Chronos Apollonios' "Home on Olympus"
Without ado, these are some of the Ophrys orchids of the Mediterranean, largely Italy and Greece. They are stunning examples of the amazing nature of the flower kingdom, but there is something else. Many of them bear notable and even uncanny resemblance to mythical or literary figures of surviving classical works- Gods, Goddesses, heroes and noblemen of their particular localities... sometimes this takes some imagination to see the figures as humanoids, sometimes it takes very little at all.
As we struggle to wonder just how much of this ancient idiosyncratic literature is factual, and how much is not, amongst the Satires, travestic works whose very name is associable with Satyrium, an ancient name for orchids, perhaps these observations can help us sort the facts from the tongue in cheek. We may see where early writers, through the use of allegory and personification, were far more concerned with keeping natural history than with keeping social history, which readily accounts for countless idiosyncracies and other peculiarities of these ancient works.
Additionally, as highly complicated, ornate plants, they are eligible for a great deal of scrutiny as to expressions of their purposes or uses, through the ancient Doctrine of Signatures. One immediately notable suggestion which seems to fit this pattern is that the natural products once derived from these orchids seem to have included anti-depressants; to the ecclectic or Signaturist this might be immediately obvious, owing to the gaping grins that a great deal of the figurines possess.
Only a very few of these orchids are shown below, and only a few brief comments are given for each specie. Much, much more could be said about them, and may well have been said about them throughout the ages.
All things considered, it may be that the single purpose that inspired the ancient genera of satires may have been to comment on the humorous Signatures that appear in these flowers, and to bring them to the attention of the general populace in their functional form-as Signatures. Such a process not only helps find substitutes so that these rare plants do not have to be utilized economically (they are presently covered by the Berne convention, in fact), but helps create understanding of the same Signatures in other plants when they occur in other plants, but less obviously or less flamboyantly.
Ophrys apifera
Hermes. One of the more convincing as well as the more amusing of the renditions of the "messenger of the Gods". The winged helmet is particularly clear, as is the resemblance to a bear. Travestically or satirically, the "messenger of the Gods" is depicted as bear, a slow, lumbering animal which may never make it to the Olympians atop Olympus with the prayers of mortals for having to stop at the snow-line and hibernate. Besides making commentaries about the role of prayer and reliance on the Gods for trivial favors, versus independence and free will, it designates the bear as an animal which is of concern to travellers, of whom Hermes is the patron.
Ophrys fusca
A convincing rendition of a penguin, and having the domed helmet of Hermes, along with additional sepal features which create the suggestion of lettuce leaves, as if Hermes had comically mistaken a salad bowl for his helmet and worn it on his head, salad and all. This occurance of wearing a salad bowl, not oddly enough, is mentioned or substantially alluded to in ancient satyrical poetry, as are penguins, which in this context are mentioned as having come from perhaps the Black Sea.
Ophrys insectifera
The emperor, Nero, who "fiddled while Rome burned"... you can note from the red-brown coloring of the feet and shins of the figurine, and the hands, this burning of Nero himself as well. Although what appears in this form of the specie more than others to is for "Nero" to have a fiddle bow through his head, what he appears to be wearing around his neck is another comical gesture, for it appears instead to be a lyre. Indeed, not only may Nero have been written up, hence glorified, so much by history rather than ignored by writers out of dissatisfaction, because works referring to him may be elaborations on the icons of this orchid, but the whole matter brings more careful if satirical scrutiny to historical accounts. Indeed "if Nero fiddled while Rome burned... what was he supposed to do, put out a flaming city with a violin? Perhaps he intended to play so well... or so badly... as to bring tears to the eyes of the people and thus put out the flames." These obvious cynical liberties may in fact themselves to some twenty applicable uses of the orchid in question or similar natural products which make far more fitting substitites.
Ophrys lutea
Hermes, messenger of the gods again, the characteristic domed remains clear, as does the identity as a lumbering waddling penguin, an amiable but incapable messenger to the Gods, probably helping to explain why the Gods do not take out the trash or sweep the floors of citizens in spite of avid prayers and supplications.
