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The New Constitution

Documents such as the Magna Carta and the United States Constitution indicate that people have certain rights. Laws makers reinterpret these documents in ways that prevent people from enjoying these rights. The situation has become intolerable as the courts have become powerful factories where people are robbed of confidence. We must create a new constitution that strictly specifies what is needed.

We the people declare what each person is justly entitled. Humans have built in social instincts. These instincts cause us to construct working societies. We hold that all people are endowed by nature with abilities to make a significant contribution to a culture. Only in a healthy society will this natural potential grow. Since each person must find this prospect for themselves no person or group of people may claim to know better than the private individual. Each person must be free to experiment, succeed or fail.

In a culture of mistrust, Laws are set up to protect us from ourselves. The government becomes a manipulative tyrant. Without hesitation we declare that healthy development of a person’s abilities cannot happen when institutions interfere. The unhealthy culture of crime and poverty is the product of preventing people from making a contribution to the culture. We wish to make a change that will save succeeding generations from cruelty. Let us trust men rather than set up laws designed to cage him in. The laws set up by the paranoid are unnecessary.

Let us accept that people are not property of the state, and the state has no right to manipulate people in any way. All people are born with certain rights given to them by divinity. Governments cannot give or take away these rights. These rights include freedom. In a free society no person would be requires to live according to any standards set up by any artificial institutions. Communication, movement and assembly will be unrestricted. People would practice the religion of their own personal choice and think however they choose.

In a free society each person would have a right to privacy. Private property would not be searched. Private recorded information would never be use in a way that is against the wishes of the recorded person. Collecting of private information about people would be discouraged. No person would be required to testify to any private matters. No person is required to take a chemical test in any form. A family would have the right to behave as they see fit. All social services that interfere with the family will be discontinued. No judge or authority would ever be allowed to issue orders or warrants which violates any of these rights.

We would prefer to practice tolerance and live together as good neighbors, however the constant threat from growing tyranny requires us to fight back. A strong defiant stance is necessary to protect our rights.  Men must defend themselves rather than expect protection from governments. Each person has the right to own weapons and may use these weapons against any government which threatens freedom. Private Militias and gangs will be allowed. These militias are not required to be aligned with any government. They are not required to wear a uniform.

Each person would be allowed to say how his culture should grow. Issues of interest will be decided by a vote. A democratic government would never keep secrets from the people. If a council is allowed to build a structure for Assembly, all work must be done by volunteers labor and all material used must be free contributions. The Assembly may not tax the citizens.

The use of money or gaining of profits would be discouraged. No person or groups of people can claim to own land. A person may claim territory only as long as that person benefits from the area. No person should own more than that person can carry. Anyone with excessive wealth may have this wealth confiscated by anyone who is strong enough to take it. No laws protecting commerce would be allowed.

All contracts are binding according to the custom they were enacted. A civil legal department to manage these contracts will not exit. Laws suits will be nonexistent. If an offended party requests a trial by a jury, an elder will serve as the mediator. Both sides will be allowed to present their argument and bring forward witnesses. The jury will recommend a settlement. The jury may not impose fines or punishment. The settlement may be accepted or rejected by either party. No institution may prosecute a person for any crime. Jails and prisons will not be constructed. No person will be forced to reform. Everyone will be free to leave any territory at any time they choose.

Justice cannot be produced by a department of justice. Justice is a healthy ecology. No phony department of justice will be allowed. The badge of the police officer has no valid authority.  People will be free to explore their interconnected relationship with nature. A healthy ecology will be encouraged. People have the right to defend areas of land they choose to let grow naturally. Any police officers who attempt to enforce a law inside our protected territory can be removed by whatever means necessary.

What we do now will have a profound impact on future generations and significantly impact the lives of millions of people as we reaffirm faith in the fundamental dignity and worth of people as a working part of the Gaia of planet Earth. We will have a society where life can grow, where liberty will thrive and the pursuit of happiness will once again be possible. We consider human potential to be true. We hold this truth to be self-evident.

The New Constitution

First draft issued Tuesday, June 6, 2006

Our Seal.

Read Corruption for the ideas that helped me to write this Constitution.

Live Wild Or Die

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