We believe in an all-powerful Great Spirit, in the immortality of the soul, in a life everlasting, and in the fraternity of life.
With the people a thankful heart is a prayer. We do not seek to instruct the Great Creator what to do on Earth or in the Celestial world, for we have faith that in His wisdom God knows what is right and best.
We believe that it is natural to be honorable and truthful, and cowardly to lie. Our promise is absolutely binding. We honor our father and mother and their fathers before them.
We believe in peace. The sentiment of universal brotherhood is always our policy.
We believe in a forgiving spirit, preferring atonement to revenge--in converting enemies to friends.
Hospitality is a prime virtue among the People. (No people should be more generous).
We do not believe in tyranny and we treat those under our supervision with justice, tolerance, and restraint.
We have no caste system, believing in equality and brotherhood.
We covet no titles, but believe all people, male and female, are equal.
We believe in the sacredness of property. (There should be no theft among us).
We believe in cleanliness of body, mind, and spirit and purity of morals. Chastity is an established principal with us and Marriage between a man and woman a sacred trust.
We believe that the Earth is the mother of all things given to us by our Creator and therefore, we are stewards of our Mother Earth. No one can own or hold title to any part of her, nor should any of her gifts be wasted.
We do not condone or allow misuse of drugs or alcohol among us.
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