Poisonous Jet Contrails

Subject: Art Bell Says Everybody Is Sick. Part 1.      Feb. 10, 1999.

  Last night Art Bell, on his talk show that broadcasts on over 300 radio
stations said that everybody he knows is sick and he didn't know
what was making them sick.  I'll now put down some information that
that is so bad that if you are not sick already you may be sick after
ready this.  Incidentally I'm not sick myself although some may
question that statement.  I know that in the past I have said that
the contrails are made by jets that have a substance in their fuel
that is making us sick. That may be still partially true.  I then
said that the government is spraying us with some substance that
will immunize us against any attack that may come from terrorist
who may try to kill us with Antharax.  That may be true.  I don't
know what is really happening but that hasn't stopped me from saying
what may be happening in the past.  Here's the latest dope on the
subject and I do claim to be the world's expert on putting out dope.


From: S W
Subject: U.S. Military Conducting TOXIC Biological-Chemical Warfare
Against Civilians
U.S. feds well on their way to reducing population to further New
World Order goals!
Dear Citizens, Patriots, and Veterans:
  For the past 3 weeks I have been receiving first hand reports of U.S.
Military jets spraying toxic substances over populated urban areas
testing the effectiveness of their biological and chemical warfare
protective suits and monitoring equipment.  The substances are
SUPPOSEDLY "harmless" simulants which have extremely toxic effects of
their own.  To date, literally thousands of civilians have been made
very sick mostly with respiratory illnesses and distress and even
scores of deaths.
  The military has deceived the public and other authorities by saying
that what they are spraying are harmless simulants while in actuality
they are really conducting chemical and biological warfare with weapons
of mass destruction under the guise of merely a "test."  Yes, a test,
to see how many people will be made ill, contract respiratory diseases,
and how many die.  So, do you call that at "test" or actual warfare?
  We do not have to wait any longer for Clinton to antagonize the
Middle Eastern countries to the point of them lashing out with
international terrorists against U.S. cities and U.S. citizens, as
Clinton is doing what he is told to do by the Insiders, the Elites, the
bosses of the Illuminati and New World Order.  As I posted to you all
numerous times in the past, if Clinton can't get the Islamics to attack
the U.S. then Clinton will just go ahead himself and do it.  That is
exactly what he is doing now.
  Citizens, Patriots, and Veterans, no need to wait for these NBC -
Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical warfare attacks against us because
they have been going on for quite some time  now.  Why?  Because the
New World Order's Elites' plan is to reduce the population of the world
by 25% by the year 2000 (Y2K is truly an appropriate crisis), 50% by
2025, 75% shortly after that, and by 85% to 95% as a final goal to
leave only 200 million people alive world wide.  Of course these
surviving people will only be comprised of the Elites and their prison
labor slaves incarcerated in Clinton's Civilian Concentration Camps
here in the U.S. and in other concentration camps around the world.
Why? Because the Elites want to "save" the world's natural resources for
themselves. They don't want other people using them as they think our
resources are running out when in actuality all we have to do is use
our technology to use them more efficiently and produce replaceable
natural resources.  Like why use up our finite petroleum resources
when we can use bacteria and yeasts to grow on discarded organic matter
to produce alcohol for fuels?
  England has had 6,000 deaths in the past two weeks from respiratory
failure caused by this Military spraying currently.
  Please read the following post forwarded by jham@iahf.com (John
Hammell) and by William Thomas  regarding the information from Leanard
Cole's  "Clouds of Secrecy: The Army's Germ-Warfare Tests Over
Populated Areas," by Leonard A. Cole (http://amazon.com)
and from  numerous personal reports nationwide about the criss-cross
spraying by our U.S. Military. Please take care and prepare.  The NBC
attacks against U.S. Citizens are occurring NOW.
 jham@iahf.com (John Hammell)
IAHF LIST: I have hesitated, until now, to forward this information
about contrails, because it seemed just too bizarre and outrageous. But
look at the information below from Christine Smith, Will Thomas, and
Ian Goddard.
Listen to the audio file of Will Thomas discussing this on the Art Bell
Show, and read what Will has to say below. Read the testimony below of
Dr. Cole from Rutgers University re Military Experiments involving
spraying of toxic substances on civilian populations.
Draw your own conclusions. This is Genocide, and WE, the people of the
world, are clearly being targeted. You think I've lost it? Don't take
my word for it, read this:
To: John Hammell
From: William Thomas

A retired friend in Santa Fe -- one who reads your information that I
print out, but doesn't have a computer--just called me to say that
planes have been making contrails in the sky there since 7am this
morning.  Her comment, People need to know about this!"  She's staying
inside. -Christine Smith
John, yes, absolutely!

  Tell everyone to STAY INDOORS when contrails are being woven overhead.
I've got a BBC photo of a freezer - semi filled with dead bodies in
England - all from sudden respiratory ailments. We're talking (according
to the BBC) 6,000 deaths from respiratory failure in two weeks.
   People are VERY SICK here. And spraying continues after heavy
spraying last Friday over Asheville, Knoxville, Dallas and other US
centers. I have this morning received reports of "many deaths" from a
"cough that never leaves" in Louisiana.

