Chronos Apollonios' "Home on Olympus"
Since the creation of the first page of Monuments of Venus, I've scarcely had time or courage to even install the page on the www, when the images for this second page of Venusian Monuments has been falling together as if by magick.
Also magickal is the way that the most compelling of the undeniably man-made forms, an Egyptian balance, has been found in these additional images at least three more times with still less than 100 Magellan images surveyed at the time.
Again, the images are roughly arranged with the best last, so please be patient with this page.
The latitude and longitude given are only approximate. They come from the Magellan Image Server data. Clicking on a feature in a full image gives an output of the latitude and longitude of that feature. However, clicking what seems to be the exact location twice on the Magellan Image Server that allows this luxury is precise enough that unnoticible variations give somewhat different coordinates. The "Pointing To" numbers from the Magellan Image Server output have been retained, you can move the pointer over the source images so that the numbers in your address window match to find the details named.
For the purposes of "divine mathematics" or inferring mathematical messages, these numbers should of course not be used. Perhaps their nearest known significant numbers may be the correct ones?
Two details of Magellan Image MG 0004 F60N344;1 on the Magellan Image Server.
Following the evolving premise that what catches the eye should be followed- in other words, that the builders of the Venus monuments may have utilized striking natural features as focal points- the eye is drawn in to this crater feature, which has cells with unnatural bilateral symmetry.
Soon, the many unnatural features nearby also become apparent, including the triple triangle in the lower right hand corner, the circle at upper left with projection ending in a trident, and the triangle to the lower left from it which seems to have two unnatural symmetrically-placed protrusions pointing toward the top of the images.
At upper right is a close up of part of the image at left. A cup or grail shape seems to be apparent just to the left of the cellular enclosure, just below the center of the image.
Crater with square near triple triangles [Pointing to (106,86)], Latitude 61.549, Longitude 340.631
Conjunction of the triple triangle [Pointing to (155,172)], Latitude 60.571, Longitude 341.873
Approximate center of small grail [Pointing to (91,67)], Latitude 61.765, Longitude 340.246
At immediate left is the source image for the first three enlargement on this page, MG 0004 F60N344;1. At upper left is another detail from MG 0004 F60N344;1, an image especially rich in unnatural- looking forms and details. This area looks much like a city, and at middle left there is what appear to be a tower, set in a wedge-shape that seems to rise up to form a pedestal.
At upper right, you can see what appears to be a man-made wall that winds around what looks like another tower. Although some of the forms behind and above these are especially challenging to decipher, they appear to be both complex and artificial.
Tip of left tower in city: [Pointing to (347,110)], Latitude 61.276, Longitude 346.363
Tip of right tower in city: [Pointing to (389,89)], Latitude 61.515, Longitude 347.381
At left is a detail from the image that would occur above the source image MG 0004 F60N334; 1.
It is from MG 0004 F65N342; 1.
There appear to be two birds, the one at left in a style almost more Native American, the one on the right is far more realistic in form. What drew the eye to them was the four triangles that appear above, behind and around them. These forms may be cut into a hillside or cliffside.
There may be deliberate, communicative artifices on the side of the large crater in front of these shapes, facing to the right, that can be seen in the original images. One appears to be a triangle with four striations, which is a figure most likely very relevant to the ancient Egyptians.
At upper right is an "Egyptian Grail", made of a modified pentagon. Within it seems to be the shape of an Egyptian scepter, sometimes identified as a papyrus burnisher amonst Tutankhamen's treasurs (a photo can be found in I.E.S. Edward's "Treasures of Tutankhamen"), such as the type with inverted pyramidal tops and stylized vegetal features.
The bottom part of the "Grail" in reality seems to be a pyramid that is aligned with the center of the pentagon. This, too, is part of an image detailing an area that is strikingly rich in man-made forms. This is a detail of MG 0004 F55S355; 1 on the Magellan Image Server.
The image used at left here below does not do justice to the subject and will probably be replaced soon. Enlarged, it far more easily displays what seems as if it may be a variation on the Egyptain sphinx and its enclosure, made of a lion who is encircling an enclosure.
The right arm comes down around the dark area on the left side, the face is above this, and the right arm comes down roughly in the middle of the dark enclosure.
A very unnatural dark triangle pointing up from the bottom points at the head; the eyes and mouth can be seen in better versiouns of this. This is a detail from MG 0004
To its right is a smaller version of the source image for the "Sphinx" image at left, MG 0004 F55S355; 1.
