Thanks for sharing the ride. I try to make it a point not to pick up strangers. Here is a guest list of people who have shared the ride on the information superhighway. Thank you for taking the time to make yourself known. Your imput is a valu able resource for me and I respect all your opinions. I hope you find what you need out there and I hope that I have been of some help to your travels.

Rahul - 10/01/00 20:13:59
What is your favorite time period?: Anytime after school
If you could change anything in the past, what would it be?: Nothing much
What is the most important event in the history of mankind?: I don't know
What is your favorite historical movie?: Braveheart
What area of the world are you living in?: Elmwood Park
What is your occupation?: I don't have a job

Cool website Mr. Stankus. See you 6th period tomorrow.

ankit patel - 09/09/00 03:59:25
What is your favorite time period?: don't have one actually
If you could change anything in the past, what would it be?: not to give thick books to students
What is the most important event in the history of mankind?: the invention of computers
What is your favorite historical movie?: don't remember
What area of the world are you living in?: u.s now, but lived in india for 13 years
What is your occupation?: a student

I like this website mr.stankus. And feel free to e-mail me at anytime.I like the way you are teaching us by using the latest technology.

THE ONE AND ONLY ALL STAR JERZ'ON - 02/23/00 06:45:10
My Email:JERZ006@AOL
If you could change anything in the past, what would it be?: MY AGE
What is the most important event in the history of mankind?: SUPERBOWL
What is your favorite historical movie?: TEN CAMANDMENTS
What area of the world are you living in?: BOONDOCKS
What is your occupation?: STUDENT ATHLETE


kristen valenti - 12/22/99 15:10:00


rolando rios - 12/22/99 15:09:03
What is your favorite time period?: the present


Kristin - 11/04/99 21:59:45
What is your favorite time period?: When I was born.
If you could change anything in the past, what would it be?: I would.. hmm.. do my homework more! ::big grin::
What is the most important event in the history of mankind?: The discovary of America, because then where would we all be? I would be in Italy somewhere, and I am really bad at Italian!
What is your favorite historical movie?: "ROOTS" was good.
What area of the world are you living in?: Elmwood Park, NJ, USA
What is your occupation?: Mr.Stankus' student. (part time, I have 3 other jobs too! math, english, science,)

Cool site Mr.Stankus.. see ya tomorrow, 7th period!

Imma Arabia - 10/23/99 22:42:22
What is your favorite time period?: Renaissance
If you could change anything in the past, what would it be?: nothing...
What is the most important event in the history of mankind?: the invention of the gummi bear
What is your favorite historical movie?: sorry...dont got one.
What is your occupation?: i file...wanna see my paper cuts?

Your page is JUNK! Just kidding. Well, just saying hi to everyone...bye!

U KnoW WhO I Am - 09/22/99 23:13:00
What is your favorite time period?: THIs OnE
If you could change anything in the past, what would it be?: NuttIN
What is the most important event in the history of mankind?: My BIrThDaY
What is your favorite historical movie?: RoOTs
What area of the world are you living in?: ThiS PArT
What is your occupation?: SChOol

UMm....JuSt WaNnA Say ...U r THe BEsT TEachEr ...Can I HaVE An A nOW????

- 03/29/99 01:12:28


- 03/09/99 21:24:47


Nicole Scolaro - 02/26/99 23:49:52
What is your favorite time period?: now
If you could change anything in the past, what would it be?: I wish I was born eariler
What is the most important event in the history of mankind?: The birth of me.
What is your favorite historical movie?: The President
What area of the world are you living in?: New Jersey
What is your occupation?: Student at E.P.

Cool webpage Mr.Stankus!!!!!! Hope that it flurishes.

Kelly Unger - 12/18/98 17:45:36
What is your favorite historical movie?: Don't have one


ismael - 12/14/98 02:30:27
What is your favorite time period?: W.W.II
If you could change anything in the past, what would it be?: all te war from happening
What is the most important event in the history of mankind?: slavery
What area of the world are you living in?: u.s ny
What is your occupation?: education

hey mr stankus thought i forgot about you my favorite teacher, hell no i didnt. Im am writing you because 1 you are not in the school so i can talk to 2 your email address 3 give you simple hello and let you know people miss you in columbus. any way plea e email me and keep in touch.

