Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 12:55:27 -0700
Subject: A Bit of Cauldron...
I AM who I AM, I will take this Beast and these burdens from the Back of
the Beloveds or I will die trying. So question my sanity. That is no
others' to decide in the end...
The Cauldron of the Dagda is called The Undry or Uindy, which is read by
me as "Windy"; lo the gods on the Gundestrup cauldron (The Undry is No
Myth) are men with bodies spread wide and thin like sails. Uin dui(r)
The One Door; the One oak? (I am new at this, though old)
Peter Berresford Ellis in "Dictionary of Celtic Mythology" gives the
meaning of Uindy as "the Beheld" as if Quantum Mechanics were employed
by the Celts in this explanation of a Magic Cauldron. This may be so,
but one is Usually hard pressed perhaps to make this stick easily; it
seems of more avail to say that the Undry's habits of dispensing worldly
goods proportionate to the merits of the recipient (ha! All are provided
for) is more a function of the ideas of observer created reality. Oh to
simply sheild this domain against the observer created lack of things
just poofing in (Hey man we want Jobs!!!) Bah! Hoist the matter
collector, er, sails...
Oh to sense a pattern, I found no razor nor comb-and-shears (nor
seive-and-shears) between the ears of this boar Twrch Trywth, only a
Back in Greece, that is Apollo, save for Hercules and his labors and the
prize is between the ears of birds had *shepherds* (Ha!) not discovered
Is the wisdom from the cauldron also a matter of observer-created
reality? And this correlates How?
Brooding like Dagda, Brooding like Odin,
Fresh out of apologies and knowing I'm not alone...
Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 15:53:15 -0700
Subject: Toward a Vocabulary of Shamanic Values
It has been a long time and I cannot find the draft of this work...
In order to expedite and condense literature in this genera, it is
desired to finally develop a language of signatures, or Plant Signs/
Symbols pertainent to use. Be warned it can get bigger than a
Some mixing of Greek and Latin may inevitably occur, and some of the
suffixes are flexible, such as morph OR form for shape depending on
prefence since it is not Yet written in stone. Some obvious suffix
features in reference:
Feature: Example:
*Shape....... Lyriform or lyrimorphic, "shaped like a lyre"; can be
distinguished from a botanical term like "lyrate" which is technically
synonymous but such variations can immediately identify the context in
question as the Doctorine of Signatures.................
*Color.........Haemachrome: Blood-colored- red, or blue. Silver grey
white is an extremely versatile group: Aphaeichrome, Lunichrome,
Lupinichrome, Argentichrome, Galactichrome, etc........................
*Sound........Infantopoeic, sounds like a baby's rattle
Inquiry generators: What does a snake have to do with a baby?
*Chakra/ endocrine colors...can use Sanskrit prefixes; ie Indigo=
Ajnachrome; Endocrine: Light blue=Thyroidichrome or
*Numerical prefix + ate, hexate, six part or six petalate; octate, eight
To be quite honest this is more of a job for someone with a much better
grasp of Greek and or Latin than myself; my specialty is identifying
them in the first place, or re-identifying those from the ancient past
according to this system which have become lost or obscure.
Any takers to tone this up and fill in some gaps? History in the making
here. Yeehah! :-)
Several introductory works on Signatures:
"Flower Essences" by Gurudas
"Spiritual Properties of Herbs" by Gurudas
Pegasus Products On-Line Materials. although the signatures may not be
listed but implied...
Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 17:28:05 -0700
Subject: Celtic Replicators: "Penates" Study
Re: "Celtic Mysteries, The Ancient Religion" John Sharkey (The
Illustrated Library of Sacred Imagination )...
I have, er, suddenly lost my taste for Celtic Things, sorry. But before
I let my petty foibles stand in the way of The Work, pg 84 of this
edition features an interesting "Stone Relief of Cernuunos, flanked by
Apollo and Mercury"...." Gallo- Roman art...became
associated with Pan; note the rat which indicates his chtonic power."
Yes and no.
Again this is the typical (*consecrated* or strategically magnetized)
projective replicator (you don't suppose Libras are so Projective in
psychological terms on a bad day because an Alchemic powder of projection is
preferred in conjunction with the Balance-replicator do you? In some
sub-traditions? Oh well... How do subconcious minds make mistakes like
this? Check those recent posts on Memes … Gurudas' "Anita
Bryant" reference is a classic, and Eliphas Levi was a proponent of
these notions too. Just nothing up topside to translate with most of the
time...) um,
If that's really a mouse and not a more generic multiple animal symbol/
composite, we can consider it a Sminthine (like the established Apollo
Smintheus, Mouse-Apollo, tradition of Rhodes, only the mouse is here a
burrower, ie the passage of flux and energy through the stone, a
magnetic loop, directional casting, parapsychological hotspot.)
