
A few typical correspondent Overpopulation solutions from one of the neighbor kid's Science Projects, hee hee hee...

1. Wolf Hilburtz and electro-accretion: Modify, setup interlocking complex of "skyscapers" ie SEA-SCRAPERS in circles to create waste processing enclosures and fish/ algae farming Consider using the ocean as a giant salt battery, (Robin Leach for "Silver Lightning" Jewelry Cleaner) but DO NOT deplete the Earths electromagnetic feild in the process. I like Atmosphere. Do you like atmosphere?

2. Attitude: Virgin unspolied mountants look like the biggest of tombstones to me. I will be a sad and lonely soul until they are covered with countless Chinese immigrants stringing Chinese lanterns all over them and smiling and waving. Stop the funeral.

3. Deserts suck. Life kisses. Hug your cacti at home, they are not a staple food. Not even nopalitos.

4. Earthscrapers: Too bad Freud was wrong or we would have been building buildings seventy stories DOWN not up and using the fill dirt to fill in those diked off and drained enclosures like the Dutch. (50, 000 acres at a time, but it easier to just use electro-accretion to build a sea-wall.) Any one want a job?

5. Florida gets bigger on her own. Just leave it to the Mangroves.

6. JudeoChristian/ other ethics: LIFE IS SACRED!!! please try to act accordingly....

7. How to put and feed five generations of a family on five acres using Garden Rooms and Indian Farming; Amaranth as a grain (see Rodale Research Institute); Covering with Ivy, building with stones, how Ancients make concrete...

8. Reclaiming sand dunes as viable agricultural land by putting down tenacious, drought-tolerant, Nitrogen fixing and edible-seeded Sagebrushes, Wormwoods and other related plants, including Verbascum sp. MULLEIN which can produce 3,000,000 seeds per plant (= next generation 3,000,000 square feet of land reclaimation) in a year if the main spike is cut back at the ground after seeding. Mine in the yard "bushed out" not with 2 new spikes, but with TWELVE...

9. Space travel: Howard Wachpress & Unpaired-Pole Magnetic Levitation Systems cf. Magic Mirror literature, Alan Holt's NASA papers, and Passionflowers tring to join the space race by growing saucer designs on them, and UFO-shaped Amaranth seeds, serendipitously full of smart-drugs no doubt. Tom Bearden (sic?) on a good day. Start Trek, N.G. as a religion: Minor Gods: The Traveller, Reg Barclay, Trans-warp conduit, Soliton waves in the hands of inherent optimists, and Wormhole induction. Temporal offsets by Oliver Nicholson "Time Dilation in Tesla Coil" studies, and Chronos Apollonios, the living treasure and his question, what happens to time dilation models if you fly your ship in a circle at the speed of light, and non-linear/ orthorotation of the time dilation vector according to models of Chaos in fluid dynamics, four-layer model and breaking point, See: John Briggs and David Peat, "Turbulent Mirror", page 51, compare the inherent number 4 with 4 in the soliton wave on page 133 of the same book...; Philosophers as Practical People: Propulsion Systems derivable from abstract logic and Xeno's Paradox.

10. Get a grip. According to my calculations, the earth could comfortably accomodate AT LEAST some 3,000 times it's present population without even getting into the ocean, which covers WHAT percent of the earth? (I say, Can I Get A Witness?!?!? Hep me, hep me, AMEN!)

11. Palingenic dinners, beam 'em right in, Scotty. Mother Theresa will pass, that's cool... Multiwave oscillation (Kozyrev?) in the element tuning sweep, multiwave inherency of alkali residue, the life force, Scalar spectral diodes with stable isotope mixes in nature instead of (Moray King, Rex Research reprints, modified concept) Posts by Chonos Apollonios...

12. Compared to what the human race COULD have been right now, we have an UNDERpopulaion problem.

13. Okay, YOU look those "excess baggage" welfare kids right in the eye and tell them they are a "burden" that should never have born... YOU tell them you wish they never had been... and I hope they gouge your eyes and bust your groin. My nephew does, and he's worth all the ruptures he can dish out.


