Chronos Apollonios' "Home on Olympus"
I have occasionally been known to follow my own advice. I have said as much previously in these pages that as much evidence that comes from the Martian images, someone really ought to look at Venus, and why not? If we're using the works of the Inklings as our support, no matter how unrealistic the whole contents of C.S. Lewis' Perelandra trilogy may be, there are those gems we cannot overlook, and there is both the fact that Venus, which is called "Perelandra" in those works, is the very namesake of the trilogy, and then there's the Templar's preoccupation with that grandest of pentagrams, the one formed by the orbit of Venus every eight years.
Below are enlargements and rudimentary enhancements from NASA images that may be found on the world-wide web. The URL's for the images that are treated are given here as links. They are roughly arranged from worst to best, so please be patient with this page and the next page of Venusian images.
NEW! 4/2/1999: An entire page of links to more new images of extraterrestrial anomalies has now been added to this site. Compelling anomalies have now been spotted on as many as TWENTY bodies of the solar system!!!!!
Hang in there!This astonishing detail from the Ammavaru source image at right, with a Mayan pyramid at bottom left and six possible ships indicated, is proving to be merely typical of the contents of the Magellan images of Venus. Please don't be put off by the text, you're walking in at the end of an involved exploration into earthly mysteries that led up to the investigation of Venus, and that discussion itself starts where earlier investigations left off. If you can’t see what I’m talking about in these images, or you’re not sure of the image quality, you may well want to skip to the last several pages first. The Venus images have now caught the attention of anomaly hunter and image processer par excellence, "kksamuria", who’s added a Venus BBS in addition to his BBS pages devoted to anomalies in images of the Moon and Mars. I have already posted numerous images not found on these pages to all three of these bulletin boards, and hope to continue doing so on a regular basis. With the recent addition of new software, I’m now able to hand-color the anomalies for easy identification, and where we’re finding continues to be incredible, including the fact that the same familiar anomalies are turning up not only repeatedly (at the time of this update, the "Balance" design may have now been found a full several hundred times, including near Venus' Danilova crater, and in the "Smiley Face crater" image from Mars), but on both Mars and Venus. I also have plans for one or more "best of" pages of Venus images to help you get the full impact of what we’re finding. Many thanks for visiting, many thanks for your patience, and please stop by again soon to see what’s new. This adventure is just beginning!
For the most part, face-like formations have been omitted in favor of formations which are hopefully more convincing. While I'm not an expert in image analysis, hopefully the obvious common-sense tactics are valid, such as looking for bi-lateral symmetry, and where there seems to be a high incidence of natural geometry, looking instead for such features as regular walls and clusters of different geometries.
These images to the best of my knowledge have yet to be subjected to the rigorous mathematical and gemetrical analysis which have for years been applied to the Cydonia monuments of Mars, although on the other hand, they seem to contain glaring pecularities which seem to have been tremendously overlooked.
Please bear in mind these possible findings are not the fruits of an extensive nor an exhaustive search through images of Venus, they in fact largely come from roughly the first six images of Venus I pulled off of the web, after only several days of studying them.
Hence, I have no idea whatsoever how many dozens, hundreds, or thousands of artifacts may be found- easily- in other images that are widely available.
Nor can I tell you if I'm the first to notice them (my copies of David Hatcher Childress' "Extraterrestial Archaeology"- the video and the book are nowhere to be found, but I have the dim sense I should have remember half of these if they were there)...
Although for some reason, many of the images are provided in forms that are difficult to use with certain enhancement programs (including shading or coloring or otherwise highlighting the main images to make it obvious exactly where the enlarged areas occur in them), so far, it seems to take little more than slightly darkening the contrast that was for some reason often used on these images, often making them seem far more uninteresting and important.
While I'm thankful the images were available at all, sooner or later, someone at NASA needs to answer to the public for either going to such elaborate trouble of creating false images of extraterrestrial surfaces, which these images may yet prove to be, or for long overlooking and deny what may well be most obvious if these images are indeed genuine.
True, professional, and most of all, honest enhancements of these features are urgently needed.
I will make better images available as soon as possible, but there is only so much that can be done with the tools at hand.
I have left the "Pointing to" coordinates [bracketed, like this] along with the latitudes and longitudes of certain important objects in the Magellan Image Server images so you can use them to locate the objects in images if you like.
