Chronos Apollonios' "Home On Olympus"
I can already consider myself as having been willing to consider that, granting legitimacy to the phenomena known as crop circles, that their particular messages and timing may have a lot to do with their creation having deliberately involved anticipation of the signs of the times when they would be needed most, when simple self-sufficiency and cottage life had been cut down for the sake of farming homogenous masses of crop material, which in many ways is an undesirable process. Such doings can be considered to be synonymous with our mistaken auspice for creating the environment that they favor, that we have mistakenly come to think is necessary in order for large populations to survive.
We can only hope they are screaming at us abundant secrets that will help us figure out what to do with a race that is quickly growing too large for its fragile planet.
However, we can rest quite assured that since the phenomena do not seem to occur in the forest, nor would we be likely to see them if they had, making them a rather pointless gesture, that their physical apparatus is able to perform the basic functions of electronic circuits (sense, act and decide) in the form of actually sensing that their location is covered with homogenous crops of grain. In fact, one photograph show a poppy within a crop circle still standing while the grain around it lies flat. It has somehow been virtually ignored by whatever force caused the phenomena, as if that force was clearly able to discern it from the redundant vegetation that surrounded it.
More intriguing, however, is that we have reports of the man-sized stones of certain stone circle sites not only performing strange energetic functions, such as apparent dampening in the ultra-sonic ranges, and interacting with one another, but of also being affected by the encroachment of a human being. Given the crop circle observation, such configurations may be able to sense and identify human beings, perhaps by their volume, mass, or weight.
Such an observation may prove rather pointless could we not conjure some background on when and where else we know of the volume, mass, weight, or other marker of the presence of a human being to have profound results.
Some of these situations involve the defiance of gravity, such as the levitating stone which requires 11 people to touch it and to chant; this is in its own way not at all dissimilar from the "human quadripolar gravity antenna" trick, or at least that is how Richard LeFors Clark describes the parlor game of a human being lifted by a few others using only a single finger of each of them. Such a parlor trick has in fact taken many forms, and the particular form involving the boulder seems as if it may rely in part on the same unpaired magnetic pole considerations that are responsible for the success of Howard Wachpress' magnetic levitator patent design.
Not surpringly then, I suppose, we find in the considerably popular Time-Life Books "Mystic Places" Volume, how one of a group of young people visting a sacred site late at night was mysteriously lifted in the air and suspended for a time. Shall also we consider the fact that only one of them, and not all, may be another indication of the ability of certain sites to be sensitive or responsive to a single human presence?
In the past, there has been considerable accumulation of not only magick in which a single human being makes, of his own internal workings, configurations conducive to conjuring and magick, but where groups of humans, quite possibly by their mere applied presence, do so more in the direction of outward workings. I am a person, for example, who does not consider the Witches' coven "Raising the Cone of Power" or "Drawing Down the Moon" to be exceptional from the possible workings of the magnetic effects of Wachpress' levitator, or India's levitating stone. Often, these situations are also dependent on number of people present.
Likewise, Native American magick has involved the possibility of the presence of a circle's dancing participants as part of a larger device with which magick is to be made, and such things also not only contain elements of Wachpress' technology, but of many diverse aspects of conjuration. I have elsewhere herein suggested the likelihood that his technology may be easily applicable to feats of materialization, and much of the ethnography in question seems harmonious in context and content.
We may find ourselves propelled toward a rather fanciful, and yet perhaps nonetheless real, excursion through visions of "cliches" of the fantasy genera; a magick portal for a housedoor that only the master and his family may pass through, and not mouse nor malicious type, even when it is open. Magick wells that only pour forth water when they sense a thirsty human approaches. Magick devices which require the presence of a council of humans, in civilized agreement, in order for them to avail themselves.
