With Respect and Honor
In Memory of Fallen Warriors
AIM Casualties on Pine Ridge,
1973-1976 http://www.aics.org/WK/pineridge.html
NOTE: Guardians Of Oglala Nation (known as GOONs) = thugs hired by Dickie Wilson, and paid with federal money, trained by FBI/CIA
1.5.1975  Leon L. Swift Bird AIM member killed at Pine Ridge by GOONs Investigation still "ongoing."
1.5.1976 Lydia Cut Grass AIM member killed at Wounded Knee by GOONs No investigation
1.17.1974 Edward Means, Jr. AIM member found dead in Pine Ridge alley, beaten No investigation
1.30.1976   Byron DeSersa OSCRO organizer and AIM supporter assassinated by GOONs in Wanblee.  Arrests by local authorities resulted in two GOONs - Dale Janis and Charlie Winters, serving two years of five year sentences for "manslaughter." Charges dropped against two Goon leaders, Manny Wilson and Chuck Richards , on the basis of "self-defense" despite DeSersa having been unarmed when shot to death.
2.1976 Anna Mae Pictou Aquash AIM organizer assassinated on Pine Ridge FBI involved in attempt to conceal cause of death. Ongoing attempt to establish "AIM involvement" in murder. Key FBI personnel never deposed. Coroner never deposed. [depose-to remove from power...to testify or bear witness, especially on oath in court]

Anna Mae Pictou (Aquash)
Warrior Woman Wounded Knee 1973
American Indian Movement Patriot
MicMac Tribe
Shubencadie, Nova Scotia
March 27, 1945 - Feb. 1976

2.6.1976 Lena R. Slow Bear AIM supporter killed at Oglala by GOONs No investigation
2.27.1974 Edward Standing Soldier AIM member killed near Pine Ridge by "party or parties unknown." No investigation
3.1.1975 Martin Montileaux killed in a Scenic, S.D. bar. AIM leader Richard Marshall later framed for his murder. Russell Means also charged and acquitted
3.1.1976 Hobart Horse AIM member beaten, shot, and repeatedly run over with automobile at Sharp's Corners No investigation
3.20.1975 Stacy Cotter shot to death in an ambush at Manderson No investigation
3.21.1975 Edith Eagle Hawk and her two children AIM supporter killed in an automobile accident after being run off the road by a white vigilante, Albert Coomes. Coomes was also killed in the accident. Goon Mark Clifford identified as having also been in the Coomes car, escaped Investigation closed without questioning Clifford
3.26.1976 Cleveland Reddest AIM member killed at Kyle by "person or persons unknown." No investigation
3.27.1975 Jeanette Bissonette AIM supporter killed by sniper at Pine Ridge Unsuccessful attempt to link AIM members to murder;            no other investigation
3.30.1975 Richard Eagle grandson of AIM supporter Gladys Bissonette killed while playing with loaded gun kept in the house as protection from Goon attacks ------------
4.4.1975 Hilda R. Good Buffalo AIM supporter stabbed to death at Pine Ridge by GOONs No investigation
4.4.1975 Jancita Eagle Deer AIM member beaten and run over with automobile. Last seen in the company of provocateur Douglass Durham No investigation
4.14.1973 Priscilla White Plume AIM supporter killed at Manderson by GOONs No investigation
4.17.1973 Frank Clearwater AIM member killed by heavy machine gun round at Wounded Knee No investigation
4.19.1974 Roxeine Roark AIM supporter killed at Porcupine by "unknown assailants." Investigation open, still "pending."
4.23.1973 Between eight and twelve individuals (names unknown) packing supplies into wounded Knee were intercepted by GOONs [Guardians of the Oglala Nation] and vigilantes None were ever heard from again. Former Rosebud Tribal President Robert Burnette and U.S. Justice Department Solicitor General Kent Frizzell conducted unsuccessful search for a mass grave after Wounded Knee siege No further investigation
4.27.1973 Buddy Lamont AIM member hit by M16 fire at Wounded Knee, Bled to death while pinned down by fire No investigation
4.28.1976  Betty Jo Dubray AIM supporter beaten to death at Martin, S.D. No investigation
5.6.1976 Marvin Two Two Aim supporter shot to death at Pine Ridge No investigation
5.9.1976 Julia Pretty Hips AIM supporter killed at Pine Ridge by "unknown assailants." No investigation
5.20.1975 Ben Sitting Up AIM member killed at Wanblee by "unknown assailants." No investigation
5.24.1976 Sam Afraid of Bear AIM supporter shot to death at Pine Ridge Investigation "ongoing."
6.1.1975 Kenneth Little AIM supporter killed at Pine Ridge by GOONs Investigation still "pending."
6.4.1976  Kevin Hill AIM supporter killed at Oglala by "party or parties unknown." Investigation "still open."
6.15.1975 Leah Spotted Elk AIM supporter at Pine Ridge by GOONs No investigation
6.19.1973 Clarence Cross AIM supporter shot to death in ambush by GOONs Although assailants were identified by eyewitnesses, brother Vernal Cross, wounded in ambush-was briefly charged with crime.            No further investigation
6.26.1975 Joseph Stuntz Killsright AIM member killed by FBI sniper during Oglala firefight No investigation

