Jehovah in the past dwelt among them and He, during the Millennium, will do so again, but they will have a literal Millennial house [Temple]. This verse foreshadows the experience of the Remnant of Israel.
They will have approached "Sheol" during the Tribulation Period while their foes were ready to rejoice over their misery and death, but Messiah intervened, and they were saved [future tense] out of that period of time to become Christ's future Bride! Then the singing begins.
78. [Sheol No. 25]... Scripture "Let me not be ashamed, O Lord; for I have called upon you: let the wicked be ashamed, and let them be silent in the grave [Sheol: not a Queber] {Psalm 31:17}." [The wicked in "Sheol" of Hades].
79. The Psalmist will not be ashamed, "the face of God is His Anointed the Messiah!" And when He shines forth in all His glory and majesty His trusting remnant and future Bride shall be saved by His mercy, while the wicked shall become silenced for ever. No longer can they gain anything by railing against Christ and His Saints.
80. [Sheol No. 26- And- 27] ... Scripture "Like sheep they are laid in the grave [Sheol, not a literal grave such as Queber], death shall feed on them; and the upright shall have dominion over them in the morning; and their beauty shall consume in the grave [Sheol, not a Queber... as a grave in a grave yard] from their dwellings {Psalm 49:14}."
81. Here we find a mournful, yet a true picture, which the Psalmist paints by the Spirit of God. The wicked follow the way of their unbelief and worldly ways, then like sheep, those brain washed unbelievers pass on into the burning part of Sheol, the unseen underworld.
The prison house of the damned takes them into an eternity of suffering, and the second death becomes their shepherd and attends them. Their riches, beauty, honor, glory and past worldly desires are worthless, and all gone.
Then all changes and the Psalmist now speaks of the upright, and there is the contrast with the lot of the wicked. There is a morning coming, a morning of deliverance, then the upright shall reign and have dominion, while the wicked are consumed in their comeliness in the unseen world. Then faith and hope speaks; Scripture...
82. [Sheol No. 28] ... " But God will redeem my soul from the power of the grave [Sheol, not a Queber], for He shall receive me. Selah {Psalm 49:15}." {See Psalm 73-23}.
83. Here then is the hope of eternal life if not the hope of the resurrection. In {49:14} above we saw the end of the ungodly, and now there breaks forth one ray of light, the bright anticipation of the final triumph of good over evil. This is the continued hope of all Believers in all ages. Righteousness will triumph and reign over all the earth. Scripture...
84. [Sheol No. 29] ... "Let death seize upon them, and let them go down quick [Alive] into hell [Sheol] ... for wickedness is in their dwellings, and among them {Psalm 55:15}."
85. This is in accordance with {Matthew 24:15-16}, which refers to the Tribulation Period. The Israelites will flee away from Jerusalem to the mountains of Petra as is spoken of in {Psalm 42}. In {Vs.6} of that chapter, Jordan is mentioned and that is where Petra is. Read our message concerning the "Bride and Body of Christ."
The great Tribulation will have begun, and of Jerusalem it will be true {Psalm 55:11} says "Wickedness is in the midst thereof, deceit and guile depart not from her streets." The wicked one, the Antichrist, is to be a Hebrew well known by the nation Israel, not a stranger, a man with a flattering tongue, who will rule in the Tribulation Temple.
86. Then we find that his character and the character of his followers will be exposed as they turn against the Saints of God, hence the imprecatory prayer of {Vs.15}. Here as is foretold in Daniel's prophecy of {Ch.9} concerning the 70 Weeks, the last week of seven years will be divided into half.
In the first half [3 and a half years] the Antichrist will be the man who will falsely claim to befriend Israel with words as smooth as butter, but at the end of the 3 and a half years he will break his promised covenant with them. He will also turn against all those who may be friendly with Israel up to this time {Vs. 20-21}.
87. [Sheol No. 30]... Scripture "For great is your mercy toward me; and you have delivered my soul from the lowest hell [Sheol] {Psalm 86:13}."
88. In studying {Vs. 11-13} David is saying "Teach me Your way, O Lord; I will walk in Your truth." This thought is expressed elsewhere in the Psalms {See 25:4; 27:11; 119:33}. The Psalmist prays that his heart will be brought into unity in the fear of God.
Then he will praise the Lord God with all his heart and will glorify the name of the Lord for evermore {Vs.12}. His reason is very clear. He is thankful for God's great mercy, recognizing that God has delivered his soul from the lowest Hell.
There is no doubt that every sinner is deserving of God's wrath! For violating the 6th and 7th commandments, David perceived himself to deserve the most dreadful of punishments.
89. [Sheol No. 31] ... Scripture "For my soul is full of troubles: and my life draws unto the grave [Sheol: not an earthly grave in a graveyard] {Psalm 88:3}."
90. Saints in the past have suffered, many are suffering now in this very hour, and there will be great suffering of the Hebrew and of other Saints of God during the Tribulation Period. One thing that we must never forget is that the one who has suffered the most throughout all time which was that Holy Child of the Father, the Lord Jesus Himself.
91. He was the Holy One, the Just One who died for the unjust, who passed through all and suffered even more than what is written in our Bible. He was filled with countless troubles and sorrows, for He was the Man of sorrows, acquainted with grief and even more than that. He was the substitute for vile sinners. God the Father's hand rested upon Him in judgment. What does all this mean? {Vs.6} states...
92. "You have laid Me in the lowest Pit, in darkness, in the deeps." In other words, in the darkest places, the very depths! No child of God will be able to answer the question as to what this all means or what it must have meant to Him. Neither can any of us comprehend the affliction which came upon Him when the Father's waves of judgment passed over Him.
Naturally the Saints of God down through the ages of time have also suffered, but never has anyone suffered the way our Lord suffered! The question has been ask, "how could Jesus have suffered any more than the thousands who were also murdered on the Roman crosses before and after His death?
It must be remembered that Christ is God and cannot sin. When He died on the cross He whom could not sin voluntarily took all humanity's sins, past, present and future on Himself and paid for them with His blood. This is why The Father turned His back on Jesus because God the Father could not look upon sin.
