Likewise, Whitney Striebner's fascinating concrete proofs, such as "inclusions" are not beyone the ability of the occult to explain... they may be no different that the "stigmata" or "wounds of Christ" that often appear on the faith, while fervent in prayer. It has been noted of these stigmata, however, as in Michael Talbot's book, "The Holographic Universe", that they often appear where those they happen to think they occured on Christ, not where those versed in anatomy assure us they would be placed out of practice and necessity by those who might have done such a deed as Christ's crucifixion. In other words, they appear to be self-induced.
The possibilities therefore include that these "inclusions" appear much the same way, through latent mystical powers of the contactees or abductees, perhaps triggered more involuntarily and unconciously by some unusual stress the body is undergoing, and quite possibly a type of disease that is not common contended with.
Likewise, they bear a very suspicious resemblance to legends of "elf-shot" and the afflicting forces removed in the form of stones or similar object by the so-called "sucking doctor" type of shaman.
Breifly, I believe that many (I didn't say all ) Alien encounters are a facet of sleep paralysis and/ or False Memory Syndrome, a new incarnation of older archetypical visitors, like the Night Hag or the Lamia, and the experiences contain not only the tell-tale ideosyncracies that mean one might avoid taking them as literal reality, but they also seem to contain countless elements of Shamanic Visionary Experiences.
It's possible that in the future they will be broadly recognized as being strong examples that the capacity for Shamanic Vision is in us all, as well as exemplary of just how compressed the human holographic brain can make information to be and how much it can process at once. (see Sun Bear, Wabun and Shawnodese: "Dreaming With The Wheel" for a beginning into this realm...)
I'm also encouraged that in the future it will be broadly
recognized that we have the capacity for Shamanic Self-Diagnosis.
It's important to remember how deeply affected those who have these experiences often seem to be. These recognitions may be urgent and critical for their healing processes. Part of the message might also be urgent and critical for the world...
It is also worth considering certain clues in names and folklore as to whether such a view as I am presenting here may be the one which was held about these experiences in the past.
In the near future, I will include more icon keys to help illuminate how this process of symbolic communication works, it is not unlike the symbolism in the Doctorine of Signatures that many shamans have purportedly used. (see the book: "Ethnobotany of the Hopi" for one example)
Just as many persons as suffered chronically as mental patients until they came to the realization that what they were experience was a personal upheaval that is often the harbinger of the transformation in life to the path of shamanism, and came to know that these experiences are normal in virtually every other culture...
So, too, do I hope that the lingering sense of confusion and torment that happens to many who experience what seem to be alien encounters, will dissipate in the light of such a perspective.
A lexicon of symbols applicable might bear some resemblance to the following: