Chronos Apollonios' "Home on Olympus"

The Grail Under the Double Rainbow: Part Fourteen

The Monuments of Venus, Part Six

Gathered on this page are a few remaining miscellaneous images of apparent artifacts on Venus that were not included in the previous pages.

I'd like to take the opportunity to briefly mention something about the extraterrestial symbols that may be helpful in their possible role as celestially oriented time markers, similar to the dating of the Sphinx by Hancock and Bauval to the last age of Leo and the observation of its original perpendicular aligment to that constellation.

Due to the hybrid nature of some of the faces and other forms, we have the opportunity to see it that multiplicity is also in alignment with astrological or astronomical symbolism. What I'd like to suggest is that the lion/human hybrid represented by the Cydonia face and other artifacts may be in fact a marker for a "cusp" of several ages, in this case, Leo and Virgo. Virgo is the other sign besides Aquarius which tends to be represented by a human.

Canines are also used to represent Virgo in some traditions, and the appearance of the canine head of Anubis in conjunction with the scales or balance, in addition to being a traditional Egyptian icon, may be a similar gesture signifying a near mid-point between the ages of Libra and Virgo.

While this might loosen the rigidity of certain dates, it may yet prove to provide the flexibility to be able to place the dates of their creation more exactly.

Similar patterns and markers perhaps should be carefully watched for throughout these artifact symbols.

Even More Rumours Are Flying...

But we're running outta jokes...

Unhappy Days...

This is NOT COOL Dept.: "Broken jukebox? Heeeey, I coul' fix that, Mr. C, no problemo...". Arthur (Fonzie) Fonzarelli offers his technical prowess to NASA, who claims to suffer a "broken jukebox" at their usual web source for the Magellan images (no explanation for the downed PDS server at MIT has been given whatsoever), suddenly leaving NO source of inflatable images from Magellan to be found on the web at all. How convenient. Alas, NASA says they're "saving Fonzie for more important things since he got back from the future".

We got researching, and sure enough (even though the faces of Fonzie, Richie, Ralph, Potsy, Mr. C and Marion will never, ever, not ever be found on Mars or Venus no matter how many people are still insisting you can see anything if you stare at a picture long enough- and exactly how would they happen to know this, by the way?) a Saturday morning "Happy Days" cartoon did indeed take the Fonz and friends far into the future in a time machine, and as can be expected, NASA had to be in on it... secretly, of course... Shown at left is the result of NASA (secretly, of course) testing a futuristic "shrink-ray" on Fonzie's pal, Richie. We also found this rare, supressed photo of no less than four UFOs which had followed them back from the future, hovering behind Fonzarelli's close friend, Laverne De Fazio, at right. They're awfully private for a public organization, but we think we understand where NASA's coming from. It's a big, scary universe out there, and someone has to save us from it by lying, scheming, tampering, and otherwise hiding all the evidence away from the average citizen so that whatever it is out there can sneak up and bite us all on the a$$...

Now let's start off with a little reality check here. I wasn't going to try to tell anyone that Venus has areas that are covered with roads, but... well... So these are two images of Venus covered with meaningless chicken-scratchings, in spite of odd geometries and artificial looking details present on close inspection, right?

Actually, the image at right is from a nearly neglected Magellan image of Venus "the Leo Glyph" frame, MG 0005 F65 S005;2, but the image at left is from John Mitchell's "The New View Over Atlantis", the revision of the classic work on ley lines, sacred sites and sacred geometry. The image is an aerial view of the Mountains of Bolivia, showing a deliberate network of roads connecting sacred sites. The fact that it looks artificial correctly reveals that it is, and helps demonstrate that merely "looking artificial" can mean a lot.

Further down this page is further examination of the Venusian image, and more reason to suspect they are deliberate artificial formations... beside the fact that the image also contains what appears to be the Tiahuanaco- type pyramid, and beyond it, a huge pentagonal form that may prove to be a twin of the pentagonal city on the South Pole of Mars. A comparison appears below.

Reality check two: In spite of the convincingly straight lines in the lower right, this shows a series of volcanic domes centered along an obvious faultline beyond an eroded cliff, and beyond the domes, two craters whose causes fragmented on impact, creating false impressions of something like Stonehenge when seen at a distance, right? In fact, it's another image from "The New View Over Atlantis", of Winterbourne crossroads near Stonehenge.

Hopefully, these reality checks will help demonstrate the amount of cultural bias that has gone into assessing the Venusian and Martian formations, a bias that needs to be set aside for the sake of actual science to take place.

