Chronos Chronicles

July 1997 Part Nine

Date: Sat, 7 Jun 1997 13:18:14 -0700
Subject: Re: Penatium Issue

Hmm, or an Unreality?

This is a tough one for me, it really reminds me of the episode of Trek NG where *Reg* thought he had transporter psychosis and there were some survivors actually existing in the matter stream, and they happened to end up looking like giant worms. I suppose I'd get too spooky if I dwell on that or the *invariable, unyeilding* Abiogenesis of Acari (Andew Crosse/ Michael Faraday)... But I could imagine the ancients using Superimposition with wry humor here, even allowing or creating non-physical form labels, (you know, the matter comes from the ground so the bundle takes the form of a worm or other burrowing thing, like mouse; weasel is popular in some Native American iconographies, the Hopi have applid it to birth/ labor.) And this could also be a pre-ordainment of the Logos ot the macrocosm/microcosm that these functions and forms are *inextricably* linked.

I think a lot more depth could come out the Fates this way, that is supportive mythos here, but this also tends in the direction of *Natural Birth*, the most fundamental allusion here is that these systems have been used with the functional understanding (*as if* or *if* not *as*?) that these daily household items being materialized are actually made the same way in which living creatures are, *basically*, which is another re-iteration of what I suggest about *Natural childbirth* that is it a very slow form of Magical materialization itself...

I think maybe I will have another look at the Quantum statistics of this flux or threads...

I know there's a lot of hints of interconversion of compressed quantum matter emanation and water, for example where "Stygian water" would come from, and the myth of the Fountain Hippocrene suggests some solutions, I think... Not inappropriately, Silphium is also a cup plant and holds rainwater in it's leaves...

Many thanks for your input on Magnetic plants, etc; I think you're remarkably astute and it is Great to be connecting!

I am also noticing where these two areas begin to overlap, the probability threads and the magnetic plants... Mugwort is at least one magnetic plant strongly contraindicated during pregnancy.

Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.


Date: Sat, 7 Jun 1997 14:09:59 -0700
Subject: Re: Magnetic Plants and Other Things…

Yeah, *impossibility* is a good meme screen, I think when people are kids, just not being able to have x is a good way to start up the sarcasm to begin a life of talking back to and ridiculing the television and any advertising memes. I think *satire and parody* (in the modern sense) have helped me a little too...

This post is interesting because it's making me think of blockages in the body *as* depressions in a space-time feild, and that can go to some strange Trek places too; on the other hand, it looks pretty simple as is, and Maybe with the Penatium thing I can just simplify to focus on that, where the Probability Cannot exist; this is sort of the idea, if these threads are Magnetic Flux, that they *Cannot* maintain in the presence of heat or flame.

I think depression in space time can be situated as matter-traps for materialization quite readily also, and maybe the point of *ancient hunters* digging pits to *trap animals* has more to do again with the harnessing of gravity to create Replicas of food animals who were never alive and never suffered.

I am struggling a little with probablity threads since it seems like I've been envisioning that they concentrate where significant events happen rather than the inverse... vortex-forms collating and cohering them (See Crowley's Thoth Tarot, "Lust" etc) and I'm starting to sound like David Bohm on black holes/ singularities. He (Bohm=God) once said in Omni that if a black hole pops up a Pepsi sign, don't be surprised.)

But we are also probably talking about Mana in other words, too, which already has a reputation for working with Positive And Negative values... so extremes of *Probability Density* may be viable with similar irrespectiveness... and The Pauli Exclusion principle may have a few miles left on it too, maybe, and even "The Quantum Self" by Danah Zohar? Won't reccommend owning it, but reading it...

FWIW, I take the Turn Key signature of Mugwort (The leaves are tweaked upside down to expose the white undersides as a trail marker *and so* magick books say it is a lock-picking herb) as also a sign pertaining to feild inversions. (i.e. you might pick a lock by collapsing the magnetic feild representing the probability state of being locked? There Are somewhat easier ways to look at it) Quite interesting how this might unfold, considering how many apparently non-magnetic plants seem to have the white undersides. I think I have collected several hundred just for this very reason, and it may very well prove that the power is imply *more latent* in the others... I think I alluded to a *Spinor Coherer* being functionally inherent in Sagebrush smoke, probably with a small amount of skill applied for some purposes... I think of this also as a potential coherer/ collator of *threads* or *flux*... it may even be, for magic's sakes Synonymous wth singularity? or it is *Singularizer* ???...

BTW: I flew a quote from myself when we started OH, that "Fire Burning Backwards, Creates"; It is Saturn's (Chronos, you may refer to my Guild as *Time Lords*, hee hee hee) day, and I think of the merits of, "Fire Burning Backwards, Is Damn Fast, Too!"
Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.


Date: Sat, 7 Jun 1997 15:40:51 -0700
Subject: OH: Re: Hi Again, and Past Lives

Hi yourself!

An interesting (and romantic!) vision, I do not encounter many who have such an expression that seems to assure us there really is such a thing a *THE One* kind of soul-mate. I wish more people had the optimism and tenacity!

