Chronos Chronicles

January 1998 Part One

Date: Sat, 3 Jan 1998 00:32:47 -0800
Subject: A Quick One for the Cause


See only Chroni is brave enough to post on a Friday night, that's right I DON'T HAVE A LIFE, doctor's orders.

So about the ancient Indian "Arrow Boy" magic, fire the magic arrow into the air with a feather or peice of hide from the animal you want to materialize, and viola, down one comes.

Thinking twice about having a buffalo landing on me. Yo, Mr. Bearden, we are gravitically regauging? I know I know, how does the matter stream connect to an arrow a hundred feet in the air? Gee, maybe the object doesn't fall?

All I really know is that it must be superfluous compared to a spear (whose linear taper/flow induction/symmetry violation structure has probably the same effect?) and that it is probably illegal to run around with this tool, too, that we have to wonder if you can do do this with the kind of arrows that have rubber suction cups on them.

Wouldn't it just knock you right over if you could?

Can't let this one go, I'm a preist of Apollo, with Jupiter in my Daysign. According to me, anyway. Fire away! Yeehah!

If I only had a brain... and a clue to go with it...

But yeah, the trick would be that like all plummeting projectiles it wants to leave a crater? Give or take this Newton guy. Or those meteors you can smell two hours away because they have a feild that's so immense (Sounds Fortean, don't it? Falling frogs and all. I think it is), that is probably fusing oxygen into sulfur, or setting up ozone? Lotta bang for the buck in there somewhere...

Course I could just be making it up.. at least until I get good at it.

Chronos Apollonios // Chronos Apollonios' "Home On Olympus" Web Page:


Date: Sun, 4 Jan 1998 01:32:30 -0800
Subject: Palingenics: Can I Keep It Up Forever?

(innuendo intended, and yes, I can (he said, Crowley-esque, for squishy sells, dunnit?) Yea, to spread THE WORD, I freely admit to free-basing the ashes of the last three popes. Hail Saturn, god of Publicity Stunts: “It’s for a good cause”)


I updated the Palingenics page, a little more speculation, some Pheonix links. Some Celtic links, some Gardening Links... And the antibiotic seem to be working well...

(whispers) So I'd like to tell you a little Story...

It is my contention, experimentally, capitalizing on the well concieved root words of the ancients and near-ancients, that Pheonix is cognate to Funus, (Funeral), Funnel, and Fennel. The funeral part is obvious, and the funnel part is apparent when considering that part of Palingenics text that says that a vortex may appear before the ashes jump up into their original places.

Of fennel, what occurs to me is my "vision" that around Asia Minor, fennel stalks were used as seed storage tubes. The incredible significance of seedkeeping of medicinal herbs dictates such measures, yet archaeologists find no evidence of seed packages as we would currently use. Bamboo and other grasses are an obvious alternate.

The point of it is that the legend of Prometheus who carried fire on a fennel stalk to mankind is a travesty for many reasons but what is more well-rounded is that he is actually another of the seed or grain bearers, like Ceres. The myth would recount how and why seeds could be kept fairly indefinitely this way, and outside of there being something about Dill/Anise/Tarragon/Fennel/Licorice chemistry, where the molecules act as some significant energy processor or something, or affects the biochemistry of the seeds themselves the configuration may have the properties of Regauging the "Life Force" from leaving the seed. If it is the former, the agent may be usable in this alchemic process. Perhaps it is a combination of both.

I assume "phony" to perhaps derive from this in the sense of replication materialization, for example. History might argue, which still disproves little. I think we are all aware the ashes could be divided or apportioned and it should still work, like cutting up holograms, so more than one of inanimate things can be made...

So somewhere in here are the seeds of progress in the area if one is willing to pan a little sand off the great nugget.

I'm toying with the idea that the vortex that appears in the container in the Palingenic process is none other than a hologram of a black hole, which is the same as that beloved of Paralastor wasps for a blueprint, in Rupert Sheldrake's work, (The mini hologram of a black hole is my idea as far as I know, based on Dumitrescu's Kirlian work, as by now famous from the original Pop-Tarts post. Make a hole no more than 2-d in anything and you and the Biblical Whirlwind might have a deal going?)