A Sminthine Dionysos might be internalized polyparticles like Polyatoms
or other probably trans-statistical (Quantum statistics) Matter, like
clusters of grapes, ie a feild inversin may coause the projective
capability in this example, and further, the biochemistry of the
energetic, twitchy mouse may be relevant to the biochemisty if the
*Priest* were to forego the device for the more traditional Greek Plant
Magic of Dionysos or materialization outright.
Thus the Chtonic registry may indicate Earth Medicines (Native American
or Neo-Native American) = Graveyard Dusts, etc etc. One approach is to
record the fleeting Biological even as a feild-mechanical tapeloop in
the storage mass is question. There are many other examples of this kind
of artifact in said culture as well as Roman and Grecian traditions
which provide many other enticing clues...
Geordi, why dunna ya use the Replicator ta recomposite the Dilithium?
And a Transparent Aluminum ta you too... (Space the final frontierrrrr)
Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 18:43:51 -0700
Subject: Casual Linkages/ Casual Threads ()Was…
Re: Casual linkages. ooh what a lovely question!
I think these may be also tentatively synonymous with flux or magnetic
flux in the Magical magnetization of many things. Mugwort has certain
well known affinities for ferromagnetics and IS actually responsive to
magnetic feilds, aligning leaves north and south, "Compass Plant".
The ratty or rat's nest like texture of mugwort tops may quickly lead to
this being another identity of Apollo Smintheus or mouse Apollo, thus
Mugwort would be used on replicators and other things to process
connectivity just as they would be used to consecrate Magic Mirrors.
Some SW Native American healing rituals, Unravellings, might suggest
energy blockages in the body are this type of *substance* which is
literally entangled in areas of the body or nervous system.
One might compare this to expecting Apollo's arrowhead to be point
charge dissipators and affect the electrical values of these processes.
much like Houseleeks arresting lightning or Athames processing energy.
The idea of the ability of magentic flux loops of this kind to couple to
Either positive or negative charge depending (depolarized loops, time
dilation effects?)
would have an Alchemic feline being hydrogen, protonic, positive charge,
and in this case the connective causal ligatures would be fancied as
perhaps mousetails or tangled things from rat's nest (ooh, another rat
in my hair, science cream rinses on...)
Thus the Chtonic herbal pied pier drawing mice off a cliff can read he
is drawing flux though a stone or outcropping, cliff cave, etc. The
actual way Valerian spreads it's powerful aroma, you'd think it was
literally turning itself insude out in terms of feilds, if not also
jumping Quantum Statitistic
recent post on Mimetics contains the startling Idea that
MEMES CONTAIN WORDS (or I am too sleep deprived to do anything right, as
always) This is a formidable idea, for a constuct like this promises to
be causually connective between languages, encoding and decoding the
catalogs of related words, the Language of Birds (Magnetic) and
also acting as glosses or translators for magical languages (No wonder I
can't speak Greek inspite of my past existances!) NOTE THAT WHEN ONE
in (archetypical) neurotransmitter levels coincident with the
realization that tends toward a compelling sense of Synchronicity,
sometimes superstitious. Frequently one might feel as if some bizarre
prank is played by the universe if they do not realize thier own
adaptive role in these events. Diseases which mutate languages,
dyslexia, aphasia, and even Alzheimers may live here. There may also be
provision between the ear and the chin for Past Life Accents, The back
cover of Celtic Mysteries, John Sharkey may easily illustrate this.
Such causality loops may also be responsible for such phenomena as the
eternal flames the Theosophists are so big on constantly touting.
(Beam me down a Probability Saturator). Chronos, who cuts the threads
with his Sickle, or the Navel threads of the Omphalon, gathers them with
his ring, and the screen and scissors magic tricks may all pertain to
these, interesting to say maybe Temporal *Causality* loops when
Scissors, which through odd physics are supposed to move technically
faster than light, may be tachyon emitters. The sheaves Virgo gathers,
the Hair of Rapunzel and the gold of Rumplestiltskin. Ooh, see Crowly
Thoth Lust, what else collates these fibers and what can you do with
them? (Hint: Procreate without enlaboring woman for her "iniquities
before Yaweh? Cool. ) Oh yeah you could drink water with them too maybe.
Are these Auric or positive static charge Ligands and Streamers then in
more conventional Science?
Oh yeah and that would be the Fates (Morae) and Arachne and all of those
in Greek Mythology, Navaho Spiderwoman and...
(From my upcoming book, "Goats Vs. Shear Waves: Well-Shaved Science for
Moderns". Reserve your copy today, send $99.95 to ME, heh, just
And has anyone into this read the Causal Body and The Ego by, WOOPS THIS
SERIES OF THEOSOPHY BOOKS IS BY Lieut-Colonel Arthur E. Powell (not A.
E. Waite is it?) or that silly paper on Pranayama and Causality
Engineering? (Don't Hld your breath waiting for it,
Now if memes will just quit also blurring names and faces, I may find my
ancient Soulmate yet... I have some desperate and stupid belief that
Soulmates don't throw you out just because you mouth off... wouldn't
That be nice? Dream on...
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