93. [Sheol No. 32] ... Scripture "What man is he that lives, and shall not see death? Shall he deliver his soul from the hand of the grave [Power of Sheol... not a Queber!]? Se-lah {Psalm 89:48}."
94. The inquiry is ... how long is the divine indignation going to last? {Vs. 46-51}
95. This is not an uncommon plea {cf. Psalms 13:1; 74:10; 79:5}. He ask the Lord to remember the briefness of human life. There is none, not by strength, nor wisdom, nor wealth, nor virtue shall a man "Deliver his soul from the land of the grave [Sheol not a Queber] Selah: [Selah means to stop and meditate or think of what you have just read, give serious consideration to the Text].
96. {Vs. 49 through 51} makes clear that in the light of these truths, the Psalmist must ask , "Lord, where are your former loving- kindness, which you swore unto David in your truth?" This is the basic question, where is the fulfillment of the promise of the perpetual Kingdom?
He has felt the scorn and ridicule of his countrymen as well as God's enemies who has reproached him. Every step of David and his descendants made them a reproach to their neighbors, {See Psalm 44:13; 79:4}; and {Nehemiah 1:3; 2:17}.
97. [Sheol No. 33] ... Scripture "The sorrows [Cords] of death compassed me, and the pains of Hell [Sheol] got hold upon me: I found trouble and sorrow {Psalm 116:3}."
98. In this great Hallelujah Psalm, we find the Psalmist praising the Lord for the deliverance of Israel from the death and persecutions of the Tribulation Period. Redeemed Israel expresses her love to "Jehovah Jesus" for His gracious deliverance, for answered prayer and for saving the Remnant's Souls.
They were, during the great Tribulation, as a faithful Betrothed Remnant surrounded by the sorrows of death, the pains of Sheol were upon them. Death stared them in the face. Then they cried to the Lord as of old, He heard them and sent deliverance.
99. The death of those who died as martyrs because of the Antichrist in the Tribulation Period, is mentioned in {Vs.15}. This, of course can be applied to the death of all Saints down through history. This should also be compared with {Revelation 14:13}, which also refers to the Hebrew martyrs during the Tribulation.
It should be stated here that this Psalm refers to the time in the future after the Tribulation Period has ended. The word Hell means Hades and Sheol both, the Hebrews suffered a living Hell while living under the yoke of the Antichrist.
100. [Sheol No. 34] ... Scripture "If I ascend up into Heaven, You [Christ] are there: if I make my bed in Hell [Sheol] behold You are there {Psalm 139:8}."
101. Here we see the people of God in the light of God standing in His presence. He is an Omniscient and an Omnipresent God. What a comfort to know that He knows, sees, and is about us, around us, and with us wherever He wishes to lead us. His right hand upholds all Saints and the darkness and the light are both alike to Him for He sees clearly through both of them freely.
102. Wherever the soul of the Saint existed , whether in paradise of Hades, before the Lord's resurrection into Heaven, or whether the soul was in Heavenly places above the earth during the present Body of Christ period, or upon the earth in a resurrected body during the Millennial Reign of Messiah, God was there and will always be there!
103. [Sheol No. 35] ... Scripture "Our bones are scattered at the grave's [Sheol's] mouth, as when one cuts and cleaves wood upon [plows and cleaves] the earth {Psalm 141:7}."
104. The words "Our bones are scattered at the grave's mouth" [Gate's of Sheol,] reminds us strongly of Ezekiel's vision of the dry bones and their reconstruction and resurrection, a type of the coming national revival of Israel {See Ezekiel Ch. 37}.
When that prophecy comes to fulfillment, the judgment of the apostates of the world and of the nations of the world will take place according to {Matthew Ch. 25}. Many, who will have rejected the Mark of the Beast [Ruler of the New One World Order], will turn to the Lord Jesus and believe upon His Word.
105. At that time, the greatest national spiritual revival the world has ever seen is going to take place! Not only in Israel will this happen, but this revival will also proceed throughout other nations of the world! At that future time the voice of the Godly Remnant of the Israelites will be heard as never before. All earth's Saints will find their final refuge and eternal salvation in the promised Messiah.
106. The Remnant will have been protected from clutches of the wicked rulers of the earth, while the unrepentant wicked followers of the Antichrist will have fallen into their own disastrous pits of evil. As we have before stated, during the Tribulation Period, there will be hundreds of millions of people killed which will include two thirds of the Hebrew people in that time of the One World Government period.
107. The bodies of the unsaved who are killed will abide in the graves of this earth until the judgment when they will be cast into the Lake of Fire. As for the Tribulation Saints who have been killed, their bodies will rest in the grave awaiting the change into the glorious spiritual bodies promised before hand to them at a resurrection of the just, they will not be condemned to eternal condemnation and destruction, but into a life of everlasting bliss.
108. [Sheol No. 36] ... Scripture {Vs.10} "My son, if sinners entice you, consent you not.
{Vs.11} If they say, come with us, let us lay wait for blood, let us lurk privily [Secretly, plan an ambush] for the innocent without cause:
109. {Vs.12} Let us swallow them up alive as the grave [Sheol, not a Queber]; and whole, as those that go down unto the Pit. [again referring to Sheol without using the word].
110. {Vs.13} We shall find all precious substance, we shall fill our houses with [their] spoil {Proverbs 1:10-13}."
111. It is a simple thing to be enticed to join others in crime. Many fall in with other groups that are determined in committing a robbery such as is illustrated in the above verses. This same thing takes place every day somewhere in our country!
Solomon made clear that one should stay clear of thieves and others of the same kind. These crooks would lay in wait for people to return home then perhaps molest and rob them of their goods in order to enrich themselves.
112. The words "Let us swallow them up alive as the grave [Sheol]," refers to the suffering part of Sheol in Hades which contains the Pit of Hell that swallows up sinners and never turns them loose. Instead of the word "Queber" here which would be the word used if a literal grave was meant, we find the word "Sheol" which has nothing to do with a grave where a body is buried. Naturally we are repeating ourselves!