Were it that this image were more convincing, and yet there's a fairly convincing pyramid, one seemingly free of tricks of light and shadow, at upper right in this enlargement from the Danu source image.
Having to look close is the name of the game here, and having a little practice at doing so now, I may have found several hundred smooth-sided Egyptian-style pyramids in no more than twenty images of the surface of Venus, the only twenty I images have looked at so far.
The largest dense cluster may total roughly fourteen.
Richard Hoagland having substantially associated the Egyptian and other with the "Martian mound-builders" cultures through the icon of the lion, it's no surprise to find so many apparently Egyptian artifacts on the surfaces of other planets.
While tiny pyramids have been known to form themselves out of various materials, they certainly haven't been yet to be known to form themselves into pyramids of this size, let alone some of the various other artifacts that can be found in these images.
A natural origin to the Venusian pyramids seems almost astronomically unlikely.
Like many other Venusian pyramids, it seems to set on a pedestal or platfrom, helping define a street or road parallel to it (immediately right) as in the case with many Mexican pyramids.
Not the best image I could have used, but hopefully passable.
Another "Holy Grail" as a huge extraterrestial artifact?
This formation, also from the Ammavaru region source image (shown below), is readily visible in the full size original image. It appear about three inches to 10 or 11 o'clock from "The Balance" monument (shown below) that is barely visible in the full-size image at ., which is linked from the Venus Images Lists and its mirror (see links below).
Following a line extending from the lower angle of the rear of the arrowhead landmark not surprisingly leads right to "The Balance".
It seems to have an oddity sunk into its lower right side, like the Cydonia face and its terrestrial counterpart in Bruce Cornet's Cydonia report.
The lower left corner touches the corner of an arrowhead shape with an odd shape seemingly cut into it's center, and this "Grail" is also adjacent to several other arrowhead or triangular shapes in a general cluster.
It may also be one of numerous "visual puns" on other surfaces of the solar system, which, like the Cydonia face, contain superimpositions of different images, hybridizations, which both seems to have symbolic meaning, and practical meaning in increasing the chances that a deliberate form might be recognized by the later onlookers for which they were perhaps parly intended.
Amongst those I have yet to convinced more completely by is an image that may be a pair of canine faces, possibly of the Egyptian character Anubis, one of which is seemingly superimposed upon an imperfect but adequately recognizable double interlocking triangle, the two-dimensional form of the now famous double tetrahedron derived from the Martian monuments.
Anubis, judge of the dead, by the way, wouldn't be an unusual character to find on a planet whose surface shows a very clear rendition of Anubis's scales.
Another possible face on Venus may prove to be a "human-jackal" hybrid, much like the human-lion hybrid of the Sphinx and the Cydonia face.
Another sort of Venusian grail, which has been discussed previously in the "Double Rainbow" pages of this site, the one that refers to the earth's precession and that of the atom, seems to have been easily found in the main source image at right, F27S339 from Magellan series MG0001 on the Magellan Image Server.
This image is particularly intriguing even as a thumbnail because of the absurd set of craters at right angles to one another.
Besides referring back to the great importance this theme has had in the Templar mystery, including the appearance of this real, working scientific Holy Grail amongst the secret watermarks of the alchemists, it's worth noting that the glyph that appears here was also used by the Maya.
Besides being used as one of their astrological signs, a possible time marker here as to the time of origin, the glyph "Olin" was virtually synonymous with motion itself to them.
It seems like a very reasonable place for someone trying to communicate with writing that uses a planet as a billboard to write something of considerable importance, and lo and behold here we find that the precessional science that promises mastery of time and the behavior of matter is written at this most eye-catching location in the upper left hand corner of the detail at left.
It is being pointed directly to by the strange spade-like combination of pentagon, half-circle, and rectangle in the lower right hand corner of the detail at left, that not only possesses striking bilateral symmetry, but sits amongst other interesting and possibly artificial details as well.
The importance of this symbol set may also be demonstrated by the fact that it is clearly visible in the original without further magnification, its particularly clear in small or distant images.
The additional artifical-looking details suggest may have been a city here, in addition to many other sites that appear even in these few photos, from twenty of over a thousand Magellan images.
This particular detail from the souce image is rotated 90 degrees to the left, and occurs in the upper left of the source image, which is the Magellan MG0014 C114N009:1 image, on the Magellan Image Server.
