Chronos Apollonios' "Home on Olympus"

The Shapes of Things: Mars, the Templars, and the "Finishing Force"

Magick, Geometry, and System-Self Organization

This pages comes about in rather an interesting way- as interesting, hopefully, as the thoughts it will touch on. I am enthusiastic about the work of Richard C. Hoagland, the apparent discoverer of "The Face On Mars", and have devoted a number of pages here to that work and its relationship to magickal science and symbolism because I have carefully considered his work and found it to be sound to the very best of my abilities. But there is a history of strange things on the red planet as a matter of fact that is not only nearly as peculiar, but which rightly gives us cause for yet another re-examination of what we think we know so far, wherever it may take us.

I am a fan of those collections of the unusual, and collections of signs that Earth was long ago visited by "superior species from the stars", whether or not that is what I believe that the anomalous evidence of ancient technology indicates, and if you carefully very many of the pages of this site, you will of course know that I am as quick to credit human potential and human ingenuity as I am slow to try to strain the credibility of the average person with something they may consider even more "far out". I find myself fortunate that not everyone shares my enthusiasm for these works, and I find book dealers almost literally giving them away.

A latest find is a work by William C. Corliss, who has gathered many amazing collections of the unusual, and in the three that I own, has almost unfailingly gathered these accounts of the unusual from the archives of magazines, many that are still familiar today as our modern popular science publications, perhaps most notably Scientific American magazine. Either this magazine has an especially sordid past of printing virtually anything no matter how bizarre or preposterous, or better yet, the fact that so much of the bizarre and unexplained has been covered by reputable publications should give us a little pause for thought if we are bothering to "consider the source" of these accounts.

It is thanks to Mr. Corliss' phenomenal efforts as a researcher that I am able to share the following information:


Pickering, William H.; Scientific American, 134:57-58, January, 1926

It is a rather curious coincidence that at each of the recent very near approaches of the earth to Mars, strikingly regular, although only temporary geometrical figures should appear upon its surface. The well-known cross, centered in the approximate circle of Hellas, appeared to Schiaparelli in 1879. It may have appeared in the unusually close apparition of 1877, but in that year he saw only the circle and the single vertical canal. The diameter of the circle is 900 miles. The cross has of late years been replaced by an irregular curved structure.

The next very close approach of our planet occurred in 1892. In that year a regular pentagon with central radiating lines canals was seen in Arequipa. One of the canals was missing, but it may have been too delicate for our 13-inch telescope, or it may have been covered by a temporary Martian cloud when we made our drawing. The center of the pentagon was located at Ascracus lake, as it is now called, although then unnamed, and the diameter of the figure was 800 miles.

In the year 1909 no very complicated figure seem to have been seen. The Lowell Observatory published no special report on that apparation, as they had done for some of the earlier years. M. Jarry-Deloges on September 26 drew [a figure], which is perhaps more interesting than striking, because four-sided figures are most unusual upon Mars. The central meridianal canal is Laestrigon, the two lower ones Tartarus and Ceberus. The horizontal one, Aesculapius, has become more prominent of late years than formerly, while the two upper ones are rarely seen, but both have been confirmed by later observers. The length of Laestrigon is 1,200 miles. (Observations des Surfaces Planetaires, 2, Plate 9).

At the apparition of 1924 the earth passed closer to Mars than had been the case for over a centry, and close than will be the case again for over a century more. This year an unusually large and complicated figure appeared, again it was pentagonal, apparently a favorite figure with the supposed Martians, but in a still different place. The pentagon of Elysium, which later changed into a cricle, is of course well known to all students of the planet. It measures 800 miles in diameter, but this one is much larger, measuring approximately double the size. Moreover, it is not a true pentagon, although of that nature, but a five pointed star with symmetrical appendages attatched.

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It is indeed curious that these complicated figures should appear on Mars, and still more curious that they should only be temporary, and should appear only at close apparitions of the planet, while at other apparitions the numerous other canals should present no symmetrical structure."

