Chronos Apollonios' "Home On Olympus"

The Rainbow Riders: Walkers Between Worlds

"Spilling the Beans" on The Ancient Magickal Science of Teleportation


You might think that with the ancient prowess in transportation that we can find evidence for, such as the substantial science that can be used to back up the legend of witches flying on their broomsticks, that this ancient science would have begun and ended there. I have the feeling, however, that it didn't.

While such technology as it appears to have been may be fine for getting around from place to place, and even modified so that there could have been vigorous travel and exchange of people and ideas between far distant continents, it may still fall short of our noble ambitions to extend the realm of humanity to other worlds besides the earth. It has, accordingly, long been the stuff of legend.

Of course every time one stops to look at any legend of something progressive, upstanding and relatively reasonable, there seems to be an uncanny amount of truth and knowledge that somehow found its way into such legends. I have, on this site's page concerning the Philadelphia Experiment, made the first initial effort to touch on some of these uncanny parallels between science and folklore. It's downright eerie to try to note the "rainbow-like" nature of the Zeeman effect so important in the original accounts of the Philadelphia Experiment, it's "secret name", "Project Rainbow", and the way the rainbow figures so prominently in ancient mythology and folklore as a magickal means of transportation!

This, however, may only be the beginning...

We have many references to such a phenomena. In fact, the legendary material about the "Rainbow Bridge" by which one travels between this world and the next in Norse Mythology is likely to be too voluminous to recount here. It's an interesting thing to contend with in itself, because accounts of NDEs, Near-Death Experiences, if they have any common or archetypal element, it may be a rainbow which appears to people, and even speaks to them.

On this grounds alone we may have cause to look at our models of physical demise, and where they may concern characteristics of apparent death as delayed or mis-sequenced expressions of occult powers, here stands another possibility, of course, that a state of discorporeation may consist of a being "caught" in a state of "walking through walls" or teleportation!

Still, not all of our accounts of travelling by rainbow seem to concern such relatively severe conditions as demise nor near-demise, nor the huge electromagnetic (?) field generators of the Philadelphia Experiment. It may, however also be downright eerie the way that the last premise, of intangible, "psuedo-discorporeate" beings we have stated seems to somehow have major parallels to the some of the most bizarre and disturbing "side-effects" of the Philadelphia Experiment. Sailor involved reportedly walked through walls, some accounts say that a few rematerialized while occupying the same physical space as parts of the ship, and even newspaper clippings were produced to support that several sailors experience recurring side-effects in the form of turning intangible again at long intervals.

Reichard, pp 586-587

"Small rainbow designs are often painted at the ankle and wrist joints of supernaturals; they symbolize lightness and ease in moving and handling things. Such designs are especially important for the left side, since it is 'naturally' stiff and awkward and needs more protection than the right...Some rainbows are short or stubby; the one Talking God gave The Twins to keep was only a fingerlength long. An arched or bent rainbow about eight paces long was their means of travel for long distances; it could be folded and carried in a pouch or blanket fold, but through supernatural power became long enough for any purpose."

At other times, Southwestern Natives have spoken of "traveling by rainbows" as something that once, all people did routinely, in the same manner-of-fact manner as they were known to not only also speak of shape-shifting as a reality, but to next break into sentimental tears for the days when people felt at liberty to routinely perform this "magickal" act as well.

Not ironically, another popular instrument of supernatural travel or travel through the underworld in Native American stories is a whirlwind; the sense one gets when considering its possible synonymy to the vortex effects by which John Walker has theorized that the ship in the Philadelphia Experiment could have traversed space time as a "metric field tensor" is rather riveting.

The Navaho seem readily willing to juxtapose the colors of the rainbow in certain ways as well- I am largely referring to a variation known as "red inside", which strikes me as a reasonable form for symbolizing certain thermodynamic effects. Rather than our lingering institutionalized portrait of the "ignorant savage" who cannot even directly apprehend his own reality but resorted to using the color red to symbolize fire in some quasi-religious manner, the use of the nearest color, red, to symbolize the infrared, or thermal energy, or thermodynamics is in fact eminently logical as expecting the first breakthrough in infrared imaging will be to shift the energy into red, the first available color of the optical ranges. We will, if we have not already, see the very same diagram in our "Scientific American" magazine, illustrating some brilliant breakthrough in physics.

