Chronos Apollonios' "Home On Olympus"
Ancient Egyptian Wisdom, Part Three:

World Wisdom: Meanings of the Bull and Labyrinth in Ancient Mystery Traditions

In addition to the technological interpretations of ancient animal symbols that are put forward at this site, which go a long way toward explaining what the "fuss" was about so long ago, I've finally gotten around to pointing out how these interpretations of animal symbols as natural forces are the appropriate extensions of what has survived in China and the Orient, where the "white tiger" and the "blue dragon" and other animal symbols of feng-shui are clearly understood as meaning different aspects of energies, probably magnetic in nature, that have been recognized the ancient world over. To assert that the serpent has generally always referred to electricity, and birds to magnetism, is hardly a stretch whatsoever, and the liberal sprinkling of examples over the pages of this site still represents only the tiniest fraction of possible citations.

It comes to my attention over and over that there is a growing fascination with another ancient universal symbol, the Labyrinth. I can only do always, and try to give my opinion that arises from a small amount of education and a slight breadth of experience, but for what it is worth, I'm anxious to try.

For one thing, of course, the Labyrinth doesn't necessarily have to have an intrinsic power. It can serve merely as a label, just like the portrayal of "the blue dragon" doesn't have to be treated as a sympathetic magic agent, as opposed to a teaching in magickal art. As such, they may occur in antiquity to label proximity of the symbolic label to certain expressions of natural forces.

Perhaps the best place to begin, however, is with the expression of the Labyrinth that I'm most familiar with, the Labyrinth of Minos. In such an instance, we have the good fortune of a strong companion icon that may help bring out certain meanings where they may be absent or more elusive in other efforts elsewhere. We may be even more fortunate that the bull, although its not as often I contend with it (and it obviously must have counterparts as well, which may not be so easily named), occurs to me as having lent itself relatively well to interpretation as a power of nature.

On other pages of this site, I have described the probable meaning of the bull as referring to magnetization induced by "heavy electrons", or muons, largely distinguishing it from the normal ferromagnetic powers of iron as described by the ancient use of birds as symbols because it, like other variations, is a large or massive animal (in many cases, the horse seems to be one of its alternates; in ancient Egyptian works, the hippopotamus may be referred to, and it won't be the least bit surprising if this meaning carries into Native American symbolism in some instances in the form of a bison).

What might have been supposed to be obvious might have been missed nonetheless; the large, massive animals are also heavy, and may have been intended to symbolize gravity. If the case is that gravity is intended simultaneously with the other values, we have something perhaps even more profound going on, such as part or all of a unification theory, perhaps.

For the most part, the possible significance of the muon in ancient mysticism seems obvious enough, although this has yet to "trickle down" into illuminating less generic examples. Several examples include Mithraism, of which one of the strongest emblems is Mithra conquering a bull, the ancient mounds of the ashes of sacrificial cattle (an obvious Palingenicism), and of course the myth of the Minotaur, the bull of Minos, and the labyrinth.

Above: In the context of examples of ancient Egyptian science, as detailed elsewhere on this site, this scene may represent a formula detailing certain relationships between magnetism and gravity that are part of the science of mastering both forces. Below: what appears have the possibility of being a reiteration of the identical message, captioned by "scholars" as the ritual driving of four calves, from Luxor temple, 18th dynasty.

Its when we consider the peculiarities and problems of the muon in magick, I think, that the relevance and the reason for the pairing of symbols appears. Muons have been noted this century from basically the point of their discovery, for not only decaying in a blazingly short period of time, but for passing more easily though solid matter than through air. Their orbital capture and their containment seem to be two of the most pressing magickal science problems, and the resonance between this theme, and the theme of containment that the labyrinth embodies, should be obvious.

At left: this scene, a detail redrawn from the Papyrus of Nestranbettawy (Dynasty 21) shows an very unusual occurrence for Egyptian art, with a character escaping from the confines of the normal rigid sense of limit and border. It is in perfect accord, however, with the theme of muon containment and permeativity.

Hence, this great "metaphysical" message may be part of what is intended by the use of the labyrinth every time it has appeared in ancient times, and of course the use of the labyrinth symbol by ancient cultures is "mysteriously" and profoundly universal. It also seems as universal in occurrence as the other themes with which it associates.

We also have an interesting content to the Minotaur story, of a golden bull. Muons of course are implicated in the transmutation of elements, and are obviously of great concern to the alchemist's transmutations, his making of gold as well as his elixirs, and the thematic clues again match here.

Still, the labyrinth is a complex symbol. Even with such an easy answer, it's not easy to pin down the full significance of this. Is the labyrinth literally a device for rendering muons more manageable, or is it merely a symbolic label? It's very likely that a profound and elegant wisdom hinges on that distinction, but we may have to turn to the ancients for any more.

