1.5.1975 | Leon L. Swift Bird | AIM member killed at Pine Ridge by GOONs | Investigation still "ongoing." |
1.5.1976 | Lydia Cut Grass | AIM member killed at Wounded Knee by GOONs | No investigation |
1.17.1974 | Edward Means, Jr. | AIM member found dead in Pine Ridge alley, beaten | No investigation |
1.30.1976 | Byron DeSersa | OSCRO organizer and AIM supporter assassinated by GOONs in Wanblee. Arrests by local authorities resulted in two GOONs - Dale Janis and Charlie Winters, serving two years of five year sentences for "manslaughter." | Charges dropped against two Goon leaders, Manny Wilson and Chuck Richards , on the basis of "self-defense" despite DeSersa having been unarmed when shot to death. |
2.1976 | Anna Mae Pictou Aquash | AIM organizer assassinated on Pine Ridge | FBI involved in attempt to conceal cause of death. Ongoing attempt to establish "AIM involvement" in murder. Key FBI personnel never deposed. Coroner never deposed. [depose-to remove from power...to testify or bear witness, especially on oath in court] |
2.6.1976 | Lena R. Slow Bear | AIM supporter killed at Oglala by GOONs | No investigation |
2.27.1974 | Edward Standing Soldier | AIM member killed near Pine Ridge by "party or parties unknown." | No investigation |
3.1.1975 | Martin Montileaux | killed in a Scenic, S.D. bar. AIM leader | Richard Marshall later framed for his murder. Russell Means also charged and acquitted |
3.1.1976 | Hobart Horse | AIM member beaten, shot, and repeatedly run over with automobile at Sharp's Corners | No investigation |
3.20.1975 | Stacy Cotter | shot to death in an ambush at Manderson | No investigation |
3.21.1975 | Edith Eagle Hawk and her two children | AIM supporter killed in an automobile accident after being run off the road by a white vigilante, Albert Coomes. Coomes was also killed in the accident. Goon Mark Clifford identified as having also been in the Coomes car, escaped | Investigation closed without questioning Clifford |
3.26.1976 | Cleveland Reddest | AIM member killed at Kyle by "person or persons unknown." | No investigation |
3.27.1975 | Jeanette Bissonette | AIM supporter killed by sniper at Pine Ridge | Unsuccessful attempt to link AIM members to murder; no other investigation |
3.30.1975 | Richard Eagle | grandson of AIM supporter Gladys Bissonette killed while playing with loaded gun kept in the house as protection from Goon attacks | ------------ |
4.4.1975 | Hilda R. Good Buffalo | AIM supporter stabbed to death at Pine Ridge by GOONs | No investigation |
4.4.1975 | Jancita Eagle Deer | AIM member beaten and run over with automobile. Last seen in the company of provocateur Douglass Durham | No investigation |
4.14.1973 | Priscilla White Plume | AIM supporter killed at Manderson by GOONs | No investigation |
4.17.1973 | Frank Clearwater | AIM member killed by heavy machine gun round at Wounded Knee | No investigation |
4.19.1974 | Roxeine Roark | AIM supporter killed at Porcupine by "unknown assailants." | Investigation open, still "pending." |
4.23.1973 | Between eight and twelve individuals (names unknown) packing supplies into wounded Knee were intercepted by GOONs [Guardians of the Oglala Nation] and vigilantes | None were ever heard from again. Former Rosebud Tribal President Robert Burnette and U.S. Justice Department Solicitor General Kent Frizzell conducted unsuccessful search for a mass grave after Wounded Knee siege | No further investigation |
4.27.1973 | Buddy Lamont | AIM member hit by M16 fire at Wounded Knee, Bled to death while pinned down by fire | No investigation |
4.28.1976 | Betty Jo Dubray | AIM supporter beaten to death at Martin, S.D. | No investigation |
5.6.1976 | Marvin Two Two | Aim supporter shot to death at Pine Ridge | No investigation |
5.9.1976 | Julia Pretty Hips | AIM supporter killed at Pine Ridge by "unknown assailants." | No investigation |