 This is big. This is real. I have positively verified that Emergency
Rooms are overflowing with acute respiratory cases from coast to coast.

  Doctors are telling the New York Times that this is NOT the flu.
People are dying they say far more quickly and at rates far beyond

  The only lab test I have shows JP8 present in soil samples after
spraying. The ethylene dibromide in JP8 is banned by the EPA as a known
carcinogen and an extremely toxic substance that attacks the respiratory
system at very low doses of exposure.

 There may be a viral component to the spraying, as well. I am tracking
this and will get back to...

  STOP PRESSES! I have just this minute received a call that confirms
my worst fears. According to a source within the Canadian Intelligence
Service, heavy spraying taking place over Victoria, BC (near me) and
other population centers throughout North America are classified
"tests". I now know what the "tests" are aimed at achieving. And it
is not pretty.

  This is a MAXIUMUM RED ALERT for everyone on your list, John. TAKE
COVER! Stay indoors during spraying. This is NOT "woo-woo". This is
NOT a drill.

  Good luck to all of us,
William Thomas (wilco@islandnet.com)

  Check my website for upadtes:  http://www.islandnet.com/~wilco/investsky.htm

(Listen to Art Bell's interview with Will Thomas on Jan 25th and Feb 18th.
In the Jan 25th interview: "Ancient Hopi prophecy says that days of cleansing
are close when cobwebs are in the sky". The military denies that HAARP has
any purpose for weather control, although the patent of its originator, Bernard
Eastland, states that one of its purposes is exactly for weather control. A former
radio guest of Art Bell who said that these contrails were part of the HAARP
weather control tests died soon afterwards of a massive heart attack although he
was in good health. (coincidence?) NATO also is involved in HAARP.)

Emergency Preparedness: http://www.millennium-ark.net/News_Files/Hollys.html


The lab director of Aqua-tech Environmental using samples taken from
JP-8 contaminated fields of Maryland and Pennsylvania, reported today
(9/18/97) that ethylene dibromide, otherwise known as EDB, has been the
contaminate in the fuel and water samples taken of submitted by farmers,
pilots and tanker drivers. EDB is one of the most tightly controlled EPA
substances and was banned in 1983 due to its carcinogenieity. EDB is a
pesticide that apparently is being placed in the jet fuel and dispersed
on a daily, almost non-stop basis in our skies. The lines filling our
skies are not contrails. The lines are dispersed and may linger for
hours, slowly filtering down to unsuspecting pests, and I guess we're
the PESTS.

Water samples are contaminated with EDB and crops are dying. EDB is just
one more avenue for the NWO folks to starve us to death and make us ill
by weakening our already compromised immune systems. Exposure to this
toxic chemical may lead to cancer, liver and kidney damage, pulmonary
edema, damage to a developing fetus and reproductive organs of both men
and women. Let's not forget that the chemical may also cause sterility.
Doesn't that fit into their plan for population control? They have
really found the perfect chemical.

EDB is a carcinogen and a mutagen that may also cause eye and skin
irritation, cardiopulmonary arrest, and binds to DNA. Skin blisters and
respiratory failure are other conditions caused by ethylene dibromide.
The conditions are too numerous to list but this will give you an idea
of problems caused by this chemical. EDB is a carcinogen at any exposure
level and humans are more susceptible than animals to the acute toxic
affects. This does not mean that it will not kill animals. We have
reports from California and Wyoming of the birds dying.

Ethylene dibromide was used in leaded gasoline until 1983 to remove lead
from engines and was found in engine exhaust This chemical is a heavy
liquid with a chloroform-like odor that becomes a gas at temperatures
greater than 40 degrees F. The higher the temperature it is dispersed at
the more toxic It becomes, therefore dispersing from a jet would be
ideal, The compound is stable, meaning it does not easily decompose.
.This would account for the substance staying in the sky for long
periods of time. EDB is only slightly soluble in water, but dissolves
easily in organic solvents. JP-8 Is considered an organic solvent. A
water sample from rain would be an excellent way to verify contamination
and a fuel sample so much the better.

Please note that EDB is a colorless liquid, with a sweet odor, however
no smell does not mean you are not being exposed. Substances are also
added that counteract the smell. Pilots please note that dispersing
JP-8, along with these toxic chemicals is killing people. You are not
counteracting any type of biological that has been spread, or any
antidote of anytype.


We now have proof that our goverment is using chemical agents on
populated areas they are adding it to military jet fuel.
Have you ever looked up at a vapor trail behind military aircraft flying
so high a symbol of Americas power. Look again!!

Commerical jets also leave a lovely (non-toxic) vapor trail when the
heat from the turbines come in contact with the cool air condencing the
water droplets into steam. Softly the lines defuse into the blue sky. So
what is different about the military aircraft, the answer is simple,
It's the Fuel JP-8+100 is some really bad stuff.