113. [Sheol No. 37] ... {Vs.3} Scripture "For the lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than oil.
114. {Vs.4} But her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two- edged sword.
115. {Vs.5} Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on Hell [Sheol] {Proverbs 5:3-5}."
116. This warning should be received by both sexes, it can be applied to actual fornication or even spiritual fornication such as turning away from worship of Jehovah [Jesus] to the worship of Idols. The dreadful results of carnality are vividly described. How many of all ages have been found out?
At times one can lie and cheat others without being found out, but never can any person fool God. The word "Sheol" above has the same meaning as all the other text in this message, here it refers to a burning Hell. Speaking again of the wicked women...
117. [Sheol No. 38] ... {Vs. 25} Scripture "Let not your heart [Mind] decline to her ways, go not astray in her paths.
118. {Vs.26} For she has cast down many wounded: yes, many strong men have been slain by her.
119. {Vs.27} Her house is the way to Hell [Sheol, not to a literal grave, a Queber,] going down to the chambers of death {Proverbs 7:25-27}."
120. These verses have the same meaning as the above text concerning Sheol No- 37. "The chambers of death," refer to a place, where a time of so- called fun and games can send one's soul into eternal torment. {Acts 2:19} speaks of a vapor of smoke but {James 4:14} makes clear that our life here on earth is no more than a vapor. Scripture...
121. "Whereas you know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor, that appears for a little time, and then vanishes away."
122. Today we are present, tomorrow we are in eternity! How silly it is to lead a carnal and sinful life existence for the short time we are here on earth, knowing we are to have life eternal either in Heaven or Hell. When one lives the chaste and Christ like life they have no such worries.
123. {Sheol No. 39} ... {Vs.13} Scripture "A foolish woman is clamorous: she is simple, [silly] and knows nothing.
124. {Vs.14} For she sits at the door of her house, on a seat in the high places of the city,
125. {Vs.15} To call passengers [men who pass by] who go right on their ways:
126. {Vs.16} Whoso [ever is also silly] is simple, let him turn in here: and as for him that wants understanding, [as to what she wants]...
127. {Vs.17} [She says to him] Stolen waters [Illicit intercourse] are sweet, and bread eaten in secret is pleasant.
128. {Vs.18} But he knew not that the dead are there; and that her guests are in the depths of Hell. [Sheol] {Proverbs 9:13-18}."
129. These verses are self explanatory. The words "Her guests are in the depths of Sheol," couldn't be more explicit. If this meant that all her customers have already died and are in their graves, then she is one contagious women!
Foolishness is an every day existence for many folks, there is much more here in these verses than it seems. Everything one does knowing that it is sinful, is "Illicit," should also realize that the Lord also knows all about it! If one doesn't believe this than read on.
130. {Sheol No. 40} ... Scripture "Hell [Sheol] and destruction are before the Lord: how much more then [are] the hearts [minds, thoughts] of the children of man? {Proverbs 15:11}." [All thoughts are written in the books of Heaven].
131. To quote from one Theologian, he states from the above verse: "Death and destruction [Abaddon, from abad, to perish or to die] may be synonyms of Sheol and the souls of it {See Proverbs 27:20; & Job 26:6}." "Destruction" in Hell [Sheol: Abaddon in the instance] is also used in {Job 28:22; 31:12; & Psalm 88:11}."
Since God can see the souls of Hades below the earth and also the souls of those in Paradise in the Heavenlies, surely He can see into the Hearts [Minds] of folks who are yet alive, {See Proverbs 15:3;15}. The Lord can see our motives, thoughts and desires {See Psalm 38:9}.
Many hearts [minds] deceives others and even themselves but God knows all {Jeremiah 17:9-10}." This verse points to God 's omniscience {Psalm: 7-12}.
132. {Sheol No. 41} ... Scripture "The way of life is above [goes upward] to the wise, that he may depart from Hell [Sheol] beneath {Proverbs 15:24}."
133. How can this verse be expressed in a better way to prove that the word Sheol has nothing to do with a literal grave? As we have stated over and over, the souls of both the unbelievers and the believers in that age descended down into Sheol.
The lost were cast into a suffering fiery part of Hades in Sheol while the saved were to dwell in the place of rest in the Paradise section of Hades. [Sheol]. It is well documented in the Scriptures that Saints were promised a dwelling place in Paradise.
134. Since Christ resurrected Paradise from Hades after His resurrection as has already been proven by New Testament Scriptures, the above verse emphatically proves this to be true without question! All believers in Paradise of Sheol were taken up as a whole into the Third Heaven!
This prophecy has been fulfilled by Jesus the Lord when He removed Paradise from the interior of the earth up into Heaven. Naturally a much deeper study can be made of this verse but for lack of space we cannot do so.
135. {Sheol No. 42} ... Scripture "You shall beat him with the rod, and shall deliver his soul from Hell [Sheol] {Proverbs 23:14}."
136. The Lord condones the practice of chastisement. The verse denotes the fact that a fathers Heart [mind] will be gladdened when his children chooses to walk in the ways of wisdom. It is foolish children who consider themselves superior to their parents and ignores their wise advice.
Such children follow the path of unbelieving so-called friends and thus succumb to fascination with folly. This is where chastisement is to be ministered until the children learns the better of their ways and returns back to the rightful teachings of the Word of God. {See Hebrews 12:6-11}.
137. {Sheol No. 43} ... Scripture "Hell [Sheol] and destruction are never full; so the eyes of man are never satisfied {Proverbs 27:20}."
138. The place of suffering in the burning part of Sheol will have the souls of unbelievers added into it until Hell [Hades] itself is resurrected and cast into the Lake of Fire {Revelation 20:11-15}! The meaning of this verse is very similar to Sheol No. 41 above, Hell Is never full as long as lost sinners dwell upon this earth.
"And the eyes of man are never satisfied," this is describing the natural human being who is never satisfied with what he has and is constantly seeking more riches.
