Chronos Chronicles

July 1997 Part Eight

Date: Thu, 5 Jun 1997 12:59:26 -0700
Subject: OH: Re: Meta-memes

Um, 2 cents worth, more?

Hard for me to focus on Urban folklore, tends to get a little impertainent, Maybe. I notice the Urban folklore that was actually Sub-urban is more like *Actual* folklore, Muse-inspired or whatever... I could easily be wrong, but it seems like folklore must degrade into bad memes at whatever point the story teller decides that the point of story telling is to have a sick little laugh at the expense of the credulity of others (Brushing the Santa Claus meme here aren't I?)...

That, and I think the minute a story teller divorces themselves from nature, spiritually or physically, the value collapses. I personally cannot imagine living in a city on any kind of perpetual basis, it is simply totally destructive on both levels. The minute I have to think about living in any city indefinitely, I feel totally worthless as a human being, and my body rebels...

And I don't know if that's because bad memes don't stop for fences (pesticide doesn't) or what it is. Houseplants Just do Not cut it for embracing Earth Religions, sorry, California.

I also think the prosperity ($) meme excludes the real stuff, geography seems to have mattered less than if the storyteller is poor, there's the spirit usually... (och, gotta suffer for my art then? ow!)

The voluminous boogy-man meme genera isn't worth much more than categorization as a cheap adrenalin wank, IMHO, unless you want to hold a wand while you're listening... even that doesn't have forever...

Sometimes you luck out, the sewer stories sometimes have a bit of divine information in them, more like a reincarnation of an old but good meme. Anyone want to go again at what the Romans thought they were doing with lead plumbing? Do you really think they were dumb enought to drink out of it? They had alligators down there too, most likely, by the Egyptian name, that would be Typhon, sometimes *SBK*... Would be more like enabling the matter streams in "one big alligator bite" to take the atoms in sewage and reconsititute them. Maybe a certain carrier waveform?

Um, it isn't quite like the cheap shots af adrenalin would be the noble elements for their impertainence would it? The sunflowers whisper that they are the actinides and lanthanides and I Still wanna know who the hell ordered those in the first place...

I dunno the "someday we won't be able to fight about money anymore" meme doesn't even shoot me up on the ol' epinepherine anymore, it just brings me a feeling of peace...

Who started this meme that the end of toil off the earth was eternal peace in heaven, but if it happened On the earth, it would be hell, our character degrading without things to strive for?

Probably just reaming bandwidth, stuff we all know all too well, innit it?

(Tip for the young and upwardly mobile: The Spell Checking Meme: People Notice more if you don't spell the ad copy I gotta go b*rf for thinking like that...and for God's sake, Touch the customer, they come back for more, they're like little lost puppies. OK, so I, >reeetttchh!!!<) DIDJA THINK NO ONE NOTICES THIS CHICANERY? Tsk tsk…

Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.

Date: Thu, 5 Jun 1997 13:33:07 -0700
Subject: Re: OH:meta memes

If we are talking about an alphabet in context of the fundiments of language, the syllablry of the *mother tongue* wouldn't be applicable here would it? (not that I know if we electromagnetically scambled our brains back at the Tower of Babylon, or if Polar Shifts do that, or what. Babylon is a bit of an allegory anyway, given lightning (That's Zeus not Jehova!) which doesn't always strike because of spiritual inquity, but rather tends to go for the tallest thing it can find hmmm, hmmm, hmmm, there are the herbs of Zeus's daughter again promising immunity to lightning strikes and the gifts of tongues of birds.

Of course if the pre-diluvean atmostphere had much higher electrical charge-tension, you might live as long as Methuselah as long as you were not iniqitous outdoors maybe? Blushing may attract lightning, which would be a little more liberal in such an environment...

Obviously protons attract electrons and foil the brain, stealing phosphate from ATP as they neutralize (this Zeus, Hephaestos, and a Walnut myth...) Almost goes without saying that all of us probably have too acidic of bodily fluids, especially nowadays, between sugar, auto exhaust and similar pollution and stress in general...) Maybe ought to dwell on Serotonin Sugars a minute? (Serotoninose, was it?)

Bob Nelson at Rex Reseach was swearing that someone p*ssing around with a master magnet turned himself into a total vegetable for a considerable length of time, and I suspect it is by way of the Magnetotactics in the brain (in this way, the bacteria might find lotsa people who have sh*t all over them; I suspect they can even hijack seeds to the equator--- get out that post again, the Native American, "Blue Eyes" has spoken, "the gold dust" thingie; I TRY to Listen, really I do...)

Maybe That's why ancient Europeans wore helmets is it?

Anyway, Jakob Boehme was [also] big on that we had fallen from grace because we had become "siderealized" which would as easily mean Magnetized, Sideri- as in Ironwort, Sideritis specie, means Iron back then somewhat less than as in a "Sidereal Year"...