So what you'd expect to think of this most simply is that the ashes have to cough up their gravity and or mass in this manner before they rise into the air (duh).

And I think I suggest regauging was an explanatory course towards Palingenics?

Well, there you have it, it is only my dross habits of sensuality and sloth that distinguish me from a Messiah, regardless of I might be the closest thing there is to one at the moment. But hey, even I don't worship me, so no grovelling, ok? Gratuitous licentiousness will be gladly accepted though.

I now practice my divine oratories: "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, and then tell him to shove it."

Next I will go unto Steven Hawking and torture him until he conceedeth that the whole of the Palingenic operation may prove that the Quantum Heat Bath is as separably two-step as anything else in Tom Bearden's scalar paradigm.

And then I shall bring peace by causing men to recall why firearms were ever invented, and their saltpeter shall be beaten into Palingenic ash, if the deer will so kindly hold still and pee in this cup, I shalt distill of it for my muzzle loader, fire in the air, and we shalt know Kosher Venison. And lo, "Arrow Boy" shalt get ta go fishin'.

Tomorrow I will swallow the antibiotics with water and not smoke them. I promise.

Chronos Apollonios // Chronos Apollonios' "Home On Olympus" Web Page:


Date: Sun, 4 Jan 1998 11:40:20 -0800
Subject: Okay, You Guess This One...


Now lessee where was I? (lights banana and blows smoke ring, thinks Freudian)...

Pity last I heard of the Tesla Heir, Tom Bearden, that's he's up to "that age" now and is trying to pass on the torch. Sigh. I'm only feeling that old.

Regauging, regauging... oh, yeah, instead of committing suicide, I was just going to put myself in the transport buffer locked in a self-diagnostic loop until she comes to her senses or Piccard arrives to thaw me out... probably the latter is more likely.

I'll leave it to those with a brain left to make the connection there, but self-diagnosis is likely most appropriate to the topic of regauging/Gauge theories of physics, since I presume one of two possible states can serve as a comparator input.

Now I might be biting the hand that feeds here, I Don't have a clear picture of the feilds involved, but the idea is that the energy losses that this kind of system recaptures could be easily directed toward reinitiating that state that represents order in the system, thus it is repairing itself as fast as it breaks down.

I've always dreamed of making a little box that goes in your car or something that does exactly this, or in any modern contrivance, giving it a functional lifespan of more or less infinity. Free energy is only half of it.

Interestingly, the "sloppy" principle, that which states that magickal instruments do not need to be mathematically or physically precise, would be prospered by the actual feilds of an object being more self organized than they would for the actual object. Is this the same that promises you don't have to build the pyramids perfect, they'll perfect themselves?

A lack of crosstalk between two identical "ideal" objects does imply these are operating as closed systems. Do I suddenly have several more uses for a Faraday cage than I used to? For a closed magic circle?


Now all that in mind, and having another look at Tutankhamen's flying broom...

And hey, are we entrained not to regauge biologically? That one account of levitation by will in Steve Richard's book where the Hindu kid sounds like he's burning so much ATP to get aireborn that he's going through opiate withdrawal, obviously if that system weren't wasing energy, he might be flying around with the greatest of ease...

Why is this way harder for me to figure out? Uh, hell, why were there brooms to fly on in the first place if is were so easy? The wise ones didn't go there... at least not without a lot of lard...

Alas now only the painstaking technical details can resolve the seeming conflicts here. Better back up and try grasp the regauging in those magickal muzzle loaders that I'd been yapping about a post or two back. Yeah, yeah, acceleration, no?

All I know? There's a lot about the lotus and its cousin the water lily that suggest they may have a lot of biological regauging going on and a fairly large feild. Once again way too worried, put off, and sleep deprived to kick the rotten status quo in the *ss half as hard as it deserves. At least I drew blood from the dragon before I have to ride it into Capitalist Valhalla. ...And that and fifty cents, will get you a cup of coffee...

