Chronos Chronicles

February 1998 Part two

Digest 55

Date: Mon, 2 Feb 1998 18:40:05 -0800
Subject: Hi All


Date: Sun, 8 Feb 1998 01:19:16 -0800
Subject: Re: Chroni the Techno Toad


I had a thought.

I'd all but mention on my web page that I think the reason that the Palingenic stuff turns blue is because it has water lily pigment in it, just going basically off of the idea that Alchemy was prevalent in Egypt, and this most reverable was predictably the most revered, I'll skip the maddening explanations for now.

Okay, having been praised on my djinn theory, and thank you Doc, I'd like to interject that I'm not ruling out that the salts in palingenics project a magnetic form out of holographic memory that either exists in the resonant cavity used as enclosure, or adheres to it. I found a reference to self-sustaining magnetic feilds, and guess what this describes? Ball lightning. From a *respectable* publication mind you. That's quite a striking starting point.

If you can fathom the ramifications of all this tangentially (that's okay, that's the way methinxt) I have said Twice that the scarab is a symbol for water within this message, probably I've said so three times really.

Surprising? I'm never surprised personally.

It just expands one's resources a little more still.

Notice also I nearly implied that the lily pigment may not be necessary? That's always been the risk with the formula, it's so striking that it can blur the possiblity that an unnecessary step or ingreedient may be called for, just as "powder of palingenics" and "powder of projection" may be splitting hairs.

But I don't try this at home, if I ever did and it worked, I'd call a press conference. You know, +Leo= +Aquarius= otter who slaps it's tail on the water, alerting it's community and so on (I'm also a believer that arguments should be as loud as possible in case she pulls an icepick, the neighbors can come over and stop the bleeding or something.

Well, okay, once I held a lighter Under a Rastafarian's pipe hoping to resurrect his ganja, but it didn't work.

Better just to believe and perfect the belief, nurture it, keep the teaching, and refer servicing to qualified personel due to electrical shock hazard :-)

And anyway, it's my lotus, my lily pad, and those are my flies, call me Osiris, I'm green, what the hey So there :-P

Chronos Apollonios, world's leading proponent/ exponent of raising the dead and worshipping the pop-tart.

(Digest 68) *****

Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 12:49:21 -0800

Subject: Long Promised References


I have been going through the huge pile of papers from Rex Research that I collected over some years.

It will be awhile before this appears on my web page--- BTW, which no one is visiting anymore, damn, I'd have though Palingenics would replace pet rocks and bungy jumping by now. Gotta love ya, man!- On that GhostPost, I don't even dare to ask that, it's So against the grain of what we're taught as witches and pagans, WHAT IF you banish someone and they're history? We have ancient Greek philosophers who took That point of view, too.

Palingenics/ressurection science could Be our Only hope, still waiting for a guru who can distinguish far memory from psychotelemetry, or a convincing past life regression that has ancient science in it, largely including my own. Edgar Cayce was a mere pud, I'm convinced. "Uh, we used crystals, duh" can't even make a quartz watch work. Do You think Atlanteans were so f*cked up that nine out of ten of its citizens were shrinks? HE WAS PROJECTING HIS OWN VOCATION INTO/ONTO HIS REGRESSIONS/ PATIENTS, no? And possibly his ignorance...

Anyway, the "light on gravity" page should feature references to Martin Ruderfer's papers, I was looking in the folders on radionics and light, these papers were actually in the folio on ETHER THEORIES (Holy Tesla's Ether Whirls, spin me in that sandwich, Scotty, this week even- cf. New York Times, April 21, 1908, pg. 5, col. 6 -- Hey am I getting my sh*t together or what?)

The article is "Photon found to be composed of Neutrino & Anti-Neutrino" by Martin Ruderfer, here reprinted from the magazine "Energy Unlimited", #4 pg 53, any other information unknown. There are more of his papers, including the "legitimate" journal, Physics Letters, Oct (6th) 1973, pg 363, "Are Solar Neutrinos Detected By Living Things?"