139. The student, I'm sure, can think of many who are rich in goods and wealth but never do they have enough! The avarice of Hell is flame in their soul. Hell in the above verse concerns the unseen world of Sheol. Destruction [Hebrew Badon] refers to the lowest region of Hell. Hell fire is possessed of a huge appetite for the souls of all humanity, always seeking for more!
140. {Sheol No. 44} ... Scripture {Vs.15} "The horseleach [Leach] has two daughters, crying, give, give. There are three things that are never satisfied, yeah, four things say not, it is enough.
141. {Vs.16} The Grave [Sheol, not a Queber]; and the barren womb; the earth that is not filled with water; and the fire that saith not, it is enough.
142. {Vs.17} The eyes that mocks at his [or her] father, and despises to obey his [or her] mother, the ravens of the valley shall pick it out, and the young eagles shall eat it {Proverbs 30:15-17}."
143. The leach is a reference to the blood sucking horseleach that was common in Israel. It served as an emblem of an unsatiable greedy thing that can be applied to all covetous creatures which have the desire to say, give, give, give! As the leach had a continual thirst for blood, it serves to introduce an insatiable quartet. "Sheol" has never said, "I have enough; and neither does the "barren womb" or "the earth" upon which rain falls.
144. Yet there is a fourth. Fire devours all that stands before it and cries, it is not enough. All these are a type of folks who resist and mock God and parents alike and completely repudiate all authority. Such are those who are an abomination to Christ.
In their greedy and evil ambitions they cry, give, give! But in the end the ravenous birds of the sky will feast upon their wicked bodies and their souls will dwell in the fire of Sheol.
145. {Sheol No. 45} ... Scripture "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with [All] your might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the Grave [Sheol], wherever you go {Ecclesiastes 9:10}."
146. The natural man should be filled with the knowledge of these wise principles laid down by Solomon. Whatever task we have to accomplish, we should see it as if it is a gift from God and take the challenge with the awareness that the Lord will hold us accountable for what we do with His provisions {See Ch. 3:17, 5:8, 11:9, & 12:14}.
When the believer's soul and spirit ascends up to the Heavenly [Paradise: of Sheol], or should the unbeliever's souls descend down into [Hades, Sheol], there will be no opportunity for them to finish any task left behind that was unfinished. The Lord Jesus expressed the same thought when He stated...
147. "I must work the works of Him that sent Me, while it is day: the night comes, when no man can work {John 9:4}."
148. Every individual has various labors that should be accomplished before Sheol overtakes him and leaves things in an unfinished condition that will never be completed except by others.
149. {Sheol No. 46} ... Scripture "Set me a seal upon your Heart [Mind], as a seal upon your arm: for love is strong as death; Jealousy is cruel as the Grave [Sheol, not a Queber ]: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which has a most vehement flame [the flame of Jehovah], {Song of Solomon 8:6}."
150. The Shulamite, portrayed in the Song of Solomon, is spoken of as in the female gender and refers to the saved remnant of the Hebrew people that becomes a part of the future Bride of Christ at Christ's second coming.
The saved Old Testament Hebrews who are in Heaven at this time and the proselytes, who were Gentiles and became Hebrew in name [only because of the fact that they had accepted the Hebrew faith], will all be included in the Bride of Christ at His return to the earth.
151. All of these folks, you can bet, were mindful of what passion can do to the human entity. It must be understood that Solomon in the little book the "Song of Solomon," was a reference in type to the Lord Jesus Christ. The Shulamite in the above text urges a commitment to utter faithfulness from the Shepherd [Christ].
She admonishes Him to set a seal; to indelibly imprint her upon His Heart [Mind] and upon His arm like the imprinting of a seal that forever ratifies a contract. She [The remnant... Hebrew Bride] covets a settled assurance of His unwavering love.
152. Her love for Him is like a raging flame and is as strong as death. It is utterly irreversible. No earthly influence can destroy or drown her love for Him. It cannot be bought, for it is a spontaneous gift, and all she covets is the continued and permanent love to be bestowed upon her from His heart and the strength of His arm for abiding protection. She is strongly aware that the Lord is a jealous God and that "Israel" Messiah's Betrothed [Engaged Spouse] who had in the past been very untrue to Him because of her backsliding condition and worship of false gods.
153. She comprehends that His Jealousy can be as cruel and full of rath as the Hell Fire part of Sheol. We should be able to understand and picture the flashes of fire in the anguish of distrust of one that has been untrue to their beloved such as "the vehement flame of Jehovah, in {Vs.6} above.
154. {Sheol No. 47} ... Scripture "Therefore Hell [Sheol] has enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoices, shall descend into it {Isaiah 5:14}."
155. The verses in this chapter go forward to teach both the downfall and then the future rise of the Nation of Israel. The people were sometimes subject to Jehovah, but at other times turned their back on Him thus making Him enraged, so He cast them out into the nations of the world.
As we have already stated, because of their past offenses against the Lord during the Great Tribulation Period, only one third of them will be left alive. The Lord saw fit to protect a future remnant that will become His Bride at His return to the earth, {See Zechariah 13:9}.
156. Many Israelites and yes, many people of all nations likewise who have denied God will find that because of their unbelief, they will be cast down into the fires of Sheol. Thus, Hell as the above verse states, enlarges itself to accommodate the untold masses of those God rejecters. please read the verse again!
157. {Sheol No. 48} ... {Vs.9}, Scripture "Hell [Sheol] from beneath is moved for you to meet you at your coming: it stirs up the dead for you, even all the chief ones of the earth; it has raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations {Isaiah 14:9}.
158. {Vs.10} All they shall speak and say unto you [Satan], Are you also become weak as we? are you become like unto us?
158. {Sheol No. 49} ... {Vs.11} Your pomp is brought down to the Grave [Sheol], and the noise of your vials: the worm [Memory] is spread under you, and the worms [All your memories] cover you.
159. {Vs.12} How are you fallen from heaven, O Lucifer [Satan the day star], son of the morning! How are you cast down to the ground, which did weaken the nations [Of this world]. [ In the middle of the Tribulation Period he will be cast down to the earth from the Heavens above never to be permitted into the second and third Heavens again]. {See Revelation 12:3-4 ... yet future}.