Chronos Apollonios // Chronos Apollonios' "Home On Olympus" Web Page:


Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 00:32:00 -0800
Subject: Ain't Got A Subject, You Object?

Hello, friends and devotees. For no reason other than the whims of a woman, we here at the Apolloni Institute are ready to teach you the secrets of making money on the Internet... Oops, thought I was posting to >Ahem<

I just got an interesting post from USA-Tesla, dunno if I trust it, but it was interesting... Most interesting work on "Cold Fusion" so far? Throw in Richard Hoagland's agenda for extra points? Should I throw it on here?

Almost had an inspiration about using some quantum tricks for magick before that...

Right, Tesla's big thing on materialization was Aether whirls, whose closest actual example would be planets forming as we see them out of clouds of matter perhaps. But of course our local matter is not always so agreeable...

So you know those things on "Quantum Teleportation"? There's alot of this on the net, but the idea I'm getting is that quantum characteristics of that nebula stuff can be displaced to down here within this principle. After all that Is the present public state of quantum teleporation is precisely transferring quantum values not actual teleportation, and the rest presumes nothing special about sentient stuff... (Yeeks, more Deepak Chopra fallout?)... a pop-tart made of displaced star stuff on the other hand...

Now, going back and figuring the Navaho Stargazing or Gurudas' new trend, star elixirs, or Solar Science... we almost have a clue?

Sure there are a million ways to skin this particular beast... I Do know That...

Of course I am still rather overwhelmed by even mundane existance personally... Here am I, a veritable Buddha and all anyone does is tell me I'm lazy... and they're probably right...

Wish I were an alchemist... Or someone with complete answers...

Okay I'm holding out a little too. Anyone remember my post about a Vortex forming between Boaz and Jakin? The picture in Bird/Thompkin's book on Mexican Pyramids was Not where I first got that. I wouldn't plug something on the basis of one element alone.

There is a book on the Perpetual Motion Mystery or something, (wow, was That why I put Lindsay pubs. on my science links page?) left that and two thousand others at the ex-gf's because I had to... (Crowley: The Chinese tie a man over an anthill...) but there's an electrochemical thing from the turn of the century, the electrode or both dissolve in solution to form a sharp point (eek! It's the Gnostic Meaning of Nosferatu, #52274) but above all, a vortex of the stuff is seen forming across the differential.

So if If I want to say that a rocket launcher or a coil gun could cough up pop-tarts if employed by the right hands, don't argue ok? :-) I shop around for my eccentric and socially inappropriate opinions, by Hermes...

Now, to completely replace cryogenics with theories of phase conjugate stasis... but that’s like putting the cat out with a fire extinguisher when he wasn’t even on fire...

Hey, do you all think I could get rich or have the Goat-Toad been breathing too deeply of the Capricornian Vetiver on the Night of Saturn? Or am I just trying to distract from the conspicuous drop-off of the Quantum teleportation theme here? Hmmm...

Just Mist for the Grill...

Chronos Apollonios // Chronos Apollonios' "Home On Olympus" Web Page:


Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 03:21:22 -0800

Subject: Another Late-Breaking Metaphysical Science?


Golly gee, after gematria, numerology and what-have-you, I was playing with that anagram generator in the games section of that last? Witchcraft links page I sent to the list... So methinxt besides the Trickster dream method from Sun Bear's Dreaming With the Wheel, we have another method of Signatures, perhaps?

A curious phrase about Borage produced probably several hundred anagrams about Gonnorhea. Will I fall over dead with shock if Borage turns out to be good for that?

It may also be a good source of the best medicine, laughter... Of course, I'm much gratified that my own name anagrammaticizes to yeild phrases like "Real Crotch Barrells" and expressions with "Crotch Laser".

But of course! What a waste of crotch barrels, though, that only this stupid program seems to be able to appreciate such remarkable attributes...

Curiouser and curiouser...

Will try next, "a sparrow's weight in yarrow" and keep you posted via crotch laser...



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