These are perhaps not greatly inspired thoughts, for we can do all of this with our modern electronics easily. On the other hand, it may all provide considerably important further clues to what the ancients were trying to do when they engendered these amazing and mysterious sites, and above all else, may help provide us with precious clues to exactly what kinds of energies they were working with, for exactly what purposes, and exactly how.
I have my own suspicions why a young man would suddenly find himself hovering at a 90-degree angle in the air at Chanctonbury ring, and it's neither for the village magic show, nor for showing off at all. In fact, it's something rather profound. But then again, it's something that I've been known to try to tell people for quite some time now, isn't it?
Some of this, we may owe to our own nature, our very own nature that provides that we can somehow function as the sort of apparatus to detect various energies and underground water. Advocates and practitioners of radiesthesia are keenly versed in the fact that the human nervous system constitutes a complex and formidable antennae. When we come down to the difference, if any, between what we can sense, and what can sense us, what require perhaps more thought, it why? We have possible answers, but little of it seems as worth of the endless elaborate efforts that may have gone into the ancient sites and alignments.
This Christmas, I received a loving gift of a Crop Circle calendar, which I deeply cherish. While I'm not one to be swept up in a mania over these phenomena, I'm of course intrigued, and it was particularly delightful to receive such a quality item as this, which begins with concise elaboration why we should take these phenomena seriously, and in no uncertain terms why very few of them are fakes.
Richard Hoagland, the "Face on Mars" fellow, has had quite a go himself at the legitimacy of these phenomena, at the possible risk of his credibility. He's ruled out hoaxes even when there were culprits who (were paid to?) confess to being responsible for the circles, because the mathematics of the designs are so elegantly complex they seem to be anything but the work of a couple jokers doodling in fields with a board and some string.
Richard's presentation, however, digresses into the appearance of the Mandelbrot Fractal crop circle, and comments on how it appeared near where Benoit Mandelbrot went to school. It's then I begin to wonder if Mr. Hoagland hasn't made the mistake of grasping at his first straw out of countless times he obviously hasn't in support of the Martian artifacts and the terrestrial phenomena that are somehow connected to them. Exactly what is the connection here? A crop circle, lying in wait, impressed itself on young Mandelbrot's subconcious, somehow? Granted I know of many "serendipitious coincidences" of that very sort, but while these may hint at curing, preventing, or treating the odd disease, I 'm not sure I can think of a single branch of this categorical process to be a be-all-end-all to so great an enduring mystery that I would like to provide such an answer to anyone with any confidence whatsoever.
Nor do I expect to get many to have any kind of productive belief that the earth is a living, intelligent, and perceptive thing, and the Mandelbrot Fractal crop circle is thus the planet throwing it's own little party in honor of Mr. Mandelbrot. If I get out my copy of Briggs' and Peat's "Turbulent Mirror" I can probably find some people who may have been even far more deserving of such a cerealogogical pep-rally in honor of mathematics. Where are the "handshaking" crop circles when peace treaties are signed? Is that all the living Earth Mother cares about is science, science, science? Maybe. But we'd probably be hard pressed to measure the progress of science by the appearance of the related circle when to Hoagland's sober and intelligent reckonings, they're showing us science we haven't even though to yet.
If the Mandelbrot Fractal crop circle isn't a fake, what in the hell is going on here?
Once more, I'm going to set aside the obvious possibility that the British Military is having fun testing the beam capabilities of their "secret" spacecraft designs by doing their damnedest to see if their saucers will double as tractors and harvesters when they try to farm on Mars, and trying to blame it on the ancients and hoaxsters and anyone else they can. People have reported, mind you, watching weird lights out there making the things part of the time, and the rest of the time, just because you can't see them doesn't mean they're not there. The ancient Vedic scientists handed down handbooks on how to do that, too.
