Chronos Chronicles

November 1997 Part Five

Date: Fri, 7 Nov 1997 10:09:40 -0800
Subject: Autumn in a Bottle, Fog in the Bank

M*M Another list has several posts about *Mist Magic*, being people "adore a foggy night" and all... I've had this sort of thing myself for quite a while.

There is *something* about leaves turning, misty, foggy, rainy days, or just being in the woods...

If I were to be just rational, I'd say it's just a reprieve from the oppressive heat. If I were to be just spiritual, I'd say you can't begin to define it, it only cheapens it.

I'd like to get that *something* in a bottle, an incense, a brew, a fluid condenser, a wall hanging... (Steaming up the bathroom doesn't quite do the trick.)

Why shouldn't we have *atmosphere* when we so will?

Larry Niven was quoted in one of the posts, something about the blurring effect of fog is really because of many universes meeting or something.

Me, argue with that?

I dimly recall something about that being maybe a traditional view, and something about a basis for manifestations...

(snip treatise: If Michael Faraday had studied the Zeeman effect & the Philadelphia Experiment, snip treatise: The Tyndall studies and the Free-Will Curve of the Ancient Atomic Philosphers in Nebulized Fluids and the Phase Transition output of Turning Leaves, snip treatise on Levitating Water Droplets, snip treatise on Rosicrucians and Alchemist forming a fog on the way to *Forming the Cloud*. snip much Yawning)

Anyone have any favorite magics or philosophy involving mist or fog or just that *magic feeling* about it?

Once again, a reprieve from the oppressive heat? Don't think so. Sitting in a frozen meat locker just isn't the same, is it?

All I know is that for all it's ephemerality, it is still tangible enough to all to have been an inalienable right...

Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Date: Fri, 7 Nov 1997 11:22:56 -0800
Subject: Re: Tarot Questions


I tried a few more Tarot readings on herbs. The Celtic cross again.

I did three spreads for knotgrass. The first two I just tried to see what it wanted to tell me, and on the third I asked specifically about that legend in Chinese medicine that the root, aged a hundred years, will restore teeth that have been lost.

With the exception of some inversions, the first four cards were the same in the second and third readings.

I may be seeing the Hanged Man generically as a reference to roots of herbs, although it did not appear in readings on Knotgrass.

Should the Fourth card be seen as The Cause?

The fifth as something that Might help, and the sixth as something that will?

The court cards revert to the generic meanings of the suits along with their own thematic, as opposed to representing the inquiree's medical team, I take it?

I know there are a few correspondences for the Major Arcana that would be easy enough; still trying to think of some standards to use here, but I can tell the cards Are trying to talk. I did one reading on Mugwort and the Moon appeared in the final position, for example. Duh. What Else would it be? :-)

Uh, maybe you can also do this to get a table of info on an unknown herb, like the ones that appear in Cunningham, with planet, deity, element and so on?

...Off to base some Phase Transition Inducers on the I-Ching or commit some other nearly intelligent aberration...


Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Date: Fri, 7 Nov 1997 14:10:52 -0800
Subject: Oh Yes Always A Theory Dunnee?


I mentioned recently I found a website offering overpriced Kirlian equipment that had some photos of which was one that deviated from the supposed popular overexposure "hazing" technique by showing two lighter areas around the throat.

As I said I have zillions of drawrings of this, something about how the red and blue chakras interact later in life, huge blockages of *energy*, and how the energy tries circulating through the outer aura or something like that. People who really Look like *rednecks* aurically, and terms like "miasmatic flux" evolved into the term "reflux miasm". To Be confused with *acid reflux*? I dunno.

It all seems to imply impairment or antagonism of thyroids all the way down to when the neck-biting bat start showing up in the aura (see post by Doc Fox, or auric studies by Djwal Kul, etc.) which might also be read by the shaman as *superstition*. (also a sign of unborn children already appearing in some degree in the well-known precognitive capacity of the aura but that's a weird place to go without a sense of humor).

Of course for as remarkably common this should have been in esoteric literature, somehow I spent to much time at sea in my little Mystery Ship over this one. And why? Because I think you could get your aura balanced twenty times every day and it's not going to cure aging or the common cold. And why shouldn't it, actually? There may be something else...

