It took almost two years after creating this web site for me to put together the beginnings of the Laufer family genealogy. I will share the results of my years of research on both the Laufer (paternal) and the Nealon (maternal) sides of the family.

The Laufer side of the family had its origins in the Black Forest of Germany in the town of Weilersbach. The transmigration to the United States of David Laufer, my great grandfather, in the year 1883, and his brother, Ludwig (Uncle Louie) inaugurated a new era in the Laufer family, of which I and my family are the beneficiaries.

The Nealon side of the family had its roots in Ireland. The great potato famine began in 1846 in Ireland. It was followed by about 30 years of economic and politcal unrest. Emigration to England and the United States was encouraged. It was during this wave of emigrantion that the Nealon and Clarke families came to the United States -- between 1860 and 1875. Both Michael Nealon and Mary Clarke were mere toddlers when they arrived in the U.S.A.

The name LAUFER is the 18,134th most popular last name (surname) in the United States; frequency is 0.001%; percentile is 77.117 [Source CBN - U.S. Census Bureau]

Joseph Michael Laufer is the son of Joseph Francis Laufer of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania and Loretta Margaret Nealon of Ashley, Pennsylvania. Click below for the respective genealogical information of the Laufer and Nealon families.

. The Laufers of Baden-Wurtemburg, Germany

. The Nealons of Ireland

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