Just surfing. Thanks.

Jessica Rodgers - 10/05/98 22:51:59
What is your favorite time period?: NOW
If you could change anything in the past, what would it be?: nothing its in the past
What is the most important event in the history of mankind?: winning independence
What is your favorite historical movie?: Braveheart
What area of the world are you living in?: northeastern usa
What is your occupation?: student


JANE EKEJI - 10/01/98 01:48:29
What is your favorite time period?: NOW
If you could change anything in the past, what would it be?: NOTHING
What is the most important event in the history of mankind?: MY BIRTH
What is your favorite historical movie?: ROOTS
What area of the world are you living in?: THE WEST
What is your occupation?: STUDENT


Lynda O'Connor - 09/30/98 02:09:46


Lynda O'Connor - 09/30/98 02:09:45


Art Fortin - 09/29/98 23:12:35

Hi Jim! First time I've had a chance to visit. Best wishes for success. How's things? Art

Jennifer Roveccio - 09/21/98 01:09:16
What is your favorite time period?: 90's there is no better time then today
If you could change anything in the past, what would it be?: Slavery and how they used people
What is the most important event in the history of mankind?: Columbos
What is your favorite historical movie?: Titanic
What area of the world are you living in?: North America
What is your occupation?: Student/Volunteer at a nursing home and starting to volunteer at Barnert Hospital in Paterson


mm - 09/20/98 17:47:03
My URL:http://mm
My Email:mm


Patricia Ressegue - 09/15/98 01:28:02
What area of the world are you living in?: North America
What is your occupation?: Student


Mr Kaye - 09/14/98 02:36:47
What is your favorite time period?: 20 minutes
If you could change anything in the past, what would it be?: my nose
What is the most important event in the history of mankind?: Sir Thomas Crappers invention of modern indoor plumbing
What is your favorite historical movie?: Abbott and Costello meet the Mummy
What area of the world are you living in?: state of confusion
What is your occupation?: work daily paid weakly

The past has no future.

Brian Goss - 09/14/98 02:30:24
What is your favorite time period?: 12 AM to 6 AM
If you could change anything in the past, what would it be?: The creation of the worst oxymoron I know, rap music.
What is the most important event in the history of mankind?: The marketing genius of PEZ
What is your favorite historical movie?: The Star Wars Movies... they revolutionized science fiction as we now it, and the rest is history.
What area of the world are you living in?: My own..and I can't let you in, it's crowded already
What is your occupation?: Work evaider, "slacker" or "punk"; Chemical rejuvination distributor, "waiter";

Just be glad I didn't paste porno pictures in your guestbook, cause I can do that you know =)

Sandra - 09/14/98 01:15:59
What is your favorite time period?: hmm... the Renaissance era
If you could change anything in the past, what would it be?: My birth
What is the most important event in the history of mankind?: To me .. I guess... umm..the birth of Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love
What is your favorite historical movie?: dont like historical movies
What area of the world are you living in?: North America
What is your occupation?: bum

No comments.. I'm just doing this for homework

joseph buonauro - 09/13/98 01:14:07
What is your favorite time period?: 1957-1972
If you could change anything in the past, what would it be?: I would land on the moon
What is the most important event in the history of mankind?: the apollo program
What is your favorite historical movie?: from the earth to the moon
What area of the world are you living in?: northern hemisphere
What is your occupation?: student in the making

life is cool

Jackie Nuviola - 09/10/98 21:34:29
What is your favorite time period?: 1970's
What is the most important event in the history of mankind?: World War II
What is your favorite historical movie?: Schindler's List
What is your occupation?: Administrative Assistant

Hey! Nice web-page. See ya in 2nd period.