Ophrys pallida
Artemis. A rare if not singular occurance of a figurine having the suggestion of breasts which possess them as a topographical feature as well, as evidenced by this photograph. In astonishing accord with Artemis' identification with worms, snakes, or sometimes shrimp, this particular figure is sharply tapered as to suggest any of these creatures. Appropriate for a maternal Goddess, she is pale, as if like milk. The identity of the Wormwood Goddess as a (sometimes) worm outright can likely substantially account for her title "disposer of waste", and corresponds well to one of her Aztec counterparts, the broom-riding Tlazolteotl, a Goddess enjoying a central role in communications and commemorations regarding birth, and yet known as the "eater of filth", if we do not take stock in this unappealing title being a colloquialism for the brooms which are associated with them. Such a conjuction of icons encourages us to believe Artemis' sacred herbs, like the worm, can somehow enrich the soil and increase its fertility. Indeed, Artemisia tridentata may be only one of an eventual great many to be noted for fixing nitrogen into the soil, an amazing ability normally though of as restricted to the pea family, and even there accomplished only through a symbiosis with certain types of microbes. Keeping in mind that milk notably contains calcium can help appreciate the milk symbols of this calciphile, and with all likelihood will contribute to better understanding the allusions of the surrounding mythology
Ophrys vernixia
Zeus, Chronos, Silenius... Here we can see the Aegis of Zeus, corpulent Silenius riding up late on an ass (as evidenced by the "ass ears", or the stone what was substituted for Chronos before Uranos devoured it, wrapped in an animal skin. Ophrys vernixia is strongly eloquent in its own way and may have the most to say of any of these orchids in the final count. Likewise, it may have been the first to come to attention, and its corresponding mythological figures may be appropriately grand ones, or appropriately grand ones. Chronos' role as an early progenitor seems appropraite to both an etymological connection between "Satyrium" and "Saturn", his Roman name. Another of countless interpretions is the mundane and yet uncanny suggestion of using olive oil to oil rusty hinges.
Athena or Helen. The upcoming image from the publication of the American Orchid Society's articles on Ophyrs demonstrates that the incredible unlikelihood that the highly peculiar icon of giving birth on a board or plank, which is found in Greek mythology, and is also, as demonstrated by the photo, amazingly, found in the icons of Orchids!
While it takes some imagination to read "birth" out of this image (that's pretty much the point, isn't it, it takes some imagination!), the connection may be most easily made by noting that Signaturism benfits from communicating birth by referring dramatically to a possible danger thereof, blood loss, as well as a key point in menstrual concerns and healthy recovery from birthing, the need for materials to build new blood.
The "plank" formed by the top sepal seems exceedingly rare in not only the genus but in orchids in general, and in fact the mythological reference is really quite graphic if you turn the image upside down in your mind; the two tepals quite easily and convincingly appear to be bare legs straddling the plank.
Many other elements from mythology are much easier to find in these orchid forms and colors; one of them is Apollo's ride on dolpins to found Delphi, several dolphin like forms are found in Ophrys orchids and may inevitably have markings that could tend to resemble footprints. They may have at one time proved as an invaluable teaching aid in reminding people that if they are stranded on a desert island, dolphins can be transportation- friendly rescuers!- rather than the folly of using them as food.
Oedipus. Not easily found in reference works, there is some reference to actual species which fit the description that follows. Oedipus is closely involved with Egypt a number of times (his father's return from Thebes, his encounter with the Sphinx, etc. etc.). This may largely recount that the species in question is one of those whose features recount the Egyptian uraeus, the serpent-symbol which protrudes from the forehead of many Egyptian figures. The positioning of many of the figurines may substantiate a notion that this particular parent of "Oedipus" is one of the species of Ophrys which resembles the position of a charioteer.
The inappropriate and unsavory predicament of Oedipus, accidentally killing his father and accidentally marrying his mother and bearing children with her, is quite a different thing in botanical terms. It is in fact routine, with the exception of plants normally having the scandalous aspect of being hermaphrodites.