When you look up over the skys of New York City on a clear, sunny
morning you see the military aircraft making patterens across the sky
with their vapor trails. The smoke is thick and does not go away. When
it comes in contact with the sunlight it turns to a purple color, then
desipates into a over cast Purple Haze.

So what is this Purple Haze, A fuel sample of JP-8+100 was taken to an
independent lab (NON GOVERMENT FUNDED) and broken down.

The sample revealed Two toxic substances.

1. Ethlyene Di Bromide

2. Zinc Cloride

1. EDB attacks the Liver , Lungs , and Skin. causeing liver damage, Lung
and skin Cancer.

2. Don't know the affects of Zinc Cloride yet.  also EDB lowers the
immune system by depleteing the body of B vitamins and zinc. answer to
problem, use a B Complex vitamin and Zinc.

I wonder how these chemicals react with ( MTBE ) Methyl tert Butyl
Ether, that is added to the gas that is used in you families car.

It's bad enough they screw around with the Water but now the Air. Whats
next Bottled Air! this whole thing stinks of a Goverment DePopulation

50 USC [U.S. Code], Sec. 1520 Jan. 16, 1996


Sec. 1520: Use of human subjects for testing of chemical or biological
agents by Department of Defense; accounting to Congressional committees
with respect to experiments and studies; notification of local civilian

(a) Not later than thirty days after final approval within the
Department of Defense of plans for any experiment or study to be
conducted by the Department of Defense, whether directly or under
contract, involving the use of human subjects for the testing of
chemical or biological agents, the Secretary of Defense shall supply the
Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and House of Representatives
with a full accounting of such plans for such experiment or study, and
such experiment or study may then be conducted only after the expiration
of the thirty-day period beginning on the date such accounting is
received by such committees.

(b)(1) The Secretary of Defense may not conduct any test or experiment
involving the use of any chemical or biological agent on civilian
populations unless local civilian officials in the area in which the
test or experiment is to be conducted are notified in advance of such
test or experiment (that could be the local dog catcher), and such test
or experiment may then be conducted only after the expiration of the
thirty-day period beginning on the date of such notification.

(2) Paragraph (1) shall apply to tests and experiments conducted by
Department of Defense personnel and tests and experiments conducted on
behalf of the Department of Defense by contractors.

WARFARE PROGRAM. Yes,  it is true and here is the DIRECT evidence from
USC 50- 1520. What unknownagents would you like tested on you without
your permission: Aids related, Cancer related, WHAT? Sleep well tonight
things in mind for us and its FREE and all for someone elses' benefit.
What a deal!!! Remember, the family that tests together, can suffer and
die together!P.S. They do notify local civilian officials 30 days before
the testing, (that could be the dog catcher) but of course they are
under no obligation to tell the "human subjects" and it would be hard to
justify, not to mention the PR and reelection problems.

