There are common threads running through many of the more interesting and more fabulous accounts of magick... and while on is liable to receive unjust criticism for seeing connections "where they don't exist" (a rather strange thing to be accused of by scientific minds as science increasingly insists on relying on chaotic and non-linear models to underscore the Ancient Wisdom that all things are- or at least readily appear, interconnected), by looking for such connections and common denominators, we gain perspective and insight.
One of these more common threads is a subdivision of the common denominator of alkalis, or salts, with interesting properties that is scattered through the literature of both science and the esoteric... and that is the occurance of salts or ions of a particular alkali element, calcium.
While it is not yet clear which one or which few alkali elements remaining in ash employed in Palingenics might be responsible for the effect, already calcium has a number of reasons it may take precedence over other elements as they vie for the credit for this, owing to a particularly strong possible collection of pointers and allusions that occur thoughout history.
To begin with, calcium is a likely for both the healing properties of the mineral springs at "Patrae" and the Catopromantic effects of medical divination that occured there. This alone suggests the element possess certain properties making it well suited to either non-linear effects or four-dimensional holographic effects, if we should even distinguish the two, to account for the feat of taking an image and projecting its well-being forward (or backward) in time. ("Non-linear particle motion" is a term employed by Star Trek for explaining the workings of a model "prediction" of the future of stellar events).
While the familar terms and phenomena I employ in these pages are adequate to explain "time camera" and "magic mirror" effects without the involvement of calcium, certain orchids indigenous to Greece which may have been vast contributors to the iconography of Grecian and Roman mythology, who seem to have the power to analyze and imitate other life forms, even beyond Darwin's capability to explain this, and to use icons to perhaps foretell, are notable for their need or preference for soils containing limestone (calcium carbonate). It remains to be seen if one of the primary purposes in erecting temples was to provide guard posts to protect and popularize these scarce specie.
To treat the Cornucopia, or Horn of Plenty as a veritable truth, the ancient practice of applying calcium carbonate to it could account for some of its non-linear and materialization properties, as well as implying that the ancients knew that the black holes which it suggests, may feature accretion discs of calcium. (So too, is calcium a significant component of the outer layers of the sun- and even more so of the moon- facts that may yet have incredible bearing in explaining the ancient Hindu Solar Science).
Once again the Household Shrines to such gods as Lares or Penates, which have much of the connotation and context intact that we would expect to surround items that would be much like the "replicators" that materialize worldly goods on "Star Trek", are likewise predominantly limestone, (calcium carbonate).
The icons surrounding the candidate for an ancient Egyptian "replicator" may again suggest compounds of calcium, perhaps in this case calcium phosphate, but there is hardly a consensus when the world has ignored the significane of these objects and icons. It takes little imagination or generosity to arrive at this view, but it seems they are rarely applied.
Calcium plays a strong role in the repetoires of Alchemy, being evoked by the quintessential phase of Calcination, and likely often involved in stages of Precipitation. While like all good Alchemic terms, the definition of Calcination seems to vacillate between literal reference to what is implied, and figurative reference, to consider this stage of Alchemic work in more modern terms such as the likes of the preceeding, may prove greatly rewarding in terms of understanding and mastering phenomena.
So too, do the ancient Mesoamerican artworks imply a familiarity with the atomic identity of calcium, and its placement throughout nature, for a kind of scene that is stikingly common in ancient Mesoamerican artwork is circles with circles within them, suggesting atoms, arranged in groups of twenty, the atomic number of calcium, along with a seashell or other common object that has a major presence of calcium in its composition. Other glyphs indicate the knowledge of a significance of calcium appearing in corn- whether calcium in unusual amounts for a botanical, or calcium of an unusual state.
Ancient Mesoamericans also not uncommonly used a calcium-shelled animal, a snail, as a symbol to indicate maternity or fertility. Recalling the fecundity of Cancer in Western Astrology, the indication of calcium as significant in women's concerns may prove, if it hasn't already to be remarkably astute.
While the Theosophists assert it is not "ordinary" calcium they refer to when they talk about a sheath of protective matter which may surround those with some mystical prowess, such as firewalkers, for example, they have asserted at times that it is "some kind of calcium". Because the distinctions between the use of terms is for one, not as a rule clearer than in Alchemy, and largely because science has hardly begun to contend with the firm possibility that Theosophists deserve the credit for being the discoverers of quarks, allegedly through clairvoyant seeing of sub-atomic matter, let alone tried to define some of the unusual states of matter they described, that it is some form of calcium that would be surprising common in nature or in various circumstances, has not begun to be ruled out.
Likewise, a single chemical analysis of solidified ectoplasm yeilded four elements, one of them being calcium, as if, as we might expect, it has a certain affinity for this kind of phenomena.
So, too, when the classical occultists who immersed themselves in parapsychological research sought to demonstrate the phenomena of repercussion, where matter was applied to a solidified astral projection, and yet appeared on the medium projecting when they returned to their body, a compound of calcium was chosen, leaving the reader to wonder if those conducting the experiment had a particular knowledge that this material might be especially successful in the experiment.