Joseph Bedell Stuntz, Sr.
Incident at Oglala Warrior
American Indian Movement Patriot
C'oeur D'Alene Tribe
Spokane, Wash.
Oct 22, 1951 - June 26, 1975

7.3.1976 Betty Means AIM member killed at Pine Ridge by GOONs No investigation
7.12.1975 James Briggs Yellow heart attack caused by FBI air assault on his home No investigation
7.25.1975 Andrew Paul Stewart nephew of AIM spiritual leader Leonard Crow Dog, killed by GOONs on Pine Ridge No investigation
7.30.1973 Julius Bad Heart Bull AIM supporter killed at Oglala by "person or persons unknown." No investigation
7.31.1976 Sandra Wounded Foot AIM supporter killed at Sharp's Corners by "unknown assailants." No investigation
8.25.1975 Randy Hunter AIM supporter killed at Kyle by "party or parties unknown" Investigation still "ongoing."
9.7.1974 Dennis LeCompte AIM member killed at Pine Ridge by GOONs No investigation
9.9.1975 Howard Blue Bird AIM supporter killed at Pine Ridge by GOONs No investigation
9.10.1975 Jim Little AIM stomped to death by GOONs in Oglala No investigation
9.11.1974 Jackson Washinton Cutt AIM member killed at Parmalee by "unknown individuals." Investigation still "ongoing."
9.16.1974  Robert Reddy AIM member killed at Kyle by gunshot No investigation
9.22.1973 Melvin Spider AIM member killed Porcupine, South Dakota No investigation
9.23.1973 Philip Black Elk AIM supporter killed when his house exploded No investigation
10.5.1973 Aloysius Long Soldier AIM member killed at Kyle, S.D. by GOONs No investigation
10.10.1973 Phillip Little Crow AIM supporter beaten to death by GOONs at Pine Ridge No investigation
10.17.1973 Pedro Bissonette Oglala Sioux Civil Rights Organization (OSCRO) organizer and AIM supporter assassinated by BIA Police/GOONs. Body removed from Pine Ridge jurisdiction prior to autopsy by government contract coroner No investigation
10.26.1975  Olivia Binais AIM supporter killed in Porcupine by "person or persons unknown." Investigation still "open."
10.26.1975 Janice Black Bear AIM supporter killed at Manderson by GOONs No investigation
10.27.1975 Michelle Tobacco AIM supporter killed at Pine Ridge by "unknown persons." No investigation
11.16.1974 Delphine Crow Dog sister of AIM spiritual leader Leonard Crow Dog. Beaten by BIA police and left lying in a field. Died from "exposure." No investigation
11.20.1974 Elaine Wagner AIM supporter killed at Pine Ridge by "person or persons unknown." No investigation
11.20.1973 Allison Fast Horse AIM supporter shot to death near Pine Ridge by "unknown assailants." No investigation
12.6.1975 Carl Plenty Arrows Sr. AIM supporter killed at Pine Ridge by "unknown persons." No investigation
12.6.1975 Frank LaPointe AIM supporter killed at Pine Ridge by GOONs No investigation
12.25.1975 Floyd S. Binais AIM supporter killed at Pine Ridge by GOONs No investigation
12.28.1974 Yvette Loraine Lone Hill AIM supporter killed at Kyle by "unknown party or parties." No investigation