From: K
Subject: Got Your Gas Masks Ready?
By William Thomas
 SEATTLE, Washington,
January 8, 1999 (ENS) - Contrails spread by fleets of jet aircraft in
elaborate cross-hatched patterns are sparking speculation and making
people sick across the United States.
  Washington state resident William Wallace became ill with severe
diarrhea and fatigue after watching several multi-engine jets spend
New Year's day laying cloud lines in an east to west grid pattern. A
neighbor working outside came down with similar symptoms. But
their wives, who remained indoors, suffered no ill effects from the
inexplicable maneuvers which observers liken to high-altitude
"crop-dusting" by unidentifed multi-engine aircraft.
  Condensation trails, called contrails, are generated at altitudes high
enough for water droplets to freeze in a matter of seconds and not
quickly evaporate - typically where the temperatures are below -38
degrees Celcius.
  Contrails can form through the addition of water vapor to the air from
the jet engine exhaust. Even tiny nuclei released in the exhaust fumes
may be sufficient to generate ice crystals, and hence, condensation trails.
 Wallace wonders if ethylene dibromide, a highly toxic component of
JP-8 jet fuel, is making people sick. Similar incidents over Las Vegas
last year prompted a US Air Force spokesman to explain that the
military aircraft were "dumping fuel" before landing.
 But the strange spray patterns are being reported repeatedly over
towns in Tennessee, Connecticut, New Hampshire, New York, Nevada,
Idaho, Mississippi, Montana, Oklahoma, Washington state and California.
 Wallace has been watching formations of high-flying jets weave
grid-like contrails above his home since last summer. Each time, "We
get a taste in our mouth," he reports. He and his wife Ann get "kind
of tired and sick," having "no energy to do anything."
 After plants began dying around his mountain cabin, "I got real sick
for about three weeks," Wallace relates. "My eyes watered. Fluid came
out of my nose. I could hardly move my arm up above my head to comb
my hair for about a week."
 Wallace and his wife are not alone in their plight. In March, 1996,
Dr. Greg Hanford bought an expensive camera and binoculars to keep
an eye on jets spraying white bands above his Bakersfield, California
home. Hanford has counted 40 or 60 jets on some "spray days."
 "Everybody seems to be getting sick from it," Hanford told ENS.
"Hackin' and coughin' when you really get nailed with this stuff." The
dentist, many of his patients and two receptionists have repeatedly
contracted severe respiratory infections. Hanford's illness lingered
for five months despite courses of four different antibiotics.
 "It's really weird," Hanford says. "You think two jets are going
to hit each other - and then they make an X." The dentist says he has
sometimes seen "furry globular balls" spread downwind in a long
feather from the high-flying aircraft.
 Unlike normal contrails, which dissipate soon after a lone jet's
passage, video taken by Wallace and Hanford show eerily silent
silver jets streaming fat contrails from their wingtips in multiple,
criss-cross patterns. But instead of dissipating like normal
contrails, these white jet-trails coalesce into broad cloud-bands
that gradually occlude crystal clear skies.  "Passenger jets don't make
contrails that stay and become clouds," Wallace observes.
 Government officials deny that anything unusual is taking place.
When Hanford called the local airport, tower personnel told him
there was nothing going on." The jets were "just commercial"
undergoing "international flight training."
 But a skeptical Hanford responded, "Is the FAA going to allow two
jets to come at each other?"
 X'es, overlapping W's and the Roman numeral XII are among the
patterns flown by the mystery aircraft. Last June, Hanford watched
four aircraft spraying in circles to form a perfect bulls-eye. Through
his Swaroski binoculars, Hanford could see what "looked like a 737"
painted all-white on top with an "orangish-red" underbody and red
engine cowlings. Another 727-like aircraft was painted "all-white with
a black stripe up the middle of fuselage." None of the planes carried
identifying markings.
 Pat Edgar has been watching the jets spraying over eastern Oklahoma
since a sunny day in October, 1977 when as many as 30 contrails
gradually occluded the sky. "They look like they're playing
tic-tac-toe up there," he says. "You know darn well it's not passenger
 Edgar says he has watched "cobwebbing stuff coming down" from
the zigzagging jets flying "all day long, line after line,
back-and-forth, like furrows in a farm field."
 Edgar adds that "There is a lot of Lupus in the area now. A lot of
women have come down with it."
  Edgar's father-in-law, a former judge, and three or four other close
friends were hit hard in their immune systems. Symptoms include
swollen hands and legs, night fever and shortness of breath.
 Retired Oklahoma state judge Bill Ed Rogers now runs out of breath
after walking 20 feet to the bathroom. Climbing stairs, he says, "is
directly out of the question."
 Rogers, does not attribute his strange malady to the mystery jets. But
neither he nor his doctors can explain his breathing difficulty, which
began shortly after spraying began in November, 1997, and is getting
worse. The 57 year old former judge says he thought he was
experiencing congenital heart failure when he was admitted into the
Mayo clinic last January. But after being diagnosed with severe
inflamation in his right lung, a team of top surgeons were unable to
pump an unidentified "jello-like" fluid from his lung.
 Edgar, Wallace, Hanford and other eye-witnesses are uneasy over the
ongoing aerial "experiments and the secrecy surrounding them.
"They're gettin' ready, practicing," Edgar believes, for some kind of
mass population cull.
 Before Edgar sold his restaurant, customers came in complaining of
airplanes "flyin' around all night" over a remote area of Oklahoma. In
the morning, they could see "stuff comin' out of their wings." Edgar
says he knows four-dozen witnesses who have "come down violently
ill, coughin' up blood for two weeks - or [with] real bad nosebleeds."
As far as he's concerned, "it had to be something in that doggone plane
that was spillin' out in the middle of the night."
 Edgar joins witnesses across the U.S. who worry that whoever is
behind the mystery spraying just has to "come up with something a
little stronger later on. It's just a guess," he says. "But it sure
seems weird. They have a mission. They go back and forth all day. Hey
man I'm talkin' hundreds of contrails in a day! It's unbelievable."
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Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 17:31:24 -0600 (CST)
: Ian Goddard 
The Environmental News Service reports that in remote regions of the
U.S., fleets of jets are creating massive grid-work contrail pattern
across the sky and apparently are also spraying some kind of substance
out of their wing tips that seems to be making people deathly ill.
The fleets of jets lay a grid-work pattern of contrails that expand
and turn a once clear sky into an overcast, and then according to
witnesses a "cobwebb" like material falls from the sky, which seems to
make people very ill.
One witness to these events goes so far as to suggest that with the
secrecy said to surround these aerial activities and the illness they
seem to induce in those on the ground, there is secret plan in the
works for a mass culling of the human race (which United Nations
population reports suggest is too large, and the U.N.'s Universal
Declaration of Human Rights does stipulate that your right to life can
be revoked if it's deemed to be "contrary to the purposes of the U.N.")
Full story: http://ens.lycos.com/ens/jan99/1999L-01-08-05.html
Anybody know of an innocuous explanation for such spraying?  Could this
be some kind of cloud-formation experimentation?  Is such
formation-flying consistent with commercial-pilot practice (which
airport officials claim to be the case)?