160. {Vs.13} For you have said in your Heart [Mind], I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars [Angels] of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
161. {Vs.14}: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High [God].
162. {Sheol No. 50} ... {Vs.15} Yet you shall be brought down to [Sheol in] Hell, to the sides of the Pit {Isaiah 14:9-15}." Read on through Vs. 20.
163. We have the word Sheol mentioned in three of the above {Vs. 9;11; & 15}, it isn't our intention to give a complete interpretation of this complete chapter. On the other hand it is difficult to explain the verses without substantiating the whys and where of {Vs. 1 through 20}. The text at first points to the King of Babylon in whose time there was no actual peace or joy in any of the world's nations.
164. In studying this text we find that in typology, this is in fact, one of the greatest types of a future period of what has taken place in a past age. As prophecy is really an application consisting of some future episode, we find that this particular type will be fulfilled at Christ's second return to this earth.
Accordingly, it evidently refers then, to the downfall of the final King of Babylon, who will be head of the One World Government during the seven year Tribulation Period.
165. Many commentators have written that this person mentioned, see {Vs.11}, refers to the Antichrist whereas {Vs.12} refers to Satan. The trouble here is that Scripture does not teach that the first beast [Antichrist] or the second beast [False Prophet] will be cast down into the Hell part of Sheol of Hades; for when we turn to {Revelation 19:20} we find that both of these beast will be cast down alive, not into Hades but into the "Eternal Lake of Fire."
166. In shadow form, we can see why many folks might believe that {Vs.9} above would refer to the first beast [a man, the Antichrist], in a sense it is, but only as a type. It must be recognized that both beasts [literal men] during the Tribulation Period will be completely controlled by Satan.
Therefore, Satan the Devil who has for untold thousands of years been recognized according to the Scriptures as the god of this world.
167. Also, that he will be cast down to this earth in the middle of the Tribulation Period {Revelation Ch. 12:9}. {Vs. 12 of Isaiah 14} alludes to this verse in Revelation, when Satan is to be cast down with the third of the Angels who followed him in his rebellion against God.
Notice in verse 4 that the third part of the Angels who were cast down to the earth are called stars! Satan is in control of the leaders or kings of this earth {See Vs. 16-18}.
168. In the study of the Scriptures, the student will find that at the second return of Jesus, Satan will be brought down to the Pit of Hell in the center of this earth. The wicked Angels and their offspring, "the Giants of the Old Testament will also be cast into this Pit of Hell with their father the devil." Those who are in that place with Satan will say, look here, "Are you also become weak as us? Are you become like us?
169. {Vs.10} Above, in the Book of {Jude Vs. 6-7} we find a group of wicked Angels who have been cast into Hades because they had, in the distant past, changed their habitation from Heaven to the earth and went after "strange flesh" such as in a similar but not quite the same way that the homosexuals did in Sodom and Gomorrha. {See Genesis 6:4}. These "Sons Of God" were wicked Angels. [Ask for our message concerning this subject].
170. Scripture ... {Vs.14} "Wherefore hear the Word of the Lord, you scornful men, that rule this people which is in Jerusalem.
171. {Sheol No. 51} ... {Vs.15} Because you have said, we have made a covenant with death [A horrible Covenant with the Antichrist and Satan], and with Hell [Sheol] are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves:
172. {Vs.16} Therefore thus says the Lord, behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation stone [Christ], a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believes shall not make haste.
173. {Vs.17} Judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet: and hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place.
174. {Sheol No. 52} ... {Vs.18} And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with Hell [Sheol] shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then you shall be trodden down by it {Isaiah 28:14-18}."
175. During the time of Jacob's trouble {Jeremiah 30:7} will be a dreadful 7 year One World Government called "the Tribulation Period, The New World Order." {Vs.14} has a twofold meaning, one in the past tense, the other after the Rapture [Translation] of the Body of Christ has taken place. Just before and also after the Rapture, unbelievers who have rejected Christ the Messiah will control the Hebrew Nation.
These rulers will make a "Covenant with Death" with the ruler of the One World Government {Daniel 9: 27}. Many Hebrews and Gentiles at that time will worship the sinful Antichrist Ruler {See Revelation Ch. 13:4; Romans Ch. 11:25; & Zechariah 12:2-3}. The "Covenant with Death" is going to hasten untold millions of lost folks to enter into "Sheol."
176. {Vs.15} refers to that time when God will judge the population with an "Overflowing Scourge" and will allow many plagues, wars and famines to pass through all the land. The people will have accepted and believed the false promises of protection of the Antichrist.
On the other hand, the Believers at that time will have a true protector, a true corner stone, a true foundation stone to put their faith and trust in, but must suffer through that horrible tribulation .
177. {Vs.16-18} Sheol, whether in the depth of Hell or in the Paradise of Heaven, was the abode of all souls of the dead at that time.
178. {Sheol No. 53} ... Scripture "I said in the cutting off of my days, I shall go to the gates of the Grave [Sheol]: I am deprived of the residue of my years {Isaiah 38:10}."
179. King Hezekiah of Judah clearly indicates that he was the author of this song of deliverance in this chapter, which he wrote during the time of his recovery. The Psalm reflects on his attitude during the early days of his sickness {Isaiah 38:9}. The phrase in {Vs.10}, in the "cutting off of my days," evidently refers to the period of time when he sensed that his life was about to come to an end.
180. The gates of the Grave [Sheol] expresses the destination to which all the Old Testament folks eventually were interred. In Christian Theology, it is generally accepted that "Sheol" during that former period, had two compartments: Paradise and Hades.
We believe that the Pit consist of a third place of internment for various groups of sinners at that time and also during this present time. We have repeated and discussed this somewhat before in this message.
181. In {Isaiah 38:11} the words "in the land of the living," does not just refer to the land of Israel, but of living humanity who are dwelling upon all the earth. He states that he has no expectation of seeing the unseen Godhead, after his demise. Also he no longer expects to view the Spirit of Almighty God working in the hearts [minds] of men upon this literal earth.