15. Water: Air wells, Laser-drilling, Condensation science, Magic Pagan Buckets and Electrum Science
16. Land management priority shifts, Stewardship Programs and Land Grants, Self-Sufficiency Grants for Welfare Recipients, Good old fashioned Christian helpin' each other out. Habitat for Humanity every square mile. Taxpayer? I'm a goldmaker!

(17. SUPPLIMENTAL: You ladies could at least say "Hi who are you and what secrets is your soul hiding, I'm dying to know" while I'm in a major urban area or on-line... whatta I gotta do, who do I gotta be, f'r Chrissakes? Um, then again, maybe this one is my fault. (This is another Underpopulation problem) Okay, what secrets are your souls hiding? Beautiful, splendid secrets...

Just my humble opinions... Being I have an Italian soul, and my mother (and everyone's mother) is (therefore) a Saint. You do not bury Saints, Cappici?

Okay, now let's make the magic


Still one of the greatest joys in my life when I discovered the book, "Ethnobotany of the Meskwaki" ("Indians") and the work by Gladys Tantaquidgeon with the same kind of "divinatory diganostic" ideas about medicine of the Iroquis and Deleware, and realized they were saying the same thing as Pausanias says about the a Temple of Ceres in his guide to Greece, where offerings were floated to see if they were bad or good, just as the tribes mentioned were sayed to have performed the old "Witch Test" on medicines to see if they were right for the patient in question.

I have gone on to trace this phenomena in more subtle concealed terms in many cultures, including the Knights of the Roundtable and the legend of Lugh/ St. Columba (sic?).

When I began my quest, though, I came out of electronic music, armed with books by Christopher Hills (resonance, everything is resonance, resonance, resonance, resonance like that knob/ slider on the synthesizer) and the faintest knowledge of holography. I realized it was possible to create a hologram of a person, feed it a hologram of a medicine, and produce a hologram of what would actually happen if a person took the medicine represented.

I apologize for how long it took me to realize that the latter way of presenting may have been **inherent** (see "Implicate", below) in the older, more metaphysical way of describing it, due to any force that could act coherently and was already present in the situation, I am sure discussion may embrace many speculations here, and I hope it does. Personally, I am fairly content with the idea that these shamanic practices may involve dynamic thermal imaging/ thermal holography. I enthusiatically invite feedback from anyone about this, and I can give you other examples of spontanoeous coherence effects in heat/ thermal energy if you'd like.

Keep in mind I wouldn't aspire to be a magician at all if I erroneously believe thermodynamics to be non-reversible. David Bohm's INK DROP EXPERIMENT has proven that much. (See books by John Briggs and David Peat, "Turbulent Mirror" and "Looking-Glass Universe" for more information about David Bohm and the inkdrop experiment, and the more holographic view of reality, his terms "Implicate" and "Explicate" can be used to help explain many things, hopefully for the freedom of magic and the rights of Pagans...

Kicking *ss for animal rights anyway; what next? More rights for people, too?

Hope so.

***** 13

It has been a long time it seems since Scott Cunningham introduced me to the concept of Graveyard Dust and its substitutes; I'd love to hear more on this subject, it is one of those I never see enough in lierature.

I have been left to wonder if it is one of those magical herbs whose traditional uses were born out of the Doctorine of Signatures, being that Calendula used in ritual to "understand the *Language of Bird* has a seed that might look like an ear covered by many little beaks, or Mugwort, a magical lockpick has that "turnkey' signature that makes to want to tiwst the leaf upside down, usually as a trail marker, to see the white underside like turning a key (also see "Pathfinder" a similar plant witth similar traditons in the Pacific Northwest, an Adenocaulon specie, I believe.) being that much of the common Mullein is a greyish or silvery sort of color, ashen; perhaps like one might suspect for many such plants, (example: Atriplex sp., Saltbush) it betrays the presence of certain salts. and may have been considered a Signature or divine label of this quality.

Perhaps Artemisias should not be above suspicion here of being possessed of significant magickal salts; I have mentioned they are nitrogen fixers; one grower in New Zealand speaks of all silver plants as disliking fertilizers, (Nitrogen potassium phosophorus) as if they were making thier own perhaps...

