Hallman Family History

The Hallmans in North America.

Henry S. and Maria Rosenberger Hallman

Writers disagree about the origin of the Hallman family. Henry S. Hallman states in his book History of the Hallman Family in Canada that 'according to the records given, he (Anthony) was born in the year 1671 in Germany.' (H. S. Hallman does not document the source of his records.) Our Hallman name is an Anglicized version of the German Heilman, Heilmann, or Heyllmann.

Our progenitor, Anthony Hallman, was a resident of Skippack Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, probably as early as 1720. He was a Warden in the Augustus Lutheran Church, Trappe, PA., and was on the building committee of this Church in 1743. (See pictures.) Over one of the doors of the Church building is a stone containing the names of the building committee, and his name is given in Latin: "A. Heilmano." He made his will January 25th, 1759, and it is recorded in book L., page 301, in the Register of wills office in Philadelphia, PA.

Anthony's great-grandson, Benjamin Hallman II, was born September 18, 1783, in Perkiomen Township, Montgomery County, PA., where he followed farming. During the great financial depressions from 1816 until 1827 many of that calling in Montgomery and other counties failed financially, and in order to save their creditors from losing any money, the distressed farmers sold their farms at a great sacrifice and paid their debts, and with whatever little balance left they wended their way to Canada where land could be had cheap and thus made another attempt to gain a free home. And as a rule all these parties in a very few years were the proud possessors of valuable farms. Such was the case with Benjamin Hallman, our Canadian progenitor who moved to Canada with his family in 1825.


History of the Hallman Family in Canada compiled by H. S. Hallman and printed after the Re-Union in 1905.

This book was updated by Joan Hallman, Waterloo, Ontario, and published in 1991.

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Grace Hallman Hutchings

Rev. Henry S. Hallman Family

Memories of Grandpa Hallman

Rev. Henry S. Hallman Obituary

Allied Family Names.


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