Outside of this crater there is a hint of pentagonal geometry, but inside there is very clearly a conjuction of a square within a triangle connected to a half circle, and perhaps yet another geometry, a possible circle.
There is also some artificial looking striation of the edges that define these forms that may not be a pecularity of the imaging.
It's very hard to believe that this grouping is any expression of natural forces which may produce some of the geometric forms on Venus and Mars.
Such a remarkable configuration seems particularly worthy of the careful mathematical analysis that has been applied to the Cydonia region of Mars. It may prove to be just as eloquent as it seems.
Unfortunately, I neglected to file the original version of this derivative; seen here are two white dots that identify, but here obscure, the apparent locations of Egyptian-style pyramids in a second version version I had intended for my own personal reference.
The original image may contain as many as fourteen Egyptian-style pyramids, perhaps even more, and this not counting and apparent conical pyramid and the many odd square-shaped craters with the inner ring that are so relentlessly prevalent in images of Venus and Mars both.
This is from the same source image as the previous.
It almost looked as if the convenient gaps in this data were trying to conceal a Venusian "smiley face". That is in fact, preposterous though it is, what first drew my attention to this location.
Whatever it is does seem to be artificial, for this "crater" would require the explanation of how its ends, parallel to the gaps in the data, came to be to give it it's obvious barrel shape.
The doubling of the edges is reminiscent of the "double-rainbow" motif that this work suggests may pertain to modes of interplanetary travel by means of "scalar teleportation", and the pentagon that conveniently sits at the juncture of the striated bands on the left side may be more eerie corroboration.
Is this an artifact whose origins are labelled by a very diagram of how someone got there to create it- a teaching for the viewer who comes much later to help them learn the ancient sciences?
That is exactly the sort of thing we would logically expect to find in these extraterrestial messages.
From the Magellan Image Server MG0014 C114N009;1 image. The same image has a feature at roughtly center right which is unusually light in color and conical. I might believe believe being told it's a "tiny volcano" or the usual cynical explanations for these things, but for one thing it happens to be sitting on a site that seems to show complex square geometry.
For another, there's no clear visible sign of a crater and especially not of lava flow.
It is also very near to other remarkably artificial looking forms, which should probably include both the pyramid in the foreground and slightly to the left form it, and the pyramid in the upper left hand side of the image, beyond which you can see the edge of the crater with the various geometries in it and a slight part of the geometric forms.
It is of course one of the better tell-tale signs of possible authenticity in these images- when we not only have seemingly artificial structures, but when we have many of them in a given area.
The particular clustering of pyramids in this area may point out either some urgent geometry, or an important celestial marker, perhaps both, and this "conical pyramid" may have a very important role so that it needs to be included in such an analysis.
At top center in the image at left, there is a rounded-edge triangle with three smaller features inside which are evenly spaced, creating a strikingly artificial-looking formation, and just to its lower left there is a surprisingly square and pronounced depression or cavity, which seems to have a pyramid directly in front of it with the sides of the cavity and the side of the pyramid perfectly parallel.
Also note that in the foreground is a triangle with a very tiny triangle sticking up from the bottom, the narrowest part. Such a form is part of Egyptian hieroglyphs and is related to the scales or balance, which probably not coincidentally appear in other Venusian landforms seen below on this page, and the next, and those that follow.
At upper right: "p38281": A smaller version of the source image for some interesting images, some of which have yet to be finished to add to this page later. This image can be found in the links on the sites listing "Pictures of Venus". I'm not going to try to tell you that the rather grotesque-looking face-like formation at the lower left is a face, but it again fits the pattern of looking enough like one to attract attention to areas that are the location of many anomalous forms, a relationship that has led to the location of many of the most convincing images on this page, and many of these "faces" have had an "excess" of bilateral symmetry.
The "feathered" craters remind me of what NASA is trying to pass off as "clearly not a face" from Cydonia, even though Bruce Cornet has matched the Cydonia face identically to a small sphinx form of Hatshepsut, and they may prove to be artificial, or at least in part, here as well.
A smaller version of the source image, featuring a half-crater. This image can be found, amongst other places, on either site listing "Pictures of Venus"
( or as "Half Crater":
An enlargement will quickly show there is unnatural looking geometry close to the edge of the remaining half, there are a number of unusual forms giving the impression of a small city perhaps not unlike those of Peru's ancient Inca.