Lindsey DeLorenzo - 09/10/98 20:34:16
What is your favorite time period?: present
If you could change anything in the past, what would it be?: nothing
What is the most important event in the history of mankind?: The day Lindsey was born!!!!!!!
What is your favorite historical movie?: ??????
What area of the world are you living in?: I wish it was Italy,but for now U.s. of A
What is your occupation?: cashier

Hello, it is so good to have new teachers in our school, I hope that you will have a great year at our lovely school. See you in 8th period. ????????HAVE FUN???????

Jenn Nardin - 09/10/98 20:17:12
What is your favorite time period?: after school
If you could change anything in the past, what would it be?: my grandmother's death
What is the most important event in the history of mankind?: man on the moon
What is your favorite historical movie?: Gone with the Wind
What area of the world are you living in?: Mars
What is your occupation?: cashier


Pamela - 09/10/98 19:51:46
What is your favorite time period?: The Dark Ages
If you could change anything in the past, what would it be?: school
What is the most important event in the history of mankind?: when computers & modems were made
What is your favorite historical movie?: Glory
What area of the world are you living in?: E.P., N.J
What is your occupation?: student..lucky you (hehe)

Nice page. Looking forward to having fun in psychology!! See you in school.

Lauren Coleman - 09/10/98 13:00:33
What is your favorite time period?: Renaissance
If you could change anything in the past, what would it be?: The murders of Jack the Ripper
What is the most important event in the history of mankind?: The start of World War I
What is your favorite historical movie?: Schindler's List
What area of the world are you living in?: Good ol' Elmwood Park...
What is your occupation?: I'm a bum. That's it. Just a bum.

Great page. It's great to have you in school. You'll get used to how things work (they don't) eventually. Well, anyway Good Luck.

Chris Donnelly - 09/10/98 03:09:22
What is your favorite time period?: the present
If you could change anything in the past, what would it be?: nothing, you never can tell what kind of effect it would have.
What is the most important event in the history of mankind?: westward movement
What is your favorite historical movie?: I don't have one.
What area of the world are you living in?: northeast USA
What is your occupation?: student


Stacie Quinton - 09/10/98 00:20:38
What is your favorite time period?: now
If you could change anything in the past, what would it be?: to have "peace"-no war
What is the most important event in the history of mankind?: Exploration of Space
What is your favorite historical movie?: "When Trumpets Fade"
What area of the world are you living in?: North America
What is your occupation?: Student


Elena Sabina - 09/09/98 23:16:26
What is your favorite time period?: 1950's
If you could change anything in the past, what would it be?: Eliminate slavery
What is the most important event in the history of mankind?: Discovery of America
What is your favorite historical movie?: Amistad
What area of the world are you living in?: New Jersey
What is your occupation?: Student


Mohammad Moazzam - 09/09/98 22:04:14
My Email:none
What is your favorite time period?: LUNCH TIME
If you could change anything in the past, what would it be?: The past is none of my business
What is the most important event in the history of mankind?: The invention of the Monte Carlo SS
What is your favorite historical movie?: none
What area of the world are you living in?: Elmwood Park, NJ
What is your occupation?: Walgreens

Hey Mr. Stankus, Nice Web Page...I see u put a lot of effort in it.

Greg Haba - 09/09/98 19:39:02
My Email:
What is your favorite time period?: day
If you could change anything in the past, what would it be?: I'd be Armstrong
What is the most important event in the history of mankind?: World War 2
What is your favorite historical movie?: Shindler's List
What area of the world are you living in?: North America
What is your occupation?: sales

hey teach... It's greg your new student, what's up. See you in class, or you'll see me in the air.

Sheldon Spence - 06/04/98 01:03:09
What is your favorite time period?: 6th
If you could change anything in the past, what would it be?: Nothing can be changed
What is the most important event in the history of mankind?: W.W. 2
What is your favorite historical movie?: Full Metal Jacket
What area of the world are you living in?: Bronx, NY
What is your occupation?: Future C.E.O

Nice Graphics, but I've seen better. You need to use Tripod!!!