Is this that Hindu solar science (see my website)? Have I said the "thumb and fingers" at the end of rays of sunlight in Egyptian artwork strongly implies this, and a "rule of thumb" most literally means Chirality, ie, opposite handed, or directions of, (here meaning) neutrino spin; it's taught to basic electronics students to visualize what magnetic feilds are doing and so on. Bob Nelson wrote notes on the page, "see also "Physics Today" June '74, pg 17". Also: "Tesla Luminescence: J. Chem. Phys. 20: pgs. 1552-- and 1248--"

I know it's a headache, and this blasted free-for-all, (-Leo from opp. -Aquarius, egocentric grandstanding cranks raking in king's ransoms... Get me an Herb for this!!!!) every scientist for himself on top of the fraud out there (Einstien WROTE a unified feild theory, cold fusion, superconductors, buckminsterfullerene, vaccuum dynamic technology, etc etc.) but every now and then there's something that seems to light up everything else one knows.

Nurture your inner Hero, the rest will fall into place, given some cooperation...

(And the rest has Got to stop. Who gives a f*ck if the universe is expanding or collapsing, like we could do something about it when we can't even meet the challenge to feed and shelter the poor?)

Here's one more Ruderfer paper from the package that may prove illuminating, "Probable Existance of an Extrasensory Neutrino Process- Repeatable Deductability".

Try working *Star Way* with these, hee hee hee. (see Star Way page at my website.)

Occulthaven Science Editor (LOL),

Chronos Apollonios


(Digest 69) Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 18:48:07 -0800
Subject: Pleased to Meet Yew...


Also forgot to ask my sleep disorder specialist if I might have ADHD today, hmm, and I totally spaced out my sleep diary at the last minute!- but the one thing I don't understand is why I'm so lethargic and lifeless if I'm hyperactive. But I do freak people out with how much coffee I can put away before bedtime :-)

Now, then while I was waiting for a cab outside the doc's office, I say a yew bush. I've been favoring that the yew tree's power against cancer is indicated by the Doctorine of Signatures, the berry can symbolize the process of cell maturation whereby the bad naughty cells can be killed off instead of refusing to die as they go just go on reproducing. Gods and Goddess preserve us, it about sounds as if half of that dreaded disease is immortality itself.

It also symbolizes the pupil of an eye and probably a need for red-spectrum light especially in the winter. SAD may have a strong effect on how the body processes oxygen???

Today I noticed that the leaf looks like a closed eyelid...

I'm told of the yew it symbolizes immortality in pagan tradition because old trees will produce by runners, there's info on this linked off my Herbal page in the trees section. This gesture of the plant too would symbolize the anti cancer properties.

Of course yew is Toxic, the medicinal fractions as well. The eventual shape of the kernel in the berry suggests an acorn, which may yet be proven to yeild as safe substitute.

But there is something else I noticed, and that is that looking down into the berry at the smaller black kernels and please forgive me, but I thought I was getting a bird's eye view of life for a proctologist, or a coprophile, if there is a difference...

The yew can be affiliated to the bear clan, because of the Myth of Narcissus, which can be read that gazing at the red-ringed corollary of the daffodil bending over near a stream is supposed to remind you of looking up a bear's butt (n' ARCOS -bear cissos, pardon my guerilla etymology)

And of course in the medicine wheel we know that this affiliation are persons who fall prey to disturbances of the guts, this is Virgo if that's more familiar. So I will hear, when these people are unbalanced, a lot of past griefs very reminiscent of when people are drunk and start grieving about things they were over years ago, also fairly characteristic of this sign.

Now, this would suggest not only ferment in the bowels, but if we have to get to the symbol of the yew berry outright, bleeding, and black fecal matter. Still, I have nasty suspicions about it at all, such body waste has pigments that look rather like blood was pirated by this intestinal purefaction.

In general, alcohol (taxol is an alcohol) is a chemical analog of the far memory group, the common chemical moiety I spotted is -CH2OH, that's an alcohol, and if I say that we'd better throw in wormwood because on some days it smells like bear sh*t to me or at least the huckleberries, yes, wormwood's chemistry has this chemical feature too. Force feed it to bitter ones with SAD and a Huge case of denial-- watch this one, I'm just getting a safe distance from someone who's quest for the holy grail is a symptom of thyroid disorder, whose turn to evil is a symptom of SAD, taking darkness and cold too literally and living the metaphor. Turning a deaf ear, then, is it any wonder that Echo is hooked up with Narcissos? Expect the flavonoid in yew berry to help where a sinus infection perforates the ear to drain? Not listening is a metaphor too? That's the part that makes us shamans useless, we weren't born that way. But that doesn't mean we don't try to understand, or don't want to help, does it?