Part 1.

John Winston.  johnfwin@mlode.com

Subject: Jets One, Humans Zero.  Part 2 of 2.          Jan. 18, 1999.

  Just last week I saw some contrails above my area in Sonora, Calif.
and noted that they were making skinny X's in the sky.  They would
also balloon out and make large clouds.  May be this is what is causing
Yogi The Telepathic Dog to not feel too chipper.


From: M G
Subject: Mystery Contrails May Be Modifying Weather,
Involves HAARP
Best finish what I started on this..
By William Thomas
SEATTLE, Washington,
- U.S. Air Force aerial tankers may be causing and seeding clouds to
modify the weather. The condensation trails and chemicals spread by
these aircraft could be what is making some people sick in Tennessee,
Connecticut, New Hampshire, New York, Nevada, Idaho, Mississippi,
Montana, Oklahoma, Washington state and California.
 Tommy Farmer, a former engineering technician with Raytheon Missile
Systems, has been tracking patterns of jet contrails phenomena for
more than a year. Farmer has "positively identified" two of the
aircraft most often involved in the aerial spraying incidents as a
Boeing KC-135 and Boeing KC-10. Both big jets are used by the US Air
Force for air to air refueling. A Boeing T-43 used for navigation
training and mapping may also be involved.
 Confirming reports from eye-witnesses across the United States, Farmer
reports that all aircraft are painted either solid white or solid black
with he exception of two KC-135s which were in training colors - orange
and white. No identifying markings are visible.
Farmer has collected samples of what he calls "angel hair" sprayed
by the mystery aircraft on six occasions since February, 1998. Four samples
have been taken since November, 1998.
 Farmer says that globular filaments resembling ordinary spider webs,
"usually fall in clumps or wads ranging from pencil eraser size to the
size of a balled up fist."
 Winds often whip the cobweb-like material into filaments as long as 50
feet (15.3 metres). Farmer told ENS that the sticky substance "melts
in your hands" and "adheres to whatever it touches."
 Farmer urges caution to collectors after becoming ill after his first
contact with the "angel hair." Like Bakersfield, California dentist
Dr. Greg Hanford and other ground observers exposed to the spraying,
Farmer's ensuing sore throat and sinus infection lasted several months.
 After repeatedly observing aircraft spraying particulates "in front of
and into cloud systems," Farmer is "fairly certain the contrail
phenomena is one part of a military weather modification weapons system."
 He notes that because the chemical contrails allow much more moisture
to form inside cloud systems, severe localized storms result from the
aerial seeding while surrounding areas that have surrendered their
moisture to the storm cells experience drought.
 The huge Xs being traced by formations of tanker jets in the sky can
be tracked by satellite and coordinated with the crossed-beams of
ionospheric heaters to heat the upper atmosphere - changing its
temperature and density and enhancing the storm's effects.
Taken: 1/11/99; 16:14:59 Alaska Time, this is a photograph of the high
frequency antenna array at the HAARP Ionospheric Research Observatory.
It was taken with an automated camera in the temporary operation center
trailer at the HAARP facility. (Photo courtesy U.S. Air Force)
 Based in Gakon, Alaska, this unclassified joint U.S. Air Force and
Navy project known as the High Altitude Auroral Research Project
(HAARP) has for the past several years been using phased array
antennas to steer powerful beams of tightly-focused radio waves "to
stimulate," heat and steer sections of the upper atmosphere.
 Awarded in 1985 to MIT physicist Bernard Eastlund, HAARP's commercial
patent claims that directed energy beams of more than one-billion
watts can be used for "altering the upper atmosphere wind patterns
using plumes of atmospheric particles as a lens or focusing device"
to disturb weather thousands of miles away.
 In an interview with this reporter, Eastlund admitted, "I had looked
at using this intense beam, which can be angled, to do some
experiments in terms of guiding the jetstream, moving it from one spot
to another. I presume it is possible, which might lend credence to
these other things."
 In a U.S. Air Force research study, "Weather as a Force Multiplier"
issued in August, 1996, seven U.S. military officers outlined how
HAARP and aerial cloud-seeding from tankers could allow U.S.
aerospace forces to "own the weather" by the year 2025. Among the
desired objectives were "Storm Enhancement," "Storm Modification"
and "Induce Drought."
 Aerial view of the HAARP Ionospheric Research Facility eight miles
north of Gakona, Alaska, summer 1997. (Photo courtesy U.S. Air Force)
 According to the Air Force report, "In the United States,
weather-modification will likely become a part of national security
policy with both domestic and international applications."
 Within 30 years, the Air Force foresees using Weather Force Support
Elements with "the necessary sensor and communication capabilities
to observe, detect, and act on weather-modification requirements to
support U.S. military objectives" by using "using airborne cloud
generation and seeding" techniques being developed today, the 1996
Air Force report says.
 But on its HAARP website, the U.S. Navy says, "The HAARP facility
will not affect the weather. Transmitted energy in the frequency ranges
that will be used by HAARP is subject to negligible absorption in
either the troposphere or the stratosphere - the two levels of the
atmosphere that produce the earth's weather. Electromagnetic
interactions only occur in the near-vacuum of the rarefied region
above about 70 km known as the ionosphere."
 Still, according to the Air Force's 1996 report, other routine weather
- modification missions will deploy "cirrus shields" formed by the
chemical contrails of high-flying aircraft "to deny enemy visual
and infrared surveillance."
 When it is completed, the HAARP antenna array will consist of 180
antennas on a total land area of about 33 acres. The final facility
will have a total transmitter power of about 3,600 kilowatts. When the
HAARP facility is completed, the transmitter will be able to produce
approximately 3.6 million watts of radio frequency power, the HAARP
website states. The Air Force says HAARP transmitters have been
designed to operate "very linearly so that they will not produce radio
interference to other users of the radio spectrum."
 Farmer guesses that besides its obvious tactical military applications,
aerial-seeding of contrail-clouds aligned in HAARP's characteristic
grid-patterns could be part of a secret U.S. government initiative to
address the global weather crisis brought about by atmospheric warming.
 The aircraft spraying that has sickened Americans across the country
may not be confined to the United States. On August 11, 1998, "USA
Today" reported dozens of residents of Quirindi, Australia "swearing
they saw cobwebs fall from the sky" after unidentified aircraft passed
Environment News Service (ENS) 1998. All Rights Reserved.
Confederation of Light List :
679 members (public)
List-Operator: Uaxac Cib 