What initially draws one's attention is that very close to remaining half is a pentagonal shape very near to an apparently very regular and very deeply cut square.
A smaller version of the source image which features the Ammavaru region.
The original large source image is at
It is listed on the two Venus Image Lists as "Lada Regio, 47 deg S, 25 Long, showing mountains and craters".
This is the source image for the four details that follow it here, "The Balance", "The Lyre", another hexagonal inclosure and a "pointy headed" possible face. There are other very interesting details which have not been included, although "The Balance" alone is probably adequate representation for this area of Venus.
The area, however, is strikingly rich in unusual and artificial looking details.
This is a poor shot of the unnatural-looking enclosure that is near to the next image, one that brings out the possibility that Venusian face-making included the familiar Martian muliplicity in the form of making not only two faces, but three or possibly more, out of one, by sharing four or more eyes between three or more faces.
Is there something in this of the essential theme of the tesseract, of a four dimensional object modelled in three dimensions?
The real point of this image however seems to be it's appearance of being an artifical enclosure, found just to the right of "The Balance" that's featured in the next image.
You can get some sense of the regular appearance of the rear wall of the enclosure as well as the odd regularity of the square form in the lower right of the image.
This is one of the more compelling images I've found so far. The two triangles side by side are a motif that is often found in Egyptian art, the two sides of a balance, one of them with striated lines. This gives much credence to the premise that what is in the triangle between them is a face, and it's general shape suggests someone wearing a crown, if only incidentally. (It's an interesting thing to find when wondering why C. S. Lewis made the gesture of having a king and queen as his sole "human" inhabitants of Perelandra.)
It's also closely adjacent to other intriguing artifacts, and occurs in one of the images that seems particularly rich in artifacts.
Note that in the foreground, roughly in the center, is some kind of large structure, vaguely hexagonal from the side, comprised of six triangles, which seems to tower over a pyramid to in the lower right of the image.
There is much redundancy of deliberate forms in this images to help corroborate the premise that it is not a natural occurance, and being one more occurance of Egyptian motifs on Venus and Mars may cast some appropriate doubts on the idea of non-humans as its creator.
At left: Is this pointy-headed figure at top center a face? Perhaps it's a long shot, but it's far more likely that the odd hexagonal configuation right in front of it isn't a natural one.
I'd have to check, but the geometry in it may turn out to be the same geometry in the ancient stone circle in Miami, Florida, that Richard Hoagland has been asking trying to defend and preserve and been asking for help from the public.
It certainly is reminiscent of it, and it's not uncommon to find these countoured hexagons and pentagons with these sorts of "incising" in even a handful of images of extraterrestrial terrains.
It's very possible that immediately behind the dark spot with the possible face is yet at least one more another Egyptian style pyramid, and it's equally possible that an object in the foreground is one more, possibly another conical pyramid.
At right: "The Lyre", I have "named" this formation, for it looks something like a lyre or perhaps a mouth harp, very slightly up from dead center of the image.
The bilateral symmetry shown in the long "arms" of the outline around its opening is uncanny. How could this possibly be a natural formation?
As usual, it is close to other convincing figures in a region particularly endowed with unnatural-looking forms, speaking of which, there is a triagular form immediately to its left, and there is more probably artifial structure to it's right in this image.
A smaller version of the source image for the "Barrel crater" and the triangle-square-half-circle complex. I've misplaced the original source but the same image with increased contrast can be found in the Magellan MG0014 series, image C115N009;1 on the Magellan Image Server.
This is the information for the image on the Magellan Image Server site:
Look Direction: left
Seam Corrected: no
Map Projection: sinusoidal
Image Resolution: 29.3188 pixel/deg
Latitude Range: 7.34 to 22.61 degrees
Longitude Range: 18.25 to 359.34 degrees east
Data Range: -7.4 to 10 db
Orbit Range: 518 to 613
Approximate intersection of crater geometry: [Pointing to (101,77)], Latitude 19.979, Longitude 3.190
Approximate coordinates of apex of closest possible pyramid to crater geometry: (cannot distinguish in unenlarged source photo) Estimate: [Pointing to (149,105)], Latitude 19.024, Longitude 4.955
Approximate coordinates of apex of conical pyramid: [Pointing to (376,219)], Latitude 15.135, Longitude 13.055
Approximate coordinates of possible pyramid in front of conical pyramid: (cannot distinguish in unenlarged source photo) Estimate: [Pointing to (356,286)], Latitude 12.850, Longitude 12.313
Approximate coordinates of center of barrel pyramid: [Pointing to (184,343)], Latitude 10.906, Longitude 6.314
This is from image f40s342, the second image in the first series of Magellan photos, MG0001, on the Magellan Image Server. It could be clearer, but hopefully this will suffice.