Why, yes indeed! Very curious! In fact, even I, who seem to think I have an answer for everything, must pause here to remind you more than ever not only could I be wrong, but there are places where I'm willing to tread where I may inevitably be, before I leap to having a go at it.

Indeed, why am I even seeing fit to include such a peculiar piece of material here, besides the sheer principle that the strangest mysteries require attention even more than others? Am I endeavoring to tell you to relax, that the artifacts on Mars weren't made by intelligent life, that there is some peculiar organizing principle that has long been known, which causes even more amazing formations, that must responsible for what Hoagland and others have discovered about the Martian landscape?

In a word, yes and no... and of course, while I'm not going to try to convince anyone that such changing manifestations are the work of Satan manipulating alien landscapes according to his trademark symbols, I can't help but be fast to bring up that this will serve as one more reason that pagans, witches and other occultists have long nobly championed and commemorated the forbidden geometry even more than the enthusiasts of geometry themselves.

Even though I've recently heard the ephemeral rumor that the latest that NASA has to say is that the artifacts at Cydonia have "disappeared", if I tried to write off Hoagland's discoveries as more of this magickal, apparently self-organizing, geometry, I'd likely injure myself with the dull end of Occam's razor. On the other hand, if I tried to tell you that ephemeral geometry measuring almost 1,600 miles across were routinely built and dismantled by Martians, I would do the same.

They can scarcely be anything but separate but related phenomena. It can scarcely mean more, outside of some absolutely cosmic revelation, than these shapes are more of that important message of what the Cydonia landscape is trying to tell us, and may be necessary clues, whatever their nature.

I will not in fact attempt to even differentiate whether some of these have truly happened to the Martian ground, or whether they are some light-bending illusion; I will attempt to discuss their possible relevance, and the first obvious thing to do is attempt to determine the latitudes and longitudes that are involved with these immense geometrical phenomena and any other of the now famous significances. Even before doing so, however, we may be able to have some discussion of the nature of these occurrences.

It's within memory, for one thing, that the magazine Science News reported it's usual condensed version of other research, this time in regards to certain sites on the earth where the stones keep piling themselves into circles with the same enthusiasm of the roving rocks we hear of at other sites. This was not strange enough to cause the usual disregard of mainstream scientists, although certainly the significance of this effect was terribly underplayed as usual. At least, we have some history of geological forces periodically causing regular patterning of material.

The idea that this has been terribly underplayed, of course, may want to strike the same nerve that perceives what should be expectable as weird and uncanny; in the case of the Martian transient shapes, they are indeed similar to what have become famous as presumably fixed and artificial creations. There may yet be the slightest offhand chance that the Cydonian artifacts are the same type of natural formations in spite of all of the evidence to the contrary, but what is most important here is that there's the great likelihood that like any peculiar occurrences in nature, they constitute what is, for intents and purposes, a message to the human intellect, and in this case, the point is that the message of the Cydonia landscape, and William Pickering's observations, comprise either a repetition of the same message, or parts of the same message.

One reason for this, of course, is that pentagonal geometry may be the next geometry that requires attention subsequent to the famous tetrahedral geometry that defines so many energetic phenomena throughout the solar system. It may be, as I have mentioned elsewhere, that the pentagonal geometry applied to our earth, defines the locations of the Bermuda Triangle and nine other areas of strange phenomena that are evenly spaced around the earth at matching latitudes north and south. Hence, we have regular, self-organizing geometrical forces which not only may work at scales like 800-1600 miles, as Pickering describes, but which also work at an even larger scale and embrace the entire circumference of planets.

Still, there is some small difficulty both assuring one's self that the phenomena of the triangles as Ivan Sanderson mapped them do not tend to drift somewhat, but there's also some difficulty assuring one's self that in having to choose between the sacred geometry of the pentagon, which gives rise of course to the pentagram, and the irregular pentagon which the D&M pyramid represents, that we have made the right choice.

