Obligations of Key Club Membership

As a Key Clubber:

I will volunteer 50 hours to service projects this school year, not including the haunted house.

I will attend and help with 50% of our club's projects.

I will serve on one committee and be actively involved in its planning and activities.

I will participate in one of the club's Major Emphasis Programs Ongoing Projects (mentoring, literacy, or health and safety)

I will attend all regular club meetings held during seminar

I will pick up and read my weekly bulletin.

I will take my turn at my fair share of popcorn popping.

I will participate in all Item of the month collections (one per month)

I will actively participate in the saving of pop tabs for Ronald McDonald Houses.

I will actively participate in the saving of pop cans for the scholarship fund.





I have read the above responsibilities, and gladly agree to fulfill each and every one as a condition to my membership in Key Club.


Signed ________________________________