After all, if he is to abide in Sheol in the inner part of the earth, in his mind he cannot conceive of any chance to view anything that might take place on the outer crust of the earth!
182. {Sheol No. 54} ... Scripture "For the Grave [Sheol] cannot praise you, death can not celebrate you: they that go down into the Pit cannot hope for the truth {Isaiah 38:18}."
183. The Text is referring to those who are to be cast into the Pit of Hell because they disbelieved the truth that God gave to His Prophets and now they realize that the truth God spoke should have been accepted but now it was too late.
There will be no celebrations for lost folks after their physical death, only the righteous saints of God will realize the wondrous celebration at their great reunion in Paradise.
184. {Sheol No. 55} ... Scripture "And you went to the King with ointment, and did increase your perfumes, and did send your messengers far off, and did debase yourself even unto Hell [Sheol of Hades] {Isaiah 57:9}."
185. Much of this chapter concerns those who have spent their time in the practice of idol worship. We find the practice of idolatry is enlarged upon throughout the entire Bible. The prophet in this text draws a sharp contrast between the righteous who shall suffer, but shall nevertheless enter into the place of peace [Paradise].
And the lost transgressors who shall ultimately end up in Hell [a suffering place of torment in Sheol], will be their own fault because their righteousness and their works shall not profit them at all. The only means by which man may gain access into Heaven is on the basis of the righteousness of God. Self righteousness shall never enable anyone to come into the eternal presence of Almighty God.
186. {Sheol No. 56} ... {Vs.15} Scripture "Thus says the Lord God; in the day when he went down to the Grave [Sheol] I caused a morning: I covered the deep for him, and I restrained the floods thereof, and the great waters were stayed: and I caused Lebanon to morn for him, and all the trees of the field fainted for him.
187. {Sheol No. 57} ... {Vs.16} I made the nations to shake at the sound of his fall, when I cast him down to Hell [Sheol] with them that descend into the Pit: and all the trees of Edom, the choice and best of Lebanon, all that drink water, shall be comforted in the Nether [Inner and middle] parts of the earth [in the Paradise section of Sheol before Christ resurrected Paradise].
188. {Sheol No. 58} ... {Vs.17} They also went down to Hell [Sheol] with him unto them that be slain with the sword; and they that were his arm, that dwelt under his shadow in the midst of the heathen {Ezekiel 31:15-17}." Scripture...
189. "To the end that none of all the trees by the waters exalt themselves for their height, neither shoot up their top among the thick boughs, neither their trees stand up in their height, all that drink water: for they are all delivered unto death, to the nether parts of the earth, in the midst of the children of men, with them that go down to the Pit [of Hell] {Ezekiel 31:14}."
190. Again we can see both the ancient and the future interpretations in this whole chapter. We suggest that the reader- read Chapters {29 through 32 of Ezekiel}, and our message concerning the destruction of Egypt in the future, which explains this.
The word Hell in the above passage, does not refer to the Lake of Fire, the final and eternal prison for all lost humanity. As has been stated, "Sheol," is the abode of the souls of the dead , the "Nether or unseen World."
191. The word "Keber, or Khaber" even though spelled a little different way , both mean the same thing , referring to a "grave" a burial place for a dead corpse, the word "Geburah" refers to a "Sepulcher." When the word "Sheol" is used, it never refers to either a "Grave or a Sepulcher."
The literal grave " Queber," receives the bodies of man; but the soul and spirit of man which will exist forever in one of two places, proceeds to Sheol, a place which is hidden from all folks who have not yet passed on into the after life.
192. The wicked of all nations who have forgot God have been turned into Sheol {Psalm 9:17}, to await their final doom as revealed in {Revelation 20:11-13}. All this shows that the disembodied state whether in Hell or Paradise is not in an unconscious state, but one of consciousness.
The words "The nether parts of the earth" in {Vs.14} of the above text strongly suggest that Sheol was situated down in the middle [center and inner parts] of the earth. "The deep," "The floods," "The great waters" of {Ezekiel 31:15-16} signify nations, and the trees , and their Kings.
This also signifies the nations which in the last days have lamented the downfall of the nation of Israel and her God, Jehovah {See Revelation 18:15-19}. In that "Pit" of {Vs.14} above , the greatest monarchs rank with the disembodied souls and spirits of the generality of men.
193. {Sheol No. 59} ... Scripture "The strong among the mighty shall speak to him out of the midst of Hell [Sheol] with them that help him: they are gone down, they lie uncircumcised, slain by the sword {Ezekiel 32:21}."
194. {Sheol No. 60} ... Scripture "And they shall not lie with the mighty that are fallen of the uncircumcised, which are gone down to Hell [Sheol] with their weapons of war: and they have laid their swords under their heads, but their iniquities shall be upon their bones, though they were the terror of the mighty in the land of the living {Ezekiel 32:27}."
195. Several verses in this chapter refer to Sheol, notice the words, "The Pit," in vs. {18,24,25,29, & 30}. Many in the last days will suffer with Egypt such as all the Arab Nations, to name a few: Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Libya, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Germany, plus many others {See Ezekiel Ch. 38}.
The Moslems and Occultist of these nations and all nations that have rejected Christ will abide in the "Pit of Hell," and the Pharaoh [of Egypt] shall see them {Vs. 31}, which indicates that he will have the comfort... referring to the miserable knowledge of knowing that he will not be alone in his fate {Read Vs. 32}.
196. {Sheol No. 61 & 62} ... Scripture "I will ransom them from the power of the Grave [Sheol]; I will redeem them from death: O Death, I will be your plagues [where are the plagues?]; O Grave [Sheol], I will be your destruction [where is your destruction?]: repentance shall be hid from My eyes {Hosea 13:14}."
197. What could be more blessed than such a promise in the middle of so solemn a promise? In wrath, God will remember mercy. He will yet appear as the Redeemer of His chosen people who have become Believers and even though their bodies are in a literal grave and their souls are in the Paradise section of Sheol He will resurrect them at His return to this earth.
He has in the past and will in the future save all that turn to Him in love. Those who own up to their guilt and confess Him as the living Christ, in His wonderful grace Jesus will forever have mercy on them and will save all that will come to Him for Salvation!
