a bit of English:

   _|_|_|  _|_|_|  _|_|_|  _|_|_|  GRUPO DE ESTUDOS AVANCADOS ESPIRITAS
   _|      _|      _|  _|  _|      (Advanced Study Group of Spiritism)
   _|  _|  _|_|    _|_|_|  _|_|
   _|  _|  _|      _|  _|  _|          Founded on October 15th 1992
   _|_|_|  _|_|_|  _|  _|  _|_|_|
        THE SPIRITIST MESSENGER  -  Monthly Electronic Report
                          of the GEAE group
                      6th year - Number 2 - 1998
  |============================| CONTENT |=============================|

   - The 5th Spanish Spiritist Conference, by C. Iglesia, Brazil.
   - Electronic Lectures on Magnetical Pass, by Marcello Abreu.
   - On the death of the Universe, by Rodrigo Farias.
   - First 98 GEAE Meeting.
   - The word of the cross, by Emmanuel



by Carlos Iglesia, Brazil.

The 5th Spiritist Conference of Spain was  realized  on  December  5-8
1997. Since the first conference in 1992 at Madrid - which was in fact
a world conference, all the following  ones  in  Spain  were  national
encounters - this event has  been  yearly  organized  by  a  group  of
Spanish spiritists under the leading of the FEE, the Spanish Spiritist
Federation. According to Santiago G. Mateu, FEE current president, the
regularity of the conference is an important factor for  the  national
Spiritist movement in Spain. One can easily understand that with  this
regular opportunity people can exchange knowledge and ideas  and  thus
make their union stronger.

 The 5th conference was organized by the ``Centro de Estudios Espirita
Allan Kardec'' from Malaga and took  place  at  the  Cervantes  Hotel,
Torremolinos, a touristic resort of Costa del Sol just 15 minutes from
Malaga. As a foreigner participant - a spectator intending  to  better
know the Spanish Spiritist movement - I was really surprised with  the
event organization. Groups from virtually all  parts  of  the  country
participated in the meeting  with exception of a few from the northern
regions due to the   recent snowstorms.

 The 200 participants represented small and  recently  created  groups
and distinguished themselves by their enthusiasm  and  dedication   to
the doctrine study.  This  was  easily  seen  in  the  level   of  the
presented seminars and debates (which I hope will be   posted  on  the
FEE web-page). I also watched a public FEE assembly  realized  on  the
nigh of December 5.  During  this  meeting  one  concluded   that  the
Spanish federation has been  successful  in  uniting  regional  groups
around common interests of the doctrine,  completely  tunned   to  the
work of the International Spiritist Counsel. Since there  is  no  time
nor space to reproduce each of the seminars I limit  myself to give  a
short list of the titles:

``Justicia Divina'' by Juan Jose Torres
C. E.  A  Camino  de  La  Luz, Manzanares

``Espiritismo e Sancion'' by Jose  Manuel  Garcoa  Moscoso
C.E.M.E.L, Madrid

``El Mensaje Cristico de Jesus'' by Juan Antonio  Torrijo
Associacion Espirita de Valencia, Valencia

 ``La Vida en el Mundo Espiritual'' by Miguel de Jesus Sardano

 ``Fuera de La Caridad no hay Salvacion'' by Jose Aniorte
 C. E. Amor Fraterno, Acazar de San Juan

 ``Evangelio y Espiritismo'' by Rogerio Coelho

 ``La Obsession entre encarnados''
 Centro Joanna de Angelis, Reus

 ``Pruebas de la Providencia Divina, Leonardo da Vinci'' by
 Teresa Vazques

 ``Los Obreros de la Ultima Hora'' by Mercedes Garcia de la
 Torre, Fraternidade Espirita Jose Grosso, Cordoba

 ``La Divina Justicia de la Reencarnacion'' by Juan Miguel
 Fernandez, Associacion de Estudios Espiritas de Madrid

 ``Dios y la Creacion'' by Esteban Zaragoza,
 Centro de Estudio Espirita Allan Kardec, Malaga

 ``Consolidacion del Espiritismo en el Mundo'' by
 Rafael Gonzalez Molina, CE y DE, Madrid

 ``Los trabajos mediumnicos en el Centro Espirita'' by
 Santiago Gene Mateu, Centro Joanna de Angelis, Reus

 There was a vivid interest in  the  internet  and  its  use  for  the
Spiritist divulgence worldwide. Our friend Johnny M.  Moix,  the   FEE
webmaster, demonstrated the use of the web using a computer.  He  also
explained the benefits of this new communication  system.   I  believe
there will be an increase in  the  number  of  Spiritist    pages  and
spiritists connected to the Internet in Spain as  a    result  of  the
increasing interest in the subject raised by  the conference.

 One of the topics worth mentioning covered by the conference  was the
help to the  Spiritist  movement  in  Cuba.  Spiritism  has   recently
reappeared in Cuba and, in spite of all material  difficulties, it has
grown up surprisingly. There has  been   immense  efforts  toward  the
study of the doctrine and groups   have  been  formed  throughout  the
isle. One of the major   troubles  is  the  uncontrolled  mediumnistic
practice as a   consequence of  the  religious  influence  of  African
cultures brought by the slaves. As a result people  misunderstand  the
communication  between  the  material  and   spirit  worlds.  The  FEE
vice-president and president of the   ``Centro  de  Estudios  Espirita
Allan Kardec'', Isabel   P.  Gonzalez  will  return  to  Cuba  in  the
beginning of 1998   with material help and books.