Historians would have us believe this drawing depicts a Cretan sport, that these ancient peoples preoccupied themselves with this preposterously reckless version of the rodeo. Note carefully the detail here from the border. Like the segmented borders the ancient Egyptians used to communicate serpent pigmentation and thereby to refer to electricity (along with it's periodic sets of four implying what the bull scenes above imply, and perhaps the theoretical four-neutrino nature of the gravity particle, the graviton) this particular border alternates between depictions of waves and particles, much as if it had been designed by quantum physicists. (Perhaps this also accounts for the standards of execution of the work as well; if it looks "primitive" in any way, perhaps it should. It may not have been made by an artist...)

By invoking five colors in sequence where tradition virtually demands four, we are left with the suggestion of 5 pitted against 4, the kind of polar pairing that results in Howard Wachpress' magnetic levitator design and what may well be it's kindred, magick mirrors. The scene implies that such technology can determine the nature of a given energy as wave or particle, and may be doing it in the context of gravity.

It's a strong alternative to levitation that may be based on decoupling the neutrino pairs that may comprise gravitons, may cover any objections to the existence of heavy leptons, and may serve as yet another illumination of the exact interactions that produce mastery of physical forces to the extent of being able to routinely produce the broadest variety of miracles.

Given all of this, what we are liable to be looking at is the "acrobatics" of personified particles, the description of a certain kind of phase transition or other activity of considerable importance. The theme of particle precession, and extreme examples of the relevance of precession may also be included here.

It's also possible that the ostensible complexity relates to the complexity of the yet-undefined exact dance of particle interactions which enables all of the metaphysical phenomena in as straightforward and logical a manner as 'run-of-the-mill' science. We can pretty much guess most of the basic players, but the rules of the game seem elusive. One recurring problem is that distinction between our normal magnetism and the muon-induced magnetism, and the relationship between magnetic flux particles and a composite theory of the graviton, which Tom Bearden endorses.

We can, for example, surmise from various phenomena that Cooper pairs of electrons may cause splitting in gravitons, dividing them into photons, but muon-graviton interactions for example seem to be a topic largely untouched. Some particles could easily have been mistaken for others along science's path. We also have perhaps some difficulty in the largely publicly untried waters of the area of exactly how these photons and gravitons are interchanging. Bearden illuminates the transition for us with the tried and true Feynman diagram format, relying on the direction of time, but I'm at a loss for exactly what to quote to tell you whether photons are becoming gravitons because of, to name three possibilities, coherence, quantum statistic transmutations, or some sort of "phase-particle envelope". (It is probably the lattermost of these methods of congregation, the one implying a sort of confinement of smaller particles into a graviton, which most closely resembles the convoluted confines of a labyrinth).

Hence, the labyrinth perhaps promises to tell us something profound, and it may still be a far shorter path to unearth this wisdom from the past than to push the obstinate hands of modern research and science.

Something that may be a fitting association to Mithraism, is the way in which the theme of grabbing the bull by the nostrils, or plugging them, may recount the themes of oxygen deprivation associated with the possible manufacture of oracular skulls including the Mesoamerican Crystal Skull and similar artifacts. It shouldn't be mistakenly presumed that the ancient science justifying a bull wrestler as a religious figure is going to be disappointingly simple, however.

This symbol seems to correlate well with layer upon layer of allegory from a probably fictitious tale of the Trojan War, ranging in meaning from the medical to complicated physics. The magickal significance of oxygen is beyond recounting here on this particular page, although it's found throughout this site's pages, and could largely reinforce much of this, if it's allowed to.

More reasons why the bull became the symbol it did, as in the "pied bull"- Tutankhamen's nebris- a choice peice of apparent ancient Egyptian anti-gravity technology. It's just as likely for this man to be cracking a whip while he effortlessly steers a plow with only one hand, and to the side and not the center at that, as it is for him to be causing the plow, whose basic structure is like that of the dowsing fork, to be magickally driven along by the dowsing forces themselves and guided by what may turn out to be a scalar interferometer rather than a flail. These are after all, the exact magickal and sacred pied bulls whose hides most often appear on Tutankhamens' sacred nebris.

At right is another, even more idiosyncratic scene. Are they farming at the foot of the obelisks? Idly supplicating the gods for fertility when there's obviously work to be done? Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, where are the cows now? The pairing of obelisks may be particularly bizarre without magickal science contexts. Might we be granted the liberty of supposing that the entire purpose for this scene is so that we can associate the magickal workings of these self-propelling plows with the ancient Egyptian and Vedic arts of "Solar Science"- that some additional considerations besides simply "the dowsing force" can be included in their operation?

Perhaps we are looking more closely now why ancient peoples seemed to have the somewhat perverse idea that their "heaven" would be endless toil in the name of agriculture and horticulture- namely, that the art of phenomena, magickal success in these endeavors in this world, was intimately connected with the spiritual sciences that provide technical understanding of the afterlife and it's aspects...