Would appreciate guidance here much...

(bonus notion for the day: "Aging: The most time consuming act of shapeshifting in history")


Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Date: Fri, 7 Nov 1997 14:37:08 -0800
Subject: Anyone for Anyons?


swear, sometimes *mixing* magic and science I get something I can't believe on odd OR even numbered days.

pulled out some more web searches on *anyons* and *fractional quantums*...I was really hoping to Avoid that whole business about 2-d electrons perforated by flux tubes although on clear days that seems to tell you everything you need to know about restoring a spirit who refuses to leave their domecile ...except how to fill out the legal paperwork...

my avid fans :-) (I'm obviously not intelligent enough to have any students) may dimly recall some reference to *Anomalous Quantities of Aromatic Substances*, which I attribute to quantum statistical shifts. Sure this could carry all the way to Paul Brunton's tales about Hindu holy guys who can deliberately materialize perfumes at will, as opposed to these accidental occurances.

but if you also recall, I've accused alchemists of having foregone deductive reasoning in leaping to transmutation as a be-all-end-all explanation for what could be mutual transmigration of elements.

so why should I not stopped and wondered if the anomalous aromatics may also be results of a transmigration of matter? Oops. Okay, shame be unto me too, I have failed Urania more about ghosts who stale the incense. Fortunately, Nag & Chunder, er, Nag Champa already smells like it's stale... Hmmm...

...something more challenging to do after umpteen beers than cheer for football...

Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Date: Fri, 7 Nov 1997 17:02:06 -0800
Subject: Re: mwball.txt


Hope nobody tried that at home. Just more proof that kids and microwaves were never meant to mix...

On the other hand, even though I didn't read it carefully, I could tell browsing that it's remarkably full of magic... given some contemplation and using pretty simple and straightforward science...

(...Having been brainwashed by Hollywood that all magic must involve bright lights, sparks, flames and loud noises, of course to me the difference between high and low magic must be something like the difference between Laylah by Derek and the Dominoes, and Laylah on Eric Clapton "Unplugged", respectively...

One of the reasons BTW I have this little thing going with ball lightning is that even my own normally un-esoteric family has witnessed the fact that it has a high degree of intangibility, it *phases* right through objects, like windows, curtains, and so on...

...I still think it's a good study...

...and then there was how microwaves work, anyway, they're supposed to be set to interact with What?... Hmmm, what goes on here?

Not since I first had aspersions of turning a catalytic converter into the active core of a water powered car... but that's kind of Primitive to Witches, ain't it dearie? hee hee hee cackle.... Well, okay it's a step in the right direction...

Off now to comtemplate Hildegarde of Bingen and if she doesn't deserve bigger accolades than Theosophy's Charles Leadbeater for first clairvoyantly seeing atomic level things, for the umpteenth time...

...After all, I got that gourd to talk to me today. There's something even I (ROFL) don't know about anyon-muon interactions if I'm not mistaken, and I *just have this feeling* it's going to have a good deal to do with Hildie goodies if you want it to...

Particularly that one of the Lord standing on an atom, all decked out in an aura. Ptah! Auras, halos, everyone's got one. It's be sacred potty paper if it weren't a graphic rendition of how matter knows whose body it belongs to, if you ask me.

Er, then again, I smoke an awful lot of Pop-tarts...
Well, okay, I don't smoke 'em, I Burn 'em by accident, is what I do... but there's lots of smoke...

Okay, , let's just say I never knew you could do that with charcoal. But Bucky Fuller probably did (HUNH? Well, at least I noticed today that My cryptic references are far less cryptic actually than those of *established scientists*) (what, the formative spherical coordinate of buckminsterfullerene was present in the spontaneous coherence of energy? no way dude!)

Will be back someday with real explanations after Zeus is through blowing his nose...

Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 01:07:04 -0800
Subject: Re: St. Columba's Plant


St. Columba who discovered America? Another reference to armpit and I may think either the perfoliations are sweaty pores, or it made a substitute for a rather esoterically speculated use of frogs to keep from freezing to death. (Der wirden en Deutsch ich "frosch" und.. vide ). Of course I'm merely speculating; on the other hand the Sages which feature antidepressant herbs commonly not only look like pores in the pebbled leaves but they usually Smell like armpits too, or the leaves are "froggy" if you like, something *real* *ecclectics* think about when they've been nipping the sauce I'm sure.