I have even gone so far as to speculate that the essential geometry of the two tetrahedra and two shapes derived from whichever pentagon is relevant produce 6 and 10 faces respectively, which may correspond to the number of equations that Einstein's attempts at a Unified Field Theory deemed necessary to describe certain physical forces. Also, that such a correspondence may arise out of a necessary signature projection of these interrelated fields. In other words, like so many physical processes, somewhere, the Unified Field Theory may model itself for us. (I of course couldn't even begin to do the math; if this is the truth, it will be yet another case, like Einstein's own beginnings, when intuition and imagination prevailed).

Whatever eventual fruits of such inquiry, in the form of knowledge, are often said to be applicable over a wide range of scales in the physical universe, from objects the size of atoms to objects the size of the sun... which is why, perhaps, that there's room in the middle for self-styling pentagons and pentagrams up to 1600 miles across, and again, whether they are actually physically formed from the terrain, or whether it's a convincing illusion.

The idea that this seemed to have a tendency to occur when planets were at their closest point in their approach to one another seems to almost want to somehow add a touch of relativity to the matter as well, and if that's the case, that may be enough said already. It will sit in the "to do" pile along with the question of which pentagon is the true pentagon that defines the anomalous areas on earth... even if there isn't a single answer to that last question, and maybe that is the point of that matter. Maybe, like some molecules, they aren't necessarily restricted to a single geometry. Our question might actually be when and why they vary, as opposed to which of them is the "right" one. Would they tend to vary as, for example, two neighboring planets approach one of their closest points to one another?

Meanwhile, these aren't the only geometries occurring in nature. In addition to an incredible array of geometric self-organizations in minerals, there are many forms in living things that seem to be patterned after such physical forces. I've looked at sea urchins that look like they may be amongst the very best map makers of the "sacred sites" on Earth, and they are only one of a great many living creatures whose forms embody and display incredible natural forces, as if part of their very biology is a sampling of these natural powers.

Natural formative, geometrical forces are known to occur in many other instances as well, be they the "magnetic geometry" that can be demonstrated by the regular geometric patterns formed by magnets combined with floating material in a bowl of water, or the vibrationally-induced patterns of sand or other materials on discs that were produced by Chladni, of whom the Theosophists themselves were great early enthusiasts.

Such formative forces and our knowledge of them even give us cause to ponder their possible occurrence where many has demonstrated technical precision that still seems perfectly uncanny, such as the astounding precision of the pyramids on several continents. While it's not at all outlandish that the ancients could have achieved this technical precision, and certainly not to detract from these wonderful accomplishments, it is also not outlandish that they knew they could achieve their own convenience in the process by relying on these natural forces to induce this extreme degree of structural precision on their behalf.

In fact, this is in strong accord with a relevant goal, to be able to harness powerful motive forces that occur in nature, and to be able to apply them to the construction or perfection of architecture.

Such a premise is also quite reminiscent of one of the apparent paradoxes of magick, that these incredibly complex technological feats that ordinarily require such absolute precision, may nonetheless occur through processes and alignments both essential crude and diverse. It is reminiscent of a "pact" between man and higher beings that man will do so much of a process, and the higher powers will achieve the rest; it is reminiscent of the ability to rely on naturally-occurring principles that empower quantum computers, to "sort out the details for us", or reminiscent of the involvement of genies or elemental beings in the architecture of man, even without resorting to synthesizing such manifestations outright.

Thus, there remains for us the possibility that whatever made the pyramids so inexplicably perfect, may also account for any acceptances of a lack of perfection amongst the peoples and artisans in question, but may be the exact same force which has long been noted to trace amazing forms on the face of Mars that are not only as amazing as, but very similar and related to, the artifacts on Mars that give the strongest possible impression of being man-made architecture.

There is a point where we can not only expect these natural forces to reveal themselves to us through their unsolicited occurrence and their workings, making them reliable indicators and illustrators of valuable physical principles, but where we can expect the very nature to facilitate our ability to harness these motive, constructive and organizing forces in many ways. Such a power is of nearly inestimable value in "terraforming" other worlds besides earth in any kind of fashion that is fast and expedient enough to be realistic, and the fact that these forces seem able to simplify our workings is further to our advantage.