Of those troubles with an uncanny bad timing, self-sabotege and such destrcutive behaviors: lower bowel, etc =Scorpio, in imbalance, negative= subtle destroyer or bad timing, bad “luck”.

Carrying on, our far memory drugs work largely aromatherapeutically and that is the other thing about a bear's butt, how animals get to know each other by sniffing those regions.

So yew in pagan tradition gets listed as a possible recussitant for raising the dead, as Cunningham notes it to do, you could try Juniper first, *with gin I gyne, again* or for some unknown role regarding immortality taken to mean also reincarnation. I'd stay the hell away frow yew and it's smoke, but other chemicals (including frankincense and myrrh?) of the basic group may have powers of induction of far memory.

So you can see the patterns of correspondences assert themselves I hope, note also the Fishbone array of the leaves on Yew-and Juniper, which Orientals Noted actually, see my "How to Walk on Water" page... is Pisces, opposite the vig bear bitter unforgiving Virgo trend we're talking about. Saw alot of -Scorpio pulling Libra into negativity, kidneys antagonized, feeling of victimization, unfairness, beauty reversed.

Really I do recommend books on Astrological Medicine, they do seem to have a lot of things pegged, except when the patients don't like to be figured out. I love it when someone understands me, personally...

So Gee, do I even want to get cured, what if I have ADHD and my brain going acorn gathering like this is how to understand the ancient ways better? This is what Makes me Chroni Apolloni, I could become a boring doomed Churchgoing buttsucker yet?

But -Scorpio? Yeah, it could come from eating too much cow (Scorpio opp. Taurus. Pisses off the bowel and then the thyroids, and makes you feel like you have to do *it* to everyone before they do it to you and they probably weren't even going to, and then all you'll care about is what your grandparents weren't leaving you to squander.) I hope I don't sound awful, but Astrological Medicine Can be honed to help painful attitudes.

Anyway, I touched on some sinister blood eating microthingie that people must have taken for a fact of life. I can taste iron before I brush my teeth, it's like our bodies work overtime all day and night making blood and thyroid, and all that comes of it in the end is morning breath and a nice earthy color for dung. And what if the microthingie Looks like a damn juniper berry? Sigh, where's the biology books?

So there's another Vampire to add to the ancient collection of bloodsuckers under that Icon-key, including large predatory carnivores. I know, even I think I'm insane on this until I go back and look at some of the ancient Cretan artwork and it's like.

Like knotgrass or more appropiately Buckwheat, there may be exotic matter blood builders in acorn, does the acorn cup not look like a blood cell? "He drinks from the empty acorn cup the dew that dawn sweetly bestows" (Jethro Tull, "Jack in the Green") Do you know this is an alchemic illumination courtesy of the Muses?

And me...Squirrels trust in the flow of life, too, but then again they gather acorns, don't they?

Will I be surprised if one of our 1,500 year old Rishis would tell you all this, too? And then tell you Pranayama is treating the symptom not the cause? It's just so rare that anyone gets past that?

This has been Chronos Apollonios, your resident mad scientist and stone cold sober Oracle, looking at life with confident awe, and fishing for chicks a little too probably...

(I'll read it all again, find a Cleopatra crying her eyes out in the yewberry this time, and let it all percolate until the mastery of far memory is nearly built on this demented post alone.

(And brace yourselves, the doc office had a National Geographic, I took notes, so I'm not likely trought for the day. Try this one: Nat. Geo. July 97, pg 89. Compare the aquaduct column's general form to the general forms of mother goddess, not only does Artemis Imply Aquaduct, she IS an aquaduct... And I, am a God (ROFL)... naw, I just play one on the internet...

It Was nice to be reminded I can still listen to plants. A yew tree told me all of this!

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