5.20.1975 | Ben Sitting Up | AIM member killed at Wanblee by "unknown assailants." | No investigation |
5.24.1976 | Sam Afraid of Bear | AIM supporter shot to death at Pine Ridge | Investigation "ongoing." |
6.1.1975 | Kenneth Little | AIM supporter killed at Pine Ridge by GOONs | Investigation still "pending." |
6.4.1976 | Kevin Hill | AIM supporter killed at Oglala by "party or parties unknown." | Investigation "still open." |
6.15.1975 | Leah Spotted Elk | AIM supporter at Pine Ridge by GOONs | No investigation |
6.19.1973 | Clarence Cross | AIM supporter shot to death in ambush by GOONs | Although assailants were identified by eyewitnesses, brother Vernal Cross, wounded in ambush-was briefly charged with crime. No further investigation |
6.26.1975 | Joseph Stuntz Killsright | AIM member killed by FBI sniper during Oglala firefight | No investigation |
7.3.1976 | Betty Means | AIM member killed at Pine Ridge by GOONs | No investigation |
7.12.1975 | James Briggs Yellow | heart attack caused by FBI air assault on his home | No investigation |
7.25.1975 | Andrew Paul Stewart | nephew of AIM spiritual leader Leonard Crow Dog, killed by GOONs on Pine Ridge | No investigation |
7.30.1973 | Julius Bad Heart Bull | AIM supporter killed at Oglala by "person or persons unknown." | No investigation |
7.31.1976 | Sandra Wounded Foot | AIM supporter killed at Sharp's Corners by "unknown assailants." | No investigation |
8.25.1975 | Randy Hunter | AIM supporter killed at Kyle by "party or parties unknown" | Investigation still "ongoing." |
9.7.1974 | Dennis LeCompte | AIM member killed at Pine Ridge by GOONs | No investigation |
9.9.1975 | Howard Blue Bird | AIM supporter killed at Pine Ridge by GOONs | No investigation |
9.10.1975 | Jim Little | AIM stomped to death by GOONs in Oglala | No investigation |
9.11.1974 | Jackson Washinton Cutt | AIM member killed at Parmalee by "unknown individuals." | Investigation still "ongoing." |
9.16.1974 | Robert Reddy | AIM member killed at Kyle by gunshot | No investigation |
9.22.1973 | Melvin Spider | AIM member killed Porcupine, South Dakota | No investigation |
9.23.1973 | Philip Black Elk | AIM supporter killed when his house exploded | No investigation |
10.5.1973 | Aloysius Long Soldier | AIM member killed at Kyle, S.D. by GOONs | No investigation |
10.10.1973 | Phillip Little Crow | AIM supporter beaten to death by GOONs at Pine Ridge | No investigation |
10.17.1973 | Pedro Bissonette | Oglala Sioux Civil Rights Organization (OSCRO) organizer and AIM supporter assassinated by BIA Police/GOONs. Body removed from Pine Ridge jurisdiction prior to autopsy by government contract coroner | No investigation |
10.26.1975 | Olivia Binais | AIM supporter killed in Porcupine by "person or persons unknown." | Investigation still "open." |
10.26.1975 | Janice Black Bear | AIM supporter killed at Manderson by GOONs | No investigation |
10.27.1975 | Michelle Tobacco | AIM supporter killed at Pine Ridge by "unknown persons." | No investigation |
11.16.1974 | Delphine Crow Dog | sister of AIM spiritual leader Leonard Crow Dog. Beaten by BIA police and left lying in a field. Died from "exposure." | No investigation |
11.20.1974 | Elaine Wagner | AIM supporter killed at Pine Ridge by "person or persons unknown." | No investigation |
11.20.1973 | Allison Fast Horse | AIM supporter shot to death near Pine Ridge by "unknown assailants." | No investigation |
12.6.1975 | Carl Plenty Arrows Sr. | AIM supporter killed at Pine Ridge by "unknown persons." | No investigation |
12.6.1975 | Frank LaPointe | AIM supporter killed at Pine Ridge by GOONs | No investigation |
12.25.1975 | Floyd S. Binais | AIM supporter killed at Pine Ridge by GOONs | No investigation |
12.28.1974 | Yvette Loraine Lone Hill | AIM supporter killed at Kyle by "unknown party or parties." | No investigation |