Those who think they can repent after death will find that their repentance will not be noticed by the Lord. One's salvation must be established before death, afterwards it will be too late.
198. For centuries now , Israel has been like a dead man, buried among the nations of the world , wondering like a forgotten people. The hour, as Scripture makes clear, is not far in the distant future when the time of their Tribulation will began and end 7 years later.
Then the resurrection of the nation and the promise and fulfillment of the prophecy concerning the dry bones of {Ezekiel Ch.37} will be completed! Scripture...
199. "And at that time shall Michael [the Arch Angel] stand up, the great prince which stands for the children of your people [he is the Guardian Angel and the Protector of the Hebrew nation]: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time your people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the Book, and many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt, {Daniel 12:1-2}." Such also was the testimony of an older prophet. Scripture...
200. "Your dead man shall live, together with my dead body shall they arise [my dead body shall arise]. Awake and sing, you that dwell in the dust: for the dew is as the dew of herbs, and the earth shall cast out the dead {Isaiah 26:19}."
201. All these passages will have their glorious fulfillment when the Bride Remnant of Israel and Judah are awakened from their death- sleep, and shall come forth at the call of God. {See John 5:28-29; & Revelation 20:6}.
202. The time of trouble in the above verse refers to the great Tribulation Period. This text refers also to those dead bodies of all the Old Testament and Tribulation saints that sleep, or perhaps we should say those who have died and have their dead bodies resting in literal graves of this earth.
At Christ's second coming, the Lord will resurrect all those dead bodies which will immediately be changed into spiritual bodies. All these saved folks will be counted as sheep which are referred to in {Matthew 25:31-46}, this will take place during the judgment of the nations spoken of in these verses.
203. All this is explained in a much better way in our message, "The Olivet Discourse." Remember, the soul and spirit will never reside in a Queber, only the body is meant here.
204. {Sheol No. 63} ... Scripture {Vs.2} "Though they dig into Hell [Sheol], then shall My hand take them; though they climb up into Heaven, then will I bring them down:
205. {Vs.3} And though they hide themselves in the top of Carmel, I will search and take them out then; and though they be hid from My sight in the bottom of the sea, then will I command the serpent, and he shall bite them:
206. {Vs.4} And through they go into captivity before their enemies, then will I command the sword, and it shall slay them: And I will set my eyes upon them for evil, and not for good {Amos 9:2-4}."
207. Jehovah, Jesus, Israel's Messiah, declares that even if it were possible for the enemies of God to dig down into Sheol where the souls of the Old Testament saints were dwelling before the Body of Christ period began ,and even if they were able to ascend up into any part of the Heavens, God, who is an all knowing God, is able to take care of all this according to His own will!
The wicked may hide themselves on the top of Mount Carmel, or any high mountain, or perhaps they may hide in a submarine at the bottom of the sea, it will make no difference they will be found by God.
208. Still they will not escape the holy judgment of God! Even if they have been taken into captivity among their enemies, Jehovah promises to send a sword after them, and judge them for all their evil deeds, and not for any good they might have ever accomplished! Such was the vision of the Prophet Amos {See Vs. 5 ... }.
209. Doesn't this remind the prophetic student of the calamities that take place during the time of Jacob's Trouble in the great Tribulation Period? God is Omnipresent, nothing, good or evil can be hid from Him. To try to hide our sins or ourselves from Him is utterly useless. God, Scripture makes clear, loves all humanity, but Scripture also makes clear that in these last days, family members themselves turn their hatred toward each other.
210. Fathers and mothers break their marriage oath and divorce. Children turn from God and His commandments and commence to hate their mothers and fathers, but they cannot hide their sins from an all knowing God and will be judged accordingly!
211. {Sheol No. 64} ... Scripture " ... I cried by reason of my affliction unto the Lord, and He heard me; out of the belly of Hell [Sheol] cried I, and You heard my voice {Jonah 2:2}." [Read also Vs. 1-10].
212. Jonah was in the "Belly of Sheol," or rather, inside of the belly of a very large fish which was a type of "Sheol." It was a death situation to him , for he could only cry to the Lord whom he had backslid from.
He went into death and this writer believes that he really did die, but as all saints of God is aware, the Lord has in the past and will in the future raise the dead! In a fuller sense that Jonah ever knew, he could say , "waters [in which the fish lived] encompassed me about, even to the soul."
213. But as we know, God the Father raised Jonah from the shadow of death, thereby testifying His satisfaction in the work of Jesus Christ. This is the greatest sign that is now set before men. All those who place their trust in the risen Saviour Jesus, are forever delivered from the wrath of the living God and from the judgment that could have been netted out to them! Scripture...
214. {Sheol No. 65} ... {Vs.4} "Behold his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith.
215. {Vs.5} Yes also, because he transgressed by wine [moreover, wine Is treacherous], he is a proud [a haughty] man, neither keeps at home, who enlarges his desire as Hell [Sheol] [the suffering part of Sheol in Hades enlarges itself for sinful men], and is as death, and cannot be satisfied, but gathers unto him all nations, and heaps unto him all people {Habakkuk 2:4-5}."
216. We are now entering the last part, the last "Sheol" of the 65 places Sheol is mentioned in the Scriptures of the Old Testament where the word is found. Never have we read or heard anyone teach a complete message concerning this word.
That is why this writer decided to enlarge upon the subject hoping that many Bible students would teach the message and open the eyes of their Assemblies that they may find a deeper understanding of the word.
217. To enlarge on these last two verses, we should understand that this Oracle which Habakkuk had been told to write so plainly so that the Student of God's Word should read it and run to declare it to those who have not understood the significance of his word.
Such a reader and runner was the Apostle Paul. {Vs.4} is the key-note of his instruction to saints and sinners alike. Having read the prophets words with eyes anointed by the Spirit of God, Paul ran the rest of his life to make this good news known to others.
218. Three times they occur in Paul's Epistles, and in each place they are used with a different object in view. When in {Romans Ch. 1:16-17}, Paul finds in these words the inspired answer to the question raised ages ago in the book of Job.