Perhaps when we have taken seriously some of the principles of the so-called field of "radionics" and other esoteric sciences, of the powers of shapes and colors, and converted them into coincide laboratory experiments, when ordinary transmitters and receivers achieve astounding levels of performance for being shaped or colored the same, perhaps when these are deliberately attempted as experiments in harmonic resonance, where the supplemental similarities besides the fundamental frequency add to the effect, we will be consistently on the heels of the warranted legitimacy of these concepts.

Not ironically, the science of the sacred sites that appear at geometrically regular positions on the earth again and again crosses paths with exactly such a resonant, harmonic science, and the science of radionics is in reality more seemingly related to the sciences of gravitation and holography that are so predictably relevant here.

This of course is no coincidence, nor can we expect the ancients to have taken such great pains if this science were not ultimately at least close to universal in its importance and applications.

Such science of morphology as well seems able to corroborate and cohere our understanding of the more complex aspects of the science that we hope to achieve, for there is much the relativity theory that precedes the effort to achieve a unified field theory shining out through the diverse aspects of it.

Likewise, this science of the geometric regularity of natural forces holds an especially glittering hope of providing explication in an area of ancient science that would appear to be a haphazard stitching together of overly diverse elements of science without a better effort at a unifying principle. The area of magick mirrors and time cameras, of the counter magnetic amplifier, and especially of the "Wachpress effect" are outwardly compatible, and relevant to the materialization science of the ancients thought the continual theme of mis-matched geometry that so clearly points to the mis-matched sets of magnetic poles that drive Wachpress' magnetic levitation design.

Still, there remains an outward difference between mis-matched poles of electromagnets and of mis-matched geometries that would require more interesting physics or some very unusual placements of magnetic monopoles to explain.

Superficially, those very concepts will suffice to explain these things. In fact, the very frequent reliance on cavitatious carvings, "magickal" glyphs or names, are indeed cavities, whose electrical behavior is geared toward having a single electrical charge whose interaction with magnetic fields may automatically render them monopoles, and other mis-matched numerical features may be no more difficult to explain.

It is, however, in looking as closely as possible that we may be rewarded with more clues that help further our own understanding of physics, and in turn further our understanding of the magickal science.

We may also get some mileage out of considering the phenomena on Mars when we consider the works of the Templars. Henry Lincoln has made famous, or should have, the alignment of many of Europe's churches into huge pentagram figures, easily spanning hundreds of miles.

While it's not only easy enough to associate the Templar achievements with the Monuments of Mars, not only because of the similarity of the grand scale, but some intriguing harmony between their messages and their grandeur, that still doesn't necessarily explain how, and especially why these churches were aligned to form these huge pentagrams.

In honesty, it may have been all an incidental effect of the geometry of the forces of nature and something so simple as the best locations for the churches have been divined or dowsed, perhaps in hopes of providing wells and springs for Holy Water, and the powerful earth energies that dowsers are able to detect giving those positive responses that would have signaled so. Perhaps they never even knew of these aligments.

On the other hand, there are a great many other possibilities, and paying closer attention to the outward signs of formidable knowledge on the part of the Templars, such as perhaps Leonardo Da Vinci's use of the D & M pyramid's symmetry in his art to name only one, may be of assistance.

I have speculated elsewhere that these gigantic pentagrams might have been considered a "better" muon source, the particle which may turn base metals to gold and mere botanicals into elixirs of life, which may charge the dew with the magickal properties that alchemists and witches alike have long purported it to have. While I have presented some basic elements that suggest that the muon is far more common in nature than we yet think it is, if we would only bother to look more and take things for granted less, I have yet to do a detailed job presenting any collection of evidence that suggests that this heavy electron is far more common as a product of the electron, or occurs where we think the electron occurs, and more than once a possible explanation that has arisen is relativity- that the muon can easily develop relativistically from the electron.

In fact, such relativistic effects are an important underlying reason why I attempt to identify an ancient electrical device shown in a tomb from Dendera as a muon gun.

It's probably not likely that I will yet do so on this page, but it should be said, because if the great pentagrams of the Templars are interacting with the forces on earth or their counterparts on Mars which cause the formation of gigantic pentagrams and pentagons apparently without any aid from man, relativity may nearly demand that a supply of these particles is the outcome.