And our Mother Goddess herbs again handle the magnetic things... Goddess be Praised!

He also thought our chakras were totally screwed up apparently, looks like the Quantum statistics were mangled up by fractional magnetic quanta.

But Heaven Can Wait, I just want a family and some pop-tarts, ok?

If but one person should ask, I Will actually try to present some or all of the syllablry that is supposed to be the first and only language on earth, it has been many years now...

...Just firing speculations, wish I was helping...


Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.


Date: Thu, 5 Jun 1997 14:05:36 -0700
Subject: Syllablry of Birds?

Am I even spelling Syllablry right? So here it is anyway (some people don't like to ask and I could find out how mortal I am any minute now..) as sort of ghost or shadow of itself leaving the recipients to meditate on just how consistent these root words remain unto this very day, and why, with my assurances that this is the product of at least six months romancing a Webster's Dictionary along with a huge pile of anthropological stuff...

Note that punning in these terms, I once turned the Ten Commandments into a list of ten Devices for Commanding electromagentic energy into Magick, not that undermines the beautiful value of concise structured ethics. Harm None is just too ambigious… I think they are correspondent to the symbols of the Zodiac which become devices, Leo and Aquarius are excepted since they represent the two fundamental forces involved?


B.......Ba, Bus; soul, sole of foot.....
C(S)...Sa, Sun.....
C(K)...Ka, Food.....
CH.....Cha, change; sometimes, Sha, to shape or to show (to shape another's knowledge; of Sa, to illuminate)...
D........Da, Door; frequently assigned to Water concepts...
F.........Fa, Fire; also Face and distance ...also the whittled "aph" which refers to serpents/ electricity…
G........Ga, Earth...
H........Ha, High, but most often, Halves, or Two....
J.........As Ga?..., also as in Jah, typically a reference to Gold or light?
K........Ka, Food...
L.........La, Light, in any sense...
M........moon, anything lunar from Mana to menstruation...also "hands" as if at some point the "hands" that Egpytian Solar Science might have seperated out of sunlight for miracle making were once derived from moonlight?…
N.........Na, Not. The negative that sets us above animal.....
O........{also Au}....
P.........Pa, often Paternal....
Q.........Kwa often relating to water, also poeticized into inquisitives, and I'm not poetic enough to know why....
R.........Ra, Sun, Red, and also *Crude*....
S.........Sa, Sun; also Circle, it is a pluralizer/ associative. Lunarized as "nos"....
U.........often Hu, Hew, to divide or half..., also color, like light Divided into a raibow…
V.........Va, most generally ephemeral, like Voice or Vapor...
W........Wa, often water.....
X......... =ka, food; =ak, stone, =ect, outward or outer; =oct, eight…
Z.........Generally equivalent to Sa.... German is one notable... Notice how much of this the Ancient and Wise Egyptians seem to have preserved to the point of remaining obtrusive...

Hope this floats yer boats or whatever.

Feedback welcomed.

Cheers! ("We are changing into gold", or "we are one who hear what is revealed")

Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.


Date: Thu, 5 Jun 1997 14:51:12 -0700
Subject: Re: OH:meta memes

mmmhmmm, by the time you get into Michael Persinger, *that many tin-foil wearers can hardly be wrong.* Add a strong static charge to textile, and you might find why we tend to cover our heads at all, or half of it, (the other half would put Annie Sprinkle on top of it on a hot day, although Hypoxia is a traditional method of generating magical thoughts, alledgedly, in many cultures. Probably why I smoke like a furnace and get outdoors all too little? Seems to stop the birth pangs of the work and the process too; I guess it's what you Do with the power, sell flammable baby diaper insurance, or try to aim higher) and you can live without the heavy metal (aluminum) there... ( I will pass as far as any Sweat Lodge discussion at the moment...)

Still struggling with the predominant Northern Native American refusal to dabble in metals at all, I found a story that is supposed to illuminate that, I will have to thumb through some books a while... Maybe they think they are on the the wrong {quad} magnetic pole of the earth, or maybe they just don't like what happens to the earth when bright and imitative people get mindlessly and mechancally carried away with a good thing... I am assuming the Headresses might have have this function, but then, to quote Homer Simpson, 'I have hair! I have hair!"

Nobody really gets into that maybe, that if you don't set up a sterile feild generator like the Enlightened *Dark Ages* *Trekkie* Nuns, you can always rub a balloon on your head in hopes of repelling Opportunistic Viral Bodies. I'm tellin' ya, Split Ends could save your life, why worry about static cling? But I'm probably waxing eccentric again. Next I'll be making homes out of hides and making magic with bones and sticks ...

Always wondering that's all; Lord Greystoke, er, Tarzan here has pop-tarts for brains... Only looks at pictures, words give headache...

Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.

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