Here's a small version of a certain Magellan image, a reference image for my personal use, with traced geometries and possible occurances of the balance design, and possibly man-made features circled. Many renderings of the source images are like this, there are plenty of suspicious features to be noted.

For the sake of these pages, many of the significant features have been ignored while the only some of the most outstanding have been considered, in spite of the lack of image quality in these enhancements.

Again, be wary of the cultural bias. There are forms here that had they appeared on the Martian surface, might be immediately seized upon as possible extentions of the formidable Cydonia evidence.

This is a smaller version of the first "Leo glyph" image, a feature that has a counterpart in the first MG 0010 image, F00 N082;1. This is from MG 0005 F65 S005;2, in which there are many amazing features, as mentioned above. It is the source for the detail of "roads" on Venus, and the pentagon city and pyramid below.

I almost passed this image by completely, thinking "the Leo Glyph" had to be a coincidence, in spite of the well-known relationship between the Cydonia face and the Sphinx, and between the Sphinx and the constellation Leo, and the numerous lion images that have appeared in images of both Mars and Venus.

It does not pay to presume like that and call it "proper caution", it would have been extremely counter-productive, for the image has proven to yeild many remarkable detials.

Some of these details which are included on this page, and many others which have not been, like an adjacent pair of "Grails" toward the lower right hand corner of the image

Again, I wasn't going to focus on faces, I was intending to focus on other details in this image from Magellan series MG 0033, but on enlarging, this jumped out at me. It may be an illusion created by multiple craters, but it may be a face, and if so, it's intriguing that it has both very distinct brow features, and the appearance of a jewel set in the forehead. There may be other possible aligned corroborating details, but it makes me curious to see something that suggests a possible involvement of people who are today those of India, in light of the rich tradition of explicit accounts of ancient aircraft like the Vimana , that occurs in Indian literature, along with accounts of the civilization of ancient India having extended to neighboring bodies of the solar system. Such accounts have been widely taught as history in India. Are they, as it often seems, "knowing something that we are not knowing?"

It is difficult to work with, but as this image of the pentagon in MG 0005 F65 S005;2 at left begins to enlarge, it starts to bear some unsettling resemblances to the pentagonal city that Liz Edwards derived from a NASA image of Mars' South Pole. My own version from Part Six of this work appears at in color at right for comparison. There is again a possible animal face in the upper left hand corner of the enclosure that is visible in this version, with the overly-symmetrical "eyes" apparent.

What will better future enhancements reveal... perhaps that they are astonishing twins, yet another link between the Templars and Venus and between Venus and Mars? This pentagon has one side defined by a side of this astonishinly rectangular pedestal,on which appears to sit a great pyramid that resembles the pyramid of Teotiahuacan, which is tilted on its side in this image at right, from Magellan image MG 0005 F65 S005;2.

At left here a detail of the pentagonal city, above. It's very blurry, but already even this horribly poor image of the rear of the pentagon may be showing up some interesting details that may imitate those of the Martian South Polar city.

There may be a huge curious ship-like object like in this image the original enhancements of the Martian image, and it is possible that you can see the first signs of the white tower with the conical roof repeated here also, in spite of the appearance of a ridge running though the enclosure.

The Martian image by Liz and the attempt I made at same may be enought to link those structures with the structures of the Templars, in part 6 of this series. Additional arguements for such a relationship are presented throught the "Grail Under the Double Rainbow" series.

Here is a detail of what lies directly underneath "the Leo Glyph" in MG 0005 F65 S005;2. It's a good thing I do look carefully at these, or having noted two of this odd shape- which is exactly what caught my eye, I might embarass myself quite a bit by proclaiming that there are two identical figures, an unmistakable sign of deliberacy. It appears, however, that there is only one, and the image was stiched with some extra creating the double appearance.

However, if you look closely at what there is in reality only one of, it's complicated, deliberate, and weird enough that there don't have to be two for it to be compelling, a weird barrel shape with a protruding "antenna", that on further close-up, shows a right side made of something strangely resembling certain high-frequency electrical apparatus.

It's not the only weird thing in its neighborhood. It appears that if "the Leo Glyph" is natural, it was utilized as a focal point for possible unnatural but highly meaningful petroglyphs.

