The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus

1. "Verily it is, without error, certain, and most true:
2. What is below is like that which is above, and what is above is like that which is below, in order to accomplish the miracle of the One thing.
3. And just as all things that have ever been have come forth from this Unity, so was it thus designed that all things continue to exist, by adaptation.
4. Its Father is the Sun; its Mother is the Moon. The Wind has carried it in its belly; the Earth has served as its nurse.
5. This is the Father whose talismanic image looms sacred over the Whole Wide World.
6. Its virtue is intact, transforming the whole if it shall have been returned toward Earth.
7. Thus shalt thou separate Earth from Fire, the Subtle from the Gross, gently, and with great ingenuity.
8. It ascends from Earth back to Heaven, descending back again toward Earth, while receiving the force of all things, above and below.
* By these means, thou shalt behold the glory of the world. Therefore, let all obscurity flee from thee!
9. This is called the strong Strength of all strength, for it will vanquish everything subtle and penetrate everything solid.
10. Thus was the world created.
11. Hence there shall be many wondrous adaptations, of which this is the modus operandi.
12. Therefore, have I been called Hermes Trismegistus, possessing the three parts of the philosophy of the Whole Wide World.
13. What I have said concerning the operation of the Sun is complete."