Calcium is cited by Michel Jacquelin in his works on scientific exploration of astrology as being able to demonstrate clearly the effect of the tides of the planets, to the degree that the behavior of bioler scale, calcium deposits in furnace boilers, may show by its behavior what house the sun may be in.
Calcium in herbs, or the state thereof, may often play a role in their healing properties; likewise, it may play a major role in some of their occult properties, such as the ability to induce prophetic dreams, when we are talking about this feat being aided by herbs such as mugwort- quite surprising, when mugwort's relationship with iron and magnetism and those in turn with its empowering of magick mirrors, might be thought to be responsible!
Calcium and the moon seem at times to have such affinity that perhaps they should be thought of as resonant with one another- by way of the nuclear or atomic frequency of the moons calcium, perhaps, for the role of the moon that is notorious to the multitudes who garden each year by "The Moon Sign Book", that is, gardening according to the phases of the moon, may achieve their scientifically corroborated results by virtue of the moon's effect on calcium ions in regards to roots; root crops of course are also "ruled" by the moon.
Various effects of the moon on human beings may occur through the effect of the moon on the "aethereal fluidum" in the invisible energy bodies of man, by working through calcium ions and thereby affecting the nervous system and the chemical balance of the body.
Then there is magick involving bones, be it divination, or the true enchantment of a magickal skull which speaks and knows all, which may be magnetized or imbued with various holographic functions, by the same virtues that have been suggested here.
Calcium in the body may also mediate the form of repercussion whereby holographic principles are enabled that "the hair of the dog cures the bite" to whatever degree this is or is not true. The principle itself has been demonstrated repeatedly, perhaps countless times in homeopathy, although it remains unclear whether the ethnobotany of many cultures which includes plants which, when used to treat rabid bites, will additionally cause the offending animal's teeth biting teeth to fall out are intended to be believed by all, or were intended to instill a sense of opportunity to help the community by allowing one's individual self to be treated.
Given what we have seen, the former is just as likely; likewise, calcium may yet be proven the most likely candidate for any single element playing a substantial role in such effects of healing by projection or healing by action at a distance as the healing powders of the alchemists, the radionic apparatii of Dr. Abrams and Ruth Drown, and likewise may mediate the effects whereby the appropriateness of a particular medicine for a particular patient (see Medicine Without Mistakes page at this site, perhaps by engaging gravity, or the force as known to the Thesophists as a potentially Voluntary mystical power, to affect the physical properties of the medicine, starting with the most obvious one, its specific gravity.
Many feats of the Alchemists, in fact are said to rely on the phase of the moon in certain forms of the operation- implying the role of calcium just as much as the instructions for dyes made from a Eupatorium specie, still used by the Huastec Maya, call for being used by a certain phase of the moon to achieve the best success, so too did the splendid anecdote of St. Germaine's bestowal of an Alchemic Elixir of youth tell that the Elixir was supposed to be used according to a certain phase of the moon. Likewise, the operations of creating the Homunculus, and the operation of Palingenics in some instances were dependent on the proper phase of the moon for their success.
Much as it is likely for Alchemists to recognize the thematic keys of their own art within the Bible (such as the parallel between the agents used by the Phoenix bird to promote its own resurrection, and the gifts of the three wise men Christ in the manger), so too is it possible for Shamans to recognize echoes their own concerns. In addition to a number of correspondences described in a post as a bonus in the "Pop-Tart Posts" section of the "Chronos Chronicles" at this site which lend additional support, the question prevails whether to some degree the entombing of Christ allegorically refers to the ossification, that is, calcification, of the thyroids which ensues with the degeneration of human youth.
It is not impossible, within the macrocosm and microcosm, for a very life's events to consitute an allegory in themselves, thus the life and existance of Christ is not at issue here, but rather, whether within the details of that very life, are allegorical allusions to both this fact of biology and its underlying causes, but also the feats and categories of mystical science that may be employed to remedy such a matter.
To some degree, within the proper understanding of the thryoids, the benefits of such an understanding may rapidly approach the "larger than life" promises that the Bible puts forth.
But bear in mind this is far from a complete list!
So whether we attribute these phenomena and effects to the natural composite of calcium isotopes said to comprise ordinary calcium as we know it, perhaps consititing a scalar spectral diode or scalar interferometer capable of stepping down certain high frequency energy, or transducing lunar resonance, or whether we suspect it of having unusual interactions with neutrinos or photons, perhaps in the context of Ruderfer's theory that the photon is a composite of a paired neutrino and anti-neutrino, or whether we suspect the presence of exotic matter- muon or other heavy-lepton orbitals where the exotic effects are demonstrated- perhaps muon magnetization of calcium accounting for the particular magnetic character of Palingenics and the lack of distinction at times whether a ferromagnetic or calcium is responsible for the unusual effect...
Calcium stands out even above the striking magickal properties for the alkali elements of other salts and their esoteric values, a fact that has been too long ignored.
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