The fact of it is, the ancients have left an inexhaustible legacy of miscellaneous displays of technical prowess and achievement, and even more so, they have left us glaring anomalies.

The Aztec and the Inca alike had either excellent systems of roads, or mind-boggling achievements in constructing them- the Peruvians constructed a highway 5,000 kilometers long. We have it emphasized for us again and again by enthusiasts of ancient intelligence and achievement that they were constructed without the benefit of the wheel (which these people used only for toys!) or horses. We have long been asking how they did this, and the next question to build on such a foundation is why, when they did not use horses or the wheel, they desired to do so.

Some authors provide speculation that the answer is levitation, and I cannot do too much to disagree, for it remains my assertion that ancient roads of Rome and of Europe were populated with self-mobilizing vehicles which traveled by harnessing the powers that motivate dowsing rods, but in the case of the Peruvians I wish to add another possibility to the speculative forum, and that possibility is teleportation.

We are told that the tampi, the cavitations in walls that in places line the Peruvian highways, had various purposes- none of which make any sense. They are consistently shallow enough, for example, to be almost virtually worthless as the "storehouses" we are perhaps most often told that they were. Likewise, they have pathetically little to offer the traveler in terms of hospitality.

We need to take seriously any "evidence" that these roads were traveresed by messengers, the chasqui, only as much as we need to take seriously the Moche artwork that tells us these chasqui were giant beans with arms and legs, were we being "devoutly factual" like "good scholars" will. Obviously, surrealism is at work as it so often is, and we need to look at the larger picture to derive any "facts".

As totally outlandish as it wishes to sound to anyone, it still makes just as much sense as any explanation we have ever been provided with to maintain the possibility that these cavities, so much like the inexplicable cavities in structures the world over, which, by the time we take into consideration the cavitatious nature of so many fabled devices which miraculously materialize matter, may be best described as receiving resonant cavities for scalar electromagnetic signals, do nothing to distinguish themselves from the latter.

Regardless of who is able to accept such a possibility or not, these "receptacles" in the walls along the Peruvian highway are with great probability the exact same specie of magickal tool as the Holy Grail and our beloved Thanksgiving symbol, the Horn of Plenty or Cornucopia: they were either used to materialize objects or teleport objects and people, or both.

Any fact that they required a "road" in order to do so will fall under this criteria to help us establish exactly what they were doing and how.

Requiring a ribbon of relatively homogenous material, size, breadth and organizational structure may have its explanation in basically the same reason that modern man seems to somehow feel obligated to stretch endless lengths of unsightly wire around the planet, as if he were some great spider wrapping the very earth as his prey before he finally devours it, even though we still have enough residual wartime hysteria to make it clear to us that in the even of a major altercation with a foreign power, centralized utilities are a strategic vulnerability. In our own way, we're far more inexplicable than the ancients could ever be.

Our auspice for this, though, is delivery with accuracy, and it may well have been theirs. Even though theory permits teleportation to be performed completely without such an added assurance, just as electrical theory allows power to be broadcast effectively and reliably without all of the wires, still we do rely on these means, presumably for some increased assurance.

Another possibility is that the 5,000 kilometer road was intended to act as a resonator or antennae that would introduce incredibly long wavelengths, possibly for use as carrier waves... wavelengths that sound suspiciously like the enormous values that may have been involved in the Philadelphia Experiment... wavelengths that might be associated with the recurring intangibility of the participants of that Experiment, so huge that the sailors revert to their ghostly state every time the wave cycles- a wavelength so enormous that that cycle might take months or even years.

Such a wavelength in the case of the magickal highway we are proposing here may both serve as additional insurance that no lesser wavelengths introduce interference into the critical process, and that inevitably less than a whole cycle will be worked with, for what that is worth.

