Chronos Chronicles

October 1997 Part Five

Monday, October 27, 1997 12:37 AM
Goat Boy Finds Minor Arcadia

Gee, I have a big woody now that I've been checking on what Anders Sandbergs' Magick Page has that's new, and saw the Bibliotheca Arcana (not the mailing list Arcana, though contributions by creator have appeared there also. Happy to see some formidable mythography and cross-cultural linkage. Very nice!)

Was reading up on Glaucos, especially nice since I'm supposed to be a minor priest or something for having *magically* bestowed said honor on myself.

Okay, so I didn't read it I just looked at the pictures and scanned for proper nouns, but this Sculla who got in the story, she would be Scullcap, while Glaucos is primarily the poppy? That's my prediction based on the tradition of "we make it easy to figure these out, honest". I forgot to see if he mentions Pine Nuts under Artemis, but anyway, we do that here...

I'll be back to figure out Why scullcap got in this story someday...

Okay, okay

1. Poseidon *rules* horses. Probably posies. Indians think they make horses long-winded
2. Scullcap has seed pods like horse hoofs more than Scullcaps, so that probably more than half the literature about *Phillip* is about Scullcaps theoretically.
3. Because shaking poppy heads probably scares the beJeeziz outta horses, they think it's rattlesnake. At least out west... which makes ya wonder, dunnit?
4. Because when young and foolish initiates get themselves into trouble with poppy products, it is often horseboy Apollo's Scullcaps that get called on to bail them out if not Sister Artemis' posies (ie Artemisia vulgaris has a real good reputation already. Or at least a wide one. Hey, torch a Composite and there's a good chance we're into the dopamine/dopa here, a lot of supportive citations for resuccitants here. 5. A whole fleet of really far out signature stuff hooking up to the mythos about how to become a mermaid or at least a better pearl diver. Here's some magic I obviously don't do, and yet someday soon the though cluster may well help me keep breathing.
The really weird stuff is, I repeat, how squishy little sea slugs keep together at depths whose pressures would flatten well-reinforced submarines like pancakes. What's *the bends* got to do with opiate withdrawal and ectoplasm and nitrogen. That kind of stuff. Stuff only Sheldrake and Bohm could figure out by sitting down and working very hard to keep their heads out, and calling Persinger often. Stuff that never happens, I suppose.
6. And then some...
Holy overpopulation Batman! Mermen! Artemis hadta date a guy like That, in fact, they used to sneak out behind the Wild Lettuce and show each other their Thyrsean snorkels.

But that IS another story; I predict you'll find it here.

Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Monday, October 27, 1997 9:41 AM
Ecclectic Confessions


Jeez, I must be running out of material...

I mean, so I get twenty to fifty page essays out of lowly old Knotgrass through the Doctorine of Signatures, and when I picked up a used copy of Time magazine (at Goodwill!) on addiction I realized the several hundred pages about existance in drug-infested neighborhoods being a signature in itself was still incomplete... to the best of my knowledge, at least in certain places you could tell what herb might help a sleep disorder because it grows next to a bleedin' clock shop. It's just across the street from wormwood that won't come near an outreach ministry for dear life and just down from several Immortelles nodding their heads at the elderly. (Quickly dedicating them to Artemis along with my cudweed collection...). Another one came so far of it's way to chastise and ridicule a used car salesman as a *silver tongued devil* along with an exclusive handfull of it's kind, and some other ranting about *buckets of rust*; add a compass plant and mullein for shoes, with it's flowers n the unusual shape of a crook. A crow drops a walnut in the road to crack it, and I know why motorcyclists should wear helmets, and maybe what to do if they don't.

I dunno.