At left is an enlagement of a section from Magellan image MG 0016 C175N029.
This is now the second time an Egyptian balance or scales has been found in the Magellan images of Venus, and again with a face between the bowls. The first one, from the Ammavaru image, is repeated from the preceeding page at upper right.
This time, it appears to be a canine or human-canine hybrid, very likely the jackal-headed Anubis who presides over "The Weighing of the Heart" and the "judgement of the dead" in ancient Egyptian art, mythology, and papyri.
In the image at above left, the letter appear directly under the feature they describe. A is the left side of the balance, with striation in the traditional fashion as in the first form of the balance identified on Venus, B is the stand that holds the bar up would go, where a long-eared jackal face can be seen, and C, which appears as if possibly damaged, which is the bowl on the right side.
The appearance of the pendant triangles here is strongly reinforced by a remarkable number of larger triangles.
At immediate left is another view of the same detail. The above image was rotated so it faces the viewer, this image is in the original position from the source image (MG 0016 C175N029).
This area of Venus occurs in the extreme upper left corner of the original.
The two bowl triangles in the image at upper left from the image above it have been (poorly) traced here, and the eyes of Anubis have been highlighted as reference points.
At immediate left, a larger set of paired triangles above the balance bowl triangles are also traced here.
A less magnified version of the above subject without the tracing.
Another version traced and lettered to help identify the forms in the above image. A and A are the larger triangles. B is probably a second version of the face of Annubis.
D shows some of the stand and arms of the balance traced (there is a ring at the top center of the bar as in ancient Egyptian artwork.)
E is yet another triangle, possibly from a second balance at this site. F may be yet a third version of the face of Annubis, a repetition as urgent, insistent and convincing as the heavy repetition of the triangles.
In the foreground from F is the articial, city-like enclosure, and there is obvious artificial geometry directly right of the letter D.
At immediate left is another version of the same view. The second Annubis face is clearer, and the bisymmetry of an encloure in the "city square" can be easily seen.
Another traced version with the second Annubis face highlighted. Note here the arms of the balance as they actually appear, and how they are mimicked by the black line that appears above them. The form seems to have been repeated also, an incredible, repeating emphasis.
The bowls may also be imitated in the second image, and it is yet quite uncertain whether the theme may repeated yet again in source images which are adjacent to Magellan image MG 0016 C175N029.
The matter of the meaning of the repeated occurance of the balance on the face of Venus which I have demonstrated here is certainly open to speculation. It is the astrological sign of Libra, which in astrology is ruled by, conveniently enough, the planet Venus.
The multiplicitous Egyptians, however, much as Hancock and Bauval hold a convincing opinion that the lion nature of the Sphinx is used in part to identify its creation during the age of Leo, may have used this symbol to also signify the origin of these forms during an age of Libra.
There are also possible overtones in it of advance scientific methodologies the used to support life on Venus, much as this may be part of the message some of the Martian artifacts. I have had much to say on that subject already on may pages of this site.
I would have overlooked the amazing images above -I almost missed them- if this one artificial detail had not encouraged me I was looking at a source image with some content that was man-made.
The second subject was the square enclosure in the far upper left of the source image, which is surrounded by these remarkable things when closely examined.
At upper right is a smaller version of the original source image, MG 0016 C175N029.
At left is a smaller version of source image "magln17", from the links on the Venus Images List pages.
I was having a second look at it to match the enlargements to their source images the day after the discovery of the second balance in image MG 0016 C175N029, when I decided that the "hourglass" image, below, was worthy of inclusion on this page.
At right is the smaller version of the source image, with the first application of added contrast to the curiously bleak and non-descript original tone.
Having my attention drawn in and enlarging the "hourglass", I noticed the narrow triangles, and decided blow up and rotate that section.
This is the enlargement that was produced by doing so, where you can see fairly clearly without tracings and letters the third balance to be observed by me in the Venusian images in less than a week of study.