Ah, yes, and the mutilated cows. They want to see what kind of effects that spacecraft feilds have on some resident of the gastrointestinal system, probably magnetotactic in origin? The same ones that excrete copious estrogen if you don't grind your muffin bran to their precise specifications? That is a symbiont? The same ones that they probably found were responsible for setting off a catabolic cascade of hormones that produces the physical wasting of astronauts and cosmonauts in orbit even when they have rigid regimes of aerobic exercise? (They may even be genetically engineering the cows first by now to see if they can produce variance.) Don't blame it on zero gravity, but keep a close eye on who tells you to. I'm just guessing, but the cows may be accounted for, and the rest of the extraterrestrial experience may be accounted for elsewhere on this site. I could be wrong (of course!) but let's take every possibility into consideration before I feel compelled to define "empiricism" and "deductive reasoning"... again.
As I have said elsewhere on these pages, there seem to be indications that there may be the same harmonic science, time-reversal science, unpaired pole technology, and counter magnetic science in these circles as we find in ancient and modern magic mirrors and time cameras. It shouldn't surprise anyone to think of there being "plasma vortices" associable with the extreme applications of these technologies just as easily as with "secret" (i.e. secret to those who maintain an unofficial boycott of public libraries) spacecraft designs.
Not ironically, these time camera and magick mirror technologies still suffer the reputation of being susceptible to the thoughts and pre-conceived notions of their operators. It is indeed very possible that a number of people in Mandelbrot's hometown, thinking thought of hometown pride in his accomplishments, could have influenced the pattern which was created- impregnated it with the image of that which Benoit Mandelbrot is most famous for.
Unfortunately, what does this give us? A cosmic "Etch-a-Sketch"? A giant magickal doodle pad? That's pretty much perverse. Reminds one of the grand handiwork of bored immortal gods who fancy mortals as nothing but chess peices. Moreover, we've already seen, we think, signs of intelligence greater than the manifest collective conscious. Granted, this could be once when the phenomena has somehow deviated from being succeptible to presumably unconcious thought to concious.
On the other hand, it's not that often that anyone can get them to "do" anything else, which isn't necessarily characteristic whatsoever of the possible technologies at work. It may be, in fact, that where counter magnetic technology might provide us with a different circle in the same place every day, that no two may have ever cropped up in the same place. They could still be the product of rigidly fixed underground installations or other manner of magnetic field programming. While they may still be an integral part of the message of Mars, with cosmic proportions, they're not as helpful as the "question and response" interaction of ancient artificial magnetic intelligence technology like the oracular and crystal skulls.
So, once again, exactly what in the hell is going on here?
Failing all else, let's fall back on the golden rules of idealism and optimism here. Let's figure that whoever designed these could do pretty much anything they imagined. If we were quite that proficient both technologically and sociologically ourselves, what would we be doing? What would we want to do?
It is then, I think, that one of the least considered possibilities may become apparent. It is then that the words emblazoned above the most concise and convincing defense of the crop circles I have ever seen catch my eye: "Messages from Beyond". It's the one thing I haven't seen the crop circles called, is a vegetal Ouija board. It's the one bunch of perpetrators that I can't recall ever seeing named. Demons, they've been implicated at least once by a most backwards individual. Fairy rings made by real faeries? There's a grain of truth in that perhaps, but that's undoubtedly made the list. I have never seen anyone that I can recall having ever suggested that crop circles may be another manifestation of the all too familiar escapades of throwing silverware and furniture about the house by the disincorporeorated, yea, the disincarnate... I have never heard the crop circle phenomena attributed to ghosts.
Now, before you go running for the sedatives and the straightjacket, please allow a relatively rational person to explain why such a thing shouldn't in itself warrant a trip to the "funny farm", (not that there aren't enough times I think that may be what this planet is, but that was someone else's theory actually).
Consider what we would want to do if we could. Consider what we can concievably do with the magick mirror technology. What can't we do with it, really?