Here is one of the three shots I have most enjoyed dredging up from the Magellan images so far, because even though the circular feature in the center of the pyramid on the right is also characteristic of certain natural pyramid formations on a much smaller scale, it's pretty hard to refuse this one's blatant terraced pyramids, which seem to further distinguish themselves from natural forms by another aspect of the Mayan style besides the terracing, being the inclusion on the upper left of the top of the pyramid on the right.
Another large pyramid that can be found on Venus has more of an Aztec style and looks very much like the pyramid at Teotihuacan.
There are at least two pyramids together here, conveniently mounted on obvious pedestals as is the first image on this page, which further helps distinguish them from natural formations.
Ironically, my attention was drawn to these by thinking the figure in the foreground might be yet another "Cydonia" face, or I'd have probably missed them altogether, at least for now.
Original image information for Magellan Image Server image:
Look Direction: left
Seam Corrected: yes
Map Projection: sinusoidal
Image Resolution: 87.9625 pixel/deg
Latitude Range: -42.54 to -37.45 degrees
Longitude Range: 346.43 to 338.54 degrees east
Data Range: -1.4 to 8.6 db
Orbit Range: 376 to 416
Apex of pyramid: [Pointing to (110,281)], Latitude -40.674, Longitude 340.306
Nose on face: [Pointing to (101,328)], Latitude -41.209, Longitude 340.153
This detail is from Magellan image series MG0001. There is an arrowhead pointing to the left near the center of this image which draws attention to the vast number of artificial features, some of which it is pointing at.
I'll happily admit my attention was drawn to this image and this area, however, by a circular face-like formation, visible even in the thumbnail of the image, that looks surprisingly like the sun and moon faces that you might find in the gardens of "proper" pagans, which lies outside this enlarged detail from the original.
There seems to be artificially square forms on the arrowhead itself, and the lower part appears to have a "staircase" contour that is highly unlikely to be natural in origin, while the upper part has at least two unnaturally square forms on it, with their sides aligned parallel to each other.
I still marvel at this image quite a bit. This is a detail of Magellan image MG0007 F75N351;1 on the Magellan Image Server. The dark strip running down the center of the "city" looked in the original image like "merely" a data glitch in the imaging sattelite's signal.
It's ironic that the premise that NASA's "trying to cover up something" may be pretty hard to believe at times, but when you go to take a close look at what looks like they might have had a try at it, you find such interesting things. It's not a bad working hypothesis.
Not that that thought lends authenticity, if all they're really doing is drawing attention to them, but images like this certainly do make it dramatically clear that someone deliberately created something, and I certainly invite you to visit the source site for this image and blow it up with a $59 scanner yourself, so you can rule out the thought that it might have been me.
The city walls and their many towers become obvious as soon as the contrast is increased.
At lower right you can see a triple tiered tower, with a doorway, and the stairway-like cut of a possible wall or staircase directly below it. At upper left, you can see a terraced structure like a staircase, with parallel countouring in the pair of walls that define its sides.
Someone tell me these aren't artificial so I can take a turn laughing for once.
The information for the original photo MG0007 F75N351;1:
Look Direction: left
Approximate coordinates for the center of city strip: [Pointing to (270,48)], Latitude 76.989, Longitude
Additional comments:
Of faces and focus: I have been trying to avoid looking for faces on Mars and Venus. It makes a lot of sense to be looking for them, for the very same reason that the Cydonia face is as sensible a gesture as our own gestures of sending out images of ourselves in hopes they will be found by some space-faring race. There is something about living forms that seems to speak of deliberacy, and to be synonymous with life. Unfortunately, to judge by the hesitation and denial that still surround the Cydonia face, such a gesture has a double edge. Granted that the unconvinced and the critics aren't taking into account the whole set of arguements presented, by any means, but it's somehow particularly easy to dismiss as illusions or coincidence what should be the most difficult to dismiss.