Given the remarkable role of salt in Ludo Chardenon's remedy for sunstoke in his little herbal, and some other correspondences, I have been wondering about Von Reichenbach's apparitions over gravesides, as Palingenic matrices or feild substrates, as if one "pushing up daisies" (another possible salt source, salts as in any salts) were OBE out the ajna chakra; perhaps such apparitions confined to such a locus are one reason the disincarnate,or NEAR disincarnate don't get out much to know everything, as was mentioned here a little. earlier. Maybe calcium isn't the only alkali that keeps turning upover and over again in the good magical literature, actually, and indeed it is unlikely to be the sole player in Palingenics/ Palingenesy.

Salt (NaCl) or other salts also might be used in breaking fascinations. and perhaps in very related ways (in a less magical sense, Bone meal might not be out of the question of OCD's).

I do not know what all this means exactly, maybe, but the recurring themes Do become rather noticable after a while... I would be greatful for other similar references, and even a few more on Astological Medicines' 12 correspondent salts, besides the Vanda Sawtell book that I have, wouldn't hurt.

Many thanks


Re: the Grey alien archetype and children's responses, I think that's important, Do you have any further insights or references on that? I could try speculating, my experience with the large eyes according to my brain is that genera of painting that created so many portaits of children with such large and often sad looking eyes; also those eyes seem to be found a lot when someone is asking donations to feed starving children. I think a lot of people may be responsive to some of the features of Greys like this, maybe not the ones on Greys per se.

I cannot think what the pointed chin represents, outside of maybe the regional endocrine, the thyroid, something like an overactive thyroid while sleeping is promoting a rather tetanic repiratory oppression and a rather tetanic sleep paralysis? It may be paradoxical almost to the sleepwalking prevention idea, but I have long suspected the phenethyl derivatives in Oreganos may be thyroid precursors possibly by way of becoming pheylalanine or tyrosine.

Hopefully that is a correct shamanic way of looking at it, and it would be helpful alleviating the Night hag or whatever form it takes if this generalism were true. Seems like this is not the first time in such a thread I am mentioning tetany. To tell you the truth, though, I hadn't really noticed the chins so much as the eyes. I am also tempted to think of this as an amygdaloid, (an almond shape) and thus an invocation of almond, alms for the poor, and whatever. It may be that literally almond as some preparation might as much help problematics of the experiencee, and create the same benfits as positive respondss to Greys on children and possibly adults; most of the Grey drawings I see don't look that emphatic or adoptable, IMHO.

In fact I did almond aromatherapeutically when i startd into Egyptian stuff, it was quite calming, a well as somehow seemed to put me in a mood for Egyptian... I used it on the basis of promoting alertness, so to learn better, re scott Cunningham's material.

Another thing that was mentioned was the connection between Greys and smoke, and Chi. I think that's a good point also, the sort of grey plants, to bring the Doctorine of Signatures back into it, that would actually help with the respiratory and other conditions associated. White mugwort, and that kind of thing and quite possibly alot of other silver plants, at least in the Aster family.

Perhaps an evolutionary biologist can be consulted about the role smoke may play; the picture I seem to get is that many chemicals in smoke may be anti-histamine and stimulant, sleep-antagonizing, because obviously of the possible need for the body to respond to the smell of smoke, ie a forest fire, by waking up and running like blazes. And cigarette smoke was not out of the question although I know of no clear pattern of exposure among many reports and even polls of abductees that I have yet to read :-) Mother always did tell me never to get sleep paralysis in the middle of a cigarette though, says it makes the homeowners insurance go up, or something.

I have mentioned before I think about Greys and smoke and the disturbing thing to me being if the house were on fire and I had sleep paralysis. I wouln't doubt that the signatures of Chia seeds (certains Sages, ie Salvia species) cover Chi as smoke, do you think that neurological paths intended to use Chi to offset for protection from fire are backing up and casuing more blockage in the from of paralysis? Could this be calcium ions? You would get this much from the older Theosophy books quite easily in fact, most certainly from Charles Leadbeater's work alone.