I studied orchids a long time. There are some Cycnoches, ironically from some pretty exotic places that sounded like they'd written most of the book on what's up with the KKK, latent heart disorders and things, and pointing out some of the strange disparities (*I like my coffee black and my people white*--!?!?!) some *moth to the flame* comments on photosensitivity cycles and SADS/ light therapy (*we like to burn things when it gets dark*) and body temperature (*we like to dress like icicles*), a lot of matchheads going on about phosphorus. So much about swans that you just know someone in question shold be doing a cool belly float for a P*ssed-off triple-warmer, an incensed spleen and a possible testicular hypothermia or something. Also noticed that sterotyping Afro-american dietary habits if it served to discourage anyone was a terrible set-up for contributing to creating the negative sterotype through malnutrition (watermelon=glutamine, arginine; chicken=tyrosine, etc etc.) Same problem Anita Bryant had with oranges (no idea if these work a crude physical drug, Gurudas who mentions this of course only refers to homeopathic form, so the half gallon of tincture from a single bough of flowers probably gets diluted down to serve the whole world or something). (There was also a genus of Orchids that might have been making a run of comments on SIDS; the genus Orchis itself seems vocal about a lot of difficulties of war veterans. It's just that kind of stuff, the only herb in my garden from Iran or Irag will just happen to treat repercussions of *Desert Storm*, I suppose... [Dracocephalum sp. (Labiatae), probably D. canescens or D. aff. canescens]

Ideally in shamanism, symbolism permits that your prospective patients will find a way to tell you what's wrong with them (sometimes I tend to prefer *old-fashioned* diagnoses).

But anyway, I'm happy to repeat about Orchids. I wouldn't advocate their use in medicine in a million years, it might sort of be alot like eating your college professor. They seem always quick to suggest other remedies than themselves who are not so precariously balanced in the food chain with such proximity to extinction. The molecules are fairly exemplary, and the aromaterapy leads right back into the mainstream, nothing so rare in general.

Just something I hear way too little about, and when I do hear anything, its always something disturbing. Of course I'm just making all this up generally, but I'd hate to miss any matching reality for never daring to suspect such *serendipitous* *coincidence*... there Are some conformations in the general area that are formidable and striking...

...Blither babble bubble bubble toil and trouble blither babble...

Todays' word from my talking pumpkin: *Look, Apolloni, you pud, I don't need a detachable jaw, I'm a resonant cavity!* (whatta attitude!) Okay, pumpkins know best, I guess... I shouldn't use beeswax candles for my bewyckin's, maybe... now to see whether me or the pumpkin is first to get a driver's license... perhaps there is no one who can talk to a vegetable quite so well as another vegetable :-)

Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Monday, October 27, 1997 10:12 AM
World's Smallest Violin Dept.


Gee, only ninety some posts more today from me (AIEEEE!!!! NOOO!!!!) and we'll be making max use of the *bandwidth*... (relax, I'm just kidding)

Somewhere back when I was talking about stuff like the thinner the accupuncture needle the better it may work due to the behavior of quantum matter (er, does this mean the bigger the mouth on a bottle the better for preserving your fluid condensers, or am I as confused as usual?), I think I missed suggesting that the literary style of Paraclusithryon (oh baby let me in pretty please with sugar on top wouldja woulda huh?) can be also made to apply to this, so that classics like Callimachos' epigram with Kynopion can be construed to have another bizillion trillion meanings like Knotgrass on the needles compensates for size. Holy Titania! (sound of sheepboy stuffing copious Knotgrass down front of over-alls). Yes, Callimachos' poor rejected lover out on the porch freezing and begging to come in if not using Knowgrass as a magic lock pick, eating it to stay warm, or who knows which of a million tricks of appropros including improve their eyesight, since the doors and windows probably aren't even covered... ought if all else fails become quantum stuff with this herb and spritz right through the keyhole. Personally, this one scares me, so I think I may only use it for getting genies back in their bottles and things...

Not to bring up alchemy...well okay to bring up alchemy, there's Kushi's non-rusting alchemic iron that seems relevant here...okay, why don't these accupuncture needles rust, right?

Meaning you have to guess exotic matter, look up heavy leptons (see Muons/ mu meson) c.a. 1938, and leap to some conclusion that when you expect that an object transmutated is doing that business about exchanging its atoms for the atoms of another element that lie in the earth (yup, the possibility of alchemic pollution!?!?!) that they pass *through the gateway of Janos* (given this business about Michael Faraday and cavities and charge migration and *lightning-like* crevices, *as doorways*, I'd take Janus to be a He-Juno or Jupiter experimentally... what the heck...