There is also a subtle wry irony woven into this. Most of us would assume we would avoid Oedipus' fate because we would notice a family resemblance. Emphasize "family resemblance", because this is of paramount importance in recognizing the heredity of the orchids in question.
As a vegetation allegory, the story of Oedipus would describe a specie or subspecies of Ophrys whose rarity and endangered status is made even more severe by the predicament of self-sterility. That is, unable to fertilize itself, this certain orchid would only bear seed if pollenated by a fertile plant which is in close physical proximity, probably the plant it came from, i.e., it's "mother".
Such a plant therefore can only be progated vegetatively, and largely artificially, to protect it.
The allegorical description of this predicament is intriguing. The eyes of the figurines are represented by pollen organs, and having these absent is representable by way of allegory through a blind character. While amazingly, and accordingly, Oedipus is in fact blinded- he gouges out his own eyes- the story performs another humorous twist by reversing the logical sequence of events and placing the event at the end, rather than the beginning of the story.
Ironically, a commentator on the story with the least amount of appropriate sagacity is obviously going to want to interject that Oedipus had to be blind from the beginning to have missed the family resemblance between himself, his father, and his mother.
Travesty also occurs in the rendering in more subtle forms. The complex turns of fate of the story actually aren't quite as scandalous as the unaltered vegetable allegory. Because the "eyes" of the figurine that Oedipus is lacking are male pollen organs, "he" is actually a "she", and his mother, a hermaphrodite!
Our connection between the Ophrys and the Egyptian head-dresses continue. There is some possibility that the Egyptian uraeus is inspired by the Greek orchids, or that the genus was once indigenous to Egypt. The latter may be discouraged by the content of Hindu mythology, which seems to fit as closely as the Greek to the context of the Ophryrs icons, even though if the genus had been significantly indigenous to India, it might easily remain.
There is also some possibility that reference to "Egyptians" in Greek literature are references to Ophrys orchids. Solon's encounter with the Pharoah (the correct contrivance in context), for example, where he is told that the Egyptians' history recalled four great deluges occuring to the world may both recount a correct age of Egyptian civization but perhaps more correctly, an estimated date for the age of the orchids.
So... to what extent did these incredible specie influence ancient peoples, apart from apparently being candidates for having inspired the religions of the times?
First of all, their conservation may have been coordinated with the establishment of Greek temples. These orchids are calciphiles, limestone-loving, which is one of the transparent clues of the Spartae appearing from the sowing of teeth, which are also calciferous. Incidentally, it evidences or implies the ancient Greeks were aware of the chemical composition of both limestone (calcium carbonate) and teeth (calcium phosphate), although of course we are taught differently by neocentric thought. Hence, not only is the appearance of these plants an indicator of limestone in the soil, and possible locations for limestone quarries, but it is also expeditious to base their cultivation on an abundant source of finely chopped lime- the leftovers from building temples.
Indeed, although it is not clear what was grown in them, it is clear that quite often, ancient temples had boxed planters built into the stone around them. Likewise, the overly accommodating steps of temples leave ample convenient places for clay pots.
In view of a connection between orchid icons and deity identities, it is likely that Ophrys orchids were cultivated around these temples, in accordance when anyone could observe the icons of a particular orchid were somehow appropriate to the resident deity. It could then be grown at the temple, where poets, storytellers, shaman and healers, and others could all observe its icons, and their interpretations, and report them to the resident priests or priestesses. Likewise, all of these persons could freely congregate and discuss amongst themselves their interpretations of these icons, converge to involve themselves in cultivation techniques, etc., along with the other normal social functions of the temples.
The installation of temples in possible proximity to certain orchid populations would also mean that the resident priests could oversee and protect any populations which may have been endangered.
Such a view of ancient peoples as greatly concerned and tireless conservationists sets the stage for a possible better understanding of certain ancient historical structures such as Hadrian's wall or the Great Wall of China, which make negligible protection against driven and determined human beings, but do make formidable protection against migrating ruminants which may have threatened native populations of plants though grazing. These animals at times have only migrated through scarcity of water. This is especially apparent in the case of the former, Hadrian's wall. Scholars are easily puzzled how such a structure could present any obstacle to invading human armies whatsoever, and seem equally puzzled that the moat that surrounds it is so shallow in addition.