And then there's the protective magic charms in Native American stuff involving some of the same plants; (Daniel Moerman's MPNADB database should have a few at least...) this seems a highly consistent and well developed area altogether maybe. Most of the ideas about Correspondences like Signatures regarding origin easily grant enough to account for these consistencies, any good theory has to, really. Obviously one of Artemis' better known titles, "Protectress' is still applicable here also, and the best known grey plants might actaully be the Artemisias: Wormwood, Sagebrush etc. Artemis' exaggerated status as a mammal, such as the, I never counted really hundred breasted? Artemis, again serves the function of Tryptophan and also calcium symbol, since milk is most notable, probably for these.

Geez, what a list of correspondences! I'm starting to see why the human mind may abbreviate the process with archetyes and symbols... Then again I can also detect a suppressed shaman or mage in it as well, perhaps... it obviously helps to be concious of the language that may be used.

I was also interested in hearing more about the eight brain model regarding Leary and so on. Sounds kind of like Casteneda maybe. Since it is VERY hard to argue with the Ancient and Wise Egyptians about anything, I thought to compromise thier idea that intelligence resided in the heart and or blood with our modern ideas and started asking how many more possible neural carriers could there be then; it is not impossible to list a dozen. Does this model, or any that you know of, associate the different functions with different, seperate carriers?

Oh, and about the multiplicity of Greys, I am surprised they don't come by the dozen. Perhaps there is a Sufi (with a harem! :-) in our midst that can explain more about this "A Persian's heaven is easily made, 'tis but black eyes and lemonade" (Thomas Moore's peom here has become, or was created according to, an archetype?) business and what the Houri are, from any traditional point of view (ie I don't see fit as yet to distinguish them from the Horae in Greek mythology)

As always, wondering... oh yeah, that's what we're here for! :-) Cool!


Hi, I'm Chronos Apollonios and I'm

1. Too shy to post my profile (darned Capricorn!) 2. Been doing a lot of Far Memory work and my profile has gotten really too long to post... 3. I accidentally cloaked my profile during an invisibilty spell gone awry. 4. Wasn't really interesting, I've been dead for six hundred and fifty years. 5. The dog ate it. 6. Aliens landed and took it with them. 7. etc...what? get serious? (ouch) here's some of it:

Religious Affiliation: Non-denominational.

Religious Disposition: Just this side of worship; opinion: Appreciation is freedom; worship is bondage. Giving thanks to Deity is good for the spirit, giving assistance to Deity is good for the world.

Interests: Largely Greek Gods and Goddesses- not limited to; Herbalism, Doctorine of Signatures, Gardening; Shamanism, Spiritualism (like Seances and Ectoplasm), Parapsychology, Scientific Magic, Paganism, Wicca, Coptic/ Gnostic, Native American, Palingenics, Alchemy, ad infinitum.

Background: Been at it since, oh about last week, I think...(giggle) Failed college- ate one of my professors... Gurus: Closest thing is Gurudas- buy his books; Theosophist Charles Leadbeater. Check out his books too. (Got all but kicked right off the inane Arcana list very recently because some of my best work IMHO had "pop-tarts" in the subject line...AFTER I explained how I get a little silly when I'm shy and nervous...)

Personal Affliliations: Guilds/ Gods, Totems/ Clans: Chronos, Apollo, Posiedon, Zeus, Uranos, Glaucos, Triton, etc.; By correspondence, default or proxy: Karya, Carmenta, Diktyanna, Britomartis, Artemis, Hecate, Lamia, Dionysos, Hermes, Hephaestos, etc.; Other: Plutus, Fortuna, Amalthea, Lares-Penates,; Bears, felines, delphines, raven and crow, goat, equestrines and other astrological, mythological, or iconographical correspondents of my chart.

Techniques: None. Those who cannot do, teach.

Favorite magic: Swimming medicines, resurrection, Catoptromancy (as in Pausanias, "Guide to Greece"- not as elsewhere i.e., Medical divination), Far Memory, materialization, magic mirrors, apportioning/ apportation.

