These are my favorite spots on the web that i got most of my info and songs from. I love going back to them because I always find something new to add to my page.

Bagpipes at there best... I love this page. I can never get enough of them bagpipes. The louder the better, I always say...LOL

Clan Maclaine of Lochbuie...If you are a Maclaine, this is a great place to get information on our clan.

Scottish Festivals in California...We make a point of going to as many festivals during the year as possible. It's easy when you are in a renaissance group as we are...=)

Want to find your families tartans and get your hands on some really good material to make you a kilt? Go here...House of Tartan

Scottish Midis...This is where i got alot of midis i have on my pages. It was one of the first pages I ever visited.

The Wicked Tinkers...If you love bagpipes you will surely love this group. I have all their music and have worn out my cds, and my poor cats ears as well...hahaha She hates bagpipes.

Here are some great search engines I have used to help me in my building of my page...


Alta Vista...

Ask Jeeves...

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