The ring at the center of the bar is gratifyingly clear, and although the triangle of the bowl at right is very challenging to see, you will notice that again there is a larger triangle which extends from the left bowl triangle and covers roughly two-thirds of the balance. This larger triangle has the tiny triangle in the center at the bottom of it as does the one of the traditional ancient Egyptian heiroglyphic and artistic forms, as does the smaller upper section of the large triangle. There are yet other triangles here, and seemingly another striated one which appears very nearby, and may be part of a second balance at this site that extends into the next image. The adjacent source image however yet eludes me because I'm not aware of a Venus image server at presents which allows image selection using coordinates of latitude and longitude, as odd as that seems. The Magellan server sets are compilations of different sites, as odd as this also seems.
At left is the "hourglass" that led me to this third balance on Venus, in the center of the image, whose bottom half seems as if it may actually be one or several Egyptian-type pyramids. You can see a straited triangle behind it.
Center of Hourglass: [Pointing to (452,160)], Latitude 60.708, Longitude 348.765
Hourglass pyramid: apex: [Pointing to (456,158)], Latitude 60.730, Longitude 348.861
At right is more enlargement from the same images, showing the hourglass to left of center and to the right what appears to be another pyramid very clearly, with a possible huge Egyptain-style bust of a human on the side of the pyramid facing left in the image. I cannot make this clear enough to tell for certain, unfortunately.
Note in center of image the bilateral symmetry of the form bisecting the image from the left.
While very non-descript in the source image, this region may be astonishingly rich in artifacts.
Here is a traced and lettered version of the balance and adjacent geometry from the "magln17" image linked from the Venus Images List pages. Two possible images of Anubis in this one also are traced and lettered as E and F, while a third one is immediately below E in an another, untraced, triangle. A and B are the left and right triangles of the balance bowls, repectively. C is a boulder or raised object at a position in the center of a line running down the middle of the balance. (Similar boulders or raised objects in aligned or deliberately positioned pairs and triangles are preposterously common all thoughout the hundred source images studied thus far (from MG 0001 though MG 0020), I have stopped taking note of them altogether). D is the arms of the balance. G is another triangle. H and I are two parts of another triangle. J is another triangle that uses one side of the left bowl triangle as one of its sides. L is another striated triangle.
Please note carefully that the region defined by the inner sides of the left and right bowl triangles, the arcing balance arms, and a line connecting the two lines of the bowls seems to have the same geometry as the Martian D&M pyramid, whose center may be defined by the feature labelled C.
I would have to say that if you've doubted the face on Mars, or doubted that Richard C. Hoagland should be referring to it as "The Martian Sphinx", it may be time to reconsider, just as it seems to be time to reconsider, provided the source images for these enlargements are genuine, the mainstream "science" that has told us there may be a slim chance of life on Mars, but no chance of life on Venus. We may have much more to learn than we know.
A number of webpages devoted to the subject of life on Venus have, amongst their more questionable contents, what may be some astute and accurate observations that our measurements of the temperature and atmosphere on Venus may be heavily flawed, and why. One reference points out it is possible that at least areas of Venus could possess temperatures not in excess of 110 degrees Farenheit, and such notions certainly deserve reconsideration in the face of these images.
I offer my prediction here that while Hoagland's "Monuments of Mars" largely upholds the prevailing scientific view of the unlikelihood of life on Venus- an attitude he may well have already changed- that it may be, in fact, that if we find that the measurements of the conditions on Venus have been horrendously flawed, that it could end up being another proof for Hoagland's "Hyperdimensional Physics". Perhaps these are the sort of scalar planetary energies (Mr. Hoagland has already demonstrated that planetary energies in our solar system are anomalies to our present mainstream scientific reckoning) and physics that might have to be accurately measured with the scalar science of Nikola Tesla and Tom Bearden, not the science we are presently using.
It is certainly interesting, and even ironic, in the face of the interest in the Egyptian "Hall of Records" (I have often remarked that the pyramids and artifacts that map the earth-grid are a profound and unquestionable "Hall of Records" in themselves) to think that the entire surface of Venus may be convered with ancient Egyptians artifacts and records!
If these images from Magellan are truly authentic, regardless of the issue of which planet life first appeared on, as I have often tried to demonstrate before on these pages, in support of so many others with similar sentiments, the ancients Egyptians repeatedly show extremely sophisticated technological knowledge, and may well have been absolute masters of the forces of gravitation, and other forces of nature.
Collected Links to Image Sources and Additional Information:
(coming soon!)
Visitors since Feb 21, 1999
"Well, to be fair, I did have a couple of gadgets which he probably didn't, like a teaspoon and an open mind." -
Doctor Who