Imagine a garden, a beautiful garden, where departed spirits wander. Filled with the yearning to return to their former existance, they stroll through a beautiful garden gateway, and magickally, the atoms of an eartly body are acquainted one by one with that place where the eternal blueprint of man, his subtle bodies as the stunning science of Theosophy calls them, the aura or the "electric blueprint of life", the "blueprint for immortality" as they are called by others, tells these atoms they should go, and provides the necessary motive force for them to enter into that configuration.
In other words, we have availed the reluctant departed of a materialization device in order to assist them in their goal of returning to life. Due to certain physical laws, they may be largely prevented from affecting matter on the necessary atomic scale to do so, even though they may have retained the telekinetic control of larger objects- the household objects and furnishings.
I have even endeavored to delve into a bit of detail as to the physics of this problem elsewhere on this website. Even though I have touched on the ethics of using such technology as EVP, Electronic Voice Phenomena, or ITC, Instrumental Trans-Communication- electronic ways of conversing with the departed- to gain their consent before performing an act of alchemical, magickal, or scientific resurrection of persons, clearly many of our ethical dilemma disappear should we simply provide them the means and leave the remainder to their own judgement, will, and conscience.
One problem with credibility here may be that I have been lax with the technical discussion of materialization, a seemingly ancient art, on the pages of this site. One who is already aware of the finer points of the possibility in general should need little encouragement to realize the veracity of the next logical application of it- resurrection. So far, studies of palingenic resurrection and materialization have done nothing else but prosper each other right and left, and many details of palingenics are given in the very first page of this site following it's index, I have proudly and confidently placed the greatest priority on materialization science in that particular form.
So what if the ancients thought exactly the same thing, and then decided to impliment, it because the CIA, the KGB, the men-in-black, and the whole quasi-mythological herd of progress-stoppers who created blue M&M's didn't exist back then, and those folks had thousands of years to come up with this, not the hundred we've had since we transcended mandatory use of natural gas. (What a world this would be if everyone with an intelligent thought didn't feel obligated to worry that someone was going to blow their brains out for it. Sigh.)
What if one of Mandelbrot's dead relatives got the circle apparatus to produce the Mandelbrot fractal crop circle? What if the rest of the time, the technology that the departed want to scrawl across the fields of grain and rape happens to look like the Martian technology because the technology that will put the flesh back on their bones so they can hug their grandchildren again IS the Martian technology? What if the reason these sacred sites and circles tend to cease and desist their activity when sensing the presence of man is part of their knowing when a man is there because it's just finished putting him back together, so they know when to shut down?
I will conceed to you it does look like Mandelbrot's concept is part of something that could well be part of this technology, and it may never have dawned on us as easily otherwise.
I've already detailed where Palingenics technology may be the underlying theme of at least one Native American sacred site. In this realm of inquiry, the world of the "weird", where there is one, there usually follows many more.
So... let's keep this short for the sake of this tiny page, but do the physical properties and the theories of crop circles fit what we would expect for such configurations? Does the folklore and mythology of our predecessors match this possibility? (I am thinking even now of a grail or a cauldron which materializes food, and refuses to serve the coward, a cauldron in which legend tells us the dead are also raised. Sound familiar?
Of the Holy Grails I have already named, I will call every circle of stone or flattened grain, and anything else that's even remotely round, a grail of equal worth until proven otherwise. While I must apologize to my body for eating cake frosting while reading the corresponding Phillip Jose Farmer books in my youth, that such splendidly absurd notions come so easily to me, I will not apologize for this theory, but I will probably do some more reading and soon discover that someone far more credible than me beat me to this theory too. I couldn't be more pleased, because in whoever's theory this is, the glittering promises that have long lured the hapless to a sad remnant of Christianity, and the legends of the Holy Grail, come true together, right on time to participate in the real world preview of Star Trek's Twenty-Third Century. I've seen worse theories, haven't you? In fact, when I find one that sounds better, I'll throw my lot there... In the meantime, thank who you like that's long gone and praise your brains out to every deity in the book if you like. I think we just might have a winner...
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." -Albert Einstien
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