Guess who.... - 05/18/98 14:54:06
My Email:nah.........
What is your favorite time period?: Whenever school is not in session... =)
If you could change anything in the past, what would it be?: School
What is the most important event in the history of mankind?: Who cares?????
What is your favorite historical movie?: Godzilla.....
What area of the world are you living in?: Bronx, NY, USA
What is your occupation?: Multi-billionaire

Hmm..... graphics are pretty good... took a while for my 14.4 modem to download... yet... catchy... hehe.... Well... as soon as you find out who I am, leave me a note.... CU

- 05/15/98 23:56:07
What is your favorite time period?: 3am-5am (I'm usually sleeping)
If you could change anything in the past, what would it be?: The day I met Fehim
What is the most important event in the history of mankind?: My birth
What is your favorite historical movie?: A Bridge Too Far

Great page, James. By the way, what's with the globe? Is there some reason it's tipped on its side? And why is it a mirror image of real geography (why is Madagascar east of Africa)?

- 05/15/98 23:57:07
What is your favorite time period?: 3am-5am (I'm usually sleeping)
If you could change anything in the past, what would it be?: The day I met Fehim
What is the most important event in the history of mankind?: My birth
What is your favorite historical movie?: A Bridge Too Far

Great page, James. By the way, what's with the globe? Is there some reason it's tipped on its side? And why is it a mirror image of real geography (what's Madagascar doing to the east of Africa)?

- 05/15/98 23:47:16
What is your favorite time period?: 3am-5am (I'm usually sleeping)


Josephine - 04/30/98 16:20:01
What is your favorite time period?: weekend (and summer break!) or just any day EXCEPT school day :)
If you could change anything in the past, what would it be?: Leonardo DiCapiro (he's nothing!!!)
What is the most important event in the history of mankind?: platform shoes and cK jeans ;)
What is your favorite historical movie?: Contact (the truth is out there!)
What area of the world are you living in?: Silicon Valley in Sunny California
What is your occupation?: Graduating Senior (yeahhh!!)

I think it is really nice for a teacher to have a homepage and it is a nice way to be in touch with students! Living in the Bay Area/Silicon Valley, I really wish my teachers would do that!!! (oh yeah, my page is under construction so it ain't really fi ished yet! Hopefully soon...)

- 04/23/98 11:59:15


dolapo modupe - 04/02/98 03:35:01
What is your favorite time period?: summer
If you could change anything in the past, what would it be?: to be smarter and cuter
What is the most important event in the history of mankind?: the civilright movement
What is your favorite historical movie?: sredits list
What area of the world are you living in?: U.S.A
What is your occupation?: student

mr starkus your web site too butters infact you have the best in columbus even though not every teacher in columbus as one. signed dolapo

Can't tell - 03/26/98 03:02:10
My URL:http://Can't tell
What is your favorite time period?: lunch
If you could change anything in the past, what would it be?: going to this site (just kidding)
What is the most important event in the history of mankind?: i know its not USA
What is your favorite historical movie?: Brave Heart
What area of the world are you living in?: I go to your school
What is your occupation?: Take a guess

you can find me by looking through the school documents but its going to be hard. i'll give you a hand. It has to do with my e-mail adress. E-mail me and i'll give you some more clues. See you in school

ismael - 03/12/98 21:58:48
My URL:,html
What is your favorite time period?: 10th
If you could change anything in the past, what would it be?: when i was 15
What area of the world are you living in?: u.s ny
What is your occupation?: to get a good education

im checking this sight out now but for what i seen i like it. this is a nice web page. i see you tommorrow your truly ismael

Dr. JLS - 03/10/98 20:09:52
What is your favorite time period?: Renaissance
If you could change anything in the past, what would it be?: The Assassination of Kennedy.
What is the most important event in the history of mankind?: Invention of the Printing Press.
What is your favorite historical movie?: Glory
What area of the world are you living in?: New Jersey,USA
What is your occupation?: Teacher


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