Disciplines: Iconography, Mythography, Herbalism, Doctorine of Signatures, Shamanism any darn way but how the world claims to do it (no drums no drugs no OBE no touchy-feely no Wounded Healer no empathy no BS) more like in the books "Ethnobotany of the Meskwaki" or "Ethnobotany of the Hopi"

Occupations in previous incarnations according to my demented and illusory visions: Scribe, teacher, archivist, writer, child-finder, tourism officer, Ephesian sherriff, seedsman, healer, curator of Botanical gardens, groundskeeper, culturebearer, preist of Chronos, Apollo and Posedon/ Glaucos.

Other: Single and seeking; matriarchal (where the girls ask the boys to dance etc., before women become oppressed...); recovered musician; avid if inept gardener (double-dormancy, ooh, aah); ecologocially oriented, whatever that means.

***** 16

Hmmm, I'm not exactly sure what that means where the word "psychedelics" appeared just before the Give and Takes of the Doctorine of Signatures?

Left to my own devices, I go back to a nasty little argument me and the Morning Glory family were having about talking "tempting" Lysergic acid and derivatives, and gift-wrapping it in Strychnine as if Satan personally had designed them. I'm not sure we settled the issue..

(Leave it to Salespeople, you'd be amazed who I've heard saying their blotter was laced with strychnine to keep your heart beating because their stuff was "too clean and too pure". I'm like, "Uh, funny I don't remember Hoffmann saying that, but I remember Woodstock: the brown acid is bad".) You are meaning things like this, or that over-use of probably any entheogen has a reputation for being destructive to one's body? I'd like to get more into this question, because I'm not sure I've been able to resolve it in the Ancient Systems and so on. I mean, I can say things like, Morning Glories are sacred to Chronos, the flowers correspond to his Cornucopia, so leave it to a trained professional, more or less a Chronosian priest, an experienced old hand, or any other equivalent, but the area is kind of hollow philosophically speaking, and I'm sure that's just a temporary superficial perception of mine. I’m not really sure one should leave these things to anyone sometimes. (I'll try "Calcium" for 400, Alex..Chronos Jeapordios)

***** 17

You know, I'm actually quite surprised we haven't been in a discussion about the (drumroll) Comte de Sainte-Germaine. There is a lovely little anecdote about someone accidentally getting some of one of his elixirs. Same old, has the "Certain phase of the moon" in it's prescription, (ooh, I better check "Song Remains the Same" again to see if the moon wasn't prominently featured in Jimmy Page's vignette. Not like even I can't fast pitch a whole fleet of Lunar associations on that one myself. Better mention Indries Shah "Oriental Magic" and the Silverfish ritual again and Calcium, calcium, and more calcium.)

Mind you, I'm hopefully broad minded, I don't see the need to split Alchemy into any subdivisions, especially how often Alchemy is called THE WORK (what is the not the Work ,*therefore* what is alchemy not?) whatever in particular is being talked about (I'm basically a lumper not a splitter, earthsigns Taurus and Capricorn may tend to do that) but as a matter of fact the correspondences (bellow-like flowers, white foilaged plants, etc, etc) DO seem to support at least both styles simultaneously, and I think it's thought provoking and highly rewarding for anyone to try dabbling in the ideas of both.

It's hard NOT to notice for example how Wormwood and other Artemisias are silver-leaved and then gold-flowered, they are "tuning to gold", as it were... they relate to the "bellows" of the body (Holy Lamaze, Batman!) and then there is the warning about them that pregnant persons shouldn't even get near the Artemisias maybe, should this be considered "of the Moist Way" also? (who, me stop to postulate a divine recompense here? Oh, okay show me Crowley's Hermit (Thoth Tarot) and I think of Paracelsus Homunculating, Virgo Virgo Virgo...)

I will go into the garden today and look for more plant-things that look like bellows besides the Bleeding Hearts. (They are quite probably correct here Chemically, I already know that, and in folklore as well) Might the gasping fish be considered an acceptable correspondence of the bellow? And I will pitch the Lamium species and varieties again, guess what earthy tantric fluids they remind me of often; I have heard Fritillary-lilles (Fritillaria specie) are even "worse"in this respect. *Strangely*, their netting might have made them sacred to Diktyanna, a birth goddess and protectress of shipwrecked hermits...