I call this "The City of Seven Faces". At least seven. It's an enlargement from Magellan Image Server MG 0033 C115S217, upper right hand corner, looking almost hand-drawn because of the focus and image quality. Try it at home. Some seem highly stylized, but face-like nonetheless. We'll blame the pointed "alien" face on the same sort of cause as the similar facial form resulting from wedging a face between the two triangles as above if we prefer. Maybe the mystery face at upper left is an owl? These might be faces. :-)
I may have found many possible faces in the roughly twenty total images I've worked with for this page, I'm noting some, but I'm not putting any particular emphasis on them. It does somehow feel hard to be sure about them, if only because I know now they're not any singularly compelling evidence, when only the mere image is presented.
On the other hand, while I don't have the kind of supportive evidence yet for these images that goes with the Cydonia face, not only do I have some experience with the sentiment "hard to be sure", since the lastest images of the Cydonia face that are being taken to "disprove" the face's artificial nature have been nonetheless matched perfectly to a sphinx of Hatshephsut by Cydonia Report author, Bruce Cornet, in pages on the world wide web. The point is that the Cydonia face might have been overlooked without the previous, unclear images from which the face was identified.
Hence, no one should be laboring under the misconception that clearer images are necessarily better or more convincing ones, and in fact some serious questions should be raised about the nature of archaeology that is meant to be visible from space or from other worlds. Some of this becomes obvious when trying to use the Magellan Image Server thumbnails to identify promising images only to have some of the details evaporate, leaving new forms visible in their proximity in the large versions of the images. Is there any saying that we were meant to have to fly close by to be aware of them, or is it more likely they were designed to appear more clear from a greater distance, designed to be recognized from blurry views, just as there seem to be those here which are multiple images designed so that they might double or triple their chances of being recognized at all, even if there's the risk that the complexity of the images looks even less artificial and more random because of it? As with Cydonia, these arguable images may be intended to be eye-catching from a distance, to draw attention to the far less questionable structures that are near them. We may be intended to be sure of advanced mathematics and city structures on these other planets; we may never have been intended to be sure about the features that first called our attention to these sites in themselves.
There's also the question whether any of us have the terrestrial experience to rule out some of these images. We don't know whether, for example, we are looking for monuments that are millions of years old, or only thousands. When you talk about erosion or weathering, that's far too big of a difference. We have many images that "kind of" look like something, and then again, maybe "kind of" is all that we should expect to be left of some of them.
We also may succumb to ingrained terrestrial bias. If we saw some of these so called natural formations on our Earth, we might at once say they were man-made. Were we to see some of our man-made terrestial mounds on other worlds, we might at once dismiss them as craters or lava domes. We still look through the eyes that were carefully trained by teachers that there never was any life up there, and even from the duress of having our mental health questioned if we professed that fervently believed in life on other worlds.
The fact is, our own ancient terrestrial monuments come to us so conveniently cleaned and pre-packed in media productions that we may also forget that the sphinx was up to its neck in sand when we found it, and that there is much we have been very lucky to find at all. We forget that many of the Mexican pyramids were so grown over with trees and debris that they could barely be recognized at all. Many of them we are still trying to find. All of these kinds of obstacles to our search on earth only took a few hundred years to present themselves. Imagine the lost monuments on other worlds which might still lie concealed by similar factors.
We also have no collective idea yet, and perhaps precious few individual ideas what happened to these other civilizations, and here is yet another tremendously vast opportunity for highly recognizable artifacts and monuments to no longer look as exactly like something as they once did.
All of these are things that any would-be critic needs to give serious consideration to.
As usual, the process of confirmation may extend not only to the intellegent and deliberate mathematics that may be found in these monuments and their positions in relationship to the artifacts around them and to one another, but whether they have counterparts on Mars and on earth, as the Cydonia moments have numerous copies amongst Earth's sacred sites, at often predictable locations.
The last of these concerns may be the most important, for somewhere in C. S. Lewis' moralizing about man having ruined one world and then decided to spread out to more planets, may be some bitter irony that the earth may not be the first planet we've spoiled, just as his moralizing about the propriety of the impermanence of man's installation on any world in the universe alternately gives some suggestion that the Earth might not be the first world in the solar system where we've lived only to have our environment collapse on it's own.