Were "wave cycle" equivalent to "quantum" here, it could be harnessed into the fractional quantum which rapidly becomes so familiar in the course of trying to explain so many peculiar magickal effects, including those that pertain to intangibility and "the afterlife", as well as substances whose quantities have limits which are miraculously slightly "bent", such as ectoplasm, and other phemomena pertainent to alchemy and materialization.

Such wavelengths might also be a rationale for many deliberate alignments of ancient sites.

Exactly how might the teleportation of freight be coordinated along such a magickal road?

To save as much of what history has to tell us that we possibly can, let's consider the chasqui again, the messengers who were sometimes depicted as beans. If we took a certain object, for now let's say a bean, and placed it in a particular cavity and resonate the two so that the object has sampled the physical description of this cavity, and that this has then "obligated" this object by various memory effects so that if it magickally goes anywhere, it will recognize it's place in the particular cavity as rest mass or ground state, and attempt to appease nature by returning there, we now have an object that has data that is communicable to any other object we require.

If I therefore wanted to send a pile of clothing to a certain receptacle in a certain city, I could put it in a receptacle to send it, place the destination-programmed object, the special bean, on top of it, energize, and it will "know" to go to that exact place. In this way, the bean is indeed a "messenger", very much like a postage stamp with an address written on it. In fact, the cavities can be programmed that they will refuse to work unless there is such an address with an object, by quite easily yet another act of associative memory.

We seem to see this very associative memory, by the way, once again in the accounts of the Philadelphia Experiment! The most "run of the mill" accounts that will acknowledge that anything out of the ordinary ever happened, assure us that the ship teleported to one or more previous stops- one or more points where its mass was at rest, points where it was not in motion.

I can also assure you that the Inca have such a peculiar tapestry of iconography and customs that it won't be hard at all to reach in and quickly find remarkable things that will make it even more clear how they regarded this, and more actual if circumstantial evidence, that this is in fact the way that it was.

Be this as it may, I will no doubt quickly be set upon here by who have either the naiveté or the avarice to assure me that all there is to know about the art, they know already, and will want to assure me that our own "quantum teleportation" is still in the stages of only being able to "teleport" a single photon- not atoms, nor objects- in other words, it's largely experimental, and would therefore want to assure me that what I'm suggesting is outlandish.

I can suggest for you a serious crash course in the collected works of Tom Bearden, particularly the scalar physics, and I can also assure you that what I'm talking about here isn't at all likely to be quantum teleportation. It may be the quantum itself that is the major stumbling block to both acceptance and understanding of such things, and quantum theory has eminently powerful and intelligent detractors that effortlessly reveal glaring idiosyncrasies in quantum theory all the way down to its very roots, for that matter.

Give or take my interpretation of the Incan "vari-colored llama" as a possible animal symbol for the possible involvements of the powerful but "spatially-confused" muon in this particular science, or probably countless other historical clues, quantum difficulties may be ignored as easily in practice as we may ignore them in theory for their being largely an annoyance.

I would also be happy to go on at length about other cultures, whose understanding of the "terribly-quantum mechical" concepts of action at a distance or interconnectedness, or whatever it is that appears to be these functions, seemed to serve as the substrate, as it were, for more impressive action-at-a-distance which may well have included much more of the same, and even more so about peoples who seem to have utilized the same technology simply to dramatically increase their lifetimes to the point where they probably weren't in so much of a hurry, or in such rough shape, that they didn't feel like they could get where they were going on their own two feet...

Nonetheless, all of this teleportation stuff may prove critical in understanding the ultimate messages of the Face on Mars. We may make huge leaps in understanding it's seemingly infinite complexity, but we just don't quite have the background to tell whether it's simply trying to tell us we're not alone in the universe, or actually inviting us to go visit as soon as we can figure out how. Not that I don't love "flying saucer" theory a great deal, but in the long run, the "how" of it may be teleportation.

In the meantime, if an old American Indian wants to tearfully tell you that in "the old days", people used to ride on the rainbow (not that every culture on earth isn't just brimming with the same message- I didn't even touch on "leprechauns" here as I did on my Philadelphia Experiment page!), I'm so very tempted to just flat out believe them... Aren't you?



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