of the Alumni. Such membership shall be decided at a general meeting of the Association. A majority vote will be required to empower the Board of Directors bestow such membership


Section 4 Voting:

Each regular member in good standing shall be entitled to one vote in Alumni matters. Proxy voting shall be permitted at general membership meetings, with the Secretary's certification that such proxy votes are from members in good standing, are in proper order, and are in accordance with any rule regarding proxy voting which may have been established by the Board of Directors. All voting shall be by secret ballot.

Section 5 Resignation

Any member may resign by filing a written resignation with the President, but such resignation shall not relieve the member of the obligation to pay any accrued dues or other charges.

Section 6 Removal:

Alumni Members may be removed for cause by a two thirds affirmative vote of the general body on the advice of the Board of Directors. For any cause other than nonpayment of dues, the member shall be advised of the complaint at least twenty one (21) days before the action is scheduled to be voted upon. The member shall have the opportunity to present a defense prior to the vote for removal, and may appeal the decision of the elected Officers at the next general membership meeting, provided that notice of intent to appeal is provided to the President at least ten (10) days in advance of the meeting. A majority vote of members present at the meeting at which the appeal is heard providing a quorum is present, may reverse the decision of the Officers. Proxy voting will not be allowed for this purpose

Section 7 Non-Discrimination:

No person shall be denied membership or any of the benefits of the alumni because of gender, race, age, nationality or religion. All members of the alumni will be treated equally.


Section 1

The annual dues for each regular member shall be $100.00. Annual dues for a member who is currently a student shall be $50.00.

Section 2

Annual dues Will be due by March 31st of the year. Late payments shall incur fees of $5.00 for each quarter that the dues are late up to a maximum of $20.00.

Section 3

Members who fail to pay their dues within the specified time (Article IV, Section 2 above) from the time the same becomes due shall be notified by the Secretary and if payment is not made within the succeeding thirty (30) days shall forfeit any rights and privileges of membership.

Section 4

The elected Officers may at its discretion prescribe procedures for extending the time for payment of dues and continuation of membership privileges upon request of a member showing just cause.


Section 1

The elective Officers of this Alumni shall be President, vice-president, Secretary, Assistant Secretary and Treasurer. The Officers shall be elected at annual meetings and shall serve a term of two years, or until their successors are elected.

Section 2

The elected officers and two elected members shall constitute the Board of Directors.


Section 1

The board of Directors shall have supervision, control and direction of the affairs of the Alumni, shall determine policies within the limits of these by law, shall actively pursue the purposes and shall oversee the

disbursement of its funds. The Board may adopt rules and regulations for the conduct of its business as it deems advisable and may appoint such assistants as it considers necessary.

Section 2

The Board of Directors shall meet at least three (3) times a year, at such time and place/medium as the Directors may choose. Special meetings shall be held at the call of the President or two (2) of the Board members. At least five (5) days notice of all regular or special meetings of the Board of Directors shall be mailed to all Board members.

Section 3

The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors. In the absence of the President, the vice-president, Secretary, Assistant Secretary or Treasurer shall preside, in that order of precedence.

Section 4

A quorum of the Board of Directors shall consist of three (3) Board members. Voting rights of an officer or director shall not be delegated to another or exercised by proxy.

Section 5

A member of the Board of Directors may be removed only for cause by a two thirds (3) vote of sixty percent (60) of membership present and voting.

Section 6

Any member of the Board of Directors who ceases to be a Regular Member shall automatically cease to be director of the Board.

Section 7

Any vacancy occurring on the Board of Directors between annual meetings shall be filled by the Directors upon recommendation of the Nominating Committee An officer or director so elected to fill a vacancy shall serve the unexpired term of his predecessor.

Section 8

Officers and Directors shall not receive compensation for their services.


Section 1 President:

The President shall be the principal spokesperson and executive officer of the Association. He/she shall preside at all meetings of the membership, and shall perform other duties as are normally incident to the office. He/she shall be an ex officio member, with voting privilege, of all committees except the Nominating committee.

The President shall make an annual report to the membership, and shall communicate to the Alumni or to the Board of Directors such matters as may in his/her opinion promote the welfare and increase the usefulness of the Alumni.

Section 2 -Vice-president:

The vice-president shall assume the duties of the President in the event of the President's temporary disability or absence from meetings. He/she shall be chair of the Educational Committee.

Section 3 Secretary:

The Secretary shall give notice of and attend all meetings of the Alumni and the Board of Directors, shall keep a record of all proceedings, shall attest documents. He/she shall perform such duties as are usually normal for such office.

Assistant Secretary:

The Assistant Secretary shall assist the secretary in the performance of his/her duties. He/she shall also be in charge of membership drive.

Section 4 Treasurer:

The treasurer shall keep an account of all funds received and expended for the use of the Association, and shall prepare quarterly/financial reports, and make disbursements as authorized by the Board of Directors.


A United States citizen who has lectured for at least one semester at any of the three Universities in Ghana, and is interested in furthering the aims and objectives of the Association may be nominated to the Advisory Council as an Honorary Member of the Association.

In the event the above class of candidates are not identified, a US citizen who has been associated with an Institution of higher learning in Africa and interested in furthering the aims and objectives of the Association may be considered for nomination to the Advisory Council.

Membership of the Advisory Council may not exceed five (5) members and will be determined by the executive Committee with the approval of the general body.

The Advisory Council will advise the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors in furthering the aims and objectives of the Alumni.


Section 1

The annual meeting of the membership of the Alumni shall be held at such time and place as the Board of Directors may designate.

Section 2

Special meetings of the membership may be called by the Board of Directors, the President, or within thirty (30) days of receipt of a written request of twenty percent (20%) of regular members in good standing.

Section 3

At an annual regular or special meeting of the membership. a quorum shall consist of thirty percent (30%) of Regular Members. All actions taken by said members shall be implemented by the Officers.

Section 4

Written notice of special meeting of the Alumni at which official business is to be transacted shall be communicated by mail to the members' last known address. Communication by telephone may be used but shall not be a substitute for the written communication.


Section 1

The President, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, shall annually appoint such standing, special or subcommittees as may be required by the by laws or as he may find necessary.

Section 2

A Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the membership. The Nominating Committee on the advice of the membership shall nominate a candidate for each position of elected officers and shall notify the membership in writing of its choices not less than thirty (30) days before the annual membership

meeting. Additional names may be placed in nomination at the annual meeting, provided that the nominee has consented to serve if elected.

Section 3

Three permanent committees will be established. These committees will carry the principal functions of the Alumni. The committees shall be;

i) Educational Committee and

ii) Special Events Committee.

iii) Audit Committee

i)Educational Committee

The Committee shall organize formal annual lectures which will seek to educate the community on current topics of interest on Ghana in particular and Africa in general.

The committee shall organize lectures and cultural events in high schools and Universities in our community. The purposes of these events are to promote understanding between our community and the peoples of Ghana and Africa.

The committee may be directed by the Executive Committee act independently, or coordinate efforts with the Special Events Committee and special ad hoc committee to solicit equipment, books and other items that may be useful and needed by our alma mater and other higher institutions in Ghana.

The Committee shall forge closer bonds of friendship/association with people in the region descent and provide them with information about the continent.

ii)Special Events Committee

The committee shall organize the annual banquet and dance of the Alumni.

The Committee shall organize entertainment activities and trips for members and members of the community.

The committee may be directed by the executive Committee from time to time to organize fund raising activities.

iii) Audit Committee

The committee shall audit the finances of the Association and report to the general meeting annually.


Section 1

The Alumni shall use its funds only to accomplish the objectives and purposes specified in these by laws and no part of such funds shall be distributed to members of the Alumni.

Section 2

The fiscal year shall be from January 1 to December 31.

Section 3

The Board shall adopt an annual operating budget covering all activities of the Alumni. Within thirty (30) days following the closure of the fiscal year, the Treasurer shall furnish the membership with a financial report for the fiscal year just concluded. The Budget shall be approved by the members at a general meeting.


On dissolution of the Alumni, any funds remaining after payment of all debts shall be donated to the U.S.T. through the Registrar, U.S.T., Kumasi, Ghana.


The rules contained in the current edition of "Robert's Rules of Order" shall govern the conduct of meetings of the Alumni in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these by laws.


A. The by laws may be amended by a two thirds (2/3) vote of the general membership present at a meeting, provided such amendment is circulated in writing at least ten (10) days prior to such meeting of the membership.

B. Unless otherwise specified all such amendments shall become effective on the date of the vote.