 For those unaware of the Spiritist history, it may be  difficult   to
realize the enormous importance of such event and the   responsibility
of its participants. This importance is considerable  in face  of  the
old efforts to make  Spiritism  known  in  Spain,  of  the   works  of
outstanding personalities like Amalia Domingos Soler, Miguel  Vives  y
Vives and many others and in  face  of  the  brutal    civil  war  and
following repression  which  virtually  banned  Spiritism    from  the
Spanish lands.

 Such is the responsability of the new  groups  brought  together   at
this 5th conference. I really believe they are already    well  formed
and hope that in the next meeting at Manzanares  (Ciudad   Real)  they
will be even more united and numerous than now.


 by Marcello Abreu


 In the GEAE report 264, VI year, Fernanda Nunes asked  for   pictures
showing magnetical pass application. I would like   to know her e-mail
address for me to send her  these  pictures.   Moreover,  there  is  a
specific web-page (Divaldo's page - in portuguese)

 containing lectures on magnetical pass and such pictures  which   she
should know.

 Transl. note:

 (*) Magnetical pass: the process of imposing hands  over  a   persons
body in order to heal (in the case of healing   mediuns) or  calm  him
down (in the majority of the cases).
 Magnetical pass is also named `spiritual healing' by some  people.


 by Rodrigo Farias


 I was talking to a catholic about reincarnation in a  newsgroup  list
when he presented me an original objection:  Nowadays  scientist  talk
about a possible future death of the Universe  either  through  termic
cooling or a contraction (*) which would mean the end of all  material
world.  If  such  death  is  confirmed,   how   one   can   understand
reincarnation? I  accept  that  the  spirit  world  would  remain  but
creation never stops and there  would  be  many  beings  in  need  for
reincarnation. What would then be their state?

 (*)Transl. note: The so called ``big crunch''. In spite of the  claim
for the validity of the argument, that is, of how one  can  understand
the  requirement of reincarnation in face of a possible death  of  the
Universe  and so discontinuity of the  material  world,  there  is  no
doubt that  the argument is extremely weak. One  can  not  affirm  the
possibility  of a ``big crunch'' (which seems will always remain as  a
subtle   speculation). However, science has some crude indications  of
a  initial explosion (the ``big bang''), so that  one  can  be  almost
sure by the available  experimental  data  that  the  Universe  had  a
beginning - which is in accordance with the spirit teaching -  but  on
idea where it is going.

 Interesting enough, the idea of a big crunch is  closely  related  to
some Indian myths about the  creation  and  destiny  of  the  Universe
[see, for instance, ``Cosmos'' by C.  Sagan]  which  describe  several
lives for the Universe, a constantly expanding and contracting  world.
Can one then speak about the Universe reincarnation?




 The first GEAE meeting is coming up!

 We have just started the planning of the first (98) GEAE meeting   to
take place at Sao Paulo, Brazil. If you want to  take  part  in    the
arrangements for the event, just write us...

 The editors.




 "For the preaching of the cross is to them that  perish  foolishness;
but unto us which are saved it is the power of God."

 Paul (I Corinthians, 1:18)

 The message of the cross has been bitter since all the times.

 An initially incomprehensible and displeasing  voice  descended  from
the  calvary to the world.

 In the Master's martyrdom all arguments of a  superficially  absolute
negation were resumed.

 Complete abandonment of the most beloved ones.

 Distressing thirst.

 Fatal capitulation.

 Spontaneous pardoning expressing total humiliation.

 Sarcasm and ridiculousness between thieves.

 Defeat with no defense.

 Injurious death.

 However, Christ profits by the seeming failure to teach  the  way  of
eternal ressurection, showing that the ``self''  will  never  approach
God without improvement and self-sublimation.

 Even today the  message  of  the  cross  is  madness  for  those  who
endlessly    remain   within   the   circles   of   spiritually    low
reincarnations. Such creatures  only want to conspire with the  death,
killing the nicest blossomings  of the feeling.  They  dominate  many,
but are  ncapable of self  control.  They  accumulate  treasures  that
imprudence spreads away and  weave dark threads of  stubborn  passions
on which they countless fall  like the spider attached to its own web.

 Let us repeat the message of the cross to the brother or sister   who
drown in the flesh and they will consider us crazy. But all of  us who
are being rescued from deeper falls through the notice  of a  renewing
faith are informed that, during the  most  bitter    testimonies,  the
disciple approaches the Master as the Master ascended  to  the  Father
through the hidden glory of crucifixion.

 In: ``Fonte Viva'', mediumship of F. C. Xavier,  ed.  FEB  (Brazilian
Spiritist Federation). Transl. by A. L. Xavier Jr.


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    `--'  `--/  /  `--  GRUPO  DE   ESTUDOS  AVANCADOS  ESPIRITAS
  |  . Electronic weekly report - Boletim do GEAE                      |
  |  . Montly English report: ``The Spiritist Messenger''              |
  |  . Homepage - "The   Spiritism   Web" -     contains   Spiritist   |
  |   information  in   general:   electronic   books,   newspapers,   |
  |   reports,    info   on   the   Spiritist  movement   worldwide,   |
  |   institutions, events and  Spiritist links.                       |
  |                                                                    |
  |   Editorial Board:                                                 |
  |    - Ademir L. Xavier Jr.  (Campinas - SP, Brazil)                 |
  |    - Carlos A. I. Bernardo (Sao Paulo - SP, Brazil)                |
  |    - Jose Cid              (Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil)           |
  |    - Raul Franzolin Neto   (Pirassununga - SP, Brazil)             |
  |    - Sergio A. A. Freitas  (Lisbon, Portugal)                      |
  |                                                                    |
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