Part 2 of 2.

John Winston.   johnfwin@mlode.com


I can't say for sure, but we think it is JP8 jet fuel additive. I taped
the same thing here in Phoenix, it is also happening in New Orleans,
Austin, Tex., Denver, Col., Estero, Fla., several towns in Ideho, and
Casper, Wy.

You can call Larry Harris at 1-614-654-1447

Rick in Idaho;

At 09:35 AM 8/8/97 -0500, you wrote:
>From rgold@cyberhighway.net Sun Oct 12 18:42:25 1997
From: Rick 
To: "'ranger@azwest.net'" 
Subject: RE: [BIOWAR] Military jet fuel toxins
Date: Sun, 12 Oct 1997 13:13:47 -0600

Clarence, we have been getting it quite often here also, they've been
sending big military jets over at least once a week I had not gotten
anything from John in New York for quite sometime. Thanks for including
the letter from him I'm glad to see he's being active on this.


At 01:07 PM 10/11/97 -0400, you wrote:
Please advise as to the further research done on these cloud anomolies.
I have been seeing great concentrations of the same substance being
sprayed throughout New York and New York city. I have access to
prominent talk radio hosts here in New York. I want to do something
before this becomes quite serious. many people are ill with various
respiratory ailments and I wonder if this is related. I would like to do
a well researched story on the topic and I need what ever help you can

God Bless,


They sprayed us all day on 10/9/97 and 10/10/97 and this has been on going
started in mid July up to date. I have been passing out bottles of
Colloidal Silver to any one who wants it, it is the one thing that is
getting the people well here in Phoenix, Az.(about 100) If you will take
the time to get on my Web Page,  and download the C_SILVER.DOC or
C_SILVER.TXT,  copy the drawing that shows you how to make it, you will
also find a story about Jasper, Arkansas, download the US_CODE document,
if you can take the time, you will find a lot on my web page that will

in Phoenix, AZ.


Some pretty bad scenarios here including a question of whether weather
control could be involved.  It may be coincidence, but here in Black
Mountain/Asheville, NC, we've had extremely heavy contrails every day
all day long except for weekends.  Tuesday was particularly bad, and
Wednesday we had a freak, unexpected winter storm (forecast was just for
flurries) with very high winds.  Many trees and limbs down this morning,
and I was afraid that my windows would blow in.  --  Elora (elora@ioa.com)

From: richard n young richardy2k@ccms.net

Hi  Elora, Thank you so much. I just got this from Will. Please feel
free to share this info.

We have a situation...
This bulletin is to alert anyone who is aware of what is going down that
the pace of dark events appears to be quickening. Two nights ago the capital
of British Columbia came under heavy aerial attack. This account from the
pretty coastal city of Victoria - located approx. 30 miles from where I
am writing - comes from a friend with whom I have been working to document
spraying there on almost a daily basis since last summer:

"Really bad news! Last night at 10:00pm there were six huge sprays
across the city! They were no more than 250 feet in the air. You could throw a
rock at them. Everyone I knew was calling me in a panic to look outside at
"At about 1:30am I was working at my desk and I got knocked out slightly
with a sudden dizzy spell. It felt like my head was hit with a drug! I
had to leave my office to my bedroom where my room is more sealed off and it
took about half an hour to recover and back to normal.
"This was clearly a drug of some sort. Two of my friends also called me
in the morning complaining that the same effect hit them. They are trying
different things it appears! This is only the second time I have seen
spraying at night! It was a clear night with no clouds and against the
moon it was so blatant that it was sick! The last time it was at night it was
very low as well. Lower than when they do it [during daylight]."

I know most of the aircraft in the US and Canadian commercial/miltary
inventory on sight and I cannot identify these turboprop planes, whose
long narrow fuselages and wings appear to be a reconnaisance or possibly
unmanned (remotely-piloted) drone-type aircraft. I have excellent video footage
of black spray gushing from the left wingtip of one of these planes low
over Campbell, CA, and I will attempt to obtain a positive ID of these
strange-looking airplanes from an enhanced still frame later this
Meanwhile, Victoria area hospitals have made recent headlines with
ambulances being turned away from jammed emergency rooms.
Less than 48 hours after this latest and most blatant spraying event in
Victoria, Canada, heavy snow fell in a nearby small community not
bounded by geographical features that might cause microclimate variability. The
result was a literal snowline across the road: three-inches of snow on one
side, no snow on the other.

Now this region has been hammered by hurricane-force winds - the worst
in an unusually frequent series of severe winter storms. Trees are down and
power was knocked out until about two hours ago. This storm has also struck
Washington state early today without warning, causing widespread damage
and prompting news coverage across the USA.

What appears to be a Hurricane hits Washington State...03/03/99
by Mitch Battros - ECTV

Main traffic arteries such as the Evergreen 520 Bridge, have been closed
due to 70 mph gust winds. Power outage for more than 250 thousand people.
Structural damage to bridges. Schools closed, power lines down, trees
ripped from their roots. Seattle residents have stated " I have lived here all
my life, and I have never seen it like this before". State officials have
asked residents to "stay home" until the storm (hurricane) diminishes.
When viewing the weather report on the local news, you could clearly see
a "funnel" formation which looks exactly like any hurricane one sees in
the Atlantic or Caribbean seas. Waters off the Washington Coast  have risen
up to 45 feet. Massive erosion has occurred. Sever mud slides expected.
--Mitch Battros, Earth Changes TV

For whatever reasons, the people behind these possibly unrelated events
now appear to be in our faces (check out the latest disease outbreaks in
Rockford, IL) - as if heedless of public concern. Please stand by for
further updates.

This just in from near Rockford:

Date: Wed, 3 Mar 1999 10:48:04 -0500 (EST)
Contrails over Terre Haute , Indiana

Thursday February 25, 1999 about 5PM I noticed numerous contrails
beginning to appear over Terre Haute. My 14 year old daughter was with me and I
mentioned to her that they were like you desribed on Art Bell. She was
outside the car off and on during the time I saw them begin to appear
over a period of perhaps 30 minutes.  They were forming so quickly and so many
of them that I became concerned and determined we should head for our home
and shelter from their possible fallout. Before we could even reach home (10
minute drive), she began to complain that her throat felt odd and she
began to cough occasionally. After reaching home she had developed a
sore throat and severe headache within an hour approximately. The next
morning her eyes hurt so badly that she said she could not move her head unless
she closed her eyes first and she complained of light making them worse.
[A biowarefare symptom of chemical attack -WT]

She stayed home from school and spent most of the day in bed fighting
the headache, eye pain, sore throat, and later ear ache. She has, according
to the doctor, a viral infection.  In the process of contacting her
teachers for homework I found that a friend of one of the teachers who works at a
large clinic in Terre Haute says they are overflowing with cases of the
same type and same symptoms.

In the news since yesterday they are reporting strep A cases in the
Chicago area which is only about 200 miles away. They now say today that 10
people have died there from strep A in 3 different strains since January and
many more active cases are being treated there. The symptoms they are
describing are the same as my daughter's plus aches and pains in joints. My son who
attends the same school as my daughter says they have had many cases of
strep throat recently as well as an unusually large amount of kids
becoming ill and vomitting while at school. I do not know for sure that all of
these are connected, but I am concerned that they may be. and also relate to
the contrails. I will hope to see further information on your site as you
are able to conclude anything more about this problem. Thanks for
investigating this and informing the public.
see http://horizon.worldinter.net/contrails/ for much more including a message board.

Click here to read about government testing
on citizens in the past.

