On Thursday, November 29, 2007, in the company of 150 friends and family members, Joseph M. Laufer received the Llloyd Ritter Community Service Award, which is given annually by the Volunteer Center of Burlington County. The Award Dinner was held at Burlington County College's Enterprise Center on Route 38 in Mount Laurel. The award recognizes Joe's many years of volunteer service to the citizens of Burlington County.

Click here for Joe's Bio from the Dinner Program

In accepting the Volunteer Center's honor, Laufer joined a distinguished list of past honorees, including Dr. Robert Messina, President of Burlington County College, Mary Wells, Director of Family Services of Burlington County; Millie Gama, Executive Director of the Burlington County Chamber of Commerce; Burlington County Freeholder Vincent R. Farias; former Burlington County Superintendent of Schools, Walter Keiss; Dick and Doris Alaimo of Mount Holly; Robert V. Santare, President of Champion Fasteners; and former Burlington County Clerk, Edward A. Kelly Jr.

Now in its 11th year, the Volunteer Center serves as a clearinghouse for volunteer opportunities by connecting volunteers of all ages with community organizations and projects that need their services. The Center maintains a Web site at

State Senator elect Phil Haines was Master of Ceremonies at the event, and speakers included Joyce Goldsmith, Director of Burlington County Office of Cultural Affairs and Tourism; Rev. Joseph Farrell, Pastor of Assumption Church, New Egypt; William McDaniel, Trustee of Burlington County College; and Bob Santare, President of Champion Fasteners. Joe was presented with citations from Congressman Jim Saxton, The New Jersey State Legislature, The Burlington County Board of Chosen Freeholders, and a Plaque recognizing the Lloyd Ritter Community Service Award.

Joe's Speech in Accepting the a Award

Click here for pictures taken at the Award Dinner

At the dinner, Bob Santare announced the establishment of the Joe Laufer Scholarship Fund in his honor. The fund will support College Scholarships to be awarded annually to graduating seniors of Burlington County High Schools who have shown leadership through volunteer service during their high school careers.



Established by the Volunteer Center of Burlington County in honor of Mr. Joe Laufer, 2007 recipient of the Center's Lloyd Ritter Community Service Award.

Save The Date !!!
Friday, September 19, 2008

At Historic Smithville Park, Eastampton
The Volunteer Center's 1st Annual Casino Night
Offering a fun-filled evening of games, music and prizes
Also Featuring A Special Raffle Drawing
Top Prize -- One-Week Luxurious Jamaican Holiday
The Villa At Lookout Cove
Includes food, non-alcoholic beverages, and a staff of three.
(Prize Value: $4,800)
All To Benefit The Joe Laufer College Scholarship Fund
Raffle Tickets To Go On Sale in July, 2008