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Resources: Books And On-Line



Duke, James A. & Ayensu, Phillip. Medicinal Plants of China (2 vol.) Duke, James A. & Foster, Steven. A Feild Guide to Medicinal Plants (Eastern/Central; Peterson Feild Guide Series #40)
Hoffman, David. The Information Sourcebook of Herbal Medicine (includes on-line resources)
Moerman, Daniel. Medicinal Plants of Native America
(see also MPNADB , the database, an expanded version of the book) and James A. Duke's EthnobotDB , Ethnobotany database)
Foster, Steven & Chongxi, Yu. Herbal Emissaries: Bringing Chinese Herbs to the West Grieve, Maude A Modern Herbal Vols I & II
Kay, Margarita Artschwager. Healing With Plants in the American and Mexican West
Leyel, C.F. The Magic of Herbs
Leyel, C.F. Elixirs of Life
Lust, John. The Herb Book
Mills, Simon. Dictionary of Modern Herbalism
Moore, Michael. Medicinal Plants of the Mountain West
Moore, Michael. Medicinal Plants of the Desert and Canyon West
Moore, Michael. Medicinal Plants of the Pacific West
Moore, Michael. Los Remedios: Traditional Herbal Remedies of the Southwest
Tierra, Michael. Planetary Herbology
Rose, Jeanne. The Aromatherapy Book


Beryl, Paul. The Master Book of Herbalism
Cunningham, Scott. Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs
Cunningham, Scott. Magical Herbalism
Cunningham, Scott. Magical Aromatherapy
Hopman, Ellen Evert. Tree Medicine, Tree Magic
Leyel, C.F. The Magic of Herbs
Moura, Ann (Auomiel). Green Witchcraft: Folk Magic, Fairy Lore & Herb Craft
Rose, Jeanne. Herbs and Things
Paulsen, Kathyrn. The Complete Book of Magic and Witchcraft
Thisleton-Dyer, T.F. Folk-Lore of Plants
Zalewski, C.L. Herbs in Magic and Alchemy
The Raven's Loft
Herb Garden-Magickal

(Suffice to say it still sounds rather peculiar, doesn't it, if books on witchcraft such as these are still the only sources you can rely on to provide certain information about healing properties... and sometimes you may have to guess it from the magickal properties (and vice-versa). Sometimes, and even quite often, there is a very thin line between the germs of today and some of the evil spirits of long ago)


MISCELLANEOUS ON-LINE HERBAL RESOURCES: (Also see Conservation page at this site for herbal, economic botany and medical botany resouces.)

Soaring Bear's Herbal Page
Ye Olde Gothick Herball
All Medicinal Plant Images by Genus
RMHI-Useful Resources For Herbalists
Herbalism Internet Resources
Online Articles by Michael Tierra and Others
Red Earth's Garden
Desert Alchemy Flower Essences
Herbs and Alchemy
Healing Together: Nature Helps (includes mention of the Doctorine of Signatures)
American Herbalists Guild Home Page
Herbal Links
Online Journals and Databases
Herbal Medicine
Herb Links
Herbal Resources on the Internet
Complete and Natural Health
Professional Journals
Botanical Medicine Resources on the Net
Milk Thistle
Holistic Healing Web Page WWW Links small section on herbalism under "H" but worthwhile nonetheless. Huge.


About Aromatherapy
Aroma Web
Aromatherapy Internet Resources


Mystical World Wide Web: Mystical Trees
Sacred Woods and the Lore of Trees
India Mystica: Sacred Trees
Yggdrasil and the Sacred Tree Archetype
Tree Magic and Lore
Quercus: The Acorn Guild On-Line Journal
Tule Tree Yew
Sacred Plants of Winter Solstice
Spirits of the Wild Places
Celtic Sacred Trees and Woods

"Have you seen Jack-In-The-Green?-With his long tail hanging down.
He sits quietly under every tree --- in the folds of his velvet gown.
He drinks from the empty acorn cup the dew that dawn sweetly bestows.
And taps his cane upon the ground --- signals the snowdrops it's time to grow...
Jack, do you never sleep --- does the green still run deep in your heart?
Or will these changing times, motorways, powerlines, keep us apart?
Well, I don't think so --- I saw some grass growing through the pavements today.
The rowan, the oak and the holly tree are the charges left for you to groom...”
(Jethro Tull, “Jack-In-The Green”, from “Songs From The Wood”)

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