L i t e r a r y S o u r c e s

Ancient Sources, 400-1000 AD
Author Date Title
Claudian c.405 The Gothic Wars
Prosper of Aquitaine 433 Chronicle
Anonymous c.455 Gallic Chronicle
St. Patrick ?455 Letter to Coroticus
Sidonius c.468 Letter to Riothamus
Sidonius c.469 Letter to Vincentius
Sidonius c.474 Letter to Ecdicius
Sidonius c.480 Letter to Namatius
Constantius c.480 Life of St. Germanus
Zosimus c.510 New History
Gildas c.545 The Ruin of Britain
Jordanes c.555 Gothic History
Procopius c.555 History of the Wars
Taliesin c.565 In praise of Cynan
Gildas c.571 Penetentials of the Synod of Victory
Taliesin c.575 The Battle of Argoed Llwyfain
Taliesin c.580 Death song of Owain
Taliesin c.580 Urien of Yrechwydd
Taliesin c.585 The battle of Gwen Ystrad
Gregory of Tours c.592 History of the Franks
Aneirin c.600 Y Gododdin
Muirchu ?675 Life of St. Patrick
Geographer of Ravenna ?685
Bede c.730 The Ecclesiastical History of England
Felix c.730 Life of St. Guthlac
Nennius c.800 The History of Britain
Adam of Bremen ?865
Hywel c.950 Laws of Hywel
Anonoymous c.970 Annales Cambriae. (AC)
Anonymous c.977 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (ASC)
Anonymous c.1000 Irish Annals

Early Medieval Sources, 1000-1300 AD
Author Date Title
William of Leon c.1017 Life of St. Geoznovious
Anonymous ?1100 Welsh Genealogies and Pedigrees
Anonymous ?1100 The Welsh Triads
William of Malmesbury 1125-35 De gestis Regum Anglorum
William of Malmesbury 1129-35 De antiquitate glastoniensis ecclesiae
Henry of Huntingdon c.1135 History of England
Geoffrey of Monmouth 1136-38 Historia Regum Britanniae
Gaimar 1140 Estoire des Bretons
Geoffrey of Monmouth 1148 Vita Merlini
Wace 1155 Roman de Brut
Caradoc of Llancarvan 1129-60 Vita Gildae
Béroul 1160 Tristan
Eilhart von Oberge c.1160-70 Tristan
Brother Robert c.1165-70 Tristan
Robert de Boron 1160-70 Joseph d'Arimathie
Marie de France 1170-89 Lais
Thomas of Britain 1170 Tristan and Yseut
Chrétien de Troyes c.1170 Erec et Enid
Chrétien de Troyes 1172 Lancelot, or the Knight of the Cart
Chrétien de Troyes c.1175 Yvain, or the Knight With the Lion
Gervase of Tilbury 1177 Otia imperialia
Chrétien de Troyes Cliges
Chrétien de Troyes c.1185 Conte del graal
Robert de Boron 1186 Estoire
Layamon 1190 Brut
Anon 1190-1215 Didot-Perceval
Anon c.1191 Perlesvaus
Ulrich von Zatzikhoven c.1193 Lanzelet
Wolfram von Eschenbach 1197-1218 Parzival
Gottfried vo Strassbourg 1205-10 Tristan und Isolde
1220-30 Vulgate or Prose Lancelot
Roger of Wendover c.1235 Flowers of History
Anon c.1250 Sone von Nausay

Late Medieval Sources, 1300-1600 AD
Author Date Title
Anon c.1360 The Alliterative Morte Arthure.
Anon 1380-1400 Gawain and the Green Knight
Anon c.1428 Arthur(Liber Rubeus Bathoniae)
Robert Thornton c.1440 The Romance of Sir Perceval of Galles
Anon c.1450-60 Merlin, or the Early History of King Arthur
Sir Thomas Malory 1469 Le Morte d'Arthure
Anon Ballads:The Percy Reliques
1. The Boy and the Mantle
2. King Arthur's Death
3. King Ryences Challenge
4. Sir Lancelot du Lake
5. The Legend of King Arthur
6. The Marriage of Sir Gawaine
Leland c.1540 Itinerary

Myths and Legends
Literary Sources