Your resident ecclectic, nipping the sauce I'm sure. Have a major weekend!

Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Date: Mon, 10 Nov 1997 00:33:47 -0800
Subject: Resurfacing, Part One.


I have finally found a substantial stack of papers including the more interesting ones from Rex Research. I will now commence sharing from them for various reasons, including the uncertainty whether anyone interested is up to the expenditures, and because even if and when I get a new catalog, I have no real way of knowing what will and will not be still within any given folio (I seem to recall something about a *misplaced* section on Palingenics from the Origins of Life folio...).

From #EM15-EMS EM Feild propulsion ships and sub(marine)s: Reproduction of Fate magazine January 1973 pp 75-85. The ouroboros is illustrated in connection with dicusion of superconductors. Erich Von Daniken quotes a Gnostic text Very much to the same effect and the general atmosphere may be contributory to a belief that an outright form of the Egyptian boats being very gifted in the physical world alone, may be based on this design, possibly by two djed/tet columns linking their magnetic feilds. Also look for the term/technique, "Directional casting" since it has a good possibility of being widely used in Ancient Pagan/Magic Wonderworking.

Not very astral, but show me a mage who can and will tame a cop with a quota to fill and I'll eat my shorts without moving my mouth.

"twas how the mages travelled, for even Chroni is too chickensh*t to take planes, astral or otherwise. Not like All the recent posts here have me dying to go OBE

ChroniApolloni, bearer of Magic for the Magically Challenged.

(PS: Fate magazine is a Llewellyn publication. I'll leave others to sweat the ramifications for themselves...)

Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Date: Mon, 10 Nov 1997 01:09:27 -0800
Subject: Resurfacing, Part Two: Time Camera Info.


I now actually hold in my sweaty little hoofs the very paper on the Time Camera, from Rex Research *infolio* #T10-TIM, TIME.

I cannot locate a patent pending or patent number and I have not checked into this, but my foggy memory stands corrected as I sincerely apologize for telling everyone it was Advanced Research and Development who is supposed to be involved, it is rather, the company, Active Research and Development. The given address in this possibly dated paper is:

ARD, P.O. Box 323, Couer d' Alene, ID 83814

The Infolio on the Time Camera of one *Padre Ernetti* of the Vatican, all in Italian with actual pictures of Jesus on the cross (Yeah, right...) gives the fuller name, Pellegrino Ernetti.

I'm trying to figure out where I got the idea that these tuners are susceptible to the preconcieved notions of the operators, but the aethiests among us already guessed, didn't they?

Interestingly for our so-called processes of justice, photographs of virtually anything you could possibly imagine have become readily available to all due to the selfless efforts of the Vatican.

Which would be disturbing except for those countless accounts of hindu holy men making mental images appear on metal plates purely by concentrating, provided they weren't having a little to much fun having secretly pioneered *Instamatic* film techniques here.

Obviously, under the preconcieved notion clause, you could exclude the influence, or rest assured that the pure of heart will have *the* truth and the rest probably didn't give a hoot anyhow.

Granted, I've explored the dim and distant past without one for over a decade now...

...And like I say, intellect and intuition are almost virtually interchangable, except one is a lot faster and the other is a lot less likely to bite you on the ass really hard when you're not looking.

Adapt the stuff to healing, mostly, is what I'm thinking...

Provided there are more than mere leg-pullers behind these doccuments...

Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Date: Mon, 10 Nov 1997 02:29:18 -0800
Subject: (Fwd): Psicofonias, Otra historia mal contada

!Hola, mis amigos y amigas!

Can't read a word of this be quite honest, but I just found out that Father Time Camera's whole name, *Pellegro Ernetti* Does work in some search engines, AND I ABSOLUTELY CAN"T WAIT FOR YOU TO SEE THIS PICTURE OF JESUS HIMSELF RIGHT UP THERE ON THE DRYING RACK!

!Adios y buenos noches!

Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


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