Still, I may be putting the cart before the horse here. Even a small pentagram is a powerful thing in its own right, at least in the hands of those who understand them, and that shouldn't be forgotten. Likewise, the idea that the Templars would depart from the familiar ethics of the occult and "inflict" a fountain of youth from the stars on a perhaps unsuspecting populace is hardly an enticing one that it finds great congruity.

There are also some semblances of celestial study. If the Templars, as they seemed to, may have possessed the secrets of terrestrializing planets and instantaneous travel between worlds, they may have wished to study distant worlds. As the use of the pentagram implies, there's a semblance of magick mirror technology directed toward astromomy, that these ancient alignments may be incredibly like our modern arrays of radio-telescopes, perhaps using understanding of far more sophisticated principles.

Nonetheless, we would be forced to also wonder why hand-held magick mirrors which seem perfectly adequate would not suffice. The same sort of argument would likely prove true with virtually every application of magickal science imaginable, a pentagram of such proportions, let alone many, simply isn't necessary.

There is a modern expression of a certain concern that may well involve the very same science. It is rather much to my chagrin after decades of accusations directed at major world powers of tampering with the earth's atmosphere and weather, and not at with any necessarily friendly intent- in fact it's a bit of a perversely huge experiment that makes laboratory animals of every one on earth- that at the time of this writing the latest reports on Richard Hoagland's Enterprise Mission page seem to indicate that the anomalous energy patterns that are tell-tale of the use of this technology were directed toward warding off a meteor shower, and using Nikola Tesla's vintage force-feild defense plan, the "Tesla Sheild", to disintegrate the falling bodies before they could strike the ground.

It's rather disappointing after hearing media reports of vast emissions of microwave radiation and other nightmarish doings since as far back as I can remember, that suddenly such preposterous madness should come riding in to a hero's welcome for "having saved us all" from some probably over-rated cosmic doom. Were a public statement to be made, however, I'm sure it would be about how it's all necessary to test, because colonization of nearby bodies without protective atmospheres must inevitably involve something like the Tesla Sheild to insure the safety of the colonists, and after their possible responsibility for decades of catastrophes and a considerable number of deaths by hot-dogging with the Tesla technology, it will probably prove hard to argue with the logic unless we remain firmly idealistic that they should go test it somewhere else, especially at the point where we'd be told it's "necessary" to perfect technologies that might allow us to control the weather on Mars. Like the Manhattan Project, however, it's technology that demands being perfected on paper first.

The subject, however, may remain pertainent. Is this what the Templars attempted to achieve with these enormous pentagrams? Were they pioneering a different sort of "Tesla Shield" in preparation for colonization of Mars, one without the destructive side effects of our own? Did they have reason to believe the earth needed such protection?

Somewhere in the Message of Mars and the Mysteries of the Templars, this is indeed one provision we may require, but that's only a guess. There are still lingering thoughts to be considered of the possibilities. If, for example, the Templars felt such pressing needs for the defense of mankind from catastrophe, had they also made provisions for persons within a certain considerably large sphere to be delivered safely elsewhere if worst came to worst? There are alternatives here too that make this a difficult one to enthusiastically accept, as conceivable as it is.

Perhaps the Templars found some lesson in the fate of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa that they strove to keep from reoccuring by deliberate management of the sometimes violent physical forces that are so keenly highlighted by the message of the Martian monuments, forces perhaps so universal that their management may prove a necessity on any world in creation that we chose to exist on.

At the very least, we can assure ourselves that speculation, the very bane of those who have such great "enthusiasm" for the ad hominem launching of the accusation of "pseudoscience", is in fact the only resource we have here, and one we have yet to exhaust. (In fact, barely having scratched the surface of the subject here, please bookmark this site and check back to see what's been added.)

Sooner or later, it will inevitably produce lasting answers, and we can already tell that those answers will fall neatly into the category of the magickal applications of the power of sacred geometry, and that they will be powerful ones, in full accord with our highest ideals, granting mastery of our worlds on a diverse and grand scale.

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