Here, some of the shapes are from under the "glyph" in MG 0005 F 65 S005;2, outlined, terribly poorly, but hopefully adequately. There may be two at lest two humanoid forms in the mural. Tiny dots mark deliberate groupings of geometrically arranged contour, and the possibility of both Egyptian forms and hieroglyphs appears here, as well as the possible appearance of two ships which are lyre-shaped like what I have suggested may be a ship that occurs in the detail from Ammavaru that occurs on Page One of the Venus images at this site. Other features here have not been highlighted at all. The "X" with the divided triangle aligned with it's lower leg is a design that also appears at least twice in the "roads" in the left part of the image.

This simply should not be happening on a world that has always been devoid of life, but may offer more support for a planet with Nazca-like navigational landmarks, intended for frequent travellers at considerably high altitudes.

At left is a detail of a possible humanoid figure in the row of forms, in which you can better see the bizarre, complicated and unnatural appearance of the orginally noted object. The figure is blurry, but some versions whose form is even less clear, have shown details in the head area that suggest Anubis, and the circular area in the stomach that can be made out clearly in some of them is highly characteristic of ancient Egyptian art.

Recall that the possible ship, called in these pages "the Lyre", in the Ammavaru region, has a center feature that terminates in an electrode-like shape as does the mysterious object here that ws doubled in the NASA image.

This "bent electrode" motif you will notice is deliberately repeated in the ship like shape that is above and to the right of it here.

At left, a section of a traced version of the original, that denotes two of the possible grails, there could be more, a number of other possible man-made details, the same "Rune" that is found on Mars in the Utopia Planitia region shown earlier in this work, and two more of the "cross connected to bisected triangle" motifs that are found on the cliff, indicated in the network of lines below.

Lastly is an original size version of part of the image with the contrast restored so that details are plainly visible. There is another possible balance with Anubis in the center in the upper left very near to the pentagon and pyramid that is not indicated in any of the previous versions, and some other possible artifacts not yet referred to. Note the additional smaller rectangular stucture in the upper right on the right border at about center.

Overall, the area at upper left in the original contains bold and striking examples of traingle, square, rectangle and pentagon all situated close together.

One reason that these additional "Grails" have been mentioned here is that one of them is "not just any grail", it is exactly the type that is familiar to many of us to demonstrate optical illusions as the "is it a chalice or is it a face?" routine. Indeed, the left outline of this particular "Grail" looks very much like the profile of a face, and the fact that a characteristically deliberate and intelligent optical illusion routine was used rather than any "natural" optical illusion occuring, may highlight that this may be indeed man-made, and made by beings with minds- and faces- remarkably similar to our own. I'd have to say they were quite likely human.

What the right-facing facial profile of the chalice "illusion" is immediately facing may be yet another set of triangles with Annubis' face between them, and there may be still more of them in this image. This one may in fact be two faces of Anubis between threetriangles!

Interestingly, there seems to be a balance and Anubis or another animal, perhaps looking rather mouse-like, in image MG 0045 F05 N273;1 that is so large that it is obvious from only the small thumbnail in the original set of 10 images together!

If any of this can be considered evidence, I'd say that Richard Hoagland and his peers have been absolutely right in what they have suggested so far, all the way up through "We are the Martians"... we seem to have been "the Venusians" as well- not surprising for the planet-travelling capabilities of the refugees Hoagland maintains we once possessed.

If I had to "hazard" a guess on all this at this moment, the inclusion of Venus merely means that the space-farers who would have escaped cataclysm by coming to earth were able to easily access and colonize Venus as well.

In the possible interest of keeping the foreigness of Hoagland's brave idea of humanity being "alien" in origin to a minimum, I'm keeping a hopefully somewhat conservative view that humanity probably began on Earth as we are accumstomed to thinking, but attained a great technological height previously that is constantly implied by our historical legacy. Then we began to colonize Mars and Venus much as we aspire to do now, when we were interrupted by cataclysms which we were not quite able to prevent- cataclysms which disasterously affected the conditions on both planets, and which may have befallen Mars and Venus at close to the same time. The spacefaring ancients would have then ended up retreating from both Mars and Venus back to Earth where they began, as these disasters approached.

In the idea that they had both warning and time to flee such possible cataclysms, may be more indications of the nature of that event. It is possible that Mars and Venus were both relatively near to the path of a cluster of large debris making its way through the solar system at a time when the earth was not.

It is all only a guess, but it seems the proper one to be making if the NASA source images for these pictures were indeed genuine and unaltered, and if further investigation confirms the richly layered mathematical and geometric features that we have come to expect from the builders of Cydonia and Egypt.

Previous Part of This Work

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