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Life has been extensively studied by scientists, medical researchers, zoologists and psychologists but never described as eternal. The word life derives from the base lip- stick to (each other) as life indeed involves molecules adhering to each other producing units for different tasks within the same watery capsule. In this respect, life is going on for three thousand million years on our planet while human type life is only present for perhaps three million years.

Man was becoming something the world has never seen before. A dream animal, living at least partially within a secret universe of its own creation. Man had escaped out of the eternal present of the animal world into a knowledge of past and future. The unseen gods, the power behind the world's existence, began to stalk through his dreams.

Thirty thousand years into our past tens of thousands of religious activities involving innumerable gods, spirits and individuals to service them have helped religion establish itself as the precursor of the most lucrative business venture ever invented guaranteed to extract tribute from the starving and the well to do alike.

About three thousand years ago the time for massive religions had arrived launching great rulers towards god like status. One of them, the Pharaoh Akhenathen, briefly introduced the idea of monotheism.

Just as it is easy for charlatans to operate as God's messengers and describe life in the next world confidently, it is very hard for accredited scientists to convey an acceptable alternative to the general public mainly because to understand a scientifically feasible idea the listener has to be at least vaguely familiar with natural sciences and facts considered boring opposed to colorful and mind boggling miracles which never really took place. It is much easier to refer to a holy book to authenticate a shaky idea than trying to explain triangulation, which proves conclusively that stars were already in existence long before the biblical date of Creation.

Belief is not subject to the will. Men think as they must. Children do not, and cannot, believe exactly as they were taught. They are not exactly like their parents. They differ in temperament, in experience, in capacity, in surroundings. And so there is a continual, almost imperceptible change. There is development, conscious and unconscious growth, and in long periods of time the old is slowly abandoned. Men cannot remain stationary. The mind cannot be securely anchored. If we do not advance, we go backward. If we do not grow, we decay. If we do not develop, we shrink and shrivel.

These pages are not dealing with the existence or absence of God. You will discover forgotten clues left behind long ago by religious innovators in the hope that falsifications and the destruction of records will prevent successive generations from discovering the truth. Today we know that the Universe stretches upward through trillions of miles that make up the light year, and then through the billions of light years that stretch out to the vague edge of the Universe bounded by the speed of light that somehow seem tied into the very fabric of the Cosmos. Why should mankind stop reasoning, searching, and pondering the place of religions in our lives?

The Old Cynic


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