Last year we provided updates from Georgia at this site, and our use spiked by over 100% during the week! So this year we are bringing back what is by far our most popular service. Log on everyday to get updates from Georgia. Also, this year you can e-mail your kids from down in Georgia. Just use this special e-mail address, When you e-mail your kids, please include their name in the "Subject" line of your e-mail program for faster delivery. Please do not include any graphics of other such attachments. Also, include in the body of your message if you wish to have a responce from your child. If you can talk to your child over the phone near to the time you are sending the message, we ask that you forgo the message and just talk to your child directly. That having been said, we hope you enjoy this new feature!
After you check out the results, why don't you check out the rest of the site? Our Searchpage, is, in our opinion, one of the most complete on the Web. If you can't e-mail your kids because you don't have an e-mail address, why don't you check out our E-mail page to find some great free e-mail service. After you get that new e-mail address, you can sign up for our Mailing List. Also, you can check here to see any airport delays and here to see the weather in Georgia
Here are a list of students going to Georgia
And without further ado, the Instant News!
Senior Division
Whizzbangs(Felix, Scott Winkler, Britton Costa, Jim Adams, and Jeremy Ketter) are 1st in World Card and 2nd in Presidents. Scott Winkler got a perfect score in the first round of Presidents, and Felix is in a 3 or 4 way tie for second place. In World Card, Britton Costa is currently in first place, and the rest of the team is in the top 5. The other team from the High School is the Dogfighters(Laura Nagurney, Walker Hamilton, Brian Abbey, and two girls from Mt. Lebanon). They are currently 3rd in Propagana and 4th in World Card and Linguishtiks. Jim Adams got two perfect scores in the first two rounds of Linguishtiks.
Middle Division
NTN(Jason Tomko, Steve Scureman, Brittany Breitweiser, Lacey Stewart, and Erika Dixon) are currently 3rd in World Card and Presidents. The other team is Cabin 13(Sherry Tomko, Missy Karnack, Christa Yakub, Patrick Johnson, Kevin Kroll). No individual results are available at this time because they were not posted.
Elementary Division
No team results are available. Jessica Breitweiser is in a two-way tie for second place in World Card. Kirk Fulton is in a two-way tie for 3rd in World Card. Matt Slogan is currently 2nd in Propaganda. Teams from the Elementary Division are: Toast is Hard(Matt Slogan, Kirk Fulton, Jessica Breitweiser, Nick Rigby, and Greg Simmons) and Chain Gang(Corey Alukonis, Kirk Gallager,Kevin Berkeybile, Heather Kroll, and a Mt. Lebanon girl).
By the way I am sorry for any spelling errors and any other grammatical errors that I have made. Just email me and tell me what I spelled wrong.
Senior Division
Wizzbangs finished second in World Card.
Middle Division
NTN is currently in first place in Propaganda, and Cabin 13 is second in Propaganda.
Elementary Division
I don't know why, but nothing is available.
Well, as you can see there are not many results to post however Felix did give me the names of participants in the talent show to take place later this week. There is one group act and two individual acts. The group is named 8 Chics and consists of Brittany Breitweiser, Erika Dixon, Missy Karnack, Sherry Tomko, Krista Yakub, Lacey Stewart, Heather Kroll, and Miss Kopcho. The individual acts will be performed by Jessica Breitweiser and Matt Slogan.
Senior Division
Felix Yerace tied for 1st place in Presidents and is expected to receive 2nd in World Card and 2nd in overall Social Studies. Wizzbangs finished 2nd place in Presidents and overall Social Studies.
Middle Division
Cabin 13 finished 1st in Propaganda and NTN won 3rd in Propaganda.
Elementary Division
Toast is Hard finished 3rd in presidents.
*Not all individual results were available at this time, however other kids are expected to win individual trophies and the results will be posted tomorrow.
**The South Park Academic Games team would like to wish Happy Birthday to Brittany Breitweiser.
Senior Division
Felix Yerace finished competition second in World Card and second in overall Social Studies. Scott Winkler finished 3rd in Presidents. Laura Nagurney won 3rd place in Propaganda.
Middle Division
Krista Yakub and Missy Karnack tied for second in Propaganda.
Elementary Division
No results availiable.
*Due to technical difficulties, today email messages were not able to be delivered.
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