>From:  William Thomas
>Dear Friends and concerned Americans,
>Thank you for your inquiries, sightings reports, videotape,
>photographs, support and encouragement. There is no question
>that most contrails tracing a brief white scrawl across the sky are
>the ice-crystal spoor of commercial and military aircraft going
>about their routine business. But less friendly skies are filled with
>a lingering tracery resembling a multi-bomber WWII attack over
>Berlin. These are definitely NOT normal flight operations, but
>signatures of a major aerial exercise.
>Biowar simulants? Mass inoculations? Weather modification
>chemicals makingsensitive people sick? Take your pick.
>All that is known for sure at this time is that something drastic is
>going on in the skies over 41 states. I intend to find out what is
>happening - and why. Working with other dedicated investigators
>and researchers, I have spent weeks working day and night to
>unravel this mystery and discover the agents or agency responsible
>for these secret overflights - which are also spraying cities and
>rural communities from unmarked turboprop and rotary wing
>(helicopters) aircraft at treetop level.
>As an independent investigative journalist with 30 year's experience,
>HOME, and an environmental response team member whose Gulf
>War experience left me seriously ill for 12 months, I have fully
>documented previous 'open air' biowar experiments over American
>cities - as well as the secret biological warfare in the Gulf and its
>consequences for US, Canadian and British veterans and their
>My current round-the-clock research into 'chem trails' sightings and
>a corresponding epidemic of acute upper respiratory illness filling
>hospitals in affected areas is giving me intense feelings of deja vu...
>If nothing is going on, what do elected officials have to hide? It is
>time that politicians and military officers be held accountable to the
>people they have pledged to serve and protect. Please let me know
>right away if you would like to add your email address to a growing
>network of concerned citizens across the USA who share similar
>stories of 'contrails' sightings and sickness.
>Members of this contrails network will compare experiences, insights,
>spraying alerts, observed symptoms and treatments among themselves.
>I will also be issuing regular exclusive bulletins answering your
>individual inquires for documentation and further information.
>These periodic updates will also offer advice on how to take
>effective action to assist this investigation.
>Combining our voices will result in a powerful lobby to press for a
>Congressional inquiry similar to the special subcommittee findings
>that uncovered the unreported truth behind the Gulf War Illness that
>has stricken more than 200,000 American veterans and their families.
>We will also work together to press for corporate-owned mass media
>coverage of this dual 'contrails' and epidemic phenomenon.
>To join this Contrails Network, please reply to:  StopNWO@aol.com
>Because of the urgency of this situation, I have put aside all of my
>paying projects for the past month. Even before our network is up
>and running, my costs for faxing, phone calls, printer ink and other
>expenses are now in the hundreds of dollars and beginning to hamper
>this vital work. Usually I make my income from selling my stories.
>But this time - surprise! - the mainstream media is not buying. So
>in order to continue my research, reporting and set up an effective
>contrails network, I am asking everyone to please make a one-time
>donation of 20 or 40 dollars, or whatever more you can afford so
>that I can continue my efforts on all of our behalf. (Yes, they are
>spraying here in Canada, too.)
>If you've sent me photographs or videotape - thank you! Please
>indicate your prior donation in your reply.
>Thank you again for your attention, awareness and support.
>Together, we can uncover the truth and change forever the way
>government and media fail to respond to their constituents'
>God bless you,
>William Thomas
>Suite 383
>#15 - 180 Central Road
>Duncan. BC  CANADA   V9L 4X3
Poisonous Contrail Photos:
jet contrails, chemtrails, New World Order, toxic chemical spray, reports
jet contrails, chemtrails, New World Order, toxic chemical spray, reports

Mar 10, '99:
G.F.: "Been a lot of discussion regarding some sort of conspiracy going on. Criss crossing patterns of Jets spraying a purplish vapor and dropping globs of something all over US, Canada, England. This is followed by an epidemic of flu like symptons. Well, about 4 weeks ago we had that exact scenario here in San Diego. Had a friend who actually witnessed the purple vapor. I had been working in the area at the time. Saw the jet trails criss crossing but at the time I didn't know about the 'conspiracy' aspect so didn't pay much attention. I developed the flu at this time. Had it for 4 weeks, settled in chest, bronchitis. Halfway during this flu condition is when my prostate suddenly went bizerk. Not to say I got prostate cancer then, had it since '93 but been holding my own. But something is conencted with the sudden change in cancer status and the spray. (Conjecture of course! The future might tell, if there is a future!)"
from Joe Burton SBurton3@aol.com To those of you demanding proof, unfortunately for me, I am part of the proof for right now. Rest assured WE are continuing getting more tests and samples. Here is part of what was determined by tests, to be in my body: Of the 4 chemicals I will note here present in me, the Dr. didn't even know what the first 2 are. Though he is excellent + skilled in his field it's no wonder with these substances: n-T-BOC-L-METHIONYL-L-LEUCYL-L-PHENYLALANINE n-DIMETHYLGLYCINE HYDROCHLORIDE TRIFLUORONITROSOMETHANE and TURPENTINE in my system. The first two are amino acid poisons. You could describe as protien poison. the second one is used quite a bit as a chemical warfare agent. The third is a halogen having 3 atoms of flourine. Turpentine is used as a carrier. Some of the active viruses in my system were: Viruses in order: HEPATITUS A RABIES EPSTEIN BARR FLU 83' V2 GRIPPE I was incredulous to see the rabies and in disbelief, until we learned of a brief news clip regarding an announced, (though brief,radio report) about aerial spraying of Kentucky + apparently part of Tennessee, of a rabies vaccine. Would you like being innoculated w/o your permission?

Click here for ways to protect your health
Click here for page 2