...and all of this, in addition to Teller's Magneto-electric spectrum appearing in *that Vibrational Medicine book* and Stanley Kripner e.a. *Dimensions of Healing* (the book with Sister Justa laying hands on chromatography, was it Doc Fox that mentioned this?), goes to slap Hermes Trismestigus upside the head slightly...being another expression of the now familiar reactance-window theory of how freqeuncy shifts change physical proerties and behaviors... *as above maybe Not Always so below, especially when inside out, maybe as above, opposite below* is perhaps closer to the actual law...

best two out of three for a physics lecture on the tunneling effect next?

*I was just thinking so this is just what I thought*

B*B &

Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Monday, October 27, 1997 9:46 PM
Uh, whatever...

Hello from that Silicon Siberia known as Digest Mode, won't know what the hey anyone's talking about until later tonight...

Would just like to bring up Phase Conjugation again, I think I must have understated the potentials of the appearance of pump loops in magic analogous to their appearance in coherent optics/ lasers...

...whilst I simultaneously still ponder what kind of wireless or not the roar of the ocean in a shell is. Could be more of calcium stutting its metaphysical stuff like some molecular/atomic counter-magnetic amplifier, the smallest division of a magic mirror normal peoplegive a hoot about. Sacred to Aphrodite, it bridges the distance between loved ones... the same tme I'm read to fire off a rip-roarin' doodah about magical fireproofing in a class that when turning a field inside out, forces the fire and it's would be fuel to be two qualified seperate objects. Basically got his off of Callimachos, Doorweed biofilters, how to let the dog pass the door but not the germs. (Inexhaustable epigram on Kynopion)...

...whilst I whack the 4-th law logic out of duality to embrace the many rainbows in the middle, because Cat would obviously do it were he disposed...

...and contemplate having psionic and other ancient circuitry tatooed strategically on my body...

...whilst I wonder what the hell the Spiral of the Sacred Goddess has to do exactly with that *final solution* most downplayed in my writings, Space Travel itself. I am of couse optimistic..., my ice cream is melting...

Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Tuesday, October 28, 1997 9:24 AM
Incubi and Succubi (was: re: Halloween)

Hi Happy Hallo, er, Samhain...

Incubi and Succubi?

My tribe of one has a peculiar definition of these, they are equal to both the Night Hag or Lamia and to UFO visits. The experiences use symbols to inform the victim or the practitioner about the nature of the experience. The common demoninators almost always seem to concern respiratory paralysis or sleep paralysis.

The form of the incubus or succubus, the draining demon lover, is a good symbolic comment on the relationship here to some of the illuminating ideas; I have posted previously (in fact I started posting the material on the Arcana list about last march) on Occulthaven, and I usually try to throw the word Grey into the subject line.

Besides being outstanding as an example of Shamanic symbol diagnostics, it is also outstanding as an example of the holographic brain at work. Such simple, archetypal experiences as these are unusually rich in assignable meanings, the sort of complexity we'd come to expect from the direct involvement of an organ as complex as the brain.

I don't think I'm even going to try to repeat any substantial part of all this here unless anyone wants me to; some of the keys here are Oxygen deprivation/ deficit; grey as in aliens being the color of severely underoxygenated people.

I wouldn't limit it to this, nor rule out such causes or factors as Mercurial describes. But similar to the idea of demonic oppression, one of the first things to try to rule out would be a respiratory repression or general lack of oxygen.

I think ultimately or ideally or whatever there are some revelations for mankind riding on the *Greys* version that may have been absent from the earlier version such as the Night Hag (although this might get a point if she flew in on a broom?).

Anyway, *lumping* these expereinces together by their common denominators actually is the work of medical/ neurolgical researchers. As far as I know, adding Interpretive Shamanism is my move.

I am working with some ideas at present like treating *incubi* as Square Stem and *succubi* as Succulent, references to certain plant groups that may be helpful with these disorders...

I certainly won't be surprised if various Ethnobotanical classifications of plants like the Navaho *Grey Medicine* group indicate substantial grouping that may also be helpful...

One of the keys to second-guessing the appearance of outright reality is that in the modern experiences at the very least, there is consistently some tell-tale ideosyncracy. (The significance usually seems overlooked by the victims of such experiences).

Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109

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