Do you think any of the classical personages, Paracelsus, etc, were actually any different in their approach then? Paracelsus' feats of course include the Homunculus, which is considerably of the Moist Way, again, *if* one is to subdivide alchemy. I am not sure that he did. And I probably don't remind anyone of his connections to the Doctorine of Signatures out of actual necessity...

I am also curious to any personal thought or references in literature that actually come out and say whether or not the solidification of a tantric fluid should be considered an operation Calcination in itself... I would think I would recall anything appreciably direct. I also have noting in print to tell me if lactation produces tantric "substance". Can we include why doesn't powdered milk spoil when you reconstitute it, or is there a "perfectly logical" explanation for that? (I am of course just feigning ignorance to stimulate list activity, giggle) I actually know an old Greek soul who will tell you Allllllllll abouuuuuuuut whether or not Hephaestos was a puffer if you promise not to feed a small forest through your printer over it... We will have to ask Aphrodite if he was a good lover...(giggle) ****** 18

You know, if I didn't know better, (and I don't actually), I'd swear I had been listening to yet another reason, and maybe one of the best, that Artemis is rather kind of a "tomboy", there's alot of icons to serve to connct that association, the milk is the silk of the silkworm on the Mulberry that is sacred to the Morae, or Fates, and the rope head-dresses of some of the Artemis images from near to Ephesos.

Maybe I should still speculate that wicking with rope may have been used to alter tantric fluids---normally, I think of it as meaning using a wick to filter impurities out of seawater if you're stranded in the ocean somewhere, which I'm not absolutely sure is sound advice. I don't know why it couldn't mean both, and more... another popular water purification trick is, again, bioflocculants or precipitants, they just cause the impurities to come right out of it. I had never thought these might be used in Alchemy to extract certain things from a mixture, or used on Tantric fluids. (Virgo is a symbol that can be used to support this implication, IMHO)

Actually, the reason I asked is because, I think it is in Von Schrenk-Notzing's book on occult phenomena, there are pictures of ectoplasm or aethereal stuff precipitating around the (otherwise decorative, giggle) mammalian errogenous zones of, Gasp! (giggle!) a man. This, my mother- nor father- never explained... :-) *****19

The Amiable Mage Tarot by Chronos Apollonios:
Some descriptions of the finished ones, since I have no other way to share it:

(Some of the the MAJOR ARCANA, in no particular order):

LIBERATION (=Temperance) we see the angel Temperance from the right side slightly. He is pouring two cups of libation onto the ground with his arms reaching stright up. Irises and melons surround him, there is a cup of coffee at his feet...and a banana. A pine tree rises behind him with its tip striaght above his head; there is an acorn to either side of him. There is a likeness of him in the center of his chest whose upraised arms are contained by two points of an inverted star, which reaches down to his lap.

There is a cauldron in the lower center of the card, and a slightly smaller cauldron turned at a 90* angle to it whose mouth is then vertical:

THE HERMIT: Posiedon sits, a merman on an island no bigger than he. He is mourning, thinking or perhaps contemplating his reflection on the waters in the moonlight. There are five small stars behind his, three on his left, with a large crescent moon, two on the right with a much larger star above them. A seventh star above his head has points on the even numbers on a clock behind it. All of the stars have six points; the moon has a trace of a nose.

THE ENEMY (=Death) A clock with Roman numerals occupies the center and nearly the width of the card. It is in the center of a spider's web.The Man and Woman found on the Fortune card are chained benath water riging above thier heads. The waterline goes though the center of the clock bisecting 3 and 9. He is chained by his right hand, she by her left, and she is the one on the right of the card. A pyramid whose height is about one third of the diameter of the top half of the clock is present. The capstone with the eye is there, and it is radiant. A bow runs horizontal across the top, its tips reaching the sides and an arow in it is drawn back, almost suggesting the shape of a heart. The arrow reaches the center of the top and bisects the black and white two faces of Janus, god of doorways. The white face is facing right.

