Leadership Research

Leadership is an area of ongoing exploration.  As organizations retool to address the challenges of a knowledge based economy, more organizations will rely on research findings to encourage more people to assume leadership roles.

EDL is a regional education laboratory supported by the Department of Education serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas.  SEDL conducts applied research and development, delivers training, and provides technical assistance to K-12 Educators and decision-makers.  Topics explored include: Community Partnerships, Comprehensive School Reform Demonstration (CSRD) Program, Disability Research, Education Policy, Language and Cultural Diversity, Rural Schools, and School Change.  This site contains an excellent paper on the history of leadership research and surveys the history of leadership research literature.

The ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation seeks to provide balanced information concerning educational assessment and resources to encourage responsible test use.  A searchable database contains questionnaires and surveys for assessing all aspects of leadership and leadership styles.