Hopefully, with the same optimistic idealism that seems to underly Lewis' odd attitudes almost with an air of tongue-in-cheek, even if we are returning to worlds we have vacated, perhaps we will finally return with the power to forestall and even amend such disasters. These, after all, are powers right out of Nikola Tesla's most ambitious but profoundly well considered visions of the endless possibilities of his science.
Lastly, I am mentioning faces because in the twenty images I've studied, there is a preposterously high percentage of shapes like the outlines of faces what have a considerable semblance of two eyes, ears, nostrils, and other intriguing features. Another has no face at all but an extremely high degree of complex bilateral symmetry surrounding it. Neither of these should be happening if these were not faces, at least once upon a time.
There's also the matter that I have made a working practice out of looking closely at areas surrounding these "might-have-been" faces, and there's been a seemingly very high percentage of finding significant recognizable artifacts in their vacinity. The best example of this is the image here with the clearly visible "Mayan" pyramids. I was attracted to this area of the image by what might have been as many as three faces, and it's certainly enlightening to look at this face "we still cannot be sure of" in front of monuments about which we so probably can be very sure. That in itself says something very important.
Of skulls and coffins: I noticed a bit of a "skull on Mars" theme while trying to check the web to see if what you see here might be rendundant efforts. Back when subliminal advertising was vogue, friends and I did a bit of looking for those hidden pictures, and it turned out that the skulls which were so "logical" to be used to "push people's panic buttons to entice them to buy", were too hard to detect for certain amongst the other strange and ominous things that had obviously been airbrushed in, and I'm steering away from that as much as possible in the photos of Mars and Venus.
On the other hand, there's one half-way convincing skull sitting perfectly in a crater ring on the south pole of Mars (it may prove to have crossbones formed of still more unnatural geometry), that I'm still tempted to include amongst the Martian images, the point being that Sauniere's tower may imitate the "castle" on the south pole of Mars, and Sauniere's church has several skulls amongst its idiosyncratic icons. One almost gets the feeling that Sauniere's devotion to Mary Magdalene, as in the naming of his tower, may lie the similarity between "Mars" and "Mary", especially if you consider possible older and varied forms of these names. He may have often referred to Magdalene in order to in fact refer to Mars, and the fact that his penchant for skulls is also made to be closely associated by him with Magdalene doesn't do much to discourage the possibility that he indeed himself referred to skull-shaped monuments on Mars. It's also possible that he used Magdalene instead of Christ's mother as his "Martian" Mary because "Magdalene" may have a common root with "amygdaloid", meaning eye-shaped, and perhaps extendable to the theme of seeing, and as in seeing great distances in this case. It's perhaps flimsy, but it may be a genuine glimpse at initially recognizing possible references by Sauniere to how it was he might have managed so clear a look at the surface of Mars in order to perhaps base his tower on a Martian one. One might also be tempted to theorize that any frequent occurrence of coffin shapes on other planets might be more evidence of the peculiar trickery of subliminal artwork, but that several things come to mind. One, that the namesake work of the Perelandra trilogy makes the device which carries the hero, Ransom (an obvious anagram of "On Mars", by the way) to Venus to be, of all things, a coffin, and secondly, that there's something peculiar about the tombs in the Rennes-le-Chateau mystery, perhaps that one is something like a stretched out version of a pyramid, which is a fraction of a hypercube or tesseract, and perhaps that it sounds something like the great Atlantean crystal described by Edgar Cayce. The other, "she is gone"? Gone where, how, and why? Yet how like Ransom's trip to Venus perhaps this already sounds, as if we are being perhaps being encouraged by the mystery to think of a coffin as some sort of vehicle! Maybe it's something, maybe it's nothing, but perhaps Sauniere's unfathomable referrence to the tombs in the Rennes-le-Chateau mystery were intended to further suggest that the tombs themselves, and perhaps their shapes, were in some way related to the Priory of Zion's apparent and possibly knowledge of means of travel to other planets of the solar system. Perhaps in the end, it will be established that many of the exterrestrial "coffin-shapes" are not only artifical but are related in some important way to the geometry and physics that has been a central issue of the interplanetary mystery since the first realization of deliberate artifacts at Cydonia.
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"...Arthur C. Clarke explained how there were four stages in the way scientists react to the development of anything of a revolutionary nature. "Free energy" was now working its way through these four stages of reaction, which were: a) "It's nonsense," b) "It is not important," c) "I always said it was a good idea," and d) "I thought of it first."- Harold Aspden