THE CHARIOT: A "penatium", or ancient model of a temple in the home devoted to the Roman Lares or Penates, rises to dominate the scene; the typical temple has a circle on the front beneath the apex, with a black salamander design spiralling clockwise on it.

There is a clown in front of it, with typical circus clown paint and a shirt with different colored salamanders interlocking, they are black green orange and purple. Eight balloons are in his right hand, in seven colors of the rainbow and there is a white one as well. a yellow kite is in his left. Beneath the kite is a peacock. To the right of him, a tiny Phoenix bird rises from flames on top of a short Grecian Doric column, The Phoenix is red on top and gold beneath.

FORTUNE (=The Wheel of Fortune): A yin-yang symol in the center fills most of the space on the card. It is surrounded by the tips of perhaps seventy two peacock feathers. The black side points up, and a laminscate or figure eight, running lenghtwise vertically, encircles the two smaller color areas in the symbol. In the lower (black) one, there appears an apple. Above all this is a tiny scales or balance, symbol of Libra; at either side a Cornucopia or Horn-of-Plenty facing symmetrically. Another tiny model of a Greek or Roman temple appears with the bottom of its roof perfectly parallel wth the bottom of the apple. There are tiny circles on a proportionately large hill on which it sits, they are seeds, or marbles, or atoms, perhaps. At the bottom left, a woman kneels and gazes in the water of a cauldron she is tilting, as if divining; a young man on the lower left dangles a mirror upside down from a string and gazes at his reflection it; (it is as if he has read Pausanias, A Guide to Greece, or perhaps Lewis Spence, "Encyclopedia of Occultism", on Catoptromancy or Patrae. He dangles the mirror just touching a stream in the very foreground, she has half of a vertical line thru the cauldron over the water.

Behind the woman is a skull, perhaps of the sort that Wizards in cartoons have sitting on a book and inquire remarkable questions of. Behind the man, there is a Mugwort growing. The lowest buch of peacock feathers give way to a dozen faces, of which the skull is one, as if they were all incarntions of the same being perhaps. The man sees his reflection in his mirror, but in her cauldron, the woman gazes upon the reflection of the moon, as if suggesting an illusion of some kind perhaps.

THE WORLD: A knight in armor occupies the whole image, he has a Crest on his helmet. He is standing, with his left knee slightly bent, in water. The water is level with the middle of his left knee, and above his right by perhaps agin the size of the knee itself. He is encoiled by a serpent, rather without feature or texture, but its head is a globe that looks like the earth, it is the size of his heas an sitting aover his left shoulder, it's highest coil reaching under his arms. There is a sword driven through its three coils peircing all three at once, with its handle over his heart and coming at an angle to almost touch his left knee. There is no face plate in his helmet, and his eyeslits are so small as to admit only the least of light. He is flanked by Doric columns and there are a number of stars in an arc over him there are 10, or perhaps 12.

One other is completed:

THE TOWER: The Leaning Tower of Pisa looms dominating the background. In the center before it there is a dandelion seed iwth an unborn child in its embryo and a spiral around the stalk of the seed with five turns, which at the very bottom widen to surround the embryo. The stalk rises up to the parachute or wings of the seed, which occupies the very top of the card. There is a sunflower to either side, and dandelions, or perhaps chicory beneath them.

I wonder what all this means !!


Shouldn't smell that Lotus oil should I? Well, giggle, I've been seized by a Muse who will keep making me walk around singing in by best Operatic, which isn't very good, about Castor beans, and won't let me go until I confess about my little suspicions that Paracelsus' "Homunculus" just have to have a few dung beetles in it, and this according to the Doctorine of Signatures (dunno, I may have to stop renting Muses and buy one I can depend on). with which Paracelsus is often associated.

That this concerns a rather anaerobic environment is perhaps little to put past the seedoil (Deep Diversity company has been offering seed of the Frances Hoffman collection of Castor beans strains whose seeds are alleged to look like Scarab Beetles; (woops, says they're poisonous too) Castor oil has been said to have been used for torches inside the Pyramids of Egypt because it doesn't make soot on the ceilings similar remarks also made about Maguey extracts and the Mexican Pyramids ). Hmmmmm... Curiouser and curiouser!