Anyway, I was out in my garden where more Carnations seem to be blooming every minute, and I noticed many patterns in the fancier flowers that look like the swirlings of colors as you describe them beginning... (I also notice the buds tend to twist open, which has additional meaning, for this purpose, the spiralling or rotation in the dream. There are some Greco-Roman overtones, too I think, but very subtle, and very rich.

I should have suspected that Greek birth customs would inevitably reflect the African ones; thank you!)... I am sure that others will recognize the trickster pun, of Carnation and Reincarnation rearing it's beautiful head again, in very much the sense of the Trickster meaning of dream symbols that is in "Dreaming With the Wheel" by Sun Bear, e.a.

(There seem to be so many of these Carnations anymore they could almost symbolize diversity and individuality... *Almost*...)

This is a true shamanic vision, obviously, it is possessed of Remarkable texture and richness; it has many meanings which only time and patience can unfold for most?

Anyway, I am trying to pass myself off as a Shaman; I thought I'd better exercize my responsibility to report these observations in the *Medicines* to my *Tribe*...

I'd love to hear more about exactly what kind of philosopical disposition towards soul-mates and reincarnation produced or welcomed such a vision, if you can find the time... (I'd guess this would be rather ideosyncratic from someone who believes that soul-mates can be *just anyone*?)... much of this is still a mystery to me, but FWIW this *seems* to very closely match my own view...

Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.


Date: Sun, 8 Jun 1997 00:11:43 -0700
Subject: Re: OH: Re: Hi Again, and Past Lives

I have been told I have been a sucessful *contradiction in terms* for a few thousands year now... Having been not always one and always one I suppose it comes a bit natural... Time is such a slippery animal...

Um, keep in mind that my kind of *seeing* is more like what Don Juan once described in Carlos Castanda, regarding the dim and distant past, I just have "knowings" and this sense isn't infallible in Don Juan's case either, he really turned up some horrible ideas about the ancient "Toltecs"... it is one of the few things I have been able to teach myself... And I use botanicals occasionally to aid me: Lilac, Jasmine, maybe Heliotrope...

Having said that, if you extrapolate from the birth story in the Uranos lineage, where cymbals are crashed to cover the sound of the baby's birth, you get into some places where the ancient Greek women may have been squeamish, not vain, mind you, but squeamish, about letting others witness them giving birth.

It is a long and eternally morally troublesome story, almost preposterous, but one of the places it goes is Grecian women having water babies and for certain reasons coloring the water. I don't know if that's true, but if it is, I should have seen the possible parallel between that and a tribe of Africans who have rituals designed to produce far memory in their children as young as posible, it involves a red pigment also, depending how you are at reading in actual cause and effect stuff... or what it might be, or what might be in it chemically...

I have some ethnobotanical citations for things that promote good sense in aspiring witch doctors and so forth, that seem quite possibly similar. Even reports of African women using cow urine to bathe babies, besides allegedly antiseptic, may also provide some of the same kinds of chemical in ritual, I do not know of this intent however. I am afraid I am not much an expert on African customs, I actually looked far and wide for few memorable nuggets when I studied...

It seems easier to substantiate the birth customs in Herculaneum for example, women apparently might have had natural births in steamrooms, weaning the baby away form warm humidity instead of doing it abruptly. The Breasted Neptune is found in the art there, which I take to be it's label.

I have been visited by *the Muse* with a much more elaborate tale of the birth of Chronos than is found in myth; for example he was to be born near a stream where his mother could wash him, but wolves came, and she got in a boat tied to a post, floating out of the reach of them and gave birth in it, and the waves rocked the baby to sleep. I have some White Mugworts who oblige this by forming leaves like boats.

Ivy, and an Aristolochia specie, a Birthwort, which Ovid cites for birthing, seem to try to involve themselves here somehow. The Aristolochias contain a plant that is sort of a temporal anomaly, having looked like a swan or something since long before there were swans supposedly. Sorry, Mr. Darwin. Temporal anomaly is a common denominator of the two however.

I cannot seem to assure myself entirely that any of these are outright truth, or whether they are allegorical truths, or both. I am sure they are significant...

At any rate, their medicine was certainly far more developed than Anyone seems willing to give them credit for that I am aware of.

In regards to soul mates, maybe the book "The Quantum Self" by Danah Zohar would prove more valuable than I sometimes think. As long as no one takes it Too literally...

At one point, my clearest image of the process is a circular current which exceeds a limit cycle, like the models in the Chaos books, and then there are two from it. I vaguely recall my illustration to have turned out to be a traditional one, rather like the yin-yang, if I did not borrow it from that author outright. but it has been a long time...

The only separation that strikes me as having meaning is that initial one which creates two from one...

Sorry, didn't mean to imply you needed an interpreter! If you stick to the idea that shamanic visions will inevitably try to further medicine, the cheapest dream dictionary and anything on symbols outside of Jung can also go a long way to lending clarity. Morphologically, any old high school biology book for a quarter will also be a formidable thing... least, in my experience... About all else is looking through flower books for pictures that suggest these ideas in some form if you can do alot of gardending... Or browsing other people's gardens or nursery lots... and weeding out things that herbals say are risky.

Thanks for asking.

Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.

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