219. "How then can man be justified with God {Ch. 9:2; 25:4}? Triumphantly he points to the revelation from God, and states, "The just shall live by faith! "We could write a message in itself concerning the verse. Please read [Galatians 3:11; & 6:16; also Hebrews 10:38}.
Habakkuk waited for the fulfillment of the Word of God pertaining to the destruction of Chaldea, but we today wait for the fulfillment of the Word of our Lord pertaining to His return in the air. Jehovah completely fulfilled His Word to this prophet, and we can expect His fulfillment of all the promises He has made to us just as He has said.
220. In {Verses 5 to 20}, the Lord uncovers the wicked conditions prevailing among the Chaldeans. The Lord announced a five- fold woe upon the wicked world power. While this applied primarily to the Chaldeans in the past, it is a prophetic picture in typology which applies to the future. The world powers have the same agenda in these last days as they had in past ages.
They wish to form a One World Government and many in past ages had the same idea and desire. This will be their wish onward to the end of the time of the Gentiles, in other words until Christ returns to set up His own Kingdom Government! "The world lieth in the wicked one."
221. There are no improvements for us to look foreword to among the world powers, and as we have seen in our Bible, the end of the present age still brings opposition and defiance of God, with a definite moral decline. The word "Sheol" in all the above verses has the same meaning as in all the preceding verses! We pray that we have opened the eyes of many teachers, preachers and other Bible students by teaching this message.
222. There are many teachings of the cults and yes, even of good Christian Bible teachers who have been caught up in the false doctrine of teaching this word "Sheol" as being applied always to a literal grave or to only a burning Hell.
We must be dog-matic here, in again stating that the word applies to any place where the soul of the lost or of the saved is sent to at the time of their physical death whether it be Hades, Paradise, Heaven, the Pit or the Lake of Fire! We must remember that even Hades itself will be cast into a "Sheol," of the Lake of Fire {Revelation 20:11-15}.
223. As we know, Christ finished the Mosaic Law on the cross! Nowhere in the New Testament do we find the word Sheol mentioned. On the other hand, we see the word referred to in many places such as references that refer to Hell or Heaven, etc.
When Jesus said "It is finished ...," Just before He took His last breath He spoke these words which signified that the Law Dispensation had been fulfilled. First His earthly ministry! His life! His miracles! and then His cross!
224. The cry "It is finished" marked the ending of faith plus the necessary works which was to follow in order to prove the faith of the Believer during that age! That cry shows that no more are the ceremonies, rituals, types and symbols necessary to prove ones faith in God during this present age! Here we will give a short list of examples of the types and symbols of Christ:
225. 1: Adam - came directly from God.
226. 2: Melchizedek - without beginning or end.
227. 3: Isaac - a sacrificial lamb of Father's altar.
228. 4: Moses- a great deliverer from the land of bondage.
229. 5: Joseph - despised by his brethren.
230. 6: Solomon - rich and powerful king.
231. 7: Joshua - a victorious conqueror.
232. 8: Samson- carried off the gates of impossibility.
233. 9: Jonah- went through the sea of death to save others.
234. 10: Noah's Ark - a place of safety.
235. 11: The High Priest - representative of sinners before God.
236. 12: Sprinkled blood - seven times / a perfect atonement.
237. There were many more which were shadows of God's redemptive work that was then yet future. These types and shadows opened the way for something better; they introduced lost folks to Christ; they were redemption symbolized. The crucifixion of Christ finished the legal system of the Patriarchs and Judaism.
Jesus took all the above types plus many others, rites and symbols to the cross with Him and nailed them there! They died with Him {Colossians 2:14}. By Christ's finished works on the cross, there remains no priestly secrets. The old priesthood has been replaced. The old sacrifices have lost their value because of the one great sacrifice.
It Is Finished ... The Debt Has Been Paid!
238. Man is in debt! He cannot pay his way out! However, the debt is paid by Christ: by every thorn that punctured His brow - by every nail that pierced His hands and feet - by the savage Roman spear that tore His side - by every drop of His sinless blood. The debt is paid - not with corruptible things, not with the traditions of the fathers but by Christ's precious blood.
Jesus Christ is the ripened fruit, made under the Law to redeem them that were under the Law. All the demands of the Law were met, and the bill of debt is removed. Thus: we are free because He was bound. We have Heaven because He suffered Hell.
239. We are exalted because He was humble. We are rich because He was poor. We are healed because He was wounded. We drink the water of Salvation because He drank the cup of the Father's wrath. Dear sinner ... drunkard - adulterer - self- righteous - liar - murderer- your sins were put to His account, won't you accept Him today as your personal Saviour and Lord?
It Is finished! One more thing we would like to add to this message, when the prophet Samuel died, his soul descended down into Paradise of Sheol and he considered Paradise to be a place of rest.
240. King Saul having a desire to converse with Samuel went to a witch and ask her to bring Samuel up so that Saul could ask certain things of him. One problem is that some folks believe that Samuel was brought up by the power of Satan.
The truth is, Satan has power only over certain people while they are alive! Only God has power of resurrection over both the Saved and the Lost after they have died. Satan would dearly love for mankind to believe that he has such power! The witch was very surprised when Samuel came up. God had taken over and brought Samuel up in order to have him pronounce the death sentence on King Saul {Read 1-Samuel Ch. 28:3-25}.
241. Helps in writing this Message were from the "Annotated Bible by Dr. Arno C Gaebelein; Commentary on the whole Bible by Jamieson, Fausset & Brown; The Companion Bible; Works by Dr. H. A. Ironside; Dispensational Theology by Charles F, Baker; The Students Bible Commentary by George Williams; The Liberty Bible Commentary, works by Dr. Jack Van Impy, and others. The writer is aware that we have covered some territory in this message that has nothing to do with Sheol. But what we have written we felt that it would be helpful to those who have read our messages. God bless.
242. In regards to our readers, we would deeply express our thanks to those who will recopy this message and pass it on to others that they too might find a blessing from this messages contents.
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