I like that center of gravity idea. Does it shift much, or am I getting into Castaneda here? This is what the Theosophists, with India as source, refer to as Garima, the power to make one's self heavy? (Alice A. Bailey, The Soul and Its Mechanism, pg. 125--nice book, actually, kinda; there are seven other powers, and the rest are associated there with Christ, with Scripture refernces)

Of course I'm easily confused; Kenneth Meadows in "Earth Medicine" has some "new" chakras in Native American context, including the dreaded Magenta Chakra! and a Dark Red, which is supposed to pertain to (also) balance and movement and isn't even on the body per se, but supposedly Between the Ankles! Somehow though, I tend to trust him, his chart on pg 64 actually gives Frquency Multiples and Factor of Frequency Multiples... Maybe it's the Dark Red where Laghima, the power to make one's self light (same Bailey book same page, 125) comes from?


Hi all I'm looking out at neighbors trees all thrashed from our winter Icestorm, the few branches left all pointing in one direction only. Reminds me of plants that flower like this, on one side of the stem only, like certain Skullcaps, or Horminum sp. (mint family, related to Salvia horminum botanically and etymologically) and Bellflowers, Campanula sp. like the one in the Rapunzel story. (Campanula rapunculus) (I can never bring up Rapunzel and Rapunzelwurzel without wondering if Rapunzel's father stealing it from the witch's garden happened to have anything to do with Rapunzel's parents finally succeeding in making a Rapunzel after all that hoping trying! What, Ginseng in for more competition, on top of the Codonopsis that Rapunzelwurzel is so closely related to, and it's formidable status in Oriental medicine? Hmmmmm... but don't try it at home!!!) :-)

As a would-be Magical Signaturist, does anyone know of these one-sided flowers being good for taming the winds they look they they're beaten in, at least in literature, or of similar uses for them? "Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your goldmaking root, er, I mean, golden hair" :-) Hmmm...perhaps Rapunzel knows this Rumplestiltskin? Now THERE was an Alchemist for you!... Just wondering, as always... next I'll wonder why!


Sometime somewhere in the dim and Arcane past I posted a reference to a Babylonian Terra Cotta Devil Trap, that I found in E. A. W. Budge, "Amulets and Talismans"; it was my impression that in spite of a little "mumbo jumbo" within material on the subject, that in general it was expected to keep houses from catching ablaze. (Interestingly, the responses posted didn't seem to get to the method of Consectration or Installation, I recall something about one on each corner of the house. Very magnetic, IMHO) Anyway, I don't have to go too far to find things reminiscent, somewhere I have an article via a Periodicals Index about a successful experiment putting out flames via radiowaves (what, Microwave ovens in reverse?) Before I get all Deep Space Nine and blame the right handed antineurinos or whatever the $#$@ they are, outright, I was digging around in Spence, Encyclopedia (see previous posts) again and found: "Causimomancy: Divination by Fire. It is a happy presage when combustible objects cast into the fire do not burn". I'll say. :-) Haven't looked forward to going to the stake myself so much since either the story about the amulet re: The Prince of Orange, or that superstition that if you put hot coals on someone and it don't leave a mark, they really are gone on to the other world(s). Probably just superstition. At least in Pliny, they often sit up when you try to creme 'em and don't tell me it's because they weren't good doctors. :-)

Okay, neutrinos aside, I'm actually voting for- in a non-deterministic sense of course :-) Gasp!, LUCK! Well, at least I knew what they meant by "devil"; (and 666 is the number of the Khamea for gold, BTW. --Budge, “A&T” also). Okay, get the forest fire on the radio and tell it to quit it, two in every garage. Have I bought off my Papyrus karma yet? (Giggle) probably not...Save More Trees.. And here I'd been looking under "Fire Society Medicines" (also good) in Native America. *************************************************************** (Sponsored by Pagan Firefighters of America, who must sometimes resort to smothering flames (and almonds, and one another) in Chocolate, but that's another story, and I'm perfectly delirous at this hour and therefore melting, too...