Should we not extend this reasoning one more step to suggest that this would provide technical control of the choice of the passage into the afterlife, that this is the ancient science of resurrection and immortality?In this, the function of the Labyrinth may be the same ideal one that may be relevant to the function of crop circles: the technology of devices that allow the willing disincarnate being to re-clothe their spiritual form with the matter of a living body.

Which leads us back to labyrinth itself... if we keep a close focus on the ideal goals of magickal science, and it's highest legendary aims, there are faint parallels or connections which begin to coalesce...

Our concerns of containment and permeativity which surround the muon may also embrace the concerns of dimensionality. Indeed, we have often been provided photographs of manifestations of disincarnate beings who, possessing largely two-dimensional form, at least in their initial stages of appearance, have probably been often written off as fake consisting of flat paper photographic enlargements... whether or not they actually matched any existent photographic material. 

What is perhaps most interesting is how such a premise fits with the sophisticated science that was employed in an episode of "Star Trek: The Next Generation". The episode, "The Next Phase" features two crew members who become intangible and invisible- so virtually like ghosts that they actually wonder if that's what they've become, when the Romulans have tested on them a device that combines the technologies of the "Romulan Cloaking Device" with a "Molecular Phase Inverter", much like the "Phase-Cloak" that appears in another episode, whose powers extend to inducing the same effect on entire ships. The show's technical consultants prescribe that the effect is gradually reduced and finally neutralized by the use of an anyon beam- a beam of fractional quantum particles.

Our exposure to anyons- fractional quantum particles- begins in the popular scientific media with an article in Scientific American magazine describing anyons consisting of two-dimensional electrons that have absorbed quantities of magnetic flux, artistically represented as a spiral winding inside of the electron. Do we know, however, that the actual organization of any segment of absorbed magnetic flux is not, of some physical necessity, automatically self-organized into a winding which more closely approximates the inner contours of the ancient, universal labyrinth device?

Some of this of course still remains pending upon the final definition of the exact nature of the disincarnate spiritual body. Some of it also remains pending upon a theory which effectively details the precise interactions of diverse particles such as these two-dimensional electrons and any electron neutrinos with which they may affiliate, electron types associated with unusual, "magick" phenomena such as Cooper pairs, the composite photon and graviton as per Martin Ruderfer and Tom Bearden's assertions, and last but not least, the muon. It is clear diagrammation of these relationships that may be far more rich in practical and applied understandings than any of a rather dubious and complicated generation of Unified Field Theories which allege themselves to be inherently immune to empirical testing.

We may more easily come to terms, however, with the possible fractional quantum statistical effects involved with the generation of ectoplasm, and see the striking relevance there.

There is one more matter, however, which I present especially for those who can grasp the subtlety of reality's understated connections. The permeativity issues find analogs in the form of ancient possibilites of teleportation. Indeed, I have bothered to put forth the thought that we may be able to describe the disincarnate state of beings in a fashion again very relevant to the visionary concepts of Star Trek, that perhaps they are as if "stuck in a teleportative state of transit" between place to place.

There are many contents and references on this site's pages that may support such a view, and many more to come as soon as possible, but already we may see in the prevalent symbol of the rainbow, that not only occurs in these ancient legends but is profoundly prevalent in near-death experiences, an aspect of Beardon's scalar science, wherein one of the vectors of a system like that emitted by his model scalar interferometer takes a straight path, and the other is a curved path resembling a rainbow in some matter, whether it is "prismatised" literally, or whether figuratively to suggest that the curved vector embodies displaced quantum values that allows the problem of the quantum to be momentarily set aside during the act of teleportation and re-established at the target point.

Our key consistency here may be that the ancient notions of the Labyrinth advise us that they affect spirits because spirits can only move in a straight line.

Perhaps the trouble for the disincarnate willing to recorporeorate with the telekinetic powers that ghosts so routinely possess, is that there has been no establishment of a scalar vector target or convergence point... at least, not since certain ancient sites have had their appointed technological powers fall into various states of disrepair and disharmony... a symbolic message that has confronted almost virtually every returning visitor who has literally stood at death's door.

In the end, this scalar science in its most recent incarnation, along with Tom Beardon's contributions of inestimable value, will end up just one more legacy of inventor Nikola Tesla, he who lit our rainbows of Christmas lights.

It would be so beautifully ironic, so serendipitous, as nature always seems to manage to be, if immortality, the ultimate threat to "overpopulated" human kind, was preordained by the ancient wisdom to be within our grasp at the very moment we attain a solid glimpse into the mastery of not just space travel, but outright teleportation, even between worlds, to at once grant us the heavens to spread out our "crowded" kind! "Overpopulation" may be all in the mind, but human immortality may be far more definitely written in ancient stone from one end of the earth to the other by the ancient kind.


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