Most modern science, in a rather unjust and unempirical i.e. unscientific fashion, says this is pure superstition, and probably doesn't stop to notice how much research seems to be confirming this rather than disproving it.
At any rate, if anyone's going to be so hasty
as to decide one way or another before all the information is in, perhaps one
might as well be optimistic; religiously speaking, not only
might God provide, He may even label the goods. Imagine that!
(Although of course it must be recognized that there is a difference
between Divine Providence and Divine Mandate: there is no ethical
reason to feel required to be partaking of something; as well it
is a strange and yet legitimate question if God intends to violate USDA or FDA laws by any
such gestures of unrecognized medical claims...)
Beyond this, there are perhaps some twenty explanations why such "coincidences" between plants, man, and man's needs might exist.
It appears widely taught that the Doctrine of Signatures is how
we got, for example, aspirin and the heart
medicine digitalis.
Essay on the Doctrine of Signatures
Update, 10/1/98: The inadvertant misspelling, "Doctorine of Signatures" on these pages may have resulted in limiting some people's output from search engines and other references sources, so I am encouraging people to search under both spellings, as well as under the alternate term, the Doctrine of Correspondences. Some of the links from the search engines under various spellings will be added here soon.
The newly added "Ganymede's Garden" section of these pages, accessable from the homepage/main index, will be devoted to more in-depth discussion of aspects of the Doctrine that are less seen elsewhere, and as time allows, information on each of many families of plants will be added.
Other resources:
Gurudas. Flower Essences (many beautiful examples from the Masters
of this craft)
Gurudas. The Spiritual Properties of Herbs (many more)
Gurudas. Gem Elixirs Vol I & II
( Other
information not in these publications can be found using
Gurudas and or Pegasus Products in search engines. Note that
these works deal with homeopathic essences only, but a lot of
evidence also points towards activities of physical botanicals)
(I am advised that a third book of flower essences is finished and ready for press. YOU CAN HELP by writing to Cassandra Press and letting them know that you are interested!!!)
Hilarion. Wildflowers and
Leyel, C.F. The Magic of Herbs
Spence, Lewis. Encyclopedia of Occultism
Thiselton-Dyer, T.F. The Folklore of Plants (Chap. XVI, pp.
(a work, Chapiel's "Les Doctorine des Signatures" Paris, 1866 is
mentioned therein (p. 201)
Arber, Agnes. Herbals
Buchanan, Scott. The Doctorine of Signatures
Culpeper, Nicholas Culpeper's Complete Herbal
Coles, William.
Whiting, Alfred F. Ethnobotany of the Hopi.
Porta, Giambattista (various spellings) Natural Magic
Other search names:
Oswald Crollius (=Croll, & other alternate spellings)
Healing Together: Nature Helps
Significance in Oriental Herbs
Homeopathic Mailing List File on Doctrine
of Signatures (FTP)
(Homeopathic Mailing List Main Directory) (FTP)
Accessible via:
Homepage (HTTP)
I have also been referred to a section, "Metaphorical Naturalism"
(Doctorine of Signatures) in "Homeopathic Materia Medica" by Greg
Bedayn RSHom (NA), from Minimum Price Homeopathic Books
(1-800-663-8272) # 681 $10.95 plus shipping. I do not know if the
information is current.
**Toward supportive symbolism and dreams as (signature-related)
diagnostic & self-diagnostic information:
Sun Bear, Wabun and Shawnodese. Dreaming With the Wheel
**Toward using signatures in astrological medicine:
Muir, Ada. Herbs of the Zodiac
Cornell, H.L. Encyclopedia of Medical Astrology
Asclepion: Astrological Medicine
Books by Vanda
Zodiac and
Salts of Salvation
"To see a World in a Grain of Sand and a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand and Eternity in an hour..."
William Blake, "Auguries of Innocence".