On July 5th, 2000 I sent the following Declaration and Letter to the President of the United States and the Secretary General of the United Nations.

The Declaration of Independence


The Same'naqwase'nom Nation

(saw me na qua see nomb)

(The United Peoples Nation)

The People of Peace

We the people of the Same’naqwase’nom Nation, a Mixed Blood and Traditional Indigenous and Intertribal People, do hereby claim and declare our Creator granted rights to constitute ourselves as a separate and Sovereign Nation, The Same’naqwase’nom Nation, and to govern ourselves in a manner as set forth by our Constitution, Law and Covenants.

Many nations, including the United States, have knowingly and continuously engaged in campaigns against Traditional Indigenous People around the world. These nations persist in promoting a war of ethnic and cultural cleansing against our people through Fraud, Forced Registration, Forced Assimilation, and other policies aimed at destroying us as Traditional Indigenous People. From the first discovery of Traditional People many nations have upheld few treaties that were not to their economic advantage, regardless of the impact on Traditional Indigenous People. History has established that the United States holds a reputation of being untrustworthy in its Treaties with Traditional Indigenous People.

We understand that there exists between us differences in ideology that are diametrically opposed, and therefore the one cannot survive within the other. In order to save our culture and beliefs from being completely overwhelmed it has become necessary for the traditional indigenous mixed blood People to institute new government. This principle was well founded with the Declaration of Independence of the United States and the formation of that Nation. It is hoped that the United States and the other nations will afford us this same opportunity and do so in peace.

We proclaim that our people consisting of Mixed Blood, Traditional Indigenous, and Intertribal People have claim upon those lands they now or will occupy by right of purchase in whatever Nation they have been living. These lands are and will be sovereign land of the Same’naqwase’nom Nation.

This People, having severed any political connection with the governments of other nations, are absolved from all allegiance of said warring Nations and that all jurisdictional connections are totally dissolved.

Talking Turtle

Standing Chief

The Same’naqwase’nom Nation

July 4, 2000

Mr. Secretary General

Mr. President

As we wish no misunderstandings pertaining to our people or our intentions regarding this Declaration, I add these comments. We are a People of Peace bound by Covenant to those proven principles that insure peace… It is our desire to Live in Peace, with the freedom to live our lives without bondage to others. We do not wish to extort our income from others. It is our hope that all men will learn to live in peace, each enjoying all Creator granted Liberties. We understand the difference between true freedom and the illusion of being free.

This effort may seem naive to some, but as faith is the moving cause of all action, we must move forward to bring peace to our Earth Mother and all her children. History has proven that Greed for power and money results in wars, enslaves people, and causes many people to suffer terrible hardships. We despise the workings of men who happily murder and plunder the world so they might have power. While we believe all people have the right to defend themselves, we refuse to follow those who would lead us into war so they and their fellows can become more powerful through our deaths and the deaths of others. They are the accursed of the children of the Creator. The path we choose is one that takes us far from the path that the world in general has taken. For us there is nothing more precious than life, nothing more priceless than a new born child living a long and happy life here on our Earth Mother.

To give you further insight into our beliefs I have included below the Peoples Creed. If you wish more information our web page is http://www.geocities.com/athens/olympus/2262/ . If you wish to contact me, please write to

Talking Turtle

The Same'naqwase'nom Nation

P.O. Box 321

Washington, Utah

Postal Code 84780


E-Mail me at talkingt@hotmail.com


We believe in an all-powerful Great Spirit, in the immortality of the soul, in a life everlasting, and in the fraternity of life.

With the people a thankful heart is a prayer. We do not seek to instruct the Great Creator what to do on Earth or in the Celestial world, for we have faith that in His wisdom God knows what is right and best.

We believe that it is natural to be honorable and truthful, and cowardly to lie. Our promise is absolutely binding.

We honor our father and mother and their fathers before them.

We believe in peace. The sentiment of universal brotherhood is always our policy.

We believe in a forgiving spirit, preferring atonement to revenge--in converting enemies to friends.

Hospitality is a prime virtue among the People. (No people should be more generous).

We do not believe in tyranny and we treat those under our supervision with justice, tolerance, and restraint.

We have no caste system, believing in equality and brotherhood.

We covet no titles, but believe all people, male and female, are equal.

We believe in the sacredness of property. (There should be no theft among us).

We believe in cleanliness of body, mind, and spirit and purity of morals.

Chastity is an established principal with us and marriage between a man and woman a Sacred Trust.

We believe that the Earth is the mother of all things given to us by our Creator and therefore, we are stewards of our Mother Earth. No one can own or hold title to any part of her, nor should any of her gifts be wasted.

We do not condone or allow misuse of drugs or alcohol among us.






Peoples Creed


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