Chronos Chronicles

August 1997 Part Four

Date: Sat, 23 Aug 1997 09:40:26 -0700
Subject: Re: Witch's Milk: FAQ

Hi, see what I get for breaking Aphroditian taboos and posting instead of toasting on Friday?

I've been informed that the term Witch's milk is also extended to medical phenomena regarding lactation coincident with ovulation, and lactating babies. (Obviously yet another malformity caused by Witches. Being I got some Buckland training; "If they called it Jew's Milk, the phrase would cease and desist immediately*...)

Considering the reference I posted, and its title, I guess the would-be axe milker had better brace for disappointment.

Okay, unless anyone can figure out why archaic cow-scat phrases uddered, er, uttered by milkmaids have *roint* or *roynt* in them, there is no info on Witch's-Milk-From-Axe-Handles-And-Other-Amazing-Magic on the Web to the best of my questionable and dubious knowledge....

Agree? Disagree?

(FWIW, I'm certainly having a terrible time trying to think of any way in which the two phenomena are connected.)

Humblest apologies,
Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.


Date: Mon, 25 Aug 1997 06:33:25 -0700

Subject: Witch's Milk: *The Woolgathering* Story At Last...

Good Mornin'.

Many moons ago I posted some inquiries about a mystical feat I call *Woolgathering*; probably this is more of *Forming the cloud*... a mystic seems to gather handfuls of an invisible stuff from the air and creates from it a luminous specter of a flower.

I don't know if I should consider this technique any different than what would occur if the accounts of witches making milk flow from axe handles and other objects, if the accounts in Emile Grillot de Givry's book are at all true.

This also considers that the Powder of Palingenics and the Powder of Sympathy are as blue as some of the milk is supposed to be. Hmmmm...

The reference in Question in Madame Blavatsky's *Isis Unveiled*, pg 609-610. As anticipated, I could only find it by first finding Steve Richard's book, *Invisibility*, and then looking up Palingenics.

Here, then, in the chapter in Richard's book, where the anecdote is also presented, the chapter being entitled, "Ectoplasm, and All That* is also a reference to W. B. Yeat's attempt at Palingenics (ressurection of plants or other biological organisms) and other valuable ones. Yeat's effort appears to be presented with a twist: he is alledged o blundering even where he has somehow some insight about working in harmony with the moon on this one.

(Re: Buckland, I'm getting a lot of mail off another list about Witch's Milk, the other meaning, the little medical anomalies surounding lactation. The confusion of course, some of which I almost helped create by prematurely posting a reference to a medical journal right here on this very list, might be stemmed from shadowing the incomparable light of the magical kind, were physicians to use as much sensitivity in their choice of slang terms as is required in Buckland's *Complete Handbook...* of insensitive townsfolk; picking up Buckland after Cunningham, the anecdote about the participants of a town's festivities having been made to do something less insulting to Witches than burn a witch in effigy for Halloween gives me a good deal of courage...)

FWIW: Will go through Yeat's famous poetry looking for allegories about this fabulous feat as well, when I get around to that...

B*B & farewell for now, I gotta go garden.

Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.


Date: Mon, 25 Aug 1997 06:52:01 -0700
Subject: On Buckland...


Hiya, posted some of my Buckland comments under Witch's Milk, but really…

I already had most of Cunningham's stuff and had been springboardng out of his bibliographies at the time when I bought Buckland's big book, so it's largely some tidbits on herbalism and the encouraging civil rights story (*Thou shalt NOT *Burn the Witch* for Halloween*) that were rewarding to me. No complaints here.

When I bought *Scottish Witchcraft* some time later, (well you know me, I was hoping for instructions on using a bagpipe as an interferometric ectoplasm synthesizer, eh?) I was a little disappointed, chiding the book as the Buckland Boy Scout manual; a wee bit later when I had do do my *Dianic* stuff backwards, having done last things first due to lack of pagan parenting, I realized that, at least in terms of just beginning in magic, it is that book which is closest to the sprit of the traditions of one's earliest Artemis (The classic Ephesian.*Eat pine nuts, drink pine dew, and sit your *ss under the first pine tree you find until someone comes to get you*), and some strong Biblical ones as well (such as Artemis' Wormwoods in lieu of unleaven bread. See: Bitter tonics, dangers of carbo loading, etc), for putting emphasis on maintaining sancity of life through simple survival.

...Never did run into any of his others when I was in a prosperous state...

Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.


Date: Mon, 25 Aug 1997 22:32:35 -0700

Subject: A Veritable Cornucopia... What, no Mango Skittles? I kinda like these Dead Can Dance guys after all ; Mouth Music still rules...

Soon will be deciding between server and no hardware or vice versa...

Oh, yeah, subject line, ok, sure.

*We* Chronosian priests are supposed to be keepers of the Cornucopia. Humanity gone downhill, my best guess is that a Cornucopia is a quantum singularity resonator that has enough property conservation to set up it's own accretion disc if you tickle it. This accretion power is transferred to othe regions than the mouth of the horn, and to other elements than calcium.

One of the nice things about Einstien stuff is that the Law of Conservation of Matter and Energy (*e=t=s*) in my warped imagination means that it has to come out somewhere if you put a cap on it, and always prefers next door. Try thinking that one the Philadelphia experiment sometime

Thus displacement is or oughtta be one of the oldest tricks in the book, no trouble there. Sounds like the usual was to displace the accretion involving mostly dusting the Cornucopia with chalk dust or other calciferous, probably non-phosphorus, mineral.

The displacement, holographically, of a black hole can be seen apparently by Paralastor specie wasps who use it as a blueprint for their nest bulding it looks like the blatant holographic principles in the two models suggest obvious ways in which it becomes tragically easy to program them. As always with holography the less you do the better.

Typical for the endlessly resourceful Chronos guild of Capricornian ones, there are more ways to skin this particular cat than anything else ancient that looks like it to beam food on the table.

This icon was also called a worm and affiliated with the Wormwood purveyors, priestesses of Artemis, who rules those Artemisia species. And many others, the ancient Elysian (Elusinian) code is Not limited to Amalthea as a key.

Okay, so I'm just iMAGIning this stuff. So? :-)

...If I ever pull out of my funk here, I'm gonna talk about (I really mean talk here) about these Plant Miracles. (Thinking subtractively, maybe the worst weeds in your yard already know much more about this than you think...)

My personal favorite is the Grim Reaper's (=Chronos, Grain Repairman) whose magickal sickle activates ambient hologrammata so that several seconds after he cuts the grain, the stalks are magically repaired. Makes laser scanners look like poodle meat. Tradeya for three Silver Broomsticks?

...Of course, I am often restored to humility by persons telling me to turn my head and cough...

Incoherent Cheers,
(I-gotta-hear-Someone-say-it, really)

Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.

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