HTML Tables

        Hello again. HTML Tables are fun HTML coding to learn, but, it can be a bit complicated. You can use tables to limit the width of text in a web page, and that "tactic" is being used within this page -- <TABLE WIDTH="535">. That table width is probably too "old style," however, because that was the best width back in 640x480 days. Another alternative to limiting the width of text on a web page is <TABLE WIDTH="25%, 50%, 83%">. This method works better, relatively, because it fits/fills any sized computer screen to a certain width, no matter whether it's the smallest or most monster computer screen, ever!

        Another use of tables in HTML is to make a frame around an image:

Image of a Sunset

        The HTML table above has a border of "10," though the border width can be anything you choose or wish. The difference between a table with a border and without is the inclusion or exclusion of the word "border," simple as that. The table being used to limit the text width on this page doesn't contain that word, though the table around the photo does. Sorry if it might seem a bit complicated, but one gets used to it after awhile.
        The uses of tables might be more readily understood from the source code side, comparing what the HTML coding dictates and how it actually appears on a web page. Of course, one could just save this web page and image to their computer, and mess around with the HTML to their hearts content!

        The beauty about learning this "meatball" HTML is that one can make a web page/site upon any computer, no matter what software resides therein, web page making program or not, and, when one learns all they can, they can go nuts with it! ;) Here is a web page I made that goes kinda crazy with tables, and can help one choose what colors they want to use for text and background colors: Color Comparisons '97. Use the above page with a bit of care, because the color changes are a bit out of control! ;)