Dedicated to the Curious at Heart
Myth - Legend - Cultures - Genealogy - Misfits - And More

Den Information Booth

Who is the Village Fox and why was that name chosen for this site? A long time ago, I had a store in Pacific Beach (San Diego), California, USA, called The Village Fox. About 40 craftspeople built their own individual booths inside the store, where they displayed and sold their crafts. It looked kinda like a mini-village ... of crafty people. And that's where the name came from. The store is gone now ...

But now the Village Fox lives right here on the Web, in this village. You seldom see him, however, except, perhaps, in one of his burrows. One of the reasons this site was created was to show you that although he's quite often a shy fox, he's really not so different. So come on in and check out some of the burrows he's built.

Den Layout

To help you find a particular subject, you need to understand how the Den is laid out. The main division is by subject area, or as we call it, a Burrow. There is an Alpha Couple in charge of each Burrow.

General Structure

It is up to the Alpha Couple to organize their own Burrow in any way they see fit. However, they usually follow a general hierarchical pattern. That pattern, in order from specific to general, is:

  1. Document. Documents, parchments, and scrolls are the primary contents of each Burrow. They come in many sizes, shapes, and forms. Some belong together in a series to be read in order; some are independent and can be read in any desired order; and some are a combination of the two.
  2. Container. Documents are gathered into some kind of "container," organized by subjects appropriate to the Burrow's emphasis. These might be file cabinets, bookshelves, or pottery jars made of clay.
  3. Structure. Containers are stored in some kind of "structure," organized by category. These might be large structures, such as libraries, stores, or lodges. On the other hand, they might be smaller structures, such as rooms or offices.
  4. Burrow. Structures are completely contained within a Burrow. You won't find much cross-over between Burrows.

Alpha Couple

As I said, it is up to each Alpha Couple to decide how they want to arrange their Burrow. Some follow the above pattern; some don't. Sometimes the Alpha Male and Alpha Female fight constantly, and I have to step in to intervene. But overall, they're quite friendly ... especially to visitors like you.

When you enter any of the Burrows, the Alpha Couple will explain how their Burrow is organized. Remember, they all work for me ... though they sometimes forget that fact.

List of Burrows

To get you started, here are the major Burrows inside the Den. Under each Burrow, you'll see the structures, containers, and documents that you can find in the Burrow. Each document shows the date it was created or most recently modified (in parentheses). The modified date will change only when a change in content is made ... not when I have simply corrected typos or made aesthetic changes.

Note: Many of the documents have a date of 01-Sep-2003, which is when I undertook a major redesign of the site.

And if the Burrow or some portion of it is still being dug out, you won't see a valid link to that portion. In that case, please check back soon.

Den Information Booth

You are here. Here you'll find the complete layout of the Den, with details about which Burrows have been completed ... which ones have been updated ... and which ones are still being dug out for the future. This is not really a Burrow, and I maintain it myself. I suppose that makes me the Alpha Alpha of this Den (hey, one more Greek letter and I can be a college fraternity).

Romania Burrow

I am fascinated by this former (until 1989) Communist country. Swing by the Romania Burrow to learn a bit more about the country, people, and language of Romania.


Burrow => Department => Section => Document


Mythology Burrow

The study of mythology has always been a big part of my life. And I'd love to tell you about some of my personal favorites -- selected myths and legends from many ancient cultures. Stop by the Mythology Burrow... and you just might discover that the world of mythology encompasses much more than the well-known Greek and Roman myths we all studied in school. Maybe you'll even learn that we still have room for mythology in our modern world.


Burrow => Library => Department => Document


Native American Burrow

I could talk for hours about the indigenous (native) people of all continents ... but I am especially fond of the Native American people. So wander on over to the Native American Burrow and check out some of the biographies there. And to see the depth of their character, check out some of their beliefs.


Burrow => Lodge => Section => Document


Misfits Burrow

Learn about a few of my favorite literary misfits -- odd characters from books and movies. They represent people who, for one reason or another, find themselves just outside the norm ... somewhere on the edges of the famous bell curve. In other words, they are some of the square pegs in an otherwise round world. You'll find them huddled together in the Misfits Burrow.


Burrow => Library => Section => Document


Genealogy Burrow

Stop by the Genealogy Burrow and look over some of my ancestors (in case you're related to one of them).


Burrow => Library => Family => Document


Personal Burrow

To find out more about me, visit the Personal Burrow. See where the Village Fox name comes from, and read about some of my more noticeable personality traits. And I'll also tell you some of my pet peeves.


Burrow => Library => Section => Document


Bookstore Burrow

As you'll discover, I am an avid reader and, as such, am proud to be an Associate. Be sure to visit the Bookstore Burrow, where you'll find some of the books that I have found interesting. Using the hyperlinks, you can purchase the same (or similar) books if you'd like. No obligation, of course!


Burrow => Store => Section => Book


Thanks for stopping by. I hope to see you again.

Photo of a fox
Step inside the
Fox's Den and
visit some of
his burrows.