Obviously, its nature does not conform to its expressed purpose. My own conclusion of course is that it was intended to prevent grazing animals from wandering and devastating limited populations of essential wild medicinal plants, and equipping it with a shallow watering moat allow animals merely driven by thirst to drink and thereby be discouraged from trying to pass the wall, standing only a mere several or a few feet high.
Additionally, the markings apparent in large samplings of Ophrys images, and in the periphery of ancient literature, suggest a possible origin for the written language of the Greeks. Any appreciable handbook on Mediterranean orchids should constitute a collection of images wherein the entire Greek alphabet can be found as floral markings.
Such a feature is forthcoming on this site.
The connection to the alphabet also connotes the genus Ophrys as being to some degree interchangeable with, and illuminated by, the botanicals of the related stories of Echo and Narcissus, and of Apollo and Hyacinths.
While references such as Baumann's "The Greek Plant World in Myth, Art and Literature" contain a number of specie that may be originally referred to as "the" plant which Hyacinth became, marked with a cry of grief or lament with the Grecian letters, "AI", it would not only be unfortunate but nearly preposterous not to overlook the astounding set of alphabetical markings that grace these orchids. Likewise, and accordingly, when there is reference to ethnobotanical use of these orchids, they have been used as anti-depressants.
Still, the craft of Signaturism is important to their conservation, for seeing them as figurines with gaping grins can often provoke mirth and cheer without resorting to physically utilizing or harvesting the plant, and for this purpose of course imitations of these flowers are perfectly suitable.
We can seen their possible role in the ancient Chronia, for the festival celebrating the return from the shortest days of the year, those days which can cause the most serious degrees of Seasonal Affective Disorder may traditionally involve the use of wine as a celebratant. Still, from a medical or shamanic point of view, the use of a depressant to ward off depression is dubious. These is some evidence that a variety of materials were added to celebratory wines, which may coincidentally both help offset the risk of increasing depression resulting from the use of alcohol, while simultaneously preventing the occurance of hangover. Ophrys may have been amongst them, although it may have been quickly replaced for the sake of conservation.
What would be reasonable is that during this celebration, facsimiles of the Orchids would have been fashioned. They may fail to exist any longer because of having been fashioned of biodegradable materials, such as paper mache, and yet such small, colorful, cheerful figurines may be the predecessors of Christmas-tree ornaments and angels. (Note also the particular way in which the sepals and tepals of some of these orchid figurines causes them to appear winged.)
What we have to contend with, all told, is that a primary portion of the architecture and mythology of ancient Greece, like other ancient structures whose most obvious role is conservation, may have been devoted to the public awareness and preservation of what may be the world's most amazing genus of plants, in addition to diligently trying to obtain the benefits of the plants in question without exploitation. The temple that may have been erected to stand as a guard post against the extinction of a specie is certainly both a far cry from what we have been previously told, and from the meager provisions and efforts we currently employ to ward against the extinction of specie. There is no ranger tower to stand guard over each population of an endangered specie, whose score of inhabitants is ready to take immediate and decisive action if necessary. Perhaps there should be, and particularly in retrospect. Once, this degree of dedication to living creatures probably prevailed.
It's a far cry from the stereotypical "simple Greek shepherd"- but what that approaches reality isn't? Just as today's seed collectors lament the devastation of specie because shepherds have allowed their animals to graze countless rare and precious specie, so too would the tragedy of devastation of the Ophyrs by ruminant in all likelihood never have been allowed.
While there is not only a difference between the covetous trophy hunter of today, and the genuine reverence and respect that appear to have been once instilled in the general populace toward these and many other specie, there may be an even greater distance between the heirs of Greek culture we imagine ourselves to be, with our borrowed vocabulary, our borrowing of classical architecture, the debt we claim we owe to ancient philosophers and thinkers, and our "democracy", and the poor imitation we may in truth turn out to be, particular with our present reprehensible neglect of conservation and ecology, and the spirit of community that inspires them.
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