Liarbyrd's Incredibly True 101 MiniRants
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Liarbyrd's Incredibly True Opinions

Liabyrd's Incredible Mini-Rants
that you can take with you on the go.

101. With the amount of stress I receive over my finances, hell must be populated with accountants and bankers.

100. If this is in fact the case, hell must be incredibly boring, with massive queues and rude clerks.

99. You know you're old when 9.30 is way past your bedtime. Wasn't this already done before?

98. It's easy to be distracted when you don't want to work. It's the justification that's difficult.

97. No matter where you go, no matter what you do, you will always find a better parking spot after you've parked the car.

96. I'm always suspicious that perky waitresses will spit in my food. They just seem too friendly, too eager to serve. It's frightening.

95. Guys are clueless. As a general rule, I never expect to be too impressed by their ability to talk and walk at the same time.

94. The person who had onions for lunch will always sit next to you on a crowded bus. Come prepared for this situation. Always carrying gum and/or breath mints. Offer a piece. It's only polite and will extend your like for the next five minutes. If you don't have you supplies, fake a heart attack. Just walk away. Do anything to get away from Him. And it's always a guy who has bad breath. Just some sort of unwritten law.

93. If, in fact, time is pointless and memory can not be proven, then life is just an endless sequence of habits we form to keep ourselves occupied because we are bored. Life is simply wasting time to occupy ourselves until we die. We're bored with life and life is nothing. Samuel Beckett was not a nice man. But this obsession with pointless details, chatting away to pass the time is a direct ancestor of Seinfield. The show about nothing because the characters are bored with their lives, just as the audience watching the show are bored with their own lives. Hence, Waiting for Godot = the average episode of Seinfield. Strange symmetry.

92. The bigger and more expensive the movie is, more people will like it. No matter how inane and horrible the dialogue, thus proving that the world in inhabited by idiots.

91. Murphy's Law is for ninnies.

90. If I even had a clue as to the meaning of it all, or any small bit of it really, I wouldn't tell you.

89. I've read that pop music is the evidence of the death of rock and roll. The increasing 'sampling' genuine hits from the past generation, poorly disguised and 'new' spins and the words replaced with meaningless drivel. Example: Every breath I take, every move I make, I'll be missing you. What amazes me is that this talentless feeding frenzy is successful. If the average viewer of MTV had a little more awareness of their cultural heritage, as poor a 20th century heritage that may be, then maybe they could think beyond the paradigm of a consumer rationality and stop making such crap releases into hits.

88. There's a girl who lives down my hall. Her name is not Sarah but we'll call her that for now. Sarah gets a visit from her loud, rude, angry, and all around unpleasant boyfriend every night, usually around 11.30. Without fail. They have conversations between her locked door. She usually tells him to go away. He usually tries to kick the door down. This never works. It's a pretty thick door. He never seems to understand this. Things he doesn't understand tend to make him angry. More kicking. 'Sarah! Sarah! Let me in. I just want to have a word with you.' Sarah's not a dumb as he seems to think she is. She never lets him. I like Sarah. I wish he would sod off and get hit by a bus. I would like to get some sleep.

87. Why do computers only act up when tech support is away on holiday?

86. I've come to the realisation that I've nearly meet celebrities, with removal of only one or two degrees. Example: I know some one who was 'this' close to Patrick Stewart. I know someone who knows someone who backpacks with Harrison Ford's brother. I know someone who knows someone who actually sat next to JD Salinger on a flight from London. (!) I know someone who meet Mercedes Lackey, one of my childhood favourite authors. I know someone who meet Frank McCourt. (!) I know someone who saw and nearly met Little Richard.  And the list grows...

85. Celebrities whom I have meet: Anne Rice. Very cool, even if it was half a second of personal contact during a book signing. Judy Garwood. Who? A romance writer. That's what I said. She was pushy, rude, wanted to know there wasn't a display of her latest novel. I wasn